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Golden Horseshoe Awards, Round Two

Friday, Dec 21, 2012 - Posted by Rich Miller

* The Golden Horseshoe Award for Best “Do Gooder” Lobbyist goes to Bruce Simon

Bruce Simon really cares. He works constantly and effectively, and has done for a long time. He is very creative, honest, and a man of his word. He is also willing to let others take credit for his ideas and strategies as long as his clients get help. There are several safety-net hospitals which wouldn’t be in business if it weren’t for bruce. And to top it off he is a nice guy.

Not only is Bruce a great guy, he’s a major White Sox fan. So, I guess I’m biased. Whatever. He wins. There is no appellate process here - not that anybody would ever object to Bruce winning this award, mind you.

* Runner-up is Kathy Drea

She’s been the “No Smoking Queen” for years, but this year she took it to a new level. After passing a cigarette tax to help fund education and keep children from smoking, she passed bills regulating radon in daycares and new homes. She’s always worked against well-funded, powerful opposition, but nearly always gets the job done. Maybe not everyone agrees with her, but you have to admit she’s doing it for everyone’s health.

* The Golden Horseshoe Award for Best Legislative Liaison goes to Bresha Brewer...

It seems like Bresha has been a liaison for just about every agency. She’s easy to work with, has great connections and a good sense of humor.

There’s no doubt that Brewer is a star.

* Runner-up goes to Cameron Schilling

Despite his recent departure from the Governor’s office, Cameron was a hard worker, smart, and articulate. Cameron clearly knew the players, politics and policy; yet had a tough job as the Governor’s legislative (environmental) liaison. Cameron will be missed, but is sure do good things both at the ICC and throughout his career.

* Let’s move along to our final category…

* The Wordslinger Golden Horseshoe Award for Best Commenter

Also, try to nominate a winner and your pick for runner-up. Thanks.

Also, as always, intensity is what matters here. No explanation = no vote. Thanks.

…Adding… Last year’s winner was Steve Schnorf. Oswego Willy was runner-up.


  1. - siriusly - Friday, Dec 21, 12 @ 11:44 am:

    If the GH Award was for most under-appreciated commenter, I would definitely be nominating myself. I think my sarcasm and dry wit are often overlooked for the more genuine and policy-oriented voices like the commenter formerly known as YDD or 47.

    Alas, the award is for best commenter so I am going to go with Oswego Willy. He’s consistent, ever-present and a solid part of the blog. Don’t agree with him always, but he’s funny, prolific and always intelligent.

  2. - walkinfool - Friday, Dec 21, 12 @ 11:47 am:

    Runners Up:

    O’Willy: gushes like Buckingham Fountain, but there’s usually a pearl or two in there.

    MichelleFlaherty: short, sweet, and deadly hot. Like when you realize too late they used habanero peppers.

    Skeeter: stings you, and then stings again. I don’t even know where he is politically, other than always passionate and insightful.


    The place just wouldn’t be the same without Cincinnatus. He has perseverence (like a rottweiler), sticks to his guns (even when Rich is mad at him), uses logic (flawed), evidence (sketchy)– generally a fun and good guy.

  3. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Dec 21, 12 @ 12:17 pm:

    The Wordslinger Golden Horseshoe Award for Best Commenter:

    When typing this vote, I am doing a large disservice to the nominee. I have said some good advice I once got from someone is to think about what you are going to say, cut it in half, then cut THAT in half, then you have you statement. There is one commenter here that has taken that, and re-wrote the book on being Pithy and being Exceptional.

    Michelle Flaherty is the best commenter.

    I have many personal favorites here that I enjoy the back and forth with, including Arthur Anderson, 47th Ward, soccermom, just to name a very, very, … VERY … small few, because in reality, there are just too many to mention, and I hate leaving OUT any of all the great people that make THIS place the best website for Illinois Politics.

    However, when you are looking for someone who comments, and says it so completely, and with so few words, it becomes quite obvious that Michelle Flaherty is the best.

    Look back at some comments, and look at the incredible scope of topics she can comment on. Michelle Flaherty gives enough of an inside joke to get a knowing nod, and more than enough of a broad base statement to get a hearty laugh. Tough thing to do with many words. Now … do it in as few words as Michelle Flaherty does, yikes, that is getting it done.

