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Coup attempt prompts big GOP fundraiser cancellation

Monday, Feb 25, 2013 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Greg Hinz had the scoop late Friday

The head of the Illinois Republican Party says a special meeting of GOP leaders has been called to consider firing him over his support for legalizing gay marriage.

Pat Brady, chairman of the state GOP, said he was informed this afternoon that five members of the party’s state Central Committee have signed a letter calling the session on March 9 in Springfield.

The out-Brady group had been one short of what it needed in an effort that had been led by state Sen. and 14th District Committeeman Jim Oberweis. But Mr. Brady said he was informed by 13th District Committeeman Jerry Clarke that Mr. Clarke has signed, too.

Mr. Brady said he believes he has the votes to keep his job — an unpaid position — but that even if he doesn’t, he has “no regrets” about supporting a bill to allow same-sex marriage in Illinois. The measure has cleared the Senate and is awaiting a House vote.

* The Daily Herald reports that Brady has canceled a fundraiser featuring RNC Chairman Reince Priebus to honor gay marraige supporter former Exelon Corp. CEO John Rowe that was scheduled for ten days after the special central committee meeting. Brady had hoped to raise $250,000. Gay marriage opponents including Sen. Jim Oberweis and Gene Dawson don’t have any regrets…

“I think it’s important that this is dealt with,” he said. Yet, he said, “I don’t think it needs to be as public as it has been.”

Dawson, asked if the postponed event was an embarrassment for the party, answered “No.” Instead, he called it “a good move.”

“With this issue being so up in the air, it would be hard to have Pat be the sponsor, if he is promoting this now as chairman and may not be chairman in a few weeks.”


  1. - Cheryl44 - Monday, Feb 25, 13 @ 10:09 am:

    I think Jim Oberweiss ought to be the head of the newly purified GOP.

  2. - in absentia - Monday, Feb 25, 13 @ 10:12 am:

    “…and may not be chairman in a few weeks,” he said while replacing his hat and returning to his cigar and poker game with his fellow GOP hounds.

  3. - wordslinger - Monday, Feb 25, 13 @ 10:13 am:

    Jim Oberweis wants to be the face of the Illinois GOP future — and the sound of crickets is deafening from the camps of alleged future GOP governors.

    Any of the self-described heavy-hitters in the GOP want to give Sen. Kirk a hand with this guy? Or is Oberweis just too intimidating?

  4. - Anonymour - Monday, Feb 25, 13 @ 10:13 am:

    Cheryl44 - Good point. Oberweiss could homogenize it.

  5. - AlphaBettor - Monday, Feb 25, 13 @ 10:14 am:

    Jim Oberweis wants to make all Illinois Republicans as unelectable as he is.

  6. - MrJM - Monday, Feb 25, 13 @ 10:16 am:

    The GOP’s Ice Cream Headache is the gift that keeps on giving.

    – MrJM

  7. - in absentia - Monday, Feb 25, 13 @ 10:17 am:

    MrJM: Freeze Brain, perhaps?!

  8. - steve schnorf - Monday, Feb 25, 13 @ 10:26 am:

    “I don’t think it needs to be as public…” That about says it all, doesn’t it, about how much we’ve really learned?

  9. - downstate hack - Monday, Feb 25, 13 @ 10:28 am:

    Just another example of the GOP concetrating on the wrong things while the State and federal budgets bankrupt us all.

  10. - OneMan - Monday, Feb 25, 13 @ 10:43 am:

    Any of the self-described heavy-hitters in the GOP want to give Sen. Kirk a hand with this guy? Or is Oberweis just too intimidating?

    If Jim is too intimidating for someone to take on, we have bigger problems.

    The thing is there are plenty of good reasons (this not being one of them) to dump Pat Brady. Why use this one?

  11. - LarryMulholland - Monday, Feb 25, 13 @ 10:44 am:

    Once again and example of the rigid hard right trying, pushing and pulling the republican party farther to the right and farther away from hope that republicans could grow the party and its influence.

  12. - WazUp - Monday, Feb 25, 13 @ 10:45 am:

    >”Just another example of the GOP concetrating on the wrong things while the State and federal budgets bankrupt us all.”

  13. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Feb 25, 13 @ 10:45 am:

    ===The head of the Illinois Republican Party says a special meeting of GOP leaders has been called to consider firing him over his support for legalizing gay marriage.===

    THAT is the reality of the ILGOP.

    The party “base” wants to go and tell people that the Purity of the ILGOP is more important than the GROWTH of the ILGOP.

    According to media outlets, SEVEN committeemen —

    * Chris Kachiroubas of the 6th District
    * Gene Dawson of the 8th District
    * Mark Shaw of the 10th District
    * Bobbie Peterson of the 11th District
    * Jim Oberweis of the 14th District
    * Jerry Clarke of the 15 District
    * Bob Winchester of the 19th District

    — have signed the letter.

    Those seven, are more concerned about the PURITY.

