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House Executive Committee to take up gay marriage today

Tuesday, Feb 26, 2013 - Posted by Rich Miller

* The House Executive Committee is scheduled to begin at three o’clock, so you can watch the gay marriage debate online here. You should also, of course, keep a close eye on our live session coverage post for updates from the hearing.

From the AP

An Illinois House committee could vote Tuesday on a measure allowing same-sex couples to marry.

Chicago Democratic Rep. Greg Harris says he expects the House Executive Committee to approve his legislation and send it to the full body.

* I agree with Gov. Quinn. This thing isn’t soup yet in the House

Gov. Pat Quinn, during a stop in Normal on Thursday, acknowledged that the measure lacks the necessary 60 votes for passage. But he told reporters he plans to contact members of the House individually seeking their support, similar to what he did when he lobbied members to approve the civil unions law in 2010.

“There’s still persuasion to do in the House,” Quinn said.

One reason is that the House’s freshmen class tends to lean conservative in both parties

Rep. Sue Scherer, D-Decatur, said she thinks legalizing same-sex marriage is premature.

“We’ve had civil unions, and it hasn’t even been two years,” Scherer said. “The purpose of the civil union was to give people in this situation the rights they felt they deserved. I think that needs to have time to go through the system before we go further.”

* So this timeline might possibly be a tad optimistic

A date has not ben set for a full House vote yet, said Bernard Cherkasov, CEO of Equality Illinois.

“There’s not clear sense yet of when the full House vote will be,” Cherkasov said.

Cherkasov added that a vote on the bill on March 1 was possible but unlikely. LGBT leaders are eying a possible mid-week vote the following week. That could mean a vote on March 6 or 7.

* Proponents’ nerves are a bit frayed

State Rep. Toni Berrios has clarified her stance on same-sex marriage, after reports that she was wavering the equal marriage bill currently in the Illinois House. had reported Feb. 21 that a Berrios spokesperson said that Berrios would not disclose her stance on the measure until it was out of committee and she could review the final language.

That statement likely came as a surprise to many LGBT people. Berrios previously told Windy City Times that she backed equal marriage, and she has been supportive Chicago LGBT groups in the past.

Contacted by Windy City Times, Berrios said she stands firmly in support of the bill.

“I’m not undecided,” she said. “I’m definitely a yes vote.”

* Meanwhile

As the battle over redefining marriage moves to the Illinois House this week, pro-family groups are taking aim at Republican State Rep. Ron Sandack.

Calls recorded by conservative activist Sandy Rios, and paid for by Illinois-based Family PAC (listen below), are being made to Sandack’s constituents. Pro-family organizations are concerned that Sandack is preparing to break his campaign promise to oppose same sex marriage in Illinois. According to sources, Sandack has told colleagues he now intends to vote for bill, which has already been approved by the Illinois Senate.

The robocall…

* Also, the Illinois Family Institute put together a video of its recent lobby day. Have a look


  1. - Small Town Liberal - Tuesday, Feb 26, 13 @ 12:07 pm:

    What a profile in courage we have in Scherer. You’re telling me Jason Barickman can vote yes but you can’t? Pathetic.

  2. - Served - Tuesday, Feb 26, 13 @ 12:12 pm:

    “We’ve had civil unions, and it hasn’t even been two years,” Scherer said. “The purpose of the civil union was to give people in this situation the rights they felt they deserved. I think that needs to have time to go through the system before we go further.”

    Wow. “The rights they felt they deserved.” I can’t even begin to unpack how offensive/wrong that statement is coming from an elected representative.

  3. - Hacks - Tuesday, Feb 26, 13 @ 12:30 pm:

    For some reason, it really irritates me that Berrios got all her campaign funding from out of district. I don’t feel her opinion/vote represents the people but other people’s money. {/vent}

  4. - phocion - Tuesday, Feb 26, 13 @ 12:36 pm:

    Good for Sandack. The Republicans might have a future in Illinois if there were more like him - fiscally conservative, socially moderate, ready to make a tough call, responsive to constituents, hard working. All in all, Ron is just a great guy. Hopefully the party gets it and he moves into leadership. Governor Sandack has a nice ring to it…

  5. - qcexaminer - Tuesday, Feb 26, 13 @ 12:39 pm:

    This is what I keep harping on; Democrats in Illinois are incredible diverse and not all lockstep with Chicago liberals. This is one of the reasons it is so difficult for GOPers in some districts to get elected—they’d have to run to the left of the incumbent Dem. lol

    The question is will Madigan make his moderate/conservative Dems walk the plank in the service of gay marriage?

  6. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Feb 26, 13 @ 12:46 pm:

    - phocion -,

    But … But …Sandack won’t be “pure”!

    Maybe Oberweis will try to get Sandack to resign…like those Dopey RoboCalls keep asking Barickman to resign, and making the GOP look more rigid and unwelcoming as possible. Maybe.

    I hope you are right, that members like those two in Our Party will move away from “purity” and move more towards “Diversity” and lean on the Reagan 80% Rule to marginalize those who refuse to let the Party grow.

