Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » Sun-Times: Mike Madigan = Frank Sinatra, Lisa = Nancy
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Sun-Times: Mike Madigan = Frank Sinatra, Lisa = Nancy

Monday, Jan 28, 2013 - Posted by Rich Miller

* From the Sun-Times editorial page

How could anybody believe that a Gov. Lisa Madigan is really running the show when Mike — the proud father who paved the way for her career — remains the powerful speaker of the House?

Mike Madigan would carry Lisa in Springfield the way Frank Sinatra carried Nancy when they sang “Somethin’ Stupid.”

Illinois would have itself a Gov. Madigan. But would it be Lisa or Mike?

* Lyrics

I know I stand in line until you think you have the time
To spend an evening with me
And if we go someplace to dance, I know that there’s a chance
You won’t be leaving with me
And afterwards we drop into a quiet little place and have a drink or two
And then I go and spoil it all by saying something stupid like “I love you”

* Video



  1. - Leroy - Monday, Jan 28, 13 @ 8:55 am:

    I gotta feeling these Madigan boots are gonna be walkin’ all over me….

  2. - Amalia - Monday, Jan 28, 13 @ 9:02 am:

    i’m certainly not in favor of Mike staying as speaker if Lisa is governor, but to compare Lisa to Nancy Sinatra is simply silly. Lisa is smart and capable and more than a one hit wonder.

  3. - Illinoisian - Monday, Jan 28, 13 @ 9:04 am:

    Finally, a candidate who is intelligent enough to help the people of Illinois!!!

  4. - just sayin' - Monday, Jan 28, 13 @ 9:06 am:

    Left to his own devices Mike probably would retire, but I’m sure he loathes the perception of being pushed out by the likes of the Chicago Trib and other gadflys.

  5. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Jan 28, 13 @ 9:09 am:

    Countdown to excerpts of Sun Times endorsements of Lisa Madigan and how she is “strong, capable and independent of her father, the Powerful Speeaker of the Illinois House, Michael J, Madigan ..” in 3, 2, 1, ….

    Legitamite questions and concerns as Lisa may be moving towards being a Constitutional Officer, to THE constittutional officer - governor, and how the dynamic of MJM and Lisa Madigan being in thise two positions may work out.

    Not everything is “fair” in politics, but it is fair to have the diuscussion. The tenor is a bit disappointing, but hey, the Times and the Trib, and all the others need to seel papers and get some buzz a’goin’.

    At least the Sun Times didn’t say Lisa was bound for prison. That “prison” statement is the bigger sin than this. It will be quite interesting to see how Lisa and MJM blunt the “controvery” and if they even can, and what level?

    The newspapers are not going to influence the decision as much as the papers would like, but are we all naive enough to think MJM and Lisa have not thought about what the backlash would be, where it was going to come from, and it’s intensity? I doubt that. We know MJM plays chess as others play checkers.

    Should be fun to see the next move … maybe it will be more like “My Way” from MJM?

  6. - Boat Captain - Monday, Jan 28, 13 @ 9:12 am:

    Don’t underestimate Lisa or her father, neither got to where they are without being smart and politically savvy. I think that it would not be so bad, they both realize the separation of power of both offices and the influence that both bring forth. At least it would be where they could communicate with each other on issues and decisions without the drama of what we have now. As for the power in one family, the voters will decide that if she decides to run. Every parent wants to help their children succeed, but it does not usually happen on such a big stage. It would make for some interesting dinner conversations.

  7. - wordslinger - Monday, Jan 28, 13 @ 9:12 am:

    Whoa, the hep cats at the Sun-Times are slaying me with all these contemporary cultural references.

    Ring-a-ding-ding. And how about those Beatles with the hair and the “yeah, yeah, yeah?”

  8. - Arthur Andersen - Monday, Jan 28, 13 @ 9:15 am:


    And people are always calling the Trib Ed board a bunch of goofs.

  9. - grand old partisan - Monday, Jan 28, 13 @ 9:17 am:

    Ideological differences & policy disagreements aside, I’ll be the first to admit that Lisa Madigan is a competent, dedicated and (comparatively) trustworthy public servant. But the ST’s point is still valid. The Speaker has – to put it mildly – butted heads with every Governor whose tenure overlapped his, and he has consistently tried to assert himself as the real “leader” of this state. What would he do if a Governor Madigan disagreed with him? What would she do?

    To me, it’s not really a “conflict of interest” in the traditional sense of the term, but rather a threat to the separation of powers.

  10. - Enemy of the State - Monday, Jan 28, 13 @ 9:24 am:

    We lead the country in so many fields, lets shoot for Number 1 in Nepotism.

  11. - OneMan - Monday, Jan 28, 13 @ 9:25 am:

    It is daft…
    But GOP has a bit of a point, what happens when they do disagree and it will happen. Will they both be big enough to keep the personal personal and the professional professional.

    We see what the inability for Rod and Alderman Mell to do that ended up causing (forgetting the government impliciations, but looking at just the family implications).

    I think they would want to avoid the risk of that.

  12. - Pot calling kettle - Monday, Jan 28, 13 @ 9:26 am:

    I think if the papers are going to speculate, they should go all-in!

    Imagine if Shirley Madigan decided to run for State Senate, was elected, and took over Cullerton’s post!

  13. - Cheryl44 - Monday, Jan 28, 13 @ 9:33 am:

    It’s not nepotism if we vote her into office.

  14. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Jan 28, 13 @ 9:34 am:

    My “bigger” fear?

    MJM and Lisa not like Frank and Nancy Sinatra, …that is not my bigger fear …

    My bigger fear?

    MJM and Lisa more like Vito and Michael Corleone.

    A strong, ruthless, more enterprising, more visionary Madigan and having the concerns (no more worrying about the “x” District and all the other goofy mushrooms) that her father has/d as Speaker.

    That.. is the “bigger” worry.

  15. - wordslinger - Monday, Jan 28, 13 @ 9:34 am:

    If people have an issue, they can vote for the other candidate in the primary, or the general election, if she’s nominated.

    No one is anointed anything.

  16. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Jan 28, 13 @ 9:38 am:

    ===It’s not nepotism if we vote her into office.===

    Please, do NOT insert logic into this discussion!

    Voters will, if Lisa gets past the Primary, have 2 attempts to judge Lisa, and if she wins both races (nomination and general election races) then where does that nepotism come into play?

    On point, good point.

  17. - Sunshine - Monday, Jan 28, 13 @ 9:44 am:

    Can’t help but think that Madigan has a grand plan to bring the pension funding issue under control, and will hand that plan, in part, to his daughter to campaign on as soon as she announces.

    I ask those here who are all knowing….Why would a person so high on power choose to give up that power? Isn’t he is even stronger and more influential with his daughter/him as governor?

  18. - Rich Miller - Monday, Jan 28, 13 @ 9:47 am:

    ===, and will hand that plan, in part, to his daughter to campaign on as soon as she announces.===

    So that she can then use the plan to get the backing of… which Democratic constituency?

  19. - Motambe - Monday, Jan 28, 13 @ 9:53 am:

    Gee, the Democrat party has been in control of the governor’s office and the General Assembly for the last 6 or 8 years, so let’s look at their accomplishments:
    1. ethics in government (see Blago conviction). Check.
    2. Budget management. Check.
    3. Prison funding/staffing. Check.
    4. Pension reform. Check.
    5. Education funding. Check.
    6. Infrastructure maintenance. Check.
    7. Business climate. Check.
    Maybe, just maybe, Speaker (daddy) Madigan will want Lisa to be successful, look good for whatever office she seeks after being governor, and state government will actually get something done.
    At this point we are desparate and it may be worth the risk to have both in office simultaneously.

  20. - WazUp - Monday, Jan 28, 13 @ 9:53 am:

    He’s the Governor now what would be the difference?

  21. - langhorne - Monday, Jan 28, 13 @ 9:54 am:

    the question has been asked and answered. steve brown says the voters have already decided the question, by electing she-madigan again and again. so there. and we have the speakers comment along the lines of “what conflict?” so move along, nothing to see here.

    i can see it now. in the primary lisa offers a constitutional amendment to provide for nonpartisan redistricting. a lightning bolt against one of the pillars of he-madigans empire. what a stroke of genius, everyone is in favor. it shows she-madigans independence and bold thinking. (right up to the point it falls just short of passage, or two other worth amendments get on the ballot first. oh darn)

  22. - WazUp - Monday, Jan 28, 13 @ 9:57 am:

    Frank and Nancy? More like Max and Eva:

  23. - Sunshine - Monday, Jan 28, 13 @ 9:59 am:

    To plant the seed of having a viable solution to the state’s financial problems for all Democrats….and….all Republicans.