    If these Committeemen ever claim Ronald Reagan as a role model, and as a symbol of THEIR Republican party is so comical, and at this point, how can voters look at my Party and say, “They seem to understand the people.”

    These seven committeemen are willing conspirators to the demise of the ILGOP, ingoring the Reagan 80% agreement rule, and instead focusing on dividing the people of Illinois, let alone Republicans. How do the HGOP and SGOP especially go to the voters and say, “We as a group want to represent everyone in Illinois.”

    They can not.

    - wordslinger - made an excellent point the other day, when the RoboCalls were flooding a certain state Senator’s district after standing up to intolerance, by stating those attacking him think only gays exist in Chicago? How insane is it to think, that Sen. Jason Barickman has no gay constituents, no families with gay family members.

    Are we ready to just think “closeting” all gays, except those in Chicago, for the PURITY of the ILGOP is a good thing?

    Are we willing to alienate any and ALL Republicans who may agree with all that we Republicans stand for except gay marriage?

    We are willing to go on the record, with a vote, by party leaders, to oust the Chairman, on his support of SSM?

    Further, if this fails, how weak … do we all look … with a split SCC, on …intolerance.

    That is REAL.

    You seven, want to vote, and be on the record, letting all know, intolerance on this ONE issue, diminishes every single other issues we may all agree.

    Oberweis, and his pathetic display, sitting silent on the Illinois Senate floor, and voting “No” on SSM, will hide, in a closed door meeting, to be seen as an intolerant purist, at the expense of the Illinois Republican Party.

    Jim Oberweis is ruining the ILGOP, be it at the SCC level, the Illinois Senate level, or even the County level, for all who want the party to grow.

    After being Veto-Proofed out of the General Assembly, and losing Bill Brady, I wanted a change from Christine Radogno. I wanted a change from Tom Cross. I wanted a change of Pat Brady as my Chairman.

    I want(ed) the change based on performance.

    I refuse to allow my party to be hijacked at the “pitchforks and torches” of Jim Oberweis, citing Purity, and not incometence of understanding the electorate during the last election. this is going to set the Party back farther than the 10 years the Map that Jerry Clarke helped “create” against the ILGOP.

    Do not tell me this is “performance based”. This move is based on intolerance of a position. This move is about bowing to a “base” willing to take all Republicans down with them as the Ultimate Minority Party, by accepting …minority … positions … in society.

    Never, should these Seven, or any SCC Members point to Ronald Reagan as hero. You are discracing the Reagan 80% Rule, so how can …Reagan … be YOUR Hero.

    I am embarrassed for you all.

  14. - Dazed & Confused - Monday, Feb 25, 13 @ 10:46 am:

    Jerry Clarke who is leading the insurrection against Brady is largely responsible for Brady’s collapse and loss to Quinn. With that loss, the GOP lost all hope for a decent map.

    Now the GOP is cancelling fundraisers…when will the Clarke carnage stop?

  15. - Anonymous - Monday, Feb 25, 13 @ 11:00 am:

    =Now the GOP is cancelling fundraisers…=

    Maybe no one was planning to attend anyway…except for OW of course.

  16. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Feb 25, 13 @ 11:03 am:

    ===except for OW of course.===

    Actually, I was waiting to here from Jim Oberweis where I pick up my torch or pitchfork before committing to the fundraiser…

  17. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Feb 25, 13 @ 11:45 am:

    ===“I think it’s important that this is dealt with,” he said. Yet, he said, “I don’t think it needs to be as public as it has been.”===

    If it’s important to be dealt with, why are you afraid to have it out in the public that you are dealing with it?

    Easy answer! Intolerance and Purity need the shadows to work, becuase in the light of day, if you SEE what is going on, the good in Man will shine through.

    “I think it’s important that this is dealt with,” he said. Yet, he said, “I don’t think it needs to be as public as it has been.”

    Hiding …actually hiding from the media, if possible … the Purity Vote of the SCC …Can you see this in the next election how it will be rolled out…

    “In the silence they crave from the media and Republican Party memeberts, the intolerence of the Members of the ILGOP’s SCC met, trying to keep this away from the voters, that the State Central Committee requested a vote to oust the Party Chairman for intolerance…”

    Who/What else scurries … from the light?

    Just saying.

  18. - Samurai - Monday, Feb 25, 13 @ 12:22 pm:

    Move to adopt OW’s comments.

  19. - 10th Indy - Monday, Feb 25, 13 @ 12:22 pm:

    Seriously Word. First GOP Wannabe-Gov who goes after these tone-deaf, i’d-rather-be-right-than-win, dunderheads gets my vote.

  20. - Boone Logan Square - Monday, Feb 25, 13 @ 12:31 pm:

    Supposing Brady is removed, who would be the best person to replace him? As Cheryl44 noted, Oberweis would be excellent, if the measure is making the ILGOP a permanent minority party.

    Who is willing to do the job? Who is able to win the job, given current party dynamics?

