Question of the day - Golden Horseshoe Awards
Wednesday, Dec 19, 2012 - Posted by Rich Miller
* The Mark Beaubien Lifetime Achievement Award is a tie. Rep. Joe Lyons…
Joe Lyons is respected by colleagues, staff, lobbyists, and just about anyone who spends any time with him. He gives everyone a fair shake and always tries to do his best. Who can forget his amazing display of rebellion and class last year during debate on his ultrasound bill. Regardless of your feelings on the issue, you have to respect that he walked from the podium to his chair and chastised the manner in which he and his bill had been treated. Hostile amendments were sent to various committees and called individually, but he handled the situation with class. His presence will be greatly missed.
* And Rep. Skip Saviano…
There comes a time, and it doesn’t come too often, that a member of the General Assembly grows from Freshman to Institution. Then again, even as a Freshman, it seemed as though this Member was on his third term, working on projects and legislation, while his classmates were reading from the “Freshman Binder” about how the Committees worked. It never felt odd to say he was a “throwback” legislator even before he was sworn in, and continued to be someone who practiced the best ideals of a time gone by - bi-partisanship.
It would be quite lazy for any of us to say, “He is someone you want to have a meal with, have a drink with, tell stories with …” There is so much more to a 20 year legislative career for us to use that crutch to nominate.
Angelo “Skip” Saviano might be the last of a “Thompson era” type of legislators that understood that if we don’t get along, don’t find common ground, and refuse to get out of our comfort zones, then what do we expect to get done? Saviano could have just been the seat holder. He could have voted his District and his Politcal Operation’s wishes, been a “blue chip” Mushroom in games for others. We are all better off that Angelo “Skip” Saviano… was “Skip”. Saviano was able to parlay his positions to move important issues for himself and countless others.
You would be hard-pressed to find any House or Senate member, or House or Senate staff member for that matter, that Saviano, at one point or another, personally helped. A true testament of Saviano’s impact on the people of the General Assembly is that no matter what Caucus you are in, no matter what Staff you work for, Saviano’s phone numbers were in your Rolodexes. Same with the “traffic stop” others call a “legislative office”. Everyone that may stop by, has been on Saviano’s radar for one thing or another, and Saviano did his best to resolve even the smallest of issues… if it can help you.
Saviano is one of the few members that can pull off cooking dinner at the Mansion for members of the General Assembly, AND be the de facto “host” of the “End of Session” party and not have it seem forced. It is in his DNA to be collegial, to make things fun, and to show the appreciation of the hard work done.
Saviano was someone that others turned to when counting “noses” to see if they can count on his help, with the “and do you think you can get a couple others, I’m a few short”, would sometimes follow. Angelo “Skip” Saviano was the work horse that would win “Best in Show”, all the while working on many other things behind the scenes. A rarity that the Illinois House will greatly miss.
I would have thought this would be a nomination someone would make farther down the road. Politics is a strange business, suprises and change are part and parcel. This should be an easy choice for all.
Ask yourself, “Has Angelo ‘Skip’ Saviano impacted the Caucus, the House, his district, the State?”
“How often did I look for Saviano’s input, assistance, counsel?”
And … how often, did you have to say, “Hey, Skip, thanks.”
Here is that chance, to say “Thank you” … one more time.
Both men are outstanding legislators. And they’ll both be missed.
* The clear people’s choice for the John Millner Lifetime Achievement Award is Sen. Susan Garrett…
Susan Garrett’s impact on the state of Illinois and on the Illinois Senate can be seen how her district sees her, and how, with their support, Susan Garrett has been able to impact all of Illinois.
Garrett has been true to herself, allowing her district to judge her on the votes she takes and the stands she makes, all the while being as engaging and impactful a seantor as those with less to worry about “back home”. Garrett has always been fair to the issues and process, and never was afraid to take on the controversial issues of the day. Garrett made the art of political Compromise, not “Compromising” to her and her views. Garrett was a rare legislator that could work to find solutions, and get a fair shake from beginning to end, looking for resloution, not style points.
