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This just in…

Sunday, Jan 6, 2013 - Posted by Rich Miller

* 2:13 pm - House Judiciary Committee Chair Elaine Nekritz just announced that there would be no vote on an assault weapons ban during the lame duck session.

* 2:36 pm - Video

Anyone catch what was shouted at the end?


  1. - RNUG - Sunday, Jan 6, 13 @ 2:33 pm:

    Must not have the votes …

  2. - Gurgle Gutz - Sunday, Jan 6, 13 @ 2:42 pm:

    I could have sworn that something about ‘tyrants’ was shouted at the end.

  3. - G. Willickers - Sunday, Jan 6, 13 @ 3:04 pm:

    Agree w/ Gurgle… sounded like “despots and tyrants” to me.

    If so then whoever it was must’ve been shouting about the NRA. ;)

    Ben Franklin must be rolling in his grave given what right-wingers are doing to his good name. “Franklin Center for Government & Public Integrity”? Really?

    According to Franklin Center has been caught in the past literally manufacturing “news” and is tied locally to right-wing con groups like Illinois Statehouse News and the well-known “think” tank Illinois Policy Institute.

    Franklin was launched in 2009 by the conservative Sam Adams Alliance and its high-level execs are tied to the Koch Bros. etc. Where it gets its millions from is anybody’s guess - plenty of right-wing billionaires out there lavishing big money on these astroturf groups.

  4. - Yossarian Lives - Sunday, Jan 6, 13 @ 3:05 pm:

    Sounded like “Down with the tyrants.”

  5. - Anonymous - Sunday, Jan 6, 13 @ 3:12 pm:

    Those folks who yelled out held their own little conference after (saw it on the live feed).

    Lots of talk about how they need mega-huge clips to fight of the tyrannical government.

  6. - JoeVerdeal - Sunday, Jan 6, 13 @ 3:21 pm:

    I heard the words “Despots and Tyrants” at the end. I guess we could call ‘em D&T’s….for short. If the shoe fits….

    Would be interesting to know more….

  7. - wordslinger - Sunday, Jan 6, 13 @ 3:24 pm:

    Was it an attempt at “Sic semper tyrannis?”

    If so, whoever yelled it is really confused about the history (one hopes). Booth yelled that after he put one in Lincoln’s head at Ford’s Theater.

    Maybe not the ideal motto for the those trying to rally public favor for less gun regulation.

  8. - Anonymous - Sunday, Jan 6, 13 @ 3:36 pm:

    The majority of the commenters on this site need to read some history. Our present government (state & federal) treat us the same way the crown treated the colonials. The 2nd amendment has nothing to do with hunting, nor were the founding fathers afraid of the citizen owning military arms. In fact, the first battle of the revolution was fought by citizens and not the standing army. Many colonials used rifled barreled firearms as opposed to the smooth bore musket of the British army. That would be equaled to our “modern sporting rifle”. The proposed law was outlawing the 50BMG round and for what reason. There has not been one used in the commission of a crime. This whole argument is over control and nothing else.

  9. - wordslinger - Sunday, Jan 6, 13 @ 3:39 pm:

    –The majority of the commenters on this site need to read some history.–

    In your reading of U.S. history, have you come across any examples of state and local regulation of firearms since 1789?

  10. - wordslinger - Sunday, Jan 6, 13 @ 4:10 pm:

    –Our present government (state & federal) treat us the same way the crown treated the colonials.–

    Representative government is gone? We all lost the right to vote? C’mon, man — some of you guys love the drama.

  11. - JoeVerdeal - Sunday, Jan 6, 13 @ 4:13 pm:

    Anonymous….It is interesting that you raise the points that you mention concerning colonial times. When I heard that guy calling the Judiciary Committee “Despots & Tyrants”, the thought occurred to me that those words sounded “old fashioned” and more fitting for a situation existing during the times of the American Revolution.

    The thought then occurred to me that there are aspects of current events that are every bit as outrageous (to my Southern Illinois mind) as those policies which were being prosecuted by the British Crown in those days.

    There is no doubt that the folks up in Chicago desire the suppression of gun rights, generally speaking. At the same time, the rest of the state is bound to feel “tread upon” by the power of Chicago in it’s pursuit of their desire for gun control (and other policies).