  21. - E Pluribus - Monday, Feb 25, 13 @ 12:34 pm:

    Willy you need to 1.) Take a breath and wipe the spittle from the corner of your mouth, and 2.) Learn a little more background.

    I fully agree that the GOP must adapt on social issues and that on the issue, private citizen Pat Brady is right.

    But there is much more to this than you obviously know. To most of the central committee it doesn’t matter what Brady position on marriage equality is. The issue is that their chairman should not unilaterally decide to lobby the general assembly without consulting with the central committee that governs the party, especially when it comes to taking positions that differ from the party platform, be it marriage, taxes, guns, etc.

    Also, ask any committeeman and they will tell you this is the culmination of a long-deteriorating situation with the state party. Brady has a long record of throwing elbows inside the party. He is like a Baldwin brother–always looking for a fight. The problem is, he rarely wins any of them.

    Add to that his lackluster fundraising, his skeleton staffing, his obedience to a few political operatives rather than pursuing collaboration with the central committee that elected him, and the embarassing showing in November, and you can see how time has been running out for Brady for a while.

    He has had many chances to smooth over the ruffled feathers he has produced and has only sought to make things worse.

    While Pat is a good man and very much cares about the Party, it appears he is poorly suited for building a big tent. To really succeed in the job, a chairman has to be able to work with ALL factions of the Party and earn wide respect. Pat has hunkered down in a siege mentality and the results are playing out for everyone to see.

  22. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Feb 25, 13 @ 12:40 pm:

    ===Who is willing to do the job? Who is able to win the job, given current party dynamics?===

    Great Question.

    If Oberweis has his way, a Pure Chairman must be in place, and someone who will ensure the “base” has a 100% Republican. Parlay this, with the removal of Pat Brady as Chair, the demise of the Illinois Republican Party in regards to expanding toward the “Indies” who left our party wil be complete, despite our face.

    Will one of the SEVEN including Oberweis in that mix, take the reins as Chairman? As I recall, back before Pat Brady was Chair, the Chairman came … from the ranks of the Committee itself.

    Do you vote “Out” for Pat Brady AND take over as Chairman? How will that be received? Sounds a bit like “Julius Caesar”, but instead, the coup is about 21st Century Purity, while courting the voting public and expanding a brand.

    “Your Chairiman is ‘X’ … didn’t ‘X’ vote the last Chairman out specifically about SSM?”

    So, who can do it? By the way, the new Chairman must be able to raise a ton of cash, and not linked to “Call me, Maybe?” or “Fire Madigan”.

    Great question, with a boatload of consequences.

    And that… is why the ILGOP is a disaster.

  23. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Feb 25, 13 @ 12:45 pm:

    ===ask any committeeman and they will tell you this is the culmination of a long-deteriorating situation with the state party. Brady has a long record of throwing elbows inside the party. He is like a Baldwin brother–always looking for a fight. The problem is, he rarely wins any of them.===

    They …THEY… are saying it is specifically about the SSM issue, not me … so the rest of your post, especially about me (which has nothing to do with Brady, the SCC, the ILGOP, or the issue they want hidden from the public) is irrelevent because of the quotes, the actions, and the specific letters describing the movement of the SCC.

    I understand and actually agree with most of what you say, however, it is being presented one way, reported another way, and perceived in a bad way.

    In this instance, the perception is the reality, based on the quotes, the actions, and the letters as Oberweis pushes this agenda.

  24. - Anonymous - Monday, Feb 25, 13 @ 12:57 pm:

    =a chairman has to be able to work with ALL factions of the Party and earn wide respect.=

    Great point, E Pluribus.

  25. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Feb 25, 13 @ 1:00 pm:

    So -Anonymous - since it came up again, you agree with Oberweis taking out Brady on the SSM issue?

  26. - Anonymous - Monday, Feb 25, 13 @ 1:04 pm:

    And, obviously a waste of time, E Pluribus, based on the way Willy keeps phrasing that all so important question.

  27. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Feb 25, 13 @ 1:08 pm:

    ===And, obviously a waste of time, E Pluribus, based on the way Willy keeps phrasing that all so important question.===

    I can’t understand, why you can’t answer that? lol

    Oberweis is driving the bus on the removal of Pat Brady on the SSM issue, irrregardless of the real background, but what the press, or what Oberweis and Dawson specifically say!

    So the question is very relelvent to you and pertinent to the discussion … and still no response from - Anonymous -

  28. - E Pluribus - Monday, Feb 25, 13 @ 1:18 pm:

    Willy, Oberweis is not actually driving the bus. He is what we used to call a useful dupe for those who have long wanted rid of Brady.

    Oberweis can be counted on to say ridiculous things that make for good press.

    It is a real shame that what is esentially the attempt by a board of directors to remove a CEO thay have lost faith in is becoming a cudgel to beat the GOP over the head.

    Some of those letter signers were at odds with Brady long before JO even got on the central committee.

    The whole thing is an unfortunate mess with plenty of blame to go around. But the real fact of the matter is, SSM is not the driving factor here, it is the straw that broke the camel’s back.

  29. - Small Town Liberal - Monday, Feb 25, 13 @ 1:30 pm:

    - He is what we used to call a useful dupe for those who have long wanted rid of Brady. -

    So, you contend that these guys want to get rid of Brady because of incompetence, but they decided to use Oberweis and his homophobia as the vehicle to do it? Brilliant.

    Why not call for a vote the day after the election when Brady’s incompetence was front and center in everyone’s mind?

  30. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Feb 25, 13 @ 1:33 pm:

    ===The whole thing is an unfortunate mess with plenty of blame to go around. But the real fact of the matter is, SSM is not the driving factor here, it is the straw that broke the camel’s back.===

    My post above, and adding this to that …

    You are willing, specifically seen by the press, and by the Dems come election time, to be seen in the light that the removal, by the Dupe (Well done!) will hang around the neck of Brady?

    That is a huge gamble in public perception, as the SGOP mustered 1 vote for SSM, after the ILGOP Chair made it a GOP issue (for better or wrse,politically) that the ILDems will have actual GA votes and Oberweis and Dawson’s quotes to wrap every GOP candidate with for cycles to come …

    That is waht we are doing. Wether Jerry clarke is mad about Bill Brady, or the conservatives feel slighted, or the Old Dogs hate the new breed, it comes down to the headline “Brady Removed - SSM Issue Pushes Brady Out”

    Big gamble.

  31. - hisgirlfriday - Monday, Feb 25, 13 @ 1:34 pm:

    What’s with clarke suddenly so involved? Does he live in barickmans district?

  32. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Feb 25, 13 @ 1:37 pm:

    - STL -

    ===Why not call for a vote the day after the election when Brady’s incompetence was front and center in everyone’s mind?===

    Which is what I thought was the best move. Why gamble being seen as intolerant as the Dupe Oberweis saddles us all with Purity, when Oberweis had dozens of resons after the election. And yet, this is going to be the straw? Now?

    Are we as a Party this insane to think cutting off our nose is going to work?

    Even you , as a Dem, can see how crazy, polically, this is for the GOP (stop cheering - STL - lol)

  33. - Skeptic - Monday, Feb 25, 13 @ 1:43 pm:

    ===Who is willing to do the job? Who is able to win the job, given current party dynamics?=== (Begin snark) Joe Walsh (end snark)

    And just to be annoyingly pedantic, OW: “irregardless” isn’t a word. It clashes with your otherwise exemplary writing style. (That’s a compliment and not snark btw.)

  34. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Feb 25, 13 @ 1:51 pm:

    - Skeptic -,

    lol. Agreed and apologies.

    As I flip from one thing to another, the “urban”, flawed English I need to use leaks when trying to change gears.

    I appreciate the compliment, and no offense taken.

    You can’t sell me on the list of SEVEN as good choices, given their motives, specifically as described by - E Pluribus -, because none of the conspirators using Oberweis as the Dupe are showing any political moxy to remove Brady when they had every reason to do it, but chose the SSM issue and Oberweis to do it, as the cost of how we in the ILGOP take the hit.

    That would be the “brain trust”? That is the best of the Party?

    So, - Skeeter -, you might want to use that Walsh card (snark).

  35. - wordslinger - Monday, Feb 25, 13 @ 1:53 pm:

    ===Who is willing to do the job? Who is able to win the job, given current party dynamics?===

    Don’t you think, based on history, that Oberweis is doing this for himself? Has there ever been a political job he didn’t want?

    As an aside, a few years ago, I thought Oberweis was grooming one of his sons for office.

    In the middle of winter, during the early morning news shows, there would be spots for Oberweis ice cream parlors, featuring the son. Not exactly a strategic media buy for ice cream.

  36. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Feb 25, 13 @ 1:59 pm:

    - wordslinger -,

    I remember those ads, and thought that Jim Oberweis was using the Kid as cover so he (Jim Oberweis) could say, “Hey, its a family commercial, not a Jim Oberweis commercial, heck, my kid is even in it!” Perfect cover for even Federal races, “the family commmercial”!

    I thought this because I concur that Jim Oberweis only does things for Jim Oberweis’ benefit ONLY, family included.

  37. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Feb 25, 13 @ 2:12 pm:

    ===Does he (Clarke) live in barickmans district?===

    Good question, dunno.

    ===So -Anonymous - since it came up again, you agree with Oberweis taking out Brady on the SSM issue?===

    Poking Bears and all …I think I have made myself clear …got an answer?

  38. - Endangered Moderate Species - Monday, Feb 25, 13 @ 2:24 pm:

    A leadership change during this time in the election cycle will not have an effect on the electorate. Most voters aren’t paying any attention to this.

    Jerry Clarke has spent many years working with Tim Johnson. He has to know the strength of a party lies in the middle and not on the edges.

