Not quite
Monday, Feb 4, 2013 - Posted by Rich Miller
* The AP ran this headline over the weekend…
AFSCME union gives former state Rep. Hutchinson its endorsement in 2nd district
Um, no. Hutchinson is a sitting state Senator. Robin Kelly is the former state Rep. in the race.
* And the problem wasn’t just with the AP’s headline. Here’s the lede…
Former state Rep. Toi Hutchinson has received a labor endorsement in her bid to replace Jesse Jackson Jr. in the U.S. House.
And the last paragraph…
Hutchinson also has the endorsement from Cook County Board President Toni Preckwinkle. On Wednesday state Sen. Napoleon Harris dropped out of the race and put his support behind Hutchinson.
Yes, Hutchinson was endorsed by Preckwinkle, but Sen. Harris endorsed Robin Kelly.
Everybody makes mistakes. Things happen and it’s usually no big deal. And I know there are a lot of candidates in the 2nd Congressional District race, but that story was really messed up.
* The AP wasn’t the only confused media outlet. The Hill…
While Hutchinson has high name recognition in the district following her 2010 primary challenge to Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr. (D-Ill.), having no money is a bad spot to be in heading into the home stretch of the campaign.
No. Halvorson ran against Jackson.
Yes, the two names are similar, and Hutchinson once worked for Halvorson and got her Senate seat. And I’m always worried that I’m gonna screw up those names myself. But doesn’t the Hill have a ton of editors?
* Anyway, feel free to discuss the AFSCME endorsement, which I told you about over the weekend…
The progressive union AFSCME today announced their endorsement of Toi Hutchinson in the upcoming special election in Illinois’s Second Congressional District. AFSCME cited Hutchinson’s strong record of looking out for middle class interests in making its decision.
“AFSCME Council 31 is proud to endorse Toi Hutchinson for Congress,” the union’s executive director Henry Bayer said. “Toi has a strong record on retirement security, affordable health care, tax fairness and other issues vital to union members and all working people. AFSCME will educate our more than 7,000 members and retirees in the Second Congressional District about her leadership, and encourage them to get out and vote on February 26.”
AFSCME Council 31 is a leading voice for working families throughout Illinois, with 100,000 active and retired members who provide the essential public services that residents rely on. AFSCME is the nation’s largest and fastest growing public-service union with more than 1.6 million active and retired members, including nurses, corrections officers, caregivers, EMTs, sanitation workers and more. With members in hundreds of different occupations, AFSCME advocates for fairness in the workplace, excellence in public services and prosperity and opportunity for all working families.
“When I’m in Congress, I’ll keep working with AFSCME and stand with President Obama to protect the services and programs that people across the country need and depend on,” said Hutchinson. “For too long, Congress has focused on the budget deficit instead of the opportunity deficit. When I’m elected I’m going to work hard to invest in exactly the kinds of initiatives that empower people and communities.”
* Meanwhile, a Kelly partisan wonders about Sen. Hutchinson’s 2012 NRA questionnaire. Hutchinson received an “A-” from the group last year..
The National Rifle Association’s 2012 questionnaire for Illinois state legislature candidates directly addresses questions about assault weapons bans and bans on high capacity ammunition magazines:
• Question 10: Do you support state legislation banning the lawful manufacture, possession, ownership, purchase, sale and/or transfer of any firearms?
• Question 11: Would you support state legislation restricting the possession, ownership, purchase, sale and/or transfer of semi-automatic firearms used for hunting, competitive shooting, collecting and self-defense?
• Question 12: Would you support restricting or banning magazines that hold more than ten rounds?
How does Senator Toi Hutchinson answer those questions? Can we conclude those answers were to the liking of the NRA.
Unless proven otherwise by the Toi Hutchinson campaign, the answer is “yes.” The answers were to the liking of the NRA.
* Related…
* Hadiya’s district, Hadiya’s issue
* Washington: Leave race out of 2nd District race
- Stones - Monday, Feb 4, 13 @ 9:50 am:
Who’s on First?
It’s going to come down to turnout. Look for a big Republican crossover.
- Bill - Monday, Feb 4, 13 @ 9:53 am:
AFSCME is going to be sorry when Toi votes to cut their throat. Didn’t they learn anything from their support of Quinn?
- wndycty - Monday, Feb 4, 13 @ 9:53 am:
Medill also got it wrong, Hadiya was murdered in the 1st CD. The northern border of the 2nd is 53rd and it goes no further west than Cornell. Hadiya was murdered north west of there.
- OurMagician - Monday, Feb 4, 13 @ 9:56 am:
Also-The Hill says 2010 was when Hutchinson (Halvorson) ran when it was 2012.
- Dazed & Confused - Monday, Feb 4, 13 @ 9:59 am:
The answer is simple. With Harris’ departure, Hutchinson is the only current state legislator in the race. AFSCME made a calculated play that by endorsing Hutchinson, she would not vote in favor of pension reform that may occur in the next month or so before the next election later this spring where she would win her seat.
- bored now - Monday, Feb 4, 13 @ 10:09 am:
if reporters are confused — and they are supposed to know something about the campaign! — then imagine how confused the casual voter will be? there’s a reason why special elections like this have a low turnout, and why campaigns should expect NO ONE with whom they had no contact to vote for them. ground game, baby…
- wordslinger - Monday, Feb 4, 13 @ 10:16 am:
Everyone makes mistakes, but the AP has the conceit to write The Book on how to get it right. Presumably, a lot of eyeballs were on the story before it went out.
Same with The Hill — big bowl of wrong.
- Amalia - Monday, Feb 4, 13 @ 10:18 am:
maybe anything involved with the NRA is confusing now since they were for background checks at gun shows (Wayne La Pierre 1999) before they were against them (now). and Wayne is getting scorched on Fox News of all places, as he sat there on set with Chris Wallace calling his comment ridiculous. makes my head fuzzy cause things seem so turned around!!!
- anon - Monday, Feb 4, 13 @ 10:18 am:
With AFSCME’s endorsement of Senator Hutchinson, I believe its safe to say that the Senator will be a big NO on any pension reform that isnt supported by AFSCME. Smart move by AFSCME, unless she wins. Then she becomes a congress critter in the minority party. I suppose it would also anger Senator Trotter, and possibly others who could hurt AFSCME’s efforts in the GA. I guess it works out if there is a particular post office that AFSCME wants a say in naming. Otherwise, a Hutchinson win is little help to AFSCME.
- Dirty Red - Monday, Feb 4, 13 @ 10:21 am:
The Southern Illinoisan had one this weekend, too:
“Bill Brady hints at gubernatorial run No. 2″
How short our memories are. This would be take #3 for Brady.
- Esquire - Monday, Feb 4, 13 @ 10:35 am:
State Senator Napolean Harris has been in office since what? January, 2013, I think. How much weight can his endorsement carry?
- Chicago Cynic - Monday, Feb 4, 13 @ 10:37 am:
Oh that’s just pathetic. Look, I know news organizations are cutting editors left and right, but how much longer would it have taken for the reporter to just check their facts. I hope whomever it is will be appropriately called out internally for their lack of accuracy.
- Michelle Flaherty - Monday, Feb 4, 13 @ 10:43 am:
Dirty Red,
The SI’s headline is worse when you consider the first sentence of the story says he’s run twice before.
Republican Bill Brady, who has made two previous runs for governor, says he’s “laying the groundwork” to seek the state’s top office again in 2014.
- walkinfool - Monday, Feb 4, 13 @ 10:45 am:
AFSCME has simply projected a winner.
- Blowback - Monday, Feb 4, 13 @ 10:55 am:
“Unless proven otherwise, the answer is yes.”
I realize this was just a speculative statement by a supporter of the other candidate, but it is just a nasty way of doing business.
No matter what issue or candidate the statement applies to it’s absurd to assume a candidate is “fer” or “agin” a thing when the answer is not known.
It would be tantamount to a commentator proclaiming Feinstein a Communist simply because her ideas were endorsed by the Communist Party of America. Non sequitor. It does not follow.
- Blowback - Monday, Feb 4, 13 @ 10:57 am:
This is America. We should focus on REAL issues that are critical to our nation.
Like… um…
Here’s one: Beyonce! Am I right? giggity giggity goo
- Rod - Monday, Feb 4, 13 @ 10:59 am:
Since this race has apparently become a referendum on the NRA, so called assault rifles, and concealed carry what in the world are the gun control advocates going to do now that HB 997 has been co-sponsored by Democrat Rep Linda Chapa LaVia? HB 997 for those that do not know is a concealed carry bill drafted to meet the 7th Cir decision. Are they planning on running someone against her on the basis of co-sponsoring HB 997?
- cal city crew - Monday, Feb 4, 13 @ 11:28 am:
Still curious why Bloomberg’s PAC is only going after Halvorson and not Hutchinson - is it because Hutchinson came out in favor of assault weapon ban?
She had the A- rating by the NRA - why wouldn’t they double down on Robin Kelly who’s a top contender and has been uniformly anti-NRA?
- johhnypizza - Monday, Feb 4, 13 @ 12:03 pm:
AFSCME endorsement? On the ground couild backfire in the election. In the House could be good for AFSCME stance unless Hutchiinson wants to show she is not a member of Henry’s Harem.
- Roamin' Numeral - Monday, Feb 4, 13 @ 12:09 pm:
Trivia Question: Baltimore Ravens safety Ed Reed, widely regarded as a future Hall of Famer, had an interception in yesterday’s Super Bowl, giving him nine career playoff interceptions, which ties an all-time record. Reed was the 24th player taken in the 1st round of the 2002 NFL Draft. Who was drafted right before him with the 23rd overall pick?
- DoubleDown - Monday, Feb 4, 13 @ 12:30 pm:
@Stones Yes Republican crossover here
- Bill - Monday, Feb 4, 13 @ 12:55 pm:
Northwestern’s Napoleon Harris.
- Roamin' Numeral - Monday, Feb 4, 13 @ 1:00 pm:
Good work Bill!
- Todd - Monday, Feb 4, 13 @ 3:22 pm:
If the NRA is so bad, why does robin keep sending me requests for money?