    Wordslinger has this award named after his unbeatable knack to be well verse in the topics at hand, and be as funny as can be and as serious as need be. There is Wordslinger, a space, then maybe another empty tier. Michelle Flaherty is beyond deserving with her spot-on commenting, comic genius, and clarity of thought in the fewest words possible. Michelle Flaherty makes you wait to see what really cool SENTENCE will be used to make her point, and she makes you read in wonder how she can be so concise, so accurate, and so funny. Well Done.

    I hope everyone goes back to see some of the great posts she has made and join me in this nomination.

  4. - L Y O - Friday, Dec 21, 12 @ 12:18 pm:

    I nominate todd v.

    He uses his real name. I hate roughly half of his gun politics/policies. He’s easy to rile up… and he always comes back for more. I’m new here, but I do enjoy reading his posts. I’m still stuck with the imagery of average joes running around Chicago with AR-15’s slung across their backs….

  5. - soccermom - Friday, Dec 21, 12 @ 12:22 pm:

    I always feel smarter after I read 47th Ward’s comments. And I can’t say fairer than that.

  6. - soccermom - Friday, Dec 21, 12 @ 12:22 pm:

    And I mean that with extreme intensity.

  7. - The Captain - Friday, Dec 21, 12 @ 12:25 pm:

    I’m passionately in favor of Anonymous. Anonymous is by far the most prolific poster here covering all topics with any number of widely divergent views. Anonymous can be counted on to fill up a thread anytime there’s a spate of new visitors driven by national news. Anonymous also breaks the most news in the comments with any number of passionately stated news nuggets (often largely unsubstantiated and often later uncorroborated) not found elsewhere. Sure, Anonymous probably leads the league in comments deleted for inappropriate material but that’s only because Anonymous has the intestinal fortitude to speak truth to power (albeit anonymously).

    The clear choice is Anonymous, for the people.

  8. - Crime Fighter - Friday, Dec 21, 12 @ 12:37 pm:

    I’m torn between Oswego Will & Michelle Flaherty.

    Willy is clever and prolific.

    Michelle is clever and succinct. (For a recent example:See Michelle’s nomination for Best Agency Director)

    I always look forward to reading their posts.

  9. - ZC - Friday, Dec 21, 12 @ 12:51 pm:

    Nobody on this blog makes me laugh as much as Oswego Willy, but since he won last year, I’m gonna nominate someone for his strong 2012 and also a kind of lifetime Capitol Fax achievement award, the Yellow Dog Democrat.

    YDD has been a veteran on Cap Fax back since Bill and VanillaMan (aka the original Oswego Willy) were tearing it up on a daily basis. They largely moved on; he didn’t. He’s brought the same strengths for years: a passionate commitment to progressive causes and an in-depth knowledge of IL politics that stretches far south of IL-80 (heck I know a libs whose knowledge fades out south of Jackson in the Loop), he had a strong 2012, predicting Rodney Davis and continuing to take off the beaten path arguments, for instance his surprisingly cogent case that Derrick Smith got a raw deal. For years commentators have known if you argue with the Dog, bring your A game. For all that I think he saved his most contempt this year for liberal Ilya Sheyman supporters who couldn’t run a ground game on primary day.

    YDD’s faded out this tail end of 2012, I presume due to his new government job, and I nominate him because I figure this is his last year of eligibility for at least awhile. His absence will be missed, so I say Rich you give the Yellow Dog his day.

  10. - Boone's is Back - Friday, Dec 21, 12 @ 12:56 pm:

    My vote is for OneMan. Always witty, consistently there to support or knock down a comment, and many a winner for caption contests.

  11. - DuPage Dave - Friday, Dec 21, 12 @ 1:01 pm:

    I second the nomination of YDD. His comments are thoughtful and entertaining, and never mean.

    If “non-anonymous commenter” was a category, then Steve Schnorf would get the nod. When it comes to budgets, numbers, spending, pensions, etc. that guy knows what he’s talking about from way back when.

  12. - Rich Miller - Friday, Dec 21, 12 @ 1:02 pm:

    ===but since he won last year===

    Schnorf won last year. Oswego Willy came in second.

  13. - Raising Kane - Friday, Dec 21, 12 @ 1:06 pm:

    Ok, I have to go with Willy. His riffs on Jason Plummer were “spit out your coffee good”. And just when I feared that Plummer’s loss would be an end to Willy…..he found new life with Dan Rutherford witisms. Merry Christmas Willy…we look forward to another year of fake tweets!!

  14. - Small Town Liberal - Friday, Dec 21, 12 @ 1:18 pm:

    OW - His derision of the Illinois GOP leadership is of a caliber liberals like me could only hope to someday achieve. Tip of the hat, sir.

    Runner-up is nearly impossible, schnorf, 47th, YDD, soccermom, CFS, all routinely make me laugh and teach me more than I’d ever learn reading the papers. I’m probably forgetting others at the moment.

    And as always, wordslinger is the reason I scan the comments even when I don’t have time to read them. I certainly can’t think of a single person I’ve never met or whose identity is completely unknown to me that’s taught me so much. Thanks.

  15. - Michelle Flaherty - Friday, Dec 21, 12 @ 1:29 pm:

    Oh Willy, you’re making me blush.

  16. - reformer - Friday, Dec 21, 12 @ 1:31 pm:

    Willie is the best. No one critiques the feckless IL GOP better. Keep it coming!

    I miss YDD; his lifetime contributions deserve recognition. Todd has unparalleled expertise, but on only one topic.

  17. - Rich Miller - Friday, Dec 21, 12 @ 1:35 pm:

    Personally, I’m for Willy. Some people come to this blog just to read Oswego Willy’s comments. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been asked who OW really is. I lost count a long time ago.

    I love pretty much all my commenters, who I always say are the best - bar none - of any website anywhere in the US of A. This year, Oswego Willy has been the best of the best.

    Runner-up is, for me, Michelle Flaherty. He (yes, I know who MF is, and he’s a he - funny story, I’ll tell you another time) has the most dangerous wit of anybody here, ever.

    But, again, just because those two are my favorites this year doesn’t diminish my great respect for all of you.

    After some particularly bad experiences, I tried running a blog without comments. It just didn’t work. I do better when I have constant feedback, and so many readers craved the strong, credible and (usually) sober voices in my comment section that I had no choice but to bring them back. Eliminating comments was a bigger mistake than my doomed “New Coke” site format, which was dropped after less than a day.

    You people have become almost part of my family. Some days, I just get so disgusted with reporting on this messed up state that I want to scream. But the commenters always bring me back.

    Merry Christmas and happy holidays to all of you. I just couldn’t do this without you. Thanks.

    - Rich

  18. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Dec 21, 12 @ 1:46 pm:

    - Michelle Flaherty -

    You are very deserving.

    And to SAM - thanks, FRANK

    Merry Christmas everyone. Thanks to all for the kind words.

  19. - Boone Logan Square - Friday, Dec 21, 12 @ 1:53 pm:

    This vote is over, but I would like to say “amen” on the victor and the runner-up. Willy’s commentary made Jason Plummer almost getting into office worthwhile. And Michelle Flaherty can say more with 3-4 words than many can in paragraphs — the Raymond Carver of snark.

  20. - steve schnorf - Friday, Dec 21, 12 @ 1:56 pm:

    For this nomination there is an abundance of plenty. Word, the dog, soccermom, 47, OW, MF, it goes on and on: how does one choose among that talent.

    I want people who make me think, or laugh, or both, or who inform me, or who cause me to fell a need to defend my thoughts and positions. I don’t like knee-jerk, stupid, ignorant, or infantile.

    Bambanek frequently got my attention, but he doesn’t come around much any more. I’ll go with C. He does the good things above, and he brings a counter-balance sometimes needed here.

  21. - OneMan - Friday, Dec 21, 12 @ 1:58 pm:

    I would have to second my 308 neighbor Oswego Willy, cracks me up fairly consistantly, and for runner up it would be between YDD and Wordslinger, both make me think and I appreciate that.

    Boone’s is Back, I can go two or three months on a good complement. Thanks

  22. - Cincinnatus - Friday, Dec 21, 12 @ 2:00 pm:

    Can we say Rich Miller, because when he unlimbers “Bite Me” it always cracks me up. On the left: 47th. On the right: OW.

  23. - Anonymous - Friday, Dec 21, 12 @ 2:08 pm:

    Rich, I would once again like to object to the highly esteemed Captain’s nomination.

    Unlike the hacker group, we do not hack. However, like them, we have (and I still don’t understand how to this very day) become legion. How else would we fill up threads as we do, provide so many unsubstantiated and uncorraborated (and yes, sometimes even national) news nuggets, and hold the record for the greatest number of deletions? (I can’t tell you, though, how disappointed I am that we still seem to be working toward our first “bite me” milestone.) And, to qualify for this award, I believe you must be an individual.

  24. - the wonderboy - Friday, Dec 21, 12 @ 2:09 pm:

    No question…Oswego Willy. There were days this year when he had me in tears. There were times during the brutal campaign season that his brilliance was better than a cup of coffee. Willy deserves it this year.

    Runner up… I’d go with MF or soccermom. Consistently good and always on point.

  25. - Abe the Babe - Friday, Dec 21, 12 @ 2:18 pm:

    My vote is for small town liberal. Sarcasm, pithiness, and straight up liberalism are in STL’s repertoire. Also, he is consistently on message and fights well with the more conservative commenters. I always enjoy watching the back and forth. You can always count on him for a zinger too.

  26. - Formerly Known As... - Friday, Dec 21, 12 @ 2:20 pm:


    YELLOW DOG DEMOCRAT: Sometimes hard to get a lock on whether YDD’s comment is spin, just a sharp jab or a sincere point but always sure to spice things up. Sometimes way off the mark, other times hits it out of the park. Can provoke anger (not always a good thing) or reflection (definitely a good thing) in people with a single comment.

    CINCI! - Persistent, dogged, passionate. Always good natured, even when Rich is “yelling” at him-her. A true believer in the cause, Cinncinatus will advocate and debate a point even when outnumbered and while taking fire from all sides. Cinci comes across as sincere, has apologized when wrong and not gloated when proven correct. An asset and a 1-person comment “stimulus package” for the blog. If Cincinnatus were a captain, he would go down with the ship.

    VANILLA MAN - just because I miss him.

    SQUEEZY - just because.


    47TH WARD: yes, good old 47th. 47th offers wit & whimsy with a side helping of perspective formed by long years of experience. 47th’s references often leave me yearning to know more about the real-life backstory shaping their particular insight on a post or story. A multi-talented superstar and another true asset.

    OSWEGO WILLY - I LOVE ME SOME OW! His comments are a highlight of any thread, much like wordslinger’s. The fake twitterisms this year were an exquisite move.
    I deduct points only because I’m waiting for him to open up the playing field. It artificially limits his genius in focusing on one party.
    After laughing out loud, his work can leave a tinge of regret, wondering… what if? What pearls would an @FakeRahmEmanuel, @FakeDavidGill, @FakeAnitaAlvarez or @FakeRickeyHendon (retired but not forgotten) bring? What greatness are we missing?

    MICHELLE FLAHERTY: Incisive. Cuts like a knife. ‘Nuff said. (anything longer would disrespectful of her style).


    ^ soccermom ^: Her handle alone conjures a friendly, intelligent, down-to-earth image. More importantly, her comments consistently back that up.
    Spotting a “soccermom” comment is like finding a Willy Wonka Golden Ticket. You know you’re about to read something sincere, well-considered, topical and insightful.
    Her voice is consistently in tune with the pulse of the public outside Springfield city limits (also known as the “real world”). She’s also sharp and pragmatic enough to understand that “right” does not make “might” in politics. She melds these two worlds by sharing insights driven by personal experience, and it adds a layer of authenticity and credibility to every post.

    hear, hear soccermom. Thanks for all you (and everyone in the CapFax community) contribute. We are better for it.

  27. - Wensicia - Friday, Dec 21, 12 @ 2:23 pm:

    Oswego Willy, he has incredible wit.

    I admire all the commenters on this blog, the quality of the comments is excellent. Thanks for providing this excellent forum, Rich.

    And Happy Holidays to all.

  28. - Formerly Known As... - Friday, Dec 21, 12 @ 2:29 pm:

    New nominee: Rich Miller for his “Let’s hurry, people” post above.

    Seriously, man. You trying to make us cry?

    Happy Holidays, one & all!

  29. - Six Degrees of Separation - Friday, Dec 21, 12 @ 2:31 pm:

    Oswego Willy, because he takes on the hopeless task of breathing life into a barely breathing corpse. Runner-up Michelle F, for the zingers.

  30. - soccermom - Friday, Dec 21, 12 @ 2:31 pm:

    Oh, Formerly — That is about the nicest thing anybody has ever said about me. Thank you so much.

  31. - Robert the Bruce - Friday, Dec 21, 12 @ 2:32 pm:

    Oswego Willy.

    He is the thunder-snow of caption brainstorms. While most of us try to come up with one halfway clever caption, Oswego Willy develops dozens.

    And I know I hope for Jason Plummer to make news, simply because Oswego Willy’s comments will soon follow.


    Cincinnatus. It is much easier to argue one’s position when most in the capitolfax world agrees with you. I agree with Cincinnatus maybe 10% of the time, tops, but appreciate that he is able to explain and defend his positions.

    wordslinger - he seems to have good knowledge about most any topic and comes with facts rather than tropes.

  32. - Anonymous - Friday, Dec 21, 12 @ 2:33 pm:

    I’m outta here to take care of biz. Congratulations, Willy–and Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all.

    (You, too, V-Man. You and your songs are sorely missed.)

  33. - reformer - Friday, Dec 21, 12 @ 2:37 pm:

    Cinci makes valuable contributions, though he’s a tad predictable whenever the topic is Kirk Dillard.

    I also enjoy Reality Check and Jeeves on pensions.

  34. - Arthur Andersen - Friday, Dec 21, 12 @ 2:37 pm:

    Boy, some days old AA’s timing just ain’t right. Willy wins the award while I’m still writing his nomination.
    Before Rich closes down for Christmas, here you go:
    To the tune of “Amazing Grace”
    Oswego Will-how great the snark
    That drew a laugh from me
    I’d try to post
    Not offend the host
    Was not
    As good as he.
    Through many weeks of Fake Jay-Jay
    And on to Danny Boy
    I knew that Will
    The Clever Dope
    Would bring us
    Hope and Joy!

    Now, off to take a shower after learning that the girl of my dreams, Michelle Flaherty, is a dude.

  35. - walkinfool - Friday, Dec 21, 12 @ 2:43 pm:

    Michelle’s a he? Not the “icepick maiden?” Very tricky!

    (Oh please let the Soccermom image remain.)

  36. - Crime Fighter - Friday, Dec 21, 12 @ 2:44 pm:

    If Oswego Willy wins, I hope there is a special prize: a golf-outing with Willy & Tom Cross.
    And of course with post-outing report, complete with photos.

  37. - Chicago Cynic - Friday, Dec 21, 12 @ 2:45 pm:

    Love Oswego Willy and if I were weighing volume, it’s no question. I’m always in awe by the quantity of words that come from OW and one or two others. But for my nomination, I gotta go with 47. His knowledge is deep and he always finds a smart context. Of course it doesn’t hurt that I agree with him the overwhelming majority of the time.

    One thing I must say though since we’re on this topic. Where do you people get the time to comment so much here? I try from time to time but there’s just too much going on to do my jobs and comment so frequently. So I just sit back amazed at how prolific so many of the CapFax commenters are.

  38. - Rich Miller - Friday, Dec 21, 12 @ 3:08 pm:

    ===Seriously, man. You trying to make us cry?===

    I teared up myself when I wrote it. But I meant every word.

  39. - Quinn T. Sential - Friday, Dec 21, 12 @ 3:08 pm:

    And the First Runner Up is Oswego Willy. Laughter is the best medicine, and everyone loves a good laugh, myself included. OW, possesses tremendous wit and incredible creativity and I always enjoy reading what OW has to say because I can count on walking away with a smile. The difference for me however is that there are a lot places to find humor in local politics, often in the form of an unintended consequence from the candidate or officeholder themselves. When it comes to state and local politics, the people that can pause and make us think are a greatly under-valued commodity. For this reason The Wordslinger Golden Horseshoe Award for Best Commenter goes to……….

    47th Ward!

    A man (or woman) of few words who chooses them carefully. An admirable skill set that I wish to aspire to attain more of in 2013.

    I don’t always agree with him (her?) but he/she always makes a cogent argument that is usually well founded; whether based on knowledge, experience, or just as important good old fashioned common street sense. 47th is a seasoned veteran and no matter the topic he/she chooses to comment on it is easy to recognize that this is not their first rodeo.

    47th has the ability to cut through the noise and interject clarity and the voice of reason; even if I may believe he/she is wrong. 47th has the ability to disagree; without being disagreeable, a quality that contributes greatly to an informed forum such as this.

    This is always a difficult choice, because there are many great commenters to choose from. While I can’t vist here as often anymore, whenever I check back in, I always look forward to comments from 47th ward.

    Simply the best!

  40. - Arthur Andersen - Friday, Dec 21, 12 @ 3:11 pm:

    Oops. So the voting wasn’t over. That Michelle thing really did shake me up. Sorry.
    Congrats, I guess, on the new gig, YDD. I hope you aren’t working for Squeezy.

  41. - soccermom - Friday, Dec 21, 12 @ 3:11 pm:

    Soccermom is in fact biologically female.

  42. - 47th Ward - Friday, Dec 21, 12 @ 3:12 pm:

    Thanks for the kind words, but this is Willy’s year hands down.

    Runners up include too many to choose from, but I’d like to nominate Mr. JM who consistently and succinctly sums up the issue at hand. Nobody says more using fewer words. Bravo.

    I was leaning in favor of Michelle Flaherty for similar reasons, but I gotta admit, knowing what I imagined was a she is actually a he kind of ruined it for me. I’ve been reading the comments on this blog for so long that I’ve created mental images of many of you. I have mental avatars for Wordslinger, OW, Cinci, VanillaMan, AA, siriusly, YDD, soccermom, Wenscia, Amalie, Chicago Cynic, Skeeter, Reformer, DuPage Dan, one an, shore and others whose comments are must-reads for me. But now I have to erase my image of Michelle, which is a shame because I pictured her as a hotty and now I’m a little creeped out.

    I’m glad you all come here and I’m grateful for your excellent contributions. It’s pretty clear we all love Illinois, even if we don’t always agree on how best to solve our political problems.

  43. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Dec 21, 12 @ 3:27 pm:



    Yellow Dog Democrat and 47th Ward.

    As Michelle Flaherty is my winner, between YDD and 47th Ward, its a tough pick. Both have always made me think, and are incredible resources to be learned from whenever they post. I find myself reflecting on what the suject is, and taking a long look at their points of view, as their overwhelming knowledge on the cotext and the history of the subject gives clairity like few do. This website is a better place with both of them a part of the discussion.

    Honorable Mentions - Arthur Anderson is someone who I have enjoyed bantering with and is top notch.

    There have been too many times to mention how I have enjoyed our tangents, and then I would have to come back to the subject at hand. You are my un-offical Spokesman, Flack Jacket not included!

    soccermom gives a great spin from the female perspective to the Political Perspective at the precinct level. Anyone who can organize and knows what its like to knock on doors the correct way, and comment on the happenings of the day gets my vote. I voted for you last year, and I feel the same as I did then.

    I absolutely am missing people. I know that. I am sorry.

    I just would like to say the same thing Rich posted, because I know I can’t say it better about this place.

    ===Some days, I just get so disgusted … on this messed up state that I want to scream. But the commenters always bring me back. ===

    Rich makes ALL this happen. Look how many different nominees there are and every one of them is deserving. That speaks volumes to how great this place is to comment and how great the commenters are.

    ===You people have become almost part of my family.===

    Thank you, Rich, for letting us feel the same.

  44. - wordslinger - Friday, Dec 21, 12 @ 3:32 pm:

    Lots of good friends and great choices, but I vote for Willy for the simple fact that he is desperately — and at times, it seems, singlehandedly — trying to get the Illinois GOP to wake up and compete seriously.

    He has no use for the Litmus Testers, Puritans or those who just blame it all on Chicago. He takes no excuses, and demands hard work and accountability.

    He won’t concede any part of the state and is adamant that the GOP needs to hit the streets and knock on doors with an optimistic message for the future, not just preach the politics of resentment to a dwindling base.

    He’s a Happy Warrior and I hope he and those like him succeed, because this state could use a real, statewide, Republican Party like we had not that long ago.

  45. - Pardon - Friday, Dec 21, 12 @ 3:32 pm:

    The thought of Plummer cursing OW, makes this his year.