    With all that being said, if they hand this over to Oberweis, then I will agree with those whom believe the ILGOP has made a mistake.

  39. - wordslinger - Monday, Feb 25, 13 @ 2:25 pm:

    –Perfect cover for even Federal races, “the family commmercial”!–

    That makes sense. It was just bizarre to be watching the news at 5 a.m. in January with some kid telling you that Oberweis ice cream cakes were perfect for 4th of July parties.

    Kind of reminds me of the Ozinga concrete radio spots back when he ran for Congress. Haven’t heard those since.

  40. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Feb 25, 13 @ 2:35 pm:

    ===A leadership change during this time in the election cycle will not have an effect on the electorate. Most voters aren’t paying any attention to this.===

    That part I agree … but you are going to see this SSM and social losing issues pop up as Madigan and Cullerton and the Dem Guv Nominee paint the ILGOP as intolerant…

    “Remember,…they are the party that mustered one vote for SSM, ousted their Chairman because of intolerance. We need to send a message, to all the GOP, that intolerance will not be accepted in Illinois. They are too extreme for us.”

    They do it all the time, and now with actual votes, quotes, letters, and actions (Dupes, coups, riding the bus, driving the bus…) you can’t explain intolerance away with allthat going against you.

    A change is not the issue, we in the GOP being saddled for its reason for at least a cycle or two to come, is the issue.

  41. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Feb 25, 13 @ 3:19 pm:

    ===Kind of reminds me of the Ozinga concrete radio spots back when he ran for Congress. Haven’t heard those since.===

    I will be waiting for Rauner Ads sometime soon. He should be able to sell something, to someone, and need media to sell it.

  42. - the whole truth - Monday, Feb 25, 13 @ 3:21 pm:

    The hypocrisy of Oberweis and Clarke and the others against Pat Brady is monumental.

    They are going after Brady now on the SSM issue, but like to throw in the bad condition of the state party as well.

    As far as following the Illinois Republican Platform, what did Oberweis mean a few years ago when he was quoted in the media decrying the “Pro-Life Taliban?” The Platform is pro-life.

    Jerry Clarke blames others for his loss to Rodney Davis in the appointed nomination to succeed Tim Johnson. But it was Clarke’s repeated abysmal performances in front of all the county chairmen that doomed his chances. Yet he has a score to settle with Pat Brady and so he has been opportunistically quarterbacking this homophobic crusade.

    Since Oberweis and Clarke have made this vendetta against Pat Brady about the sanctity of marriage, let me ask these two fine gentlemen, how many times have you broken your marriage vows?

    People who live in glass houses ought not throw stones, especially a motley group such as the signers of this letter. They are in no position to judge someone else.

    As for the state of the Republican Party in Illinois, no one is more responsible than Jerry Clarke. He snatched defeat from the jaws of victory in being unable to defeat the most radioactive Democratic nominee ever. People lament the supermajorities in the state house and senate and losing seats in the U.S. House in 2012. Those are all the result of blowing the Governor’s race in 2012 which allowed the Democrats to draw the districts to maximum advantage.

    Clarke and Oberweis are world class experts at LOSING and neither have a moral leg to stand on as well.

  43. - wordslinger - Monday, Feb 25, 13 @ 3:35 pm:

    –”Remember,…they are the party that mustered one vote for SSM, –

    That’s still baffling to me. There are no libertarians in the Illinois GOP?

    We all know, as Rich has reported, that there are GOP GA members who would support gay marriage — joining radicals like Dick Cheney, Colin Powell, Alan Simpson and Laura Bush — if they weren’t so scared of their own shadows.

    But they’re a-scared of Tea Party primary challenges, too.

    Aren’t the Tea Partiers supposed to be all about less government? Yet somehow their issues always come around to sex (other people getting down), women’s private choices, people of color and guns.

    You know, I watched up close Jim Edgar give the back of his hand to Steve Baer and Jack Roeser. He smacked them hard, and he didn’t break a sweat doing it, either. And they went down hard.

    Come to think of it, Edgar smacked Madigan and Daley pretty hard, too. He could do that, you know why? He was elected governor.

    You picking up what I’m putting down?

    Mark Kirk stuck it to homophobe weirdos who pretended to know what was going on in his private life — those who thought it was an issue that someone should care about.

    Anyone of the GOP Big Hitters want to step up now and enter the 21st Century and give the back of your hand to the folks holding you back?

    You literally, have nothing to lose. But you have the Independent vote — which you have carelessly frittered away — to gain.

  44. - Statesman - Monday, Feb 25, 13 @ 3:41 pm:

    -The whole truth… Well said!

  45. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Feb 25, 13 @ 3:48 pm:

    ===You picking up what I’m putting down? ===

    Preach it, - wordslinger -, preach it!!

    ===You literally, have nothing to lose. But you have the Independent vote — which you have carelessly frittered away — to gain.===

    “Pure or not”, my Litmus Testers, their votes count the same as yours, and the person with the most votes wins.

