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Quinn claims MJM will leave if Lisa runs

Monday, Feb 11, 2013 - Posted by Rich Miller

* James Warren has a long piece on Gov. Pat Quinn in this month’s Chicago Magazine. You really should read the whole thing. The most newsworthy section

Quinn further suggests that [Attorney General Lisa Madigan’s] entry into the arena could bring surprises of a negative sort for a politician he has alternately praised and chided. He also claims that Mike Madigan, her father, told him: “If she runs, I have to leave.” (A Madigan spokesman responds: “I never heard that discussion or anything along those lines. I would doubt that it ever happened.”)


* This neatly sums up one of Quinn’s biggest problems

“He simply doesn’t get the credit deserved for smart, progressive moves in some areas, like getting juveniles out of adult correctional facilities, trying to deinstitutionalize care for the mentally ill, and having the state now well positioned to implement Obamacare,” says one Democratic state senator.

Notice that the Senator offering up praise wouldn’t go on the record.

* Also, this

He doesn’t have a floor leader or chief supporter-cum-enforcer in either the House or the Senate.

Nobody will stick their neck out for the guy. Nobody. Ever.

Again, go read the whole thing.


  1. - frustrated GOP - Monday, Feb 11, 13 @ 12:28 pm:

    wait, you mean we could get rid of Quinn and MJM with one vote. Where do I sign up? but don’t we all assume that for her to get through the General election he would have to retire. Leave it to Quinn to speak the unspoken.

  2. - OneMan - Monday, Feb 11, 13 @ 12:30 pm:

    Interesting read Rich, find how far down in the 100 he is quite telling as well.

  3. - Not It - Monday, Feb 11, 13 @ 12:47 pm:

    If this conversation did in fact happen, which I doubt, then Quinn discussing it with a reporter is a huge mistake. If it didn’t happen and Quinn is making it up is an enormously huge mistake.

  4. - CircularFiringSquad - Monday, Feb 11, 13 @ 12:48 pm:

    Did Warren actually interview Capt Fax or just crib the quote and pretend like he talked to you?

  5. - Rich Miller - Monday, Feb 11, 13 @ 12:55 pm:

    ===Did Warren actually interview Capt Fax ===

    Yep. We talked for maybe an hour.

  6. - Cardinal fan - Monday, Feb 11, 13 @ 12:55 pm:

    Everything I read or hear about MJM gives the impression that he is very cautious about revealing his next step or steps. I don’t believe that this coversation ever happened.

  7. - siriusly - Monday, Feb 11, 13 @ 1:03 pm:

    Great article.

  8. - wordslinger - Monday, Feb 11, 13 @ 1:10 pm:

    When did Quinn and MJM have this conversation, at a sleepover while they were doing each other’s hair?

  9. - Wensicia - Monday, Feb 11, 13 @ 1:16 pm:

    Part of Quinn’s problem is separating reality from what he would like to believe, as evidenced by the above Madigan comment. I believe this is why so few take him seriously.

  10. - Frenchie Mendoza - Monday, Feb 11, 13 @ 1:16 pm:

    That article points out exactly what’s wrong with Quinn — and that Quinn doesn’t get it (even after Blago).

    From the article: ” I aspire, in light of my two predecessors, to be the most honest governor I can be. I’d rather focus on honesty than popularity.”

    That’s crazy. A politician doesn’t *focus* on being honest. He or she simply *is* honest. If Quinn is spending all his time obsessing about “honesty” — then he’s in the wrong ballgame. He should be a priest, not a governor.

    Moreover, he’s robbed tax-paying Illinoisians of vision — and of substantive improvement — by “focusing on being honest.” I’d rather him focus on compromise and vision — two key components of leadership. Honesty? Sure — but if you have to focus on it, then the job’s too hard for you — and you should step aside and let the real leaders come forward.

  11. - Cincinnatus - Monday, Feb 11, 13 @ 1:20 pm:

    Quinn said,

    “If she runs, I have to leave.”

    This was conjured up during the same dream sequence that brought us “Squeezy.”

  12. - OneMan - Monday, Feb 11, 13 @ 1:29 pm:

    == “If she runs, I have to leave.”

    This was conjured up during the same dream sequence that brought us “Squeezy.” ==

    It’s actually a mash-up of parts from “The Doors” and “Field of Dreams”

  13. - MOON - Monday, Feb 11, 13 @ 1:34 pm:

    Quinn got it all wrong.
    What Madigan said was “If she runs you have to leave”

  14. - Langhorne - Monday, Feb 11, 13 @ 2:51 pm:

    He-Madigan already said its not a problem, so just move along. He isn’t leaving bec there is no reason to do so.

  15. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Feb 11, 13 @ 2:57 pm:

    I just emailed Quinn looking for lottery numbers, sports champions in the coming year, and the up an coming Papal vacancy.

    Wonder about what Quinn knows about those futures too, I mean, his discussion with MJM is a tight as his knowledge I asked in my email ….

  16. - Rod - Monday, Feb 11, 13 @ 2:57 pm:

    Ok Rich you got me to read the James Warren Chicago magazine article and the section you pulled out where the Governor references the Speaker claiming he would leave office if Lisa ran for governor was simply put devastating for the Governor. Here we have a reporter for a magazine that lists Governor Quinn as the 70th most powerful Chicagoan and Speaker Madigan as the 2nd most powerful and he makes a statement that clearly can’t be supported, it’s just amazing. But even though Warren depicts Quinn as honest and his honesty creating political problems for him he sticks in this:

    “Quinn sits in the shadowy corner of an empty Loop restaurant overlooking the gray Chicago River the day after Christmas. His circumstances and the bleak setting call to mind the movie Mob don Michael Corleone brooding at a Lake Tahoe compound as life unraveled and he had his disloyal and bumbling brother Fredo offed. On so many levels, he seems alone.”