  46. - Wensicia - Friday, Dec 21, 12 @ 3:35 pm:

    ==but I’d like to nominate Mr. JM who consistently and succinctly sums up the issue at hand. Nobody says more using fewer words. Bravo.==

    I agree, and nobody does sarcasm better.

  47. - soccermom - Friday, Dec 21, 12 @ 3:36 pm:

    OW, we’ll always have Paris (Illinois.)

  48. - Cindy Lou - Friday, Dec 21, 12 @ 3:42 pm:

    They are all ‘best’, Rich. Whether they make me stop and think, wanna cyber smack ‘em, or simply make me laugh and brighten my day…nobody does it like Rich’s commenters! In fact, no place else do I depend on instant info and an honest debate of facts and opinions. Your site and your commenters bring Illinois politics and the issues upfront like no other place can.

  49. - Endangered Moderate Species - Friday, Dec 21, 12 @ 3:44 pm:

    Oswego Willy - Some day the ILGOP will wake up and listen to his wisdom; until then, we will enjoy his one-liners.

  50. - Crime Fighter - Friday, Dec 21, 12 @ 3:47 pm:

    I wish you all happy holidays. Me? After what Rich revealed today I will dedicate my new year trying to get over my crush on Michelle Flaherty. “Her” wit and intelligence have been a real turn-on. Maybe I should start by changing my blog name to “Crying Game”.(?)

  51. - Quinn T. Sential - Friday, Dec 21, 12 @ 3:53 pm:

    {Maybe I should start by changing my blog name to “Crying Game”.(?)}

    Brokeback Mountain is still available

  52. - Just The Way It Is One - Friday, Dec 21, 12 @ 3:57 pm:

    Wordslinger is still the best, overall Commenter.

  53. - wordslinger - Friday, Dec 21, 12 @ 3:59 pm:

    –One thing I must say though since we’re on this topic. Where do you people get the time to comment so much here?–

    I sit at a computer all day (and, at times, all night as a freelance marketing copywriter. It’s generally not very interesting, but it pays the bills.

    Any and all diversions are welcome.

  54. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Dec 21, 12 @ 4:03 pm:

    - Crime Fighter -

    I hear therapy is cheaper if we get a Group Rate … just saying …

    - soccermom -

    The golf shirts were grey, you wore blue …

  55. - Louis G. Atsaves - Friday, Dec 21, 12 @ 4:03 pm:

    Best Commentator: Oswego Willy. Great voice for the ILGOP. Witty. Off the cuff remarks are always spot on. I try not to guess who everyone is, so few post under their real names, but he’s the exception! Can I vote for him twice?

  56. - Stones - Friday, Dec 21, 12 @ 4:16 pm:

    Not to get sappy or anything but I do enjoy this blog and all of your comments. It’s really refreshing to have an intelligent discussion of political issues and events without insults and namecalling. I wish everyone a happy holiday season and look forward to “seeing” you online in 2013.

  57. - Wensicia - Friday, Dec 21, 12 @ 4:21 pm:


    My on-line avatar elsewhere is a picture of the Phoenix rising from the flames. I hope that works with your thought.

  58. - soccermom - Friday, Dec 21, 12 @ 4:27 pm:

    Hey, I have an idea to rename next year’s Best Commenter Award: “Round up the usual suspects.”

    Happy Holidays, y’all!

  59. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Dec 21, 12 @ 4:34 pm:

    - soccermom -

    Well said.

    - wordslinger -

    Thank you for your kind words, for the award that bears your name. I appreciate your true understanding. I wish you some Jim and Pete’s over the holiday, you are the standard we all strive to be.

  60. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Dec 21, 12 @ 4:40 pm:

    - Louis G. Atsaves -

    Thanks. Also, voting twice is a tradition that reminds me how great some stories I have heard here, from you too. Thanks.

  61. - Arthur Andersen - Friday, Dec 21, 12 @ 4:59 pm:

    Good idea, soccermom.

    The usual suspects are what make this blog such a great place.

    Happy Holidays to all,

  62. - Crime Fighter - Friday, Dec 21, 12 @ 5:02 pm:

    OW, & QTS,thanks for the feedback. If this Mayan Apocalypse thing doesn’t materialize, I’ll definitely give some thought to your suggestions…

Sorry, comments for this post are now closed.

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