    Do we want to win or not?

  46. - Statesman - Monday, Feb 25, 13 @ 3:49 pm:

    Perhaps- when Carpentersville (the land that time forgot) receives running water and paved streets- Well know GOP big hitters will understand the concept of electability.

    You have to look no further than the implosion of 2010 under Clarke’s watch. How many counties did Quinn/Simon carry? Thought so.

    Enter the supermajorities of 2012 and you have political anhilation at its best. So the longer the round robin firing squad continues the longer the D’s will be in power. Can anyone say 7 way primary?

  47. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Feb 25, 13 @ 3:54 pm:

    ===As for the state of the Republican Party in Illinois, no one is more responsible than Jerry Clarke.===

    Jerry Clarke is responsible for the Democratically Drawn and Signed map. That is it, but it is huge, just the same.

    Also, when the County Chairmen approved the Questionnaire that asked about being questioned in a Federal Investigation, and all that pertained to the questioning, Jerry Clarke’s fate, was sealed, along with the Donaim Name and Email Form letters.

    All together, tough recipe to get a nomination, but each, individually, chooped at the bigger issue.

    Blaming clarke for the Map and Crake and Cys blowing the Nomination are to different animals.

    Neither are GOOD animals, but different.

  48. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Feb 25, 13 @ 3:57 pm:

    ===How many counties did Quinn/Simon carry?===

    Counties don’t vote, people vote, and people in Cook County, and the city of Chicago vote.

    There are Republicans there too, in that “Chicago” and Cook County, no matter what anyone thinks or says.

    That is Clarke’s “sin”, not “County” Votes

  49. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Feb 25, 13 @ 3:58 pm:

    ===Blaming Clarke for the Map and Clarke and Cys blowing the Nomination are to different animals.===


  50. - Rich Miller - Monday, Feb 25, 13 @ 4:03 pm:

    ===There are Republicans there too, in that “Chicago” and Cook County, no matter what anyone thinks or says.===

    148,181 City of Chicago Romney votes, 347,361 suburban Cook Romney votes.

    That’s about a half million votes right there, or about a quarter of his statewide total.

  51. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Feb 25, 13 @ 4:07 pm:

    - Rich Miller -,

    Thanks for dropping some knowledge! Awesome.

    To that point, 4 votes a precinct in all of Cook, 2 households a precinct, of those NOT voting… finding those 4 votes a precinct, and we have Governor Brady.

    Counties … do not vote … voters vote.

  52. - Samurai - Monday, Feb 25, 13 @ 4:09 pm:

    -Anyone of the GOP Big Hitters want to step up now and enter the 21st Century and give the back of your hand to the folks holding you back?-

    The dilemma for said GOP Big Hitter is the backlash from the base in the primary. The independent voters will not provide enough support. But, then again it does appear to be a nothing to lose proposition since a far right candidate will not win anyway. How is the dilemma handled WS and OW?

  53. - Samurai - Monday, Feb 25, 13 @ 4:09 pm:

    -Anyone of the GOP Big Hitters want to step up now and enter the 21st Century and give the back of your hand to the folks holding you back?-

    The dilemma for said GOP Big Hitter is the backlash from the base in the primary. The independent voters will not provide enough support. But, then again it does appear to be a nothing to lose proposition since a far right candidate will not win anyway. How is the dilemma handled WS and OW?

  54. - Rich Miller - Monday, Feb 25, 13 @ 4:17 pm:

    ===How is the dilemma handled===

    The Democrats did this leading up to Clinton. They financed a huge operation that insisted on moderation. Clinton, you will recall, was elected as a “Third Way” Democrat and made a calculated move by getting into a public spat with a somewhat obscure black person named Sister Souljah.

    You gotta tell your base to shut the heck up and get back in line. That’s what the Democrats did. GWB did much the same thing with immigration.

    Look at the fracking post above. It’s what the enviros have done here for years as well.

    Partisans tend to listen to their party leaders, but most GOP party leaders have not been willing to take on this fight. Until they do, your party is stuck with that baggage.

  55. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Feb 25, 13 @ 4:21 pm:

    ===How is the dilemma handled WS and OW?===

    Good question, but this is where we in the GOP put up all these tests, and pledges, and everything to NOT attract voters.

    What Madigan and Cullerton are good at, diversity.

    There are districts that conservates must run, and win. There are districts where moderates must run TO win.

    Look at Madigan in 1996. That is the case study. The South Surburbs in 1994 gave Lee A. Daniels the Gavel, but in the election of 1996, Madigan ran PERFECT candidates for those targeted districts, be they “cookie-cutter” Dem candidates or not. All Madigan wanted was to win.

    Now, the HGOP and SGOP need to realize, if the “base” gets mad about this or that, the reality is that some districts need Moderates, not 100% Pure Bloods of the “base” GOP.