    Primaries are not just to encourage just your party to look at you but to also entice all voters to vote for you in the general, but hey, I’m preaching to the choir.

  24. - Boat Captain - Monday, Jan 28, 13 @ 10:15 am:

    I think the backing of Raum Emanual, if she gets of stays even with Quinn in Cook County then she will clean up with the Dems in Southern IL. They rejected him in the last election and he has not done anything to ingratiate himself since. Emanual wants pension reform, he wants a casino in Chicago, the pension thing that Quinn has had no luck with yet and Quinn is holding up the casino bill, both things that would convince Emanual to support her if she was in favor of them.

  25. - MOON - Monday, Jan 28, 13 @ 10:15 am:


    I agree with you that Speaker Madigan has a “grand plan” but he is not going to wait until Lisa decides whether or not to run for Governor.

    In this sesion I believe the Speaker will introduce legislation dealing with the pension issue. This new legislation will send the SEIU and related unions into a rage. Furthermore, the legislation will pass with support from both sides of the aisle.

    The time has arrived, mark my words !

  26. - Jake From Elwood - Monday, Jan 28, 13 @ 10:17 am:

    This article is insulting to Lisa. How is this any different than the Daleys, the Jacksons, the Hynes, the Burkes, etc?
    If Lisa Madigan is Nancy Sinatra, I want to know which BeeGee is Bill Daley?

  27. - walkinfool - Monday, Jan 28, 13 @ 10:21 am:

    A bad analogy. Lisa’s much stronger than that.

    I just don’t see the advantage of her running, without both the pension and (probably permanent) tax increase issues at least partly resolved. Both are no-win situations for any new governor.

    If the Speaker can provide those solutions to her, she’ll cruise in.

  28. - Bill - Monday, Jan 28, 13 @ 10:24 am:

    I like Lisa and all but she is no Nancy Sinatra!

  29. - east central - Monday, Jan 28, 13 @ 10:36 am:

    Debating the issue of power and control is of course legitimate.

    But the Sun Times turns it into an insult with their “carried” reference. Apparently if you are a daughter that follows a career path related to that of a successful father then you are “carried”.

    And the Governor was insulting with his reference to “still in jail right now at the same time” when discussing potential conflicts of interest between the executive branch and House.

    So what they are saying is that the Attorney General is incompetent and not honorable?

  30. - CircularFiringSquad - Monday, Jan 28, 13 @ 11:01 am:

    The more thoughtful duet would another old BLue Eyes hit “All The Way”
    BTW the flip side was “Chicago”
    We are wondering if someone out there could enumerate a few of the “conflict” issues for Capt Fax readers and readette….just a couple.

  31. - MrJM - Monday, Jan 28, 13 @ 11:02 am:

    I’m not sure if the comparison holds water but this would definitely be the best campaign song in Illinois history:

    Madigan for Governor: She’s Stone-Cold Outta Sight!

    – MrJM

    (Buy it here:

  32. - Tommydanger - Monday, Jan 28, 13 @ 11:48 am:

    To the tune:

    I used to stand in line to buy your paper for a dime

    To spend some time with you

    And when I went to work by studied chance or simple quirk

    You went along with me too

    Then since that time your price went up
    and the content of the paper simply went straight down

    And then you go and spoil it all by printing something stupid like a bunch of clowns

  33. - chicagopublius - Monday, Jan 28, 13 @ 12:00 pm:

    Hmmmmmmm. . . Who wins the primary if the ballot bears the names of 3 Irish heavyweights: Quinn, Daley, and Madigan? Preckwinkle, that’s who. (Now chime in here about how Quinn is only a welterweight, and how Toni supposedly said ‘absolutely never’ to running for Gov.)

  34. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Jan 28, 13 @ 12:07 pm:

    August 21, 2012.

    Toni Preckwinkle…

    ===She said Reagan deserves a “special place in hell” for his involvement in “making drug use political.”

    “What? You didn’t like that?” Preckwinkle said after members of the audience gasped.===

    Preckwinkle has other issues in running downstate besides who is on the ballot and their names.

    “A special palce in Hell” for Reagan, saying that in downstate Illinois, Preckwinkle still needs some rehab to do some damage in a priamry south of I-80, south of Bloomington, and south of Carbondale.

  35. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Jan 28, 13 @ 12:10 pm:

    ===some rehab to do some damage in a priamry south of I-80, south of Bloomington, and south of Carbondale.===

    Sorry …

    “some rehab to do, and some damage control in a priamry south of I-80, south of Bloomington, and south of Carbondale to make downstate more viable.”


  36. - mokenavince - Monday, Jan 28, 13 @ 12:27 pm:

    A government of Madigan,Madigan and Cullerton.Where will the rating companies rate us then? We will be lower than Greece.We should change the name of Illinois to Titanic.

  37. - Loop Lady - Monday, Jan 28, 13 @ 12:27 pm:

    If the voters in IL are dumb enough to give Lisa Madigan the Dem nomination for Governor, Mike Madigan will have acheived his greatest power coup and will not retire. You get the government you deserve people…

  38. - ILPundit - Monday, Jan 28, 13 @ 12:36 pm:

    The problem for Lisa (and for people that view current polls saying its not a problem as determinative) is that if she runs, and her dad does not step down to pave the way, the primary and general election campaign will be defined entirely by the implications of that Father/Daughter dynamic. An issue most people don’t really think about right now will become the defining issue for 12 straight months come election day. It will change attitudes, and it is a problem.

    It may not be enough to stop her, but I don’t think there is any doubt that the path is easier if her Father steps down. Otherwise, its like taking on an incumbent Governor with one hand tied behind you back.

    Also, a little off topic, but noteworthy is the fact that there are a lot of indications that the economic recovery is picking up speed. If that continues apace, a primary challenge won’t be the gimme for Lisa everyone thinks it is today.

  39. - Newsclown - Monday, Jan 28, 13 @ 12:51 pm:

    Quinn is too damaged to win again. Lisa would be a strong competition to any Republican candidate. since that party musically is currently more like Sid & Nancy than Frank and Nancy.

    Every man has his time. The Speaker certainly has had his time. I don’t think he has to leave the House, but if Lisa is going for Governor, the Speakership should go to someone groomed and prepared for it, instead of waiting for some sudden surprise to strike.

  40. - maddem - Monday, Jan 28, 13 @ 12:59 pm:

    What would he do if a Governor Madigan disagreed with him? What would she do?

    Try to change the other’s mind? Pass a bill? Veto a bill? Override a veto? What exactly is the problem? That they would agree on something or that they would disagree on something?

    “What would he do if [any governor] disagrees with him? What would [any governor] do?” What difference does it make if they are related?

  41. - east central - Monday, Jan 28, 13 @ 1:13 pm:

    The separation of powers argument seems based upon MJM staying Speaker. Could he not resolve this by stepping down as Speaker but planning to stay as a House member and as Party Chairman if Lisa is elected Governor?

    Seems like a worst-nightmare for the current Governor as it would give MJM, and perhaps LM, some influence over his future.

  42. - Arthur Andersen - Monday, Jan 28, 13 @ 2:03 pm:

    Ok, Sun-Times. If LMM is Nancy and MJM Frank Sinatra, who is Shirley Madigan? Or, for that matter, Steve Brown?
    Don’t start a musical without casting all the characters.

  43. - Formerly Known As... - Monday, Jan 28, 13 @ 2:22 pm:

    === So that she can then use the plan to get the backing of… which Democratic constituency? ===

    That’s an excellent point.

    It also makes me wonder if that plays any role in the reason why we haven’t had pension reform yet.

    M. Madigan obviously understands the pressures facing our state.

    Today, for example, a number of stories cover the fact that Illinois Circuit Breaker and RX programs are no longer available to elderly seniors and the disabled due to budget cuts.

    Pension obligations are a major, as yet unaddressed pressure facing our state. The longer this drags on, the fewer funds will be available for other programs.

    Is it possible M.Madigan declines to put his full weight behind a pension proposal because doing so will upset key Democratic constituencies and could cost L. Madigan support in retribution?

    As others have noted above, === Don’t underestimate Lisa or her father, neither got to where they are without being smart and politically savvy. ===

    It may or may not be likely, but it seems a reasonable possibility in light of the way things played out during the close of session.

  44. - CircularFiringSquad - Monday, Jan 28, 13 @ 2:48 pm:

    Shirley would be Frank’s wife, Barbara.
    Brown could be Barbara’s ex, Harpo or Peter Lawford :)

  45. - Huh? - Monday, Jan 28, 13 @ 3:40 pm:

    Where is the like button for the Godfather reference?

  46. - RNUG - Monday, Jan 28, 13 @ 3:43 pm:

    Just as an aside … C. Carson Parks, the writer of Something Stupid, was an interesting character. I had the opportunity to first meet him and his second wife about 12 years ago and then off and on every year or two until his death.