Engaging back in her District, Garrett was not one to have office hours for a desk and chair. Garrett was out front, with Town Halls and Public Forums to give her constituents the opportunity be have an impact on the process, while educating them on why their state senator is on a side of an issue, and why it was important for her to be there.
Susan Garrett will be missed in the Illinois Senate, and I hope that the Freshman coming in will look at Susan Garrett as someone who “did it right”. Illinois can only hope that her model of excellence is copied by these new Freshman, because Illinois needs more than 1 of them to fill her shoes in the Illinois Senate.
Well said.
* Runner-up is Sen. Tom Johnson…
He could actually qualify for either award, but he finished in the Senate so let’s go with the John Millner award. Rep and then Sen. Johnson always managed to both rage against the machine and work within it. In an era of wingnuts, Tea Partiers and loudmouths, more lawmakers could learn from Tom Johnson. Go ahead and try to describe him. Fiscally conservative but a social libertarian? A social liberal with a depression-era checkbook mentality? In my experience ranging from the House to the Prisoner Review Board to the Senate, he was wise and kind and outspoken and an individual.
I’ll take more of him on either side of the aisle.
Me too.
* OK, campers, we’re running out of time, so let’s move on to today’s categories…
* Best Illinois Congresscritter
* Best State Agency Director
Remember, intensity is what matters here. Make extra sure to explain your votes and please nominate in both categories. Thanks much.
Today’s Number: $13,680 a year
Wednesday, Dec 19, 2012 - Posted by Rich Miller
* One of the things I talked about in my City Club speech yesterday was the fact that the pension reform debate has been far too heavily dominated by people who blame the scammers for all the problems. All the major media outlets have run stories about how this or that person was able to scam a really sweet pension deal.
Lost in this debate, though, is the very hardcore fact that in many ways we’re talking about giving the shaft to little old ladies who depend on their monthly pension checks.
* So, I called the State Employees’ Retirement System today to ask a question: What’s the average pension of female state retirees age 80 and above?
The answer: $1,140 per month, which works out to an average annual retirement pension of $13,680.
Keep in mind that the General Assembly has also passed a law which allows the state to slash its subsidy of retiree health insurance premiums.
Also keep in mind that, according to SERS, quite a few, if not most of those women probably didn’t enroll in Social Security when they were working for the state. So, their pension check is all they have.
According to SERS, there are 4,790 such women currently drawing retirement pensions.
* Meanwhile, a coalition of labor unions has said its members will put more money into the pension systems in order to help preserve benefits for retirees…
The group said it would be willing to put in 2 percent of their salaries, which equals about $350 million, toward their retirements - a percentage point higher than one proposal before legislators - and warned lawmakers to end borrowing to pay pension obligations.
“Public employees have said time and again that we are willing to do our part to aid in the stabilization of pension funding,” the report said. “We will only do so, however, if there is an ironclad guarantee that the state will fulfill its funding responsibilities.” […]
The group’s proposals for bringing in more revenue include closing tax loopholes, like reforming corporate tax expenditures and getting rid of some tax credits and incentives. The group cites several including repealing corporate tax breaks Quinn offered to CME Group Inc. and CBOE Holdings Inc. last year after they threatened to leave the state.
The coalition also called for a summit in January with lawmakers where unions could participate.
* Related…
* The Ghosts of Illinois Pensions Past
* Lawmakers making pension pitch - Rank-and-file members frustrated with process offer a bipartisan approach
* VIDEO: Lessons from Rhode Island: Gina Raimondo Talks Pension Reform
* Among other items to combat gun violence, Chicago Police Superintendent Garry McCarthy wants a new state law…
McCarthy also came out in favor of… a state law requiring gun owners to report the sale, loss or transfer of firearms.
“This isn’t about denying people guns,” McCarthy said. “It’s about the fact that they have to be accountable for where they are. I don’t think that’s overwhelming.”
He said the bulk of guns used in crimes in the city are “legally purchased, illegally transferred,” and that gun transfers should be registered the same way auto sales and transfers are.
“This is not brain surgery. It’s really simple. Fact is, too many guns leads to more violence,” McCarthy said. “We have to wake an American consciousness to this. And I don’t know how some people sleep at night thinking they can defend this.”