    Get the right combo of a GOP nominee, add a dash of Reagan’s Rule of 80%, throw in a ground game, and you are cooking with gas.

    Statewide, there is “the formula” of the number of Raw Votes in concert with the Percentage of Votes in Cook and Chicago, and you miss those marks, you lose.

    Conservative, Moderate, Far Right, Moderate Middle, whatever!

    Cook and Chicago vote totals and percentages rule the day. If that means taking a cahnce to go aganst the “Base” in areas the “Base” can’t go anyway, I’ll take that risk.

    A thousand times better risk than the headline “ILGOP Throws Out Chairman On SSM Support”.

    I like my chances running with what the district gives, not what I want the district … TO BE!

  56. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Feb 25, 13 @ 4:25 pm:

    ===You gotta tell your base to shut the heck up and get back in line.===


    The GOP gubernatorial candidate that handles what Rich has said best, AND has a ground game to get voters to the polls will, at least, get through the Primary.

    Well said, Rich.

  57. - the whole truth - Monday, Feb 25, 13 @ 4:45 pm:

    Getting back to the original point, Clarke vs. Pat Brady. This saga has nothing to do with Clarke’s moral abhorence over SMM. It’s about a dark personal vendetta.

  58. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Feb 25, 13 @ 4:50 pm:

    ===Getting back to the original point, Clarke vs. Pat Brady. This saga has nothing to do with Clarke’s moral abhorence over SMM. It’s about a dark personal vendetta. ===

    Being sold, by the Dupe Jim Oberweis, that this IS about, a vote on the the Chairman for his SSM tolerance, is what the press, the Dems, the Moderate “Indies” will only care about, thanks to the Memos, Emails, Letters, Quotes, everything Dawson and Oberweis have said.

    At this point, it may all be true about the Clarke-Brady sideshow, no one cares following that storyline as long as Oberweis and Dawson keep selling the SSM storyline.

  59. - Anonymous - Monday, Feb 25, 13 @ 5:26 pm:

    =A leadership change during this time in the election cycle will not have an effect on the electorate. Most voters aren’t paying any attention to this.=

    I would tend to agree. And I also don’t think that the “tolerance” talking point is going to stick to candidates either. They’ll be seen as individuals with their own positions on all issues.

  60. - Anonymous - Monday, Feb 25, 13 @ 5:34 pm:

    And Samurai’s got it regarding the backlash. I asked when this issue originally came up, how anyone could count on the Indies to show up to help, let alone all the Democrats that some would like ILGOP to believe are going to jump ship.

    Furthermore, I think more contributors (definitely R, maybe Ds, too) are going to be alot more careful about where they’re sending their money–and even more will bypass party(ies). As a matter of fact, I have a funny feeling that even more contributors are going to do a “retro” with the latest scandals re: spending of campaign funds, asking “Why does s/he need more money? They’ve got plenty of their own and it shouldn’t cost that much anyway; just leads to corruption.”

    Maybe the “self-correction” is finally starting to kick in. It would seem to be an eventuality. One or two more investigations/convictions re: mis-use of campaign funds and it’s done IMO.

  61. - Anonymous - Monday, Feb 25, 13 @ 5:40 pm:

    Whoosh. I guess my comments re: fundraising and campaign spending were not appreciated.

  62. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Feb 25, 13 @ 5:45 pm:

    ===And I also don’t think that the “tolerance” talking point is going to stick to candidates either. They’ll be seen as individuals with their own positions on all issues.===

    Good luck with that one, Election strategy, even by the “BASE” always goes back to “conservative”, “tolerance” … remember the Bill Brady race? This SSM issue is like having everyone being intolerant … 1-18 in the Senate, and dumping the ILGOP Chair on the SSM issue won’t be used …yeah, um. good luck with that one!

    Got answer yet - Anonymous - on Oberweis?

  63. - Anonymous - Monday, Feb 25, 13 @ 5:46 pm:

    =Partisans tend to listen to their party leaders, but most GOP party leaders have not been willing to take on this fight. Until they do, your party is stuck with that baggage.=

    Maybe we’re saying the same thing here, but GOPers are pretty stubborn. They DEMAND strong leadership before they fall in line. It’s not one’s personal position on issues; it’s demonstrating that you are, in fact, a leader (rather than being lead by others) and you’ll keep the playing field “level” so that the candidates can win based on their own merits.

  64. - Anonymous - Monday, Feb 25, 13 @ 5:48 pm:

    With Rs, crap like asking a question over and over again is simply considered rude and annoying. So is sticking to the same talking points over and over again. Kirk, for example, seemed to lose alot of trust over that last point.

  65. - Anonymous - Monday, Feb 25, 13 @ 5:50 pm:

    Republican virtues aren’t that difficult to identify. Living up to them is much harder.

  66. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Feb 25, 13 @ 5:51 pm:

    ===It’s not one’s personal position on issues====

    Then Brady’s position on SSM is not an issue for you, right? Personal positions don’t matter …right?

    So you should be able to answer that Oberweis question pretty easily.

  67. - wordslinger - Monday, Feb 25, 13 @ 5:55 pm:

    ===How many counties did Quinn/Simon carry?===

    J-H-C, did you all fall down and hit your heads?

    Take off your shoes, if you have to count to 20. Take off your pants if you need to get 21.

    Wake up. One person, one vote.

    I’m an old farmboy from DeKalb County and I think the GOP in this state and the nation has lost its collective mind.

    Do you really think Madigan and Cullerton are wild-eyed liberals?

    Do you really think Thompson, Edgar and Ryan were Rinos?

    Do you really think Obama is some kind of commie?

    What’s the matter with you?

    The loons driving the GOP, nationally, have been busy tossing out folks like Lugar, Powell and Simpson.

    Now, in the state of Illinois, you’re going to a let a loser like Oberweis call the tune?

    Is there anyone in the Illinois GOP that has the guts to smack down the right-wing loons and appeal to the Independents?

    Or, are you going to let Rauner scare you away with his money?

    If so, what he has in money, you lack in conviction.

  68. - Anonymous - Monday, Feb 25, 13 @ 6:08 pm:

    =…the GOP in this state and the nation has lost its collective mind=

    And some might say that herein lies the challenge.

    We are not Borg.

  69. - Anonymous - Monday, Feb 25, 13 @ 6:17 pm:

    Hmmmm…I wonder whether we could actually use that as our slogan to show our actual diversity, which is demonstrated by the problems leaders who try to “manage” us, v. lead us, have.

  70. - wordslinger - Monday, Feb 25, 13 @ 6:38 pm:

    Blank Handle Person, I want whatever you’re on.

  71. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Feb 25, 13 @ 6:50 pm:

    ===Blank Handle Person, I want whatever you’re on.===

    Me too, me too!!

    Well said, - wordslinger -.

  72. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Feb 25, 13 @ 7:02 pm:

    ===problems leaders who try to “manage” us, v. lead us===

    Who is the “us”…can ya ..tell who the “us” is … or is THAT aonther question you won’t answer? lol

  73. - wordslinger - Monday, Feb 25, 13 @ 7:20 pm:

    ===How is the dilemma handled WS and OW?===

    Repent, lol.

    Long-term, cast out your nuts, beat them. Let them find a new home, not the party of Lincoln. At least marginalize them every step of the way.

    Reagan still had a fairly moderate East Coast, West Coast, and Midwest GOP when he won (they’re mostly gone now, by the way).

    But when the hammer had to come down, he had Baker and Deaver to beat the crazies like a rented mule.

    Short term, don’ miss the lazy fastballs down Broadway to smack the people holding you back. Case in point:

    When the most powerful person in the national GOP, Rush Limbaugh, took to the public airwaves and called a young lady concerned about access to contraception a “slut” and a “prostitute” and said that she should post video of herself having sex for his onastic pleasure…

    …well, you wonder what the family-values, chosen GOP leader of the Free World might have to say about that. He said:

    “Not the language that I would have used.”

    C’mon, grandpa, what are you scared of?

    Seriously, outside of the crazies, is there any man, woman or child in the United States who would not have cheered, loudly, if Mitt had said:

    “Sandra, I’m sorry. You didn’t deserve that. I’m going down to Florida to personally pound lumps on that fat old moron’s head until the Cheezewhiz comes out of his ears.”

    Game on. That would work. That was his Sista Soulja moment. He whiffed.

    The sad thing is, he didn’t say it because he was scared of a loser like Rush. So is the Republican Party of the United States.

    That’s the problem. Given that, today, how can they be taken seriously?

    Get rid of the losers, and you might win.

  74. - wordslinger - Monday, Feb 25, 13 @ 7:33 pm:

    –Republican virtues aren’t that difficult to identify.–

    Then identify them, and tell us how you manifest the in any real way.

    Less than 25% of Illinoisan self-identify as Republicans. Savvy?

    That’s unbelievable.

  75. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Feb 25, 13 @ 7:41 pm:

    ===Republican virtues aren’t that difficult to identify. Living up to them is much harder.===

    “You must be pure!No excuses, no surrender”

    Am I part of a “secret society” or a political party!

  76. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Feb 26, 13 @ 8:24 am:

    - Rich Miller - and - wordslinger -,

    Thanks, to you both, for making the case of what the Republicans here in Illinois need to do.

    Maybe someday soon, someone will look back and say, “we should have listened to those guys years ago.” My hope is that someone will, because that means change in my Party would be happening, but until we Republicans look at the advice like you both gave us, and see its value, we are no better than asking for our Chairman’s ouster for tolerance, and admit it, but then ask that it be done in the shadows, all at the same time.

    I hope someday we will owe you both a big “thanks”.

    I hope that “someday” is soon.

  77. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Feb 26, 13 @ 8:26 am:


    My laptop recycled, this is NOT a conspircay, against - Anonymous -!!!

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