Don’t Shortchange Our Students: Support HB 5440!
Tuesday, Nov 27, 2012 - Posted by Advertising Department [The following is a paid advertisement.] The State of Illinois faces another budget crisis and severe cuts are on their way. The currently proposed budget would leave a $200 million shortfall for Illinois students and educations. Outside experts agree that Illinois is falling behind. Illinois already ranks dead last in the nation in the amount of school funding provided by state revenues according to a recent NEA study. The Center for Tax and Budget Accountability finds that states provide an average of 51% of the funds for education. Illinois provides only 30%. In these harsh economic times for the state, we cannot afford to lose a dime. Still, satellite companies are currently exploiting a corporate tax loophole and taking their profits out of Illinois. House Bill 5440 will close this loophole and ensure everybody pays a fair share to support our students and communities. Twelve other states have successfully closed similar tax loopholes on satellite providers and in turn have worked towards more balanced government budgets. HB 5440 would generate up to $75 million in additional revenue for the Illinois education fund and provide critical backing for schools, early childhood education, and financial assistance for college students. The status quo isn’t working. Close the loophole and support our students. Vote YES on HB 5440!