    He was also a classic car buff. His station wagon had a piano keyboard along both sides and the opening notes to his two biggest hits on the rear fenders. ‘Something Stupid’ was on the driver’s rear fender. I couldn’t find a photo of that side of his car anywhere online but here’s the other side. If you look close, you can make out ‘Something Stupid’ on the tailgate.

  47. - Arthur Andersen - Monday, Jan 28, 13 @ 3:57 pm:

    “Brown could be..Peter Lawford.”

    Excellent, CFS. Well done.

  48. - titan - Monday, Jan 28, 13 @ 3:59 pm:

    If LMM is Nancy and MJM Frank Sinatra, who is the Gov.? Is he Robert Goulet? Wayne Newton? Bouwser from Sha Na Na?

  49. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Jan 28, 13 @ 3:59 pm:

    ===Where is the like button for the Godfather reference?===

    Enjoy the reference, take the cannoli.

  50. - wordslinger - Monday, Jan 28, 13 @ 4:11 pm:

    –Brown could be Barbara’s ex, Harpo or Peter Lawford :)

    Zeppo, not Harpo. And Lawford didn’t end up so good.

    I see Brown more like Joey Bishop, who wrote most of the zingers for the Rat Pack.

    Quinn? Jerry Lewis, perhaps?

  51. - Aldyth - Monday, Jan 28, 13 @ 4:18 pm:

    Only a fraction of the overall population has a vote that makes a difference for Mike Madigan. If he continues as a state rep, even if he steps aside as speaker, I can’t imagine that his power will diminish by a whole lot.

    On the other hand, everyone in the state has a choice of whether to vote for Lisa Madigan or whoever runs against her. If her father is in the House, I will not vote for her for governor. Will a significant portion of Illinois voters care that the Madigans completely run Illinois (which is close to being the case already)? Maybe not. This is one that could depend on how much the opposition is willing to spend on actually educating the public instead of just throwing slogans around.

  52. - Just The Way It Is One - Monday, Jan 28, 13 @ 4:44 pm:

    The Sun-Times has it–right on point. We might as well change the Illinois Constitution to permit TWO Governors simultaneously, if, God forbid, it was to happen…but WE all know, when push’d come to shove, with the ‘ol wink and a nod, like the Sun-Times vividly pinpoints through the Sinatra example, who would REALLY be running the “Madigan Show” in Springfield(!)–just remember the title of the OLD TV Sitcom from MANY years back (starring Robert Young as Pops)–when something REALLY needs to get done and Someone needs to take charge, there then emerges only ONE in Control, and it’s NOT “DAUGHter,” but “FATHER Knows Best!!!”

  53. - Rich Miller - Monday, Jan 28, 13 @ 4:47 pm:

    ===who would REALLY be running the “Madigan Show” in Springfield(!)===

    Yes, because Lisa is such a little girl. Sheesh.

  54. - Cheryl44 - Monday, Jan 28, 13 @ 4:54 pm:

    Zeppo, not Harpo.

  55. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Jan 28, 13 @ 5:00 pm:

    ===The Sun-Times has it–right on point.===

    Like when the Sun Times has endorsed Lisa time and tima again, being independednt and a strong public servant.

    Which is it? Lisa is or isn’t capable?


  56. - Arthur Andersen - Monday, Jan 28, 13 @ 6:04 pm:

    “Quinn?” Mickey Rooney?

  57. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Jan 28, 13 @ 6:27 pm:

    Mickey Rooney! “I know how to fix this mess, we’ll put on a show, and it’ll be swell!”

    Nice -AA-!

  58. - Just The Way It Is One - Monday, Jan 28, 13 @ 6:52 pm:

    Needle the analogies of Sinatra (which may be better as they were both adults at that point),or Robert Young as you may, and the Sun-Times may be doing somewhat a 2-Step at the moment, but their point is still well-taken, as Loop Lady @ 12:27 pm likewise succinctly states it…

  59. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Jan 28, 13 @ 7:36 pm:

    It’s not Lisa Madigan is Jason Plummer. We are talking about someone elected & re-elected statewide numerous times & the ILGOP couldn’t find credible opponents to challenge her. That is also real in all this & underestimating her is a mistake that I fear other will make.

  60. - Leroy - Tuesday, Jan 29, 13 @ 6:47 am:

    If MJM is Frank Sinatra, the taxpayers would no doubt be Ava Gardener….

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