  7. - frustrated GOP - Tuesday, Feb 26, 13 @ 1:04 pm:

    “I think that needs to have time to go through the system before we go further.” Go through what system?
    You shouldn’t get re-elected because you can’t dodge better then that.
    How about asking for a committee, “Rainbow ribbon Commission” something, but go through the system. Sounds like a pink floyd machine thing.
    How about standing on support for the bill will be good for bring business to the state.

  8. - Endangered Moderate Species - Tuesday, Feb 26, 13 @ 1:12 pm:

    “Madigan make his moderate/conservative Dems walk the plank”

    QCExaminer- If your comment is not snark, then you don’t have a good understanding of how the Speaker manages the House.

    He has a history of allowing his members to vote their conscience.

    Bills that he opposes, typically never make it to a vote.

    The ILGOP should learn from him rather than ridiculing him.

  9. - Francis - Tuesday, Feb 26, 13 @ 1:24 pm:

    I would guess the proponents don’t want to delay too long, but how about running the bill during Veto Session — after the filing deadline for the primary? Then the Republicans who would like to vote for it but are afraid they’ll get “primaried” might find it safe to vote yes.

  10. - wordslinger - Tuesday, Feb 26, 13 @ 1:36 pm:

    –“We’ve had civil unions, and it hasn’t even been two years,” Scherer said. “The purpose of the civil union was to give people in this situation the rights they felt they deserved. I think that needs to have time to go through the system before we go further.”–

    I wonder what any of that means.

    Make it easy on yourself, Rep., vote your conscience and let the chips fall where they may.

  11. - Dirty Red - Tuesday, Feb 26, 13 @ 1:36 pm:

    Quinn still thinks associating his name with this bill improves its chances of survival? Seriously, brah?

  12. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Feb 26, 13 @ 1:47 pm:

    You know, Rep. Scherer, you don’t need to answer every question.

    This is an instance where a Freshman, acts … like a Freshman.

  13. - qcexaminer - Tuesday, Feb 26, 13 @ 1:51 pm:

    If what you say is true EMS, then I assume that if Madigan is bringing SSM to a vote, he HAS the votes.

    What I know of Madigan is that he loves power more than ideology.

    So we shall see.

  14. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Feb 26, 13 @ 2:02 pm:

    === if Madigan is bringing SSM to a vote, he HAS the votes.===

    It’s only an Exec Committee vote, not a floor vote.

  15. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Feb 26, 13 @ 2:31 pm:

    If you ever read qcexaminer’s blog Rich, you’d know they think they know more than they do.

  16. - Sideliner - Tuesday, Feb 26, 13 @ 2:33 pm:

    Sandack was pretty emphatic during the primary less than one year ago, when he was seeking Tea Party endorsement, he would work to repeal Civil Unions and stand solidly in support of traditional marriage, so that would be some heavy duty “evolving” on a position.

    You can vote vote your conscience and let the chips fall where they may, or you can vote to represent your constituents. Scherer may not position herself eloquently, but she may represent the prevailing majority opinion of her district.

  17. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Feb 26, 13 @ 2:37 pm:

    ===you’d know they think they know more than they do.====

    Who is “they” - Anonymous -?

  18. - Midwest Mom - Tuesday, Feb 26, 13 @ 3:31 pm:

    Rep. Sue Scherer, D-Decatur, said she thinks legalizing same-sex marriage is premature.

    “We’ve had civil unions, and it hasn’t even been two years,” Scherer said. “The purpose of the civil union was to give people in this situation the rights they felt they deserved. I think that needs to have time to go through the system before we go further.”

    This statement is patentedly offense. No one should be approving or disapproving another being’s rights. That’s why they’re called RIGHTS!

    Sandack is welcomed to evolve. I know a lot more Repubs that have done so in the last few years, none more so than my spouse when our young son came out of the closet! And evolve beautifully he has, I might add. I’m so proud of him overcoming the dogma he’d been fed all those years.

  19. - Endangered Moderate Species - Tuesday, Feb 26, 13 @ 4:13 pm:

    “He has a history of allowing his members to vote their conscience.”

    I should have added “….. or their Districts” to the end of my sentence.

  20. - Arthur Andersen - Tuesday, Feb 26, 13 @ 6:28 pm:

    The teacher in the Capitol is being schooled.

  21. - Verizon Guy - Tuesday, Feb 26, 13 @ 6:41 pm:

    I am finally gonna get married

  22. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Feb 26, 13 @ 7:12 pm:

    ===The teacher in the Capitol is being schooled.===

    Some Freshman sit, and learn…

    Others… talk and talk and talk… and have to learn the hard way.

  23. - John - Tuesday, Feb 26, 13 @ 8:43 pm:

    “Good for Sandack. The Republicans might have a future in Illinois if there were more like him - fiscally conservative, socially moderate, ready to make a tough call, responsive to constituents, hard working. All in all, Ron is just a great guy. Hopefully the party gets it and he moves into leadership. Governor Sandack has a nice ring to it…”

    I’d support him for Governor though I don’t know if he’d run.

    With that being said with how long the CCW circus is going does anyone think the Executive Committee will even meet tonight?

  24. - Logan County Joe - Tuesday, Feb 26, 13 @ 10:46 pm:

    Anyone here heard of the Regnerus Study?

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