Question of the day - Golden Horseshoe Award
Thursday, Dec 13, 2012 - Posted by Rich Miller * The Golden Horseshoe Award for best House Democratic campaign staffer is a tie. The obvious crowd favorite is Shaw Decremer…
Shaw is leaving staff after many years of winning campaigns. He’s won the award before, but most of you believed that he ought to win again on his way out the door. The guy is amazing. * Kristen Bauer was runner-up last year, and she probably would’ve won this year all by herself if Decremer wasn’t leaving staff, so that’s why I declared a tie. Check out this incredible nomination…
Honorable mention goes to Anne Schaeffer for her amazing work on the new map. * The Golden Horseshoe Award for best House Republican campaign staffer goes to Bob Stefanski …
* Runner-up is perennial favorite and last year’s winner Nick Bellini…
Honorable mention goes to Nick McNeeley, a crowd favorite. * OK, let’s move on to today’s categories…
It’s all about intensity, folks, so don’t just throw a name out there. Write up something positive and strong for your candidate.
Sponsors: Gay marriage vote in January
Thursday, Dec 13, 2012 - Posted by Rich Miller * I should have more for subscribers tomorrow, but if they say they’re running the bill, then they apparently have the votes…
A “chained” CPI would save some money
Thursday, Dec 13, 2012 - Posted by Rich Miller * Could a federal idea help fix the state’s pension mess? Maybe…
[Hat tip: Mom] What do you think? * Meanwhile, Gov. Pat Quinn has a new pension reform video. This one’s not bad. It features Quinn staffer Sean Vinck, who does some standup comedy in his free time. Rate it… * Related and a roundup…
Thursday, Dec 13, 2012 - Posted by Advertising Department [The following is a paid advertisement.] The cable industry is asking lawmakers to place a NEW 5% tax on satellite TV service. HB 5440 is not about fairness, equity or parity – it’s a tax increase on the 1.3 million Illinois families and businesses who subscribe to satellite TV. They cannot afford another NEW tax – not now and not in this economy! HB 5440 Will Hurt Illinois Families and Small Businesses
• This tax will impact every bar, restaurant and hotel that subscribes to satellite TV service, which will translate into higher prices, decreased revenues, and fewer jobs. • Rural Illinois has no choice: In many parts of Illinois, cable refuses to provide TV service to rural communities. Satellite TV is their only option. HB 5440 Is Not About Parity or Fairness
• Satellite companies don’t pay franchise fees for one simple reason: We use satellites—unlike cable, we don’t need to dig up streets and sidewalks to deliver our TV service. • Making satellite subscribers pay franchise fees—or, in this case, an equivalent amount in taxes—would be like taxing the air It’s no different than making airline passengers pay a fee for laying railroad tracks. Vote NO on HB 5440
Caption contest!
Thursday, Dec 13, 2012 - Posted by Rich Miller * From NRA lobbyist Todd Vandermyde’s Facebook page… We’ll make Todd buy the winner a drink. Have fun.
The big carry fight will be about Chicago and Cook
Thursday, Dec 13, 2012 - Posted by Rich Miller * Look, like it or not, if it’s a constitutional right to carry a gun outside one’s home, then that means everybody has to be treated equally under the Constitution…
There are ways around this, but the NRA will likely do everything it can to block them. For instance, the county sheriff could be given discretion on whether to issue permits. It’s unlikely that Cook County’s sheriff would hand out very many. But the NRA is so far taking a hardline stance against any such ideas…
* Cook County and Chicago are gonna fight tooth and nail to water this down as much as humanly possible…
* But there’s a real danger with appealing this ruling…
* So if it’s not appealed and if Chicago and Cook can’t come to an agreement or find the votes to beat the gun guys, the NRA can just stall this thing until June, when the appellate court will step in…
* Gov. Quinn is taking a far more moderate approach following the ruling than Emanuel…
Contrast those comments with last year…