Quoting myself
Wednesday, Dec 19, 2012 - Posted by Rich Miller
* Matt Dietrich was at my City Club speech and filed this report…
“It’s very possible that nothing is gonna get done [on pension reform in the lame duck session],” Miller told members of the City Club of Chicago.
But isn’t this THE big issue right now? And isn’t the lame duck session THE perfect time to take on this kind of controversial issue? This year, 35 lame duck lawmakers leave office on Jan. 9. They can make unpopular votes without worry of voter backlash. That’s how Gov. Pat Quinn passed his income tax increase two years ago.
Yes and no, Miller said. There’s still no consensus among majority Democrats on pension reform in the General Assembly. By comparison, raising the income tax in January 2011 was easy, Miller said.
“Raising taxes was a Democratic issue,” Miller explained. “It’s hard to keep Democrats from voting for a tax increase.” […]
Miller also offered a history lesson to those who believe the super majorities the Democrats will have beginning Jan. 9 will allow the party to pass legislation at will then freely override any opposition from the governor. Because of House Speaker Mike Madigan’s longevity and reputation for tight control of his members, there’s been speculation that the House, especially, will benefit from its veto-proof majority.
Not so, said Miller.
“He’s often said that other than the two years he spent in the minority under (House Speaker) Lee Daniels, the worst two years in his career was when he had a super majority in ’91 and ’92,” Miller said. “Because leading a chamber is like herding cats. And leading a chamber with a super majority is like herding insane cats.”
When a party’s votes are plentiful, Miller explained, members don’t want to vote on bills that might stir trouble for them in the next election.
“People don’t want to do anything, man,” Miller said. “It’s like, ‘We’ve got all these members. Why do I have to vote on this stupid bill? Why don’t you get the guys who are going to lose next year to vote on this stupid bill?’”
Our broken mental health system
Wednesday, Dec 19, 2012 - Posted by Rich Miller
* An Illinois Auditor General’s report from April of this year had some disturbing news about the state’s Firearm Owners Identification Card laws. Almost all circuit court clerks weren’t forwarding any info about mentally ill people to the State Police…
The audit reviewed the state’s 44-year-old FOID program between 2008 and 2010 and found circuit court clerks in 99 of Illinois’ 102 counties weren’t forwarding names of potentially ineligible card holders to the Illinois State Police, which oversees the FOID program.
The failure to forward the information was the result of a state law that says a judge “shall direct” a circuit clerk to forward information about a mental illness ruling to the state police.
Without a specific order from a judge, the clerks were not passing along the decision.
In response, state police spokeswoman Monique Bond said the agency has opened the lines of communication with circuit clerks and the state court system in hopes of better coordinating the flow of information.
In August, Quinn signed legislation requiring clerks to ensure state police are receiving up-to-date information about mental health findings.
But that just covers those who are found mentally incompetent or judged not guilty by reason of insanity. That’s basic stuff. It’s enraging that the circuit clerks weren’t providing this information, and that nobody appeared to know about it, but at least that part is taken care of.
* More needs to be done, however. Much more. We need lots more public education in this country to help destigmatize mental illness issues. People need to be encouraged to seek help before it’s too late, and their families need to know about trouble signs and be warned that ignoring problems won’t make them go away. And maybe we need to talk about whether it should be so difficult to institutionalize some folks.
Whatever the case, the mental health infrastructure this country has in place right now is clearly not working.
* And there’s a very real danger that the mind-boggling Connecticut slaughter will make things worse on this front instead of better. The national media is all about ginning up the most fear it possibly can. This has to end. We need a grown-up discussion about mental health, about guns and about our society in general. And we can’t do that unless the media abandons its infantilism and grows the heck up, myself included.
Morning Video: City Club address
Wednesday, Dec 19, 2012 - Posted by Rich Miller
* Many, many thanks to all of you who bought tickets for my City Club of Chicago speech. Yesterday’s address was a sold out event and I’m told it was the year’s top seller. They had to find room to add seats. Also, lots of thanks to the City Club for inviting me. It was a privilege and a high honor and I had a whole lot of fun.
In case you didn’t get a chance to attend, here’s the video…
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