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Golden Horseshoe Awards - Round Two

Thursday, Dec 20, 2012 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Once again, the Golden Horseshoe for best Illinois Congresscritter goes to US Sen. Dick Durbin

Dick Durbin is not only the best member of the Illinois delegation (which includes several other stars) but one of the best in the country. He manages to be a floor leader and advisor to the President, top leader to Reid, key fundraiser for colleagues around the country, national D spokesperson, dogged advocate for many causes he cares deeply about, and a full-time advocate for Illinois.

* Runner-up is Congressman Bob Dold

Always willing to listen to a position, even if he was initially opposed to it. Always out in the district meeting voters, elected officials of municipalities and groups. Not afraid to either buck his own party position to the detriment of party support, or to support his own party position to the detriment of what his constituents thought. Worked 16 hour days 7 days a week. A sharp individual who could quickly understand a subject and always tried to do the best. With the passage of time, he will be sorely missed by the 10th District and the State of Illinois.

* There was no clear consensus for Best Agency Director, but last year’s runner-up Malcom Weems is a good one…

I would never ever want his job and trying to untangle the mess that agency is dealing with after years of mismangement would drive me crazy. Somehow Malcolm holds it all together and is working to streamline the agency. He is a nice guy too which should count for something.

* Runner-up is Amy Martin at the Illinois Historic Preservation Agency…

Even though she’s only been there less than a year, she’s moved quickly to pull an agency literally and figuratively stuck in the past into the 21st century. She’s brought a keen marketing eye to promoting historic sites and finding new ways to bring fresh faces into Illinois History (last week’s Santa reading for kids at the Old State Capitol was a huge success, as was her earlier legislative reception at the Dana Thomas House). More importantly, she has the clout to get things done. Not only was she smart to keep Catherine Shannon with her at the agency, but she’s quickly assembled a very strong management team in a very short period, and has them focused on modernization at every level. After years of neglect, IHPA is an agency that’s going to be a lot better when she leaves than when she found it.

* On to round two…

* Best “Do-Gooder” Lobbyist

* Best Legislative Liaison

Don’t forget, this is about intensity, not about the number of votes. So fully explain your nominations, please. Also, do your very best to nominate in both categories. Thanks much.


  1. - Anon - Thursday, Dec 20, 12 @ 1:17 pm:

    Finally a category I can actively participate in!

    Best legislative liaison- There are quite a few good ones, but best would have to go to Jane Eckert at HFS. Very easy to get a hold of, and always goes the extra mile on each constituent case. She takes a very close look at each case and looks for the best approach moving forward. I’ve gotten an answer from her, and a bit later gotten another response after she had taken a more in-depth look, made some calls and found out some new information. Her thoroughness is much appreciated and invaluable to constituents.

    Honorable mentions go to:

    Adam Howell at Dept of Revenue. Same as above- very hardworking, easy to reach and genuinely cares about taking a hard and honest look at each case.

    Joy Heckenkamp-Roate at DHS: Not always the easiest to get a hold of, or get a call back from, but she works incredibly hard and I can’t even begin to imagine her caseload. A missed call from her is devastating, because once you do get a chance to talk she works quickly and effectively.

  2. - Rail Sitter - Thursday, Dec 20, 12 @ 1:19 pm:

    Bruce Simon’s work on behalf of hospitals that provide charity care in under-served areas has been a true blessing to the sick and needy in Illinois. So many “do-gooder” lobbyists are nothing more than glorified fund raisers looking for a paycheck. Bruce is the real deal. He get’s real results on real issues on behalf or real people.

    Jeff Scott is a force in the Comptrollers office. Just look at the legislative agenda they pushed through last session. He may work for the highest ranking republican in the state but he thrives in building consensus across the isle to get the job done. Anyone who watched him masterfully working the House floor flipping votes during debate this past veto session knows that he is a man that can get things done.

  3. - Keyser Soze - Thursday, Dec 20, 12 @ 1:27 pm:

    Best liaison…..John Cross. He has an institutional memory to rival Bill Lueking.

