No big money from the Griffins this fall?
Monday, Oct 1, 2012 - Posted by Rich Miller * There were lots of rumors earlier this year of bigtime bucks for legislative races coming from people like Ken and Ann Griffin this fall. Maybe not…
The Griffins have contributed just $30,000 since July. …Adding… Illinois Review…
Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY: New TV ad
Monday, Oct 1, 2012 - Posted by Rich Miller
Question of the day
Monday, Oct 1, 2012 - Posted by Rich Miller * OK, here’s a weird story. A southern Illinois man claims that somebody stole some yard signs from his yard last week. No big deal. Happens all the time. But then the man alleges that the thieves returned the signs on Friday, replanted them in the ground and then set them on fire. WSIL reports… Here’s a hint to any aspiring political vandals, or people who want to damage their own stuff and then blame it on the opposition: This state has no statute of limitations for arson. Don’t do it. * The Question: What’s your favorite political vandalism story?
Supremes refuse to hear GOP remap case
Monday, Oct 1, 2012 - Posted by Rich Miller * They really never had a decent case. But they did have plenty of taxpayer money to spend on lawsuits, so they appealed all the way to the top…
…Adding… Coincidentally, the Tribune published an editorial yesterday calling the remap “Grand Theft Illinois.” No hyperbole there, though.
Poll: 40 percent of Illinois Catholics favor gay marriage
Monday, Oct 1, 2012 - Posted by Rich Miller * The Paul Simon Public Policy Institute’s crosstabs don’t separate out Catholics into their own category. So, I asked the good folks over there to go back and do so. They did. Here’s the Catholic response on gay marriage/civil unions… Notice that slightly fewer Catholics favor gay marriage than the state as a whole, but fewer Catholics oppose all legal recognition than the rest of the state. Discuss.
Zombie lies refuse to die
Monday, Oct 1, 2012 - Posted by Rich Miller * Fox News…
A national backlash? Maybe in the conservative echo chamber. As far as I can tell, nobody else cares much, if at all. * Let’s scroll downward…
* 1…
* Former budget director David Vaught did make that suggestion, but not recently. He said this way back in October of 2009…
* 2…
* Actually, the state’s bond sales have consistently been way over-subscribed. From July…
* 3…
* Um, he never said that. Citizens Against Government Waste claimed Quinn said this last month when it awarded the governor its “Porker of the Month” honor…
Notice how CAGW used quotes around “precaution,” but the word doesn’t appear at all in the 2011 Fox Business story it linked to. Nor is the word or the quote in the video accompanying the story. So, that’s just false. …Adding… The group should’ve linked to this story…
OK, so he did say that. Let’s move on…. * 4…
* In reality, Quinn’s staff immediately said a staffer made an error when the analysis was written when queried by Fox Business News and others in 2011…
* So, what happened between 2009 and 2011? Back in 2009, and then again in 2010 Quinn used borrowing to make the full pension payment. But then he declared that there would be no more bonding for pension payments. Why? Well, the income tax hike gave him the revenues to make those payments. So, there was no pension bond request in his FY 2012 budget proposal in February of 2011. The tax hike revenues will fall short of making those payments in the coming years, which is a big reason why he’s pushing pension reform. Also, the Republicans took control of the US House in November, 2010 election, so by early 2011 there was no way in heck any idea like that would fly. In other words, when the state was borrowing to make pension payments, Quinn discussed a federal bailout. But he was apparently denied by the President and DC Democrats back in 2009 because nothing ever happened, even with Democratic control of both congressional chambers. And now, for whatever reason, the echo chamber is dredging these old stories up. * Back to the Fox News story…
That was no “editorial.” It was an op-ed by Dennis Byrne. Big difference. [And no offense meant to Dennis, either. Just pointing out that an op-ed ain’t an editorial.]
Here’s something you don’t see every day
Monday, Oct 1, 2012 - Posted by Rich Miller * Bad things happen when you hang out with Lindsay Lohan. That’s not in dispute. But a former John Shimkus staffer partying down with Lindsay Lohan is highly unusual…
He worked for John Shimkus? The man who believes that climate change is a fiction because the Book of Genesis says so? I probably wouldn’t be surprised if, say, a Jan Schakowsky staffer was partying with Lilo. But Shimkus? That’s just odd. How about, just for fun, we make up some other weird celebrity pairings with the Illinois delegation?
Country clubs and Mediscare
Monday, Oct 1, 2012 - Posted by Rich Miller * The NRCC ad which implies that Cheri Bustos used her influence to connect her street to her country club has been pretty much universally panned in local editorials as blatantly misleading. And now Bustos is running her own ad on the subject. Rate it [Fixed link.]… [The campaign took down the other version and replaced it with the one above.] It’s a pretty good response ad. Trouble is, Bustos waited about eleven days to respond. Not a great idea. The other side had plenty of time to burn their own message in. * Meanwhile, PolitiFact has “awarded” its not-so-coveted “Pants on Fire” rating to a recent NRCC ad against Democrat David Gill on Medicare…
* I’ve already showed you the NRCC ad, but here it is again… * And here’s a new NRCC ad whacking Bill Enyart on Obamacare… Script…
Today’s number: 79 percent
Monday, Oct 1, 2012 - Posted by Rich Miller * Finke writes about the Paul Simon Public Policy Institute poll…
Voters don’t agree on much of anything these days. So when 79 percent of voters agree on something, that’s a huge amount. * It turns out, however, that the issue is lots more important to Democrats and independents than Republicans. From the crosstabs… Still, 65 percent of Republicans is pretty darned high as well.
*** UPDATED x3 - Gill campaign flatly denies report, insists “Susan” story is real *** Is Gill’s “Susan” a real person?
Monday, Oct 1, 2012 - Posted by Rich Miller * Democratic congressional candidate David Gill has been running this TV ad for a while now… It’s about a woman named “Susan” that Dr. Gill says he resuscitated after she had a heart attack. Susan had to go home, however, because she didn’t have health insurance. * But is Susan a real person?…
After a bit of back and forth, the Gill campaign hedged…
*** UPDATE 1 *** The full 2006 Gill campaign video is here. I’ve excerpted the relevant quote… *** UPDATE 3 *** Total denial of the report by Gill’s spokesperson…
She’s right that she was never directly quoted as saying such. And it’s not clear she was even implying it from the story’s quote. * Meanwhile, the US Chamber is using the same person from its pro Bob Dold ad to whack Gill… From Gill’s Facebook page…
* Also from Gill’s Facebook page. Posted late last night…
Yeah. They’ve seen the “Susan” ad, which could now be blown out of the water. * Also, Gill’s campaign is changing staffers on the fly, which makes it look quite disorganized…
*** UPDATE 2 *** Rodney Davis has a new campaign ad. Rate it…
Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Supplement to today’s edition, new cable buys and a campaign video roundup
Monday, Oct 1, 2012 - Posted by Rich Miller
Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Today’s edition of Capitol Fax (use all CAPS in password)
Monday, Oct 1, 2012 - Posted by Rich Miller