    Now that helps doesn’t it. With friendly reporters like Warren does Quinn need enemies?
    Does the Governor have any PR staff or doesn’t he listen at all to them.

  17. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Feb 11, 13 @ 3:07 pm:

    I always thought this was a huge problem, but never knew how to address it in context, so here is my opening.

    Even Rod had Floor Leaders, quotable legislators, who would carry the water of a message, agenda, or bill.

    Quinn never found that “lever” to use, and that weakness is going to be even more glaring as both chambers push Quinn to lead, while Quinn has not a single H or SDem as his champion in their caucuses, in the press for a quote, or on the floors, as the “face” of what Quinn is trying to accomplish.

    I am as guilty as many, knowing this fact, but limiting it’s application, because, frankly, Quinn can’t counter the argument, so the given “legislator-less” face of a Quinn agenda gives us Squeezy…a fictional cartoon, nothing real, representing policy, but it’s cartoon features give no ability to Quinn to speak in the HDem caucus meeting, nor an ability to walk in President Cullerton’s office to talk strategy.

    Squeeze IS the De Facto House and Senate floor leaders of the Quinn Administration. A cartoon. Very appropriate.

  18. - Jaded - Monday, Feb 11, 13 @ 3:13 pm:

    I love it when Quinn says “I want to represent the people who aren’t represented by insiders and lobbyists”.
    Who is that? Wal Mart employees are about the only people who come to mind.

  19. - walkinfool - Monday, Feb 11, 13 @ 3:14 pm:

    That’s the second time Quinn has reported what Mike is planning on doing on a big issue.

    Only Brown speaks for Mike.

  20. - Fact Check - Monday, Feb 11, 13 @ 3:16 pm:

    Under Quinn, Illinois’ adult prison population has increased from about 45,000 to almost 50,000. This increase is mainly due to Quinn’s mishandling of MGT/MGT Push.

  21. - Liberty_First - Monday, Feb 11, 13 @ 3:46 pm:

    more bull as Quinn is trying to screw retirees…. not everyone is a big salaried union worker…..

  22. - Shore - Monday, Feb 11, 13 @ 3:57 pm:

    one man is right in his first comment, quinn is down, not sure where on the top 100. Senator Kirk also not really up there on the list nor is valerie jarrett or many of the president’s inner sanctum from chicago.

  23. - Colossus - Monday, Feb 11, 13 @ 4:34 pm:

    That was a good refresher on Quinn for those of us who haven’t been in town forever. I’ve only ever heard of him from people who knew him in the Edgar/Ryan years, and they…weren’t complimentary. As I’m fond of saying, like him or not, Quinn is trying to be the grownup in the room, he’s just not as good at it as he needs to be. Maybe he should call up Gov. Moonbeam and get some tips on how to be effective in the 21st century.

    And a sidebar:
    As a rank and file low-level elected Dem, I have been saying that a Lisa run = no more MJM for 2 years. I know I would not support her in the primary without that assurance. This is not an insignificant issue, and it’s not only being talked about in Republican circles. There is a not insignificant portion of non-professional Democrats that are not entirely comfortable with that situation either.

  24. - Skeeter - Monday, Feb 11, 13 @ 5:03 pm:

    Not to digress, but “Who is too high and who is too low (or missing) from that list” might make a good QOTD.

  25. - LN - Monday, Feb 11, 13 @ 6:27 pm:

    “As he talks, he fingers a small, sweaty wad of cards and paper scraps held together with a dried-out rubber band. It’s his longtime de facto Rolodex and day planner….The lunch check arrives. I throw in a credit card, but Quinn pushes it back and starts sorting through his wad of rubber-banded wad papers. Voilà, he finds it! It’s his membership card in a frequent-diner program.”

    This really explains it all. Classic Quinn.

  26. - Arthur Andersen - Monday, Feb 11, 13 @ 6:46 pm:

    There goes the Spring Session.

    Oh, wait, never mind.

  27. - Anonymous - Monday, Feb 11, 13 @ 6:46 pm:

    =I always thought this was a huge problem, but never knew how to address it in context, so here is my opening.

    Even Rod had Floor Leaders, quotable legislators, who would carry the water of a message, agenda, or bill.

    Quinn never found that “lever” to use, and that weakness is going to be even more glaring as both chambers push Quinn to lead, while Quinn has not a single H or SDem as his champion in their caucuses, in the press for a quote, or on the floors, as the “face” of what Quinn is trying to accomplish.

    I am as guilty as many, knowing this fact, but limiting it’s application,=

    So you’re telling us you’re a Democrat, OW?

  28. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Feb 11, 13 @ 7:49 pm:


    I question and to analyze why Quinn messes up has been discussed here many times, and if you know why Quinn is failing, then you know how to defeat him.

    Notice how I can answer questions?

    Now are ya gonna stomp off in a huff or take your ball and go home?


  29. - Just The Way It Is One - Monday, Feb 11, 13 @ 8:01 pm:

    He doesn’t get the credit, just like that bold “Anonymous” State Sen. feebly noted, probably because they KNOW he’s trying but as his past reflects as an Independent-minded “Reformer,” and current goals as Governor, many in Springfield found PQ annoying years ago, before his Springfield career, and so would rather still ignore him now, ‘n look away like they tried to do back then, and just hope he goes away somehow rather than have the courage to bring about some of the true reforms he’s pushing…

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