  4. - Anonymous - Thursday, Dec 20, 12 @ 1:32 pm:

    Shannon Miller of IDFPR gets my vote! With the complexity of licensure laws, Shannon knows who to contact to get things done. Just think of how many licensed professions are in this state? Just trying to keep them straight would be a nightmare. She is also very thorough and cares about her job. She deserves the award.

  5. - SportShoz - Thursday, Dec 20, 12 @ 1:36 pm:

    Do-Gooder - William McNary by far has been the wise leader on many good issues including the RBC. He is experienced, passionate and very eloquent in his work.

    Liaison - Bresha Brewer. It seems like Bresha has been a liaison for just about every agency. She’s easy to work with, has great connections and a good sense of humor.

  6. - CircularFiringSquad - Thursday, Dec 20, 12 @ 1:42 pm:

    Do Gooder Lobbo - Lets recognize Bill Velazquez. While with the CHA he kept the foreclosure reformers focused and got a big. He is moving to Recorder of Deeds with Karen Yarbrough. Look for bright ideas there.

    Agency Liaison: This award should be named for John Cross (hint)Charlotte Flickinger from IHDA is great pick given the late breaking foreclosure reform win

  7. - silencedogood - Thursday, Dec 20, 12 @ 1:59 pm:

    Kathy Drea with the American Lung Association is by far the best do gooder lobbyist in Springfield. She cares about everyone’s health and wellness and fights for clean air. Not only did she ensure Smokefree Illinois would be a reality, she challenges everyone to put on their jogging shoes and climb the stairs of the Hilton! Great exercise and event to get people literally moving in Springfield to support better health.

  8. - unspun - Thursday, Dec 20, 12 @ 2:12 pm:

    Do-gooder: I would nominate Daria Mueller of the Chicago Coalition for the Homeless. She tirelessly advocates for an oft-forgotten clientele, using her personal time and resources thanklessly for the benefit of others. Equally impressive has been her ability to secure programmatic funding during these times of fiscal challenge. She smiles easily, and works with all interested parties.

    Best Liaison: Jim Nichelson at Revenue. In perhaps the least sexy, most minefield-ridden agency and content area, Jim excels year after year. He works with the most technically complex and politically delicate House Revenue Committee, while balancing a tough agenda for the Governor, making deals with the largest interest groups in the state. All the while, you’ll never see him sweat, and his expertise is unparalleled.

  9. - steve schnorf - Thursday, Dec 20, 12 @ 2:12 pm:

    I think I will go with Don Moss for do-gooder lobbyist. He’s been doing it since before most of you were born, he’s done it the hard way, the easy way, side-wise, and backwards. he has done it allied with he politically powerful (names many of you would barely recall) and he has done it virtually by himself. Whether he wins or loses he is gracious.

    My hat’s off to him.

  10. - Publius - Thursday, Dec 20, 12 @ 2:17 pm:

    Bruce simon really cares. He works constantly and effectively, and has done for a long time. He is very creative, honest, and a man of his word. He is also willing to let others take credit for his ideas and strategies as long as his clients get help. There are several safety-net hospitals which wouldn’t be in business if it weren’t for bruce. And to top it off he is a nice guy.

  11. - George from Maryland - Thursday, Dec 20, 12 @ 2:21 pm:

    Best agency liaison is probably Sara Meek from the Department of Labor, she’s smart and always quick to get back to you with an answer if not a solution.

    Best “do gooder” lobbyist should be David Tretter head of the private college association. He has transformed the impact of his organization into one that is highly relevant in even though higher education doesn’t get enough attention in Springfield. They they have quietly accomplished many of their goals under his leadership and lawmakers are proud to support their initiatives and hear their views.

  12. - LilLebowskiAchiever - Thursday, Dec 20, 12 @ 2:25 pm:

    - Keyser Soze - Thursday, Dec 20, 12 @ 1:27 pm:

    Best liaison…..John Cross. He has an institutional memory to rival Bill Lueking.

    That’s a stretch. Besides the Speaker and BFC, no one has institutional memory that comes anywhere near rivaling Bill Luking. Sorry.

  13. - enviro - Thursday, Dec 20, 12 @ 2:28 pm:

    Do-Gooder: Jack Darin, for all his wisdom, composure, and likability. I mean seriously, how can anyone not like Jack, and/or, accomplish more than he does both in and out of the building. Jack knows everyone, because, let’s face it, he has been around Illinois politics for over 20 years; and his organization, IL Sierra Club, is one of the most widely recognized grassroots group in the nation. Jack and the Club are a force not to be reckoned with (ask Tenaska) that legislators seem to genuinely respect for all the right reasons. I have heard Jack referred to by other enviro groups as their Bill Clinton, because they know he’s the guy to go to when they want to get things done. Jack deserves the nod for best “in-house” as well.

    Legislative Liaison: I nominate Cameron Schilling. Despite his recent departure from the Governor’s office, Cameron was a hard worker, smart, and articulate. Cameron clearly knew the players, politics and policy; yet had a tough job as the Governor’s legislative (environmental) liaison. Cameron will be missed, but is sure do good things both at the ICC and throughout his career.

  14. - Chicago - Thursday, Dec 20, 12 @ 2:31 pm:

    Best Legislative Liaison: Jessica Bruskin in the Governor’s Office - has only been around a couple of years but is thoughtful and responsive, knows the process, does a lot of coordinating behind the scene and is a reliable resource

  15. - WizzardOfOzzie - Thursday, Dec 20, 12 @ 2:34 pm:

    Best Do-Gooder Lobbyist:

    I’m going to go with Kristen Strawbridge from the Humane Society. In here first year as a lobbyist she passed a ban on shark fin sales. This may seem like a trivial thing but it was the top legislative priority of her organization. She passed during a session when budget issues dominated everything by moving it out of the House early and then getting Sen. Munoz to sponsor it in the Senate, which was genius b/c he represents Chinatown. She built coalitions with enviros and scored a really significant win. Anyone who saw here working the bill had to be impressed.

    For Best Liaison:

    Three votes. Raghav Murali at the EPA is one of the most pleasant and intelligent people in the capitol. He’ll be an asset in the Governor’s office.

    Samantha Fields at IDOT had a great year. She passed a quick take bill for Illiniana without a lot of consternation. That’s because of all the work she put in behind the scenes. She also passed a public private partnership bill that will be a big deal in the not too distant future as the gasoline tax continues to become a less steady funding source.

    Selma D’Souza at HFS. She was in the middle of Medicaid cuts and did a fantastic job on what was the most significant piece of legislation last year.

  16. - LilLebowskiAchiever - Thursday, Dec 20, 12 @ 2:39 pm:

    Oh, I should have said I really like John Cross. Hope that didn’t come too snarky. Just a recognition that Bill is an institution.

    Best Do-Gooder: Kristen Strawbridge did a great job w/ the sharkfin bill. Also, Jack Darin is extremely effective.

    Best Legislative Liaison: I second Jessica Bruskin. She keeps the dozens of liaisons the Governor’s office oversees moving in the same direction and is responsible for tracking every single piece of legislation. She is super organized, incredibly smart, and a real pleasure to work with.

  17. - Anonymous - Thursday, Dec 20, 12 @ 2:45 pm:

    I also vote for Jessica Bruskin in the Governor’s Office. She has been the one constant in a changing cast of characters on 2M and has managed somehow to lead the Governor’s legislative liaisons through a very difficult session. She knows human/ social service issues quite well and is now demonstrating her mastery of a number of other issues.

    Honorable mention goes to Ben Winick at GOMB. Ben knows more about the budget and pension systems than anyone in the Governor’s Office (including Gary Hannig) and manages to relay accurate information with unparalleled speed.

  18. - Linus - Thursday, Dec 20, 12 @ 2:49 pm:

    There are many fantastic do-gooder lobbyists working Springfield. But I’d have to go with John Bouman, head of the Shriver National Center on Poverty Law. He’s sharp as hell and is well-respected by policymakers and his colleagues. A genuinely nice guy with a well-balanced demeanor. John takes his work - the defense of low-income folks - very seriously, but doesn’t take himself too seriously. Those are rare and precious commodities in state policy and advocacy work. Finally, he and his organization have a track record of successes stretching back for years re: protecting and strengthening health and human services for folks in need.

