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Question of the day

Tuesday, Mar 19, 2013 - Posted by Rich Miller

* The Sun-Times has an article today about attempts by Rosemont and DuPage County to lure the Cubs away from Chicago

“If it doesn’t work out with the negotiations they have going on right now [in Chicago], Mayor Stephens wants the Cubs to know they have an option and Rosemont could be that option should they decide to look elsewhere,” Mack said.

“What he does is put deals together. That’s what Rosemont has always been known for: a place where a business could go and find a friendly environment. He sees a situation that hasn’t been working and it’s in his nature to say, ‘We could make that happen in Rosemont.’”

Mack acknowledged that Stephens has met with Cubs underlings, but never directly with Ricketts.

But, he said, “There are 25 acres of land that Rosemont is willing to give to the Ricketts family to build a stadium. It’s the last piece of land of any size at the intersection of Balmoral and the Tri-State Tollway.”

Dennis Culloton, a spokesman for the Ricketts family, said the Cubs remain focused on getting a deal done in Chicago.

“The family appreciates the expressions of interest from Rosemont and others, however, the current focus is to work toward an agreement with the city of Chicago,” Culloton said in a statement.

Asked whether Ricketts was prepared to follow the lead of the Bears and White Sox by threatening to leave Chicago, Culloton would only say, “Tom Ricketts has no intention of talking to the mayor of Rosemont before opening day. Right now, the answer is ‘no.’ I cannot predict the future.”

The reference to “others” applies to former DuPage County Board Chairman Robert Schillerstrom, who made a similar pitch to Ricketts last summer.

“I told him he should consider moving to DuPage County as an option. He’s got a tremendous fan base out there. We still have a variety of large vacant sites out here that would be able to meet their needs,” Schillerstrom said Monday.

* The Question: Do you care if the Cubs abandon Wrigley Field and move to the ‘burbs? Take the poll and then explain your answer in comments, please.



  1. - Ah HA - Tuesday, Mar 19, 13 @ 1:49 pm:

    Maybe if the Cubs go away, then the financial mess Illinois is in would improve…

  2. - Norseman - Tuesday, Mar 19, 13 @ 1:51 pm:

    Yes, I care. I’ll always remember the trips to Wrigley with my father.

  3. - gb - Tuesday, Mar 19, 13 @ 1:51 pm:

    The Cubs are free to move, and also free to sit in half-empty stadiums in Rosemont, Schaumburg, or DuPage, just like those beautiful new half-empty stadiums in Milwaukee, Cincinnati, Pittsburgh, theSouth Side, etc.

  4. - walkinfool - Tuesday, Mar 19, 13 @ 1:51 pm:

    Cubs to DuPage? It would reflect the Urban/Suburban tensions well, and be consistent with their fan base mentality.

  5. - VanillaMan - Tuesday, Mar 19, 13 @ 1:54 pm:

    Cubs fans don’t care about the game as much as the ball park, the partying, the beer, the other fans, the bleachers.

    So, moving the Cubs out of Wrigley would be like having a Dodge Charger made by Fiat. Hey, what a minute!

  6. - LincolnLounger - Tuesday, Mar 19, 13 @ 1:55 pm:

    Hate the Cubs, but I love going to Wrigley a couple of times a year to see Cards v Cubs.

    By the way, gb, not an accurate remark to call Miller Park in Milwaukee “half empty”. They continuously draw 3+ million.

  7. - Nearly Normal - Tuesday, Mar 19, 13 @ 1:55 pm:

    I guess I am a traditionalist. Want them to stay in Wrigley if at all possible.

  8. - Irish - Tuesday, Mar 19, 13 @ 1:59 pm:

    I voted yes they stay at Wrigley. Reason - It’s the friendly confines.It’s where Leo managed, Harry broadcast, Ron and Ernie played. It’s the rooftops, the bleachers, it’s John Barleycorn, Cubby Bear, Murphys. and more of the same

  9. - tubbfan - Tuesday, Mar 19, 13 @ 1:59 pm:

    I hate the party atmosphere at Wrigley. It is a dump and only serves to retard development of a consistent winner. They’ve needed to leave there for decades. The revenue potential almost anywhere else is enormous.