    Someday…..Chicago will become a separate political entity and the rest of Illinois will be free to govern itself in ways appropriate to our own uniquely different culture. This will be a good thing and will be in everyone’s best interest.

  12. - TheGoodLieutenant - Sunday, Jan 6, 13 @ 4:20 pm:

    We are a Constitutional Republic, where the representative government is sworn to uphold the Constitution

  13. - wordslinger - Sunday, Jan 6, 13 @ 4:21 pm:

    –Someday…..Chicago will become a separate political entity and the rest of Illinois will be free to govern itself in ways appropriate to our own uniquely different culture.–

    How do you figure that will happen, Joe?

    And what makes you think that folks outside of Chicago are pining for your perceived “uniquely different culture?”

    I mean, a high concentration of people choose to live there. Not so much in some parts of the state.

  14. - amalia - Sunday, Jan 6, 13 @ 4:27 pm:

    there was a hurrah and a tyrants. I’m sick of those who think there should be no more regulation ( or to go back to the 30s regulation only….read Todd V on threads from days ago cause that’s what he apparently believes, as in no 1968 federal gun action) using military and revolutionary words as if they own freedom. as a person whose family actually served in the militia to free our country, and who was raised to understand that guns have a place in our lives, the spectre that the regulation of guns being discussed now threatens our freedom is just silly.

  15. - Rlrork55 - Sunday, Jan 6, 13 @ 4:30 pm:

    The reason this thing was dropped was because they knew the people would fight with blood if need be and they didn’t have enough ISP or Chicago cops to do it, or should I say, sacrifice themselves to “the cause”!

  16. - wordslinger - Sunday, Jan 6, 13 @ 4:35 pm:

    –The reason this thing was dropped was because they knew the people would fight with blood if need be and they didn’t have enough ISP or Chicago cops to do it, or should I say, sacrifice themselves to “the cause”!–

    Huh. Big talk. Will you be preaching murderous sedition when it comes up in the next GA?

  17. - Pot calling kettle - Sunday, Jan 6, 13 @ 4:36 pm:

    –The majority of the commenters on this site need to read some history.–

    Anonymous - you need to learn more as well. Take an hour and listen to this program.

    One thing you will learn is that the guns the colonials had were not particularly good for defense. Those “militia” type guns were maintained in a central armory maintained by the local municipality.

    Nobody is going to take your guns; however, the NRA and the rest of the gun lobby is more than happy to get the fear going so they can collect more money and the gun manufacturers can sell more guns. It seems to be working well.

  18. - Ken_in_Aurora - Sunday, Jan 6, 13 @ 4:43 pm:

    “Nobody is going to take your guns”

    Seriously? After the latest attempts at an AWB here in IL and at the Federal level? That’s exactly what certain legislators are trying to do.

  19. - amalia - Sunday, Jan 6, 13 @ 4:46 pm:

    the AWB bills up for discussion prevent the further sale of such weapons and the regulation of those already in hand. For those of you who already own one, no one is coming to those or any guns.

  20. - Rlrork55 - Sunday, Jan 6, 13 @ 4:49 pm:

    Wordsinger, you bet I will!!!!!!!! Murderous sedition!!!! The people were given the right to resist, eliminate, and replace a tyrannical government. A law that is unconstitutional is not a law. At that point an attempt to enforce it becomes a crime. Come to my home to do this and it becomes a home invasion. I don’t care if you’re wearing a badge or not, you become a dangerous armed criminal and you will suffer the consequences.

  21. - amalia - Sunday, Jan 6, 13 @ 4:53 pm:

    the black helicopter mentality has arrived.

  22. - wordslinger - Sunday, Jan 6, 13 @ 4:55 pm:

    Rlrork55, keep on writing….

    You might be interested in the actions of the Black Panthers in California in the 1960s. You seem to share some views.

  23. - RNUG - Sunday, Jan 6, 13 @ 4:56 pm:


    Not to sound paranoid (which I know I will), but the history of gun control around the world in the 20th century always had registration as the forerunner to confiscation.

  24. - Rlrork55 - Sunday, Jan 6, 13 @ 4:57 pm:

    I feel so sorry for you upstater’s who have never known anything but Chicago-style oppression. Try coming downstate or better yet move to a free state like IN or MO where half the people carry guns and the crime rate is way the hell lower.

  25. - Rlrork55 - Sunday, Jan 6, 13 @ 4:59 pm:

    Wordslinger, No, the Black Panthers couldn’t shoot because they hold their guns sideways!

  26. - amalia - Sunday, Jan 6, 13 @ 5:02 pm:

    maybe we’re getting Rickrolled…Never Gonna Give You Up…….

  27. - TheGoodLieutenant - Sunday, Jan 6, 13 @ 5:03 pm:

    Perhaps it would have been more prudent for those in power to let the sleeping dogs lie.

  28. - amalia - Sunday, Jan 6, 13 @ 5:03 pm:

    RNUG, Chicago has had registration for a long time. where’s the confiscation?

  29. - wordslinger - Sunday, Jan 6, 13 @ 5:09 pm:

    In the early days of the country, members of the militia were required to own firearms and they were registered with the authorities.

  30. - RNUG - Sunday, Jan 6, 13 @ 5:09 pm:


    Don’t put words in my mouth. Go back and check what I actually wrote. I didn’t say confiscation ALWAYS followed registration but I did say that where confiscation occurred, it was preceded by registration.

  31. - RNUG - Sunday, Jan 6, 13 @ 5:11 pm:


    And if you want an example of confiscation in this country, see New Orleans after Katrina. The courts eventually ruled that was illegal.

  32. - Rlrork55 - Sunday, Jan 6, 13 @ 5:11 pm:

    Uh Amelia, if you live in Chicago and own a gun, you’re a felon according to your “Lord and Mayor”. Now at least you can get a permit to keep one in your home thanks to the NRA. Tell me Chicagoans, do you know what the average 911 response time for 911 is in Chicago? Over 30 min. Do you know how long you have to survive a home invasion?

  33. - Rlrork55 - Sunday, Jan 6, 13 @ 5:13 pm:

    Words linger, I have forgotten more about history as a re-enact or and builder of 18th century weapons than you will ever know, and there was no gun registration. Sorry, your liberal professor is wrong.

  34. - amalia - Sunday, Jan 6, 13 @ 5:20 pm:

    uh, people who live in Chicago are allowed to have guns. recently they got back the right to have handguns. they have never, to the best of my knowledge, NOT been allowed to own guns.

    and RNUG, I’m just saying, there is registration in Chicago and no one has had their guns taken away. NYC too.

  35. - TheGoodLieutenant - Sunday, Jan 6, 13 @ 5:24 pm:

    amalia, I am fairly certain that neither Chicago nor New Yawk are capable of trumping the 2nd amendment in toto. Your argument in this regard is silly at best.

  36. - JohnnyBGoode - Sunday, Jan 6, 13 @ 5:35 pm:

    Nothing brings out the crazy like the gun issue … hilarious.

  37. - Chicago Pete - Sunday, Jan 6, 13 @ 5:41 pm:

    “Nothing brings out the crazy like the gun issue … hilarious.”

    I know, the lefties get all riled up about the 2nd amendment. You think the libs are bad now, just wait until concealed carry is here in the summer (well, concealed carry for law abiding citizens, the criminals are already free to carry in Chicago).

  38. - Quinn T. Sential - Sunday, Jan 6, 13 @ 5:42 pm:

    With Madigan slow walking back the Nekritz Local Property Tax Increase as well, they may not get to vote on that either

  39. - anon - Sunday, Jan 6, 13 @ 6:04 pm:

    yay! good work guys!

  40. - Cheryl44 - Sunday, Jan 6, 13 @ 6:09 pm:

    Where’s Rich? I would think he’d have something to say about the crazy people here today.

  41. - gvw3 - Sunday, Jan 6, 13 @ 6:16 pm:

    This is some good news. I know all you folks don’t feel the same way but I think you are in the minority.

  42. - Wensicia - Sunday, Jan 6, 13 @ 6:24 pm:

    Perhaps this addiction to own the most powerful of weapons is what makes them crazy.

  43. - wordslinger - Sunday, Jan 6, 13 @ 6:29 pm:

    –Words linger, I have forgotten more about history as a re-enact or–

    Sorry to hear that. Wha’ happen’ when your were “re-enact oring”– get hit in the head? Hard? More than once?

    It explains a lot, but I’d still get that checked out.

  44. - Fear - Sunday, Jan 6, 13 @ 6:39 pm:

    Why do we as Americans fear our Government so much? I thought our Government was for the people and by the people. Why are we so scared, or do we have a right to be scared? Can you think of one law that the state of Illinois has past in the last few years that has helped you personally? The majority of the laws place more restrictions on our personal freedoms!

  45. - Small Town Liberal - Sunday, Jan 6, 13 @ 6:39 pm:

    Hey Rlork, I’m from downstate, lived there for 27 years, own a gun, and moved to Chicago 2 years ago. Left the gun at home where it might get some use hunting. I guess those of us that can get by without an AR-15 and at 30 round magazine to feel safe are just a little tougher than you.

  46. - Todd - Sunday, Jan 6, 13 @ 7:06 pm:

    This bill was so broad that it would have banned 95% of semi-auto handguns and a bunch of revolvers too.

    Bans like that, bring out the suspicions in everybody.

    Statements. Y the anti-gunners like coleen that this is a good first step, only pour gas on the fire. And when you have news papers printing maps of gun owners. . .

    They over reached and over played their hand. But it showed how far some peopel want to go.

    You kicked over a bees nest, and obama and thencongressioanl dems are gonna keep it alive and feed the fire with more gasoline.

    Fiensten has confiscation written into her bill upon the owners death and a $200 tax on each effected firearm as well as trearing them like machineguns.

    Good luck with that, right to carry will get 40 votes i. The senate next session and a super majority in the house,

    Game set match

  47. - Arthur Andersen - Sunday, Jan 6, 13 @ 7:11 pm:

    word, just thank God that they use toy guns when they are re-enactoring.

  48. - Jumbo (jf) - Sunday, Jan 6, 13 @ 7:49 pm:

    Rlrork55 @ 5:11 pm: said
    ” Tell me Chicagoans, do you know what the average 911 response time for 911 is in Chicago? Over 30 min. ”

    Just like all your other statements this one is full of it. See the actual 911 response time in this article. (3.46 min.)

  49. - wishbone - Sunday, Jan 6, 13 @ 8:08 pm:

    I am not a black helicopter type, but this bill would ban the sale of just about every modern handgun, and require the fingerprinting of millions of innocent citizens. It is not a reasonable response to mass killings. We need to focus on keeping guns out of the hands of mad men. Mental health professionals are almost always aware of those among us who pose the threat of mass violence. Currently patient privacy laws bar them from sharing this information with law enforcement officials so that these individuals could be disarmed. Privacy trumps public safety. This must change.

  50. - Seth - Sunday, Jan 6, 13 @ 8:37 pm:

    It was cut off, but I believe the person was saying “Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God”. I believe it’s a Thomas Jefferson quote.

  51. - JoeVerdeal - Sunday, Jan 6, 13 @ 8:42 pm:

    Rich Miller has done a wonderful service by covering this story today….working on a Sunday.

    Much appreciated….!!

  52. - John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt - Monday, Jan 7, 13 @ 1:17 am:

    Nothing like the high ideals, warm camaraderie, and selective respect for civil rights coming from the left to remind me why I support the fight for freedom in this country, in this state.

    Whether we use nom de plume, anonymous, first name or otherwise, most of us posting here have some interest in the goings on in Springfield, via lobbying, support for lobbyists, legislative staff, etc. I find a few of you to be particularly motivational.

  53. - Charlatan Heston - Monday, Jan 7, 13 @ 5:41 am:

    Interesting to watch a conversation evolve based on an inaudible comment from an unknown source. I know it’s a stretch but perhaps the Representative’s statement about the “phone ringing off the hook”, Reps receiving lots of emails and problems with the bill resulted in it being pulled off the table.

  54. - Anonymous - Monday, Jan 7, 13 @ 8:31 am:

    I’m glad she pulled it. Like Wishbone said, it was a pretty bad bill.

    Still, after reading the comments, it sure takes away the NRA’s argument that the membership is calm and rational.

    If you all are going to possess guns, you need to calm down.

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