  19. - Anon - Thursday, Dec 20, 12 @ 2:53 pm:

    Best Legislative Liaison - Another vote for Bresha Brewer. She is the first person I call when I can’t figure out who to call on certain issues. She always leads me to the right person! Very informative!

  20. - Chicago Cynic - Thursday, Dec 20, 12 @ 2:56 pm:

    Best Do-Gooder - Barry Matchett ELPC. Barry is pretty much universally respected and his knowledge on energy and environmental issues is encyclopedic. One of the tests for this award has to be effectiveness and being able to stand toe to toe with opponents. Barry has been singularly effective in getting legislation passed and NEVER gets the wool pulled over his eyes by his extremely well-heeled opponents. It’s hard to imagine trying to get work done in this area without him.

  21. - Pensions on Repeat - Thursday, Dec 20, 12 @ 2:57 pm:

    LL: Liz Kerwin Vogt is a rising star in the administration. She has proven to be a pleasure to work with and has done a great job at a tough agency.

    I also agree with the comments about Selma’s work on Medicaid reform.

  22. - Prairie Hawk - Thursday, Dec 20, 12 @ 3:33 pm:

    Best “Do-Gooder” Lobbyist – Mel Nickerson with the ELPC. He always stops to say hi and treats legislators, lobbyists and staff the same. He

    Best Legislative Liaison – Sara Meek is one of the best! No matter what the issue, she is always willing to take time to discuss it and help find a solution. She is always quick to respond, has great institutional knowledge on Dept. of Labor issues, and is respected by both labor and business. I wish all liaisons were as good as her!

  23. - 1776 - Thursday, Dec 20, 12 @ 3:43 pm:

    I’d second the nomination of Jack Darin. While he is a true environmentalist, he’s not afraid to reach out and find common ground with the business community (Tenaska, Leucadia). He’s wise, practical, and well respected and the “go to” guy by all parties (Quinn and Rahm).

    Bruce Simon is another great choice. Quiet guy - unless you’re a good friend, you probably don’t know that he played hoops and was Larry Bird’s friend and in his wedding!

  24. - Publius - Thursday, Dec 20, 12 @ 3:53 pm:

    Known bruce for years. Didn’t know about larry bird. But i do know that emil jones was in bruce’s wedding.

  25. - This Beholder - Thursday, Dec 20, 12 @ 4:00 pm:

    Best Legislative Liaison - Jessica Bruskin. She is smart, organized and super responsive. In an office where there are a lot of moving parts (and sometimes moving positions on legislation), Jessica always follows up and doesn’t overpromise.

  26. - reformer - Thursday, Dec 20, 12 @ 4:03 pm:

    My favorite among many outstanding do-gooder lobbyists is Dan Johnson (formerly Johnson Weinberger). He takes up causes that have never had a lobbyist before and lack much money, such as the midwives, taking on the Med Society like Don Quixote.

    He’s dedicated to the public good by reforming our democracy, expanding passenger rail, and protecting the environment, among other causes. He’s liked by legislators in both Houses and on both sides of the aisle.

    Cameron Schilling made the best of representing a governor who wasn’t effective in influencing legislators or in passing legislation.

  27. - Evil Cabel - Thursday, Dec 20, 12 @ 4:22 pm:

    Bruce Simon is a class act all the way. Honest and a grinder who delivers time and again. If you don’t know of Bruce’s work you are not an insider!

    Jeff Scott is a throw back to when liaisons knew how to work the process. The guy works hard, knows the process and has great relationships. Simply the best.

  28. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Dec 20, 12 @ 4:41 pm:

    ===I have been compiling a list of the most riducolous comments, and I plan to submit them at some point.===

    Ooooh, that sounds like fun!

    Let us know where any votes should be submitted to YOU, and is there a rubric that we should follow so these votes meet YOUR approval?

    Or maybe Rich should decide?

  29. - Michelle Flaherty - Thursday, Dec 20, 12 @ 5:00 pm:

    She might not win the legislative liaison golden horseshoe this year, but remember the name Janean Flynn. She’s great!

  30. - I'm famous too - Thursday, Dec 20, 12 @ 5:22 pm:

    Frank Mautino had a great group working the DNR fee bill.

    Therefore my vote for do gooder goes to all the enviros & park district lobbyists working that bill!

    Sticking with the coordinated effort to get that bill passed, my vote for liaison goes to Mike Ziri, Mike Stevens & Bresha.

  31. - Anonymau5 - Thursday, Dec 20, 12 @ 5:44 pm:

    Best Legislative Liaison - Shannon Miller at IDFPR. She goes above & beyond to help legislators and their aides get all sorts of licensing issues taken care of for their constituents. She works well with all of the caucuses in a bipartisan manner sadly missing from others in the Quinn administration.

    Shannon is respected by legislators and staff on both sides of the aisle. Most importantly, when it comes to professional regulation issues, she has Skip’s respect, who’s been the driving force on those issues in the General Assembly.

    Shannon Miller gets my vote. And as a bonus, she’s big fun. Party, party, party!

  32. - anon - Thursday, Dec 20, 12 @ 6:36 pm:

    No question on best Legislative Liaison…..Shannon Miller! She is not just a liaison for DPR, but can get to the bottom of any issue at any agency. There’s a reason she’s a member of the “Dream Team” and most sought after liaison in the Capitol. No doubt she deserves this award!!!

  33. - zeke - Thursday, Dec 20, 12 @ 6:56 pm:

    My vote for legislative liaison is for Nicole Wills of the Illinois State Board of Education. She works tirelessly to explain complex issues. And she regularly responds to inquiries from legislators and their staff well into the night and next morning. Few people have proven their dedication to not only representing their agency and its issues but to working to assure legislators have the best information possible on which to base their decisions.

    Agree with Kathy Drea of ALA on the lobbyist position. She is knowledgeable and a pleasure to work with. Some lobbyists simply assume their position is obviously the morally correct one. She will work to explain her position and listen to counter arguments with genuine interest.

  34. - Obama Puppy - Thursday, Dec 20, 12 @ 7:54 pm:

    Liaison: Bresha Brewer hands down she knows before the people that should know - know. Ya know?
    Do Gooder: much like Obama getting the Nobel peace prize before he did anything, my vote goes to Coleen Daley at ICHGV for the beat down she is going to put on Todd.

  35. - White Christmas - Thursday, Dec 20, 12 @ 8:58 pm:

    Do Gooder- Gotta go with Kathy Drea. She’s been the “No Smoking Queen” for years, but this year she took it to a new level. After passing a cigarette tax to help fund education and keep children from smoking, she passed bills regulating radon in daycares and new homes. She’s always worked against well-funded, powerful opposition, but nearly always gets the job done. Maybe not everyone agrees with her, but you have to admit she’s doing it for everyone’s health.

    LL-Shannon Miller. Knows who you need to know to get things done on both sides of the aisle.

  36. - Team Bruce! - Thursday, Dec 20, 12 @ 9:25 pm:

    Do-good = Kathy Drea gets my vote hands down. Cannot thank her enough for what she does.

    Legislative Liaison: Bresha Brewer is by far the most helpful and competent Liaison that has ever walked into the Capitol. She is Pat Quinn’s secret weapon that gets things done. Her relationships extend to both sides of aisle and it doesn’t stop there. She works hand in hand with advocates to build support to accomplish what others deem as impossible. When other liaisons can’t figure out left from right, they call Bresha to point them in the right directions. She is by far Governor Quinn’s greatest asset and deserves to be recognized this year.

  37. - Unknown - Thursday, Dec 20, 12 @ 9:35 pm:

    The best legislative liaison is Shannon Miller. She understands the benefits to helping people in both sides of the aisle. I can’t even imagine the calls that she has to deal with on licensure issues at an agency that is understaffed. Almost every licensed profession in the state falls under that agency.

  38. - Ann - Thursday, Dec 20, 12 @ 10:02 pm:

    I’m tempted to suggest Illinois Citizens for Better Care’s Wendy Meltzer, who pretty much single-handedly kept nursing home reform on track in a terrible budget situation, but I’m sure no one else knows who she is, so instead let me strongly second the John Bouman nomination. You can tell he comes from a family of preachers and teachers. He’s always kind, well-prepared, and patient. But you know he cares passionately about the hundreds of thousands of people in Illinois who live in deep poverty. His work with Julie Hamos on the SMART bill kept a wretched situation from being totally devastating.

  39. - Lemonade - Friday, Dec 21, 12 @ 3:15 am:

    Jack Darin - Bright, thoughtful, effective and a team player, Jack has earned my vote.

    Bresha Brewer gets my vote for legislative liaison. She learns bill details like few others and knows everyone.

  40. - Yossarian Lives - Friday, Dec 21, 12 @ 5:52 am:

    Best do-gooder: Adam Gross. Excellent work on the expedited foreclosure bill; he and Jacqui Collins actually got the banks to go along with higher filing fees to pay for foreclosure counseling and abandoned property revitalization.

    Best legislative liaison: I’ve worked with lot of good ones, but I’m going to have to nominate Cynthia Riseman at ISBE. She always responds to my questions quickly and thoroughly, isn’t afraid to say she doesn’t know something, and understands what legislators and staff need. She works hard and knows her stuff and deserves this award.

    Seriously, Ms. Flaherty, you started your nomination by acknowledging your nominee “might not win”? Where’s your fighting spirit? Nothing ventured, nothing gained, right?

  41. - sam i am - Friday, Dec 21, 12 @ 7:57 am:

    Thanks for the chance to recognize outstanding professionals. For best do gooder, I will submit Kathy Drea. I have found her to be an effective, class act. In the category of legislative liaison, I was torn between Jessica Bruskin and Bresha Brewer. Since a choice is needed I will choose Bresha. She has shown a command of a multitude of subject areas and has a strong bipartsan portfolio of relationships. Jessica is newer at the game but will only continue to grow and impress.

  42. - Soxfan - Friday, Dec 21, 12 @ 8:29 am:

    Do-gooder: Jack Darin is well-respected by those who will ultimately make the laws. He has the ability to not only marshal the forces when necessary, but also control their fury. Considering the passion of those in the environmental fight, that is quite a feat.

    Leg. Liaison: Bresha Brewer, meanwhile, has the smarts to know the in-and-outs of proposed laws while having the connections in both chambers to get those bills passed. I defy anyone to find something who’s is more effective than Bresha when it comes to crunch time.

  43. - Chicago Cynic - Friday, Dec 21, 12 @ 9:14 am:

    1776, I don’t think you meant Jack Darin - he opposed Tenaska and Leucadia. Didn’t work with either.

  44. - Unknown - Friday, Dec 21, 12 @ 9:31 am:

    Shannon Miller at IDFPR goes above and beyond at all times. She has great relationships, institutional knowledge and is always very helpful on all issues even if you need something outside of her agency. You can always find her or contact her day or night. She is great to work with.

  45. - Unknown - Friday, Dec 21, 12 @ 9:33 am:

    Do Gooder- Kristen Strawbridge. She is a joy and cares about her issues and also goes above and beyond. Kristen gets my vote!

  46. - Linda - Friday, Dec 21, 12 @ 10:24 am:

    Legislative Liaison Bresha Brewer did an outstanding job with the Lt Gov’s Strip Club legislation. She unselfishly helps her colleagues with roll calls and understands a variety of stakeholder roles. She TRULY deseves this. From working for Lt Gov Simon, Sen Forby, Speaker’s Staff, numerous agencies and the inspector general, she has a unique perspective on how state government works.

    Do Gooder: I’ll go with Colleen Daly. I, too, am looking forward to what she does to the NRA.

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