  10. - Fed up - Tuesday, Mar 19, 13 @ 2:00 pm:

    The cubs belong at Wrigley unfortunately the ballpark and the neighborhood limit the cubs ability to make money. I was surprised at the Rosemont article but I could see it working. Rosemony has mass transit, highway access, tollway access, a Huge number of hotel rooms and a willingness to give the cubs the revenue streams Ricketts feels he needs to compete. If the deal gets held up in Wriglyville, Rosemont has shown that it will do what it takes to help a business relocate and succeed

  11. - Montrose - Tuesday, Mar 19, 13 @ 2:00 pm:

    “I spoke about the first time I went to Wrigley Field in Chicago, and I was a big Cubs fan, and I watched all the games on TV, but when I grew up, TV was in black and white. So when I was 7 years old, I was taken to my first Cubs games, and my brother Brian said, “Wait, Billy,” and he put his hands over my eyes, and he walked me up the stairs. And then he took his hands away. [He begins to get choked up.] And there was Wrigley Field, in green. There was this beautiful grass and this beautiful ivy. I’d only seen it in black and white. It was like I was a blind man made to see. It was something.”

    -Bill Murray

    Bill & I care.

  12. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Mar 19, 13 @ 2:00 pm:

    If they move they would have to take Cubby Bear and Murphy’s with them. That’s why I voted for them to stay.

  13. - Irish - Tuesday, Mar 19, 13 @ 2:05 pm:

    And I am a Cards fan.

  14. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Mar 19, 13 @ 2:07 pm:

    I voted to move.

    If the Rickett’s business model is not working to win a World Series, and if I will get is a place to “have a beer, people watch and get a tan” versus a winning team, then move.

    I want to win. I want a World Championship.

    If the cubs can win someplace else like Rosemont, DuPage, anywhere in the Chicagoland area, move.

    Then win.

  15. - Capitol View - Tuesday, Mar 19, 13 @ 2:07 pm:

    Moree seats and boxes, more revenue to bring a winning team to the area. Look at New York, with teams periodically in New Jersey and named after boroughs (Brooklyn). The Cubs attract a regional if not a national fan base - although don’t ask me why - so a suburban location doesn’t hurt.

    I remember one of the Mayor Daleys threatening that if the Sox or Bears moved to the suburbs, he would object to them being called the “Chicago ____”. Copyright law is copyright law, and I don’t see Rahm being so petty with the owners’ name for a team.

    Tear down Wrigley Field before it falls down on its own, and replace it with a theater / auditorium for plays and concerts, complementing the Wrigleyville district.

  16. - Wumpus - Tuesday, Mar 19, 13 @ 2:08 pm:

    No matter, CHicago’s borders will simply get funnier looking after Rahm annexes Rosemont.

  17. - foster brooks - Tuesday, Mar 19, 13 @ 2:10 pm:

    I thought the cubs were going down to tripple A ball. I believe they were looking to move in the quad cities.

  18. - CLJ - Tuesday, Mar 19, 13 @ 2:11 pm:

    All the Cubs have done in the 97 years at Wrigley is lose. Maybe a new location would revive the winning ways they had when they were on the west side of town. Weeghman Park always was and continues to be a second rate park designed for a defunct league. Go Chicago Whales!!!

  19. - City Slicker - Tuesday, Mar 19, 13 @ 2:12 pm:

    Stay or go, doesn’t matter to me as long as it’s not funded with taxpayer money.

  20. - Peoria Pete - Tuesday, Mar 19, 13 @ 2:13 pm:

    If they’re going to go, then they shouldn’t stop at Balmoral and the Tri-State. Out of state might be more appropriate.

    Disclaimer, I’m not a huge Cubs fan, but their’s something fun about going to Wrigley. Take that out of the equation and there’s no reason for me to go see them anymore.

  21. - Skeptic - Tuesday, Mar 19, 13 @ 2:15 pm:

    I too am a traditionalist, I’d like to see Wrigley keep going. But (you knew that was coming, didn’t you?) I cry when I hear about $1/2 Billion (or more!) being spent on a stadium instead of, say, fixing streets or fixing up homes or building/repairing factories or … or … and I’m vehemently opposed to spending any tax money on any stadium anywhere.

    Some other random thoughts…I doubt the Cubs would draw nearly as well outside of Wrigley, considering how loud the opposition was to playing at The Cell (even temporarily.) “The Cubs at (insert stadium name)” just aren’t the same as “The Cubs at Wrigley” unless you’re really a Cubs fan in which case may the Force be with you.

    And it seems to me this would be a good place for you right-wing “keep government out of our business and let the marketplace decide” folks to fight to keep government out of their business and let the marketplace decide. “You think you can get a better deal building your own stadium somewhere else? Fine, have at it.” It’d be interesting to see who blinks first.

  22. - shore - Tuesday, Mar 19, 13 @ 2:20 pm:

    Not at all. I’m really sick of the constant focus of city and state government on the olympics, hollywood handouts for movies/entertainment/concerts, the handouts to the bulls and white sox and this cubs debate. This is making me want to go back to the days when the tribune ran the team, the rooftops weren’t an industrial business and harry was calling 15-0 barry bonds era pirate shellings of jim bullinger.

    One of the cubs starting pitchers they signed during the offseason went down today with a bum arm. Weather is still in the 20s and they’re already getting their inner fail on.

  23. - John Parnell - Tuesday, Mar 19, 13 @ 2:22 pm:

    Move. The Cubs could have a park with all the amenities Rickets is trying to get from the mayor.
    Plus they would finaly have parking with easier access to their stadium, and could put up as many signs as they wanted to. The biggest benefit is that the rooftoppers and their pet alderman would be out of the picture.

  24. - Rahm's Parking Meter - Tuesday, Mar 19, 13 @ 2:23 pm:

    As a Cubs fan, I love Wrigley, but I would gladly leave in order to win a World Series.

    That said, Ald. Tunney is becoming too difficult to deal with. He wants to rip up Wrigleyville to turn it into Evanston lite with his Addison Park on Clark and fights the Cubs tooth and nail on everything.

    If this does keep up, I would not be shocked to see the Ricketts family try to run someone against him. No other team has to put up with people watching the game from outside the stadium like the Cubs do with the rooftops and for sure, I can’t see any reason why Tunney keeps protecting these owners except for campaign cash.

    Bottom line, Tunney has gotten to high on the hog and if the Cubs walk (doubtful), he gets the blame. If they don’t leave, and he keeps fighting, expect a fully bankrolled challenger.

  25. - Chavez-respecting Obamist - Tuesday, Mar 19, 13 @ 2:24 pm:

    Yes, I care. I live less than a mile from there and I would love it if they left.

  26. - Kasich Walker, Jr. - Tuesday, Mar 19, 13 @ 2:26 pm:

    Gambling is a “tax on the ignorant”?

    If a lotto ticket purchase or a couple of bucks on a pony is symptomatic of ignorance, what are taxpayer subsidies of ballparks, cable fees, or crazy prices for tickets?

    (The above is in no way a criticism of the $7 cost of admission to upper deck corners at the Cell.)

  27. - Chavez-respecting Obamist - Tuesday, Mar 19, 13 @ 2:27 pm:

    And FTR, I don’t really complain about them all that much–I knew where the ballpark was when I moved, complaining would be like the people who live near the airport complaining about the noise.

    But if they would move, that would be great.

  28. - Rahm's Parking Meter - Tuesday, Mar 19, 13 @ 2:28 pm:

    Chavez, I also live less than a mile away, and for the economic sake of Lakeview and Buena Park, I would hate it if they left. It would be bad for the entire neighborhood if they did. Part of the reason I moved to the neighborhood in the first place was my long time love of the Cubs, and it would be a travesty and economic devistation if the Cubs left. Boystown, Broadway, Southport don’t equal a fraction of the economic development the Cubs bring. If you don’t like it, then move.

  29. - Ahoy! - Tuesday, Mar 19, 13 @ 2:32 pm:

    I’m a Cardinals fan and believe the Cub’s leaving wriggly is an awful idea. Moving to the suburbs is an even worse idea.

  30. - Fire Anita Alvarez - Tuesday, Mar 19, 13 @ 2:37 pm:

    As a White Sox fan, I don’t care, so long as whatever stadium deal is struck does not use taxpayer dollars.

  31. - Northsider - Tuesday, Mar 19, 13 @ 2:38 pm:

    This is the baseball version of Gary’s attempt to lure the Bears. The Cubs belong in Wrigley Field. They belong in Chicago. Wrigley Field is a national landmark. It and Fenway Park are living history. Wrigley and the Cubs are part and parcel of Chicago — just as the White Sox are. Cubs fan that I am, I would have hated seeing the Sox decamp for Florida, as was once threatened. We, together, would have been less. As long as baseball remains a cultural touchstone, the city and the teams would be diminished without each other.

    I can walk to the “L” and for $2.25 ride it down to Addison and back (another $2.25). I don’t have to drive, fight traffic, pay through the nose for parking, then fight traffic again after the game. How much pollution and carbon emissions are saved because I and thousands of other fans have that choice? How much would be emitted if that choice is removed?

    If the Cubs ever were to move to Rosemont or DuPage County, I wouldn’t make that drive. Besides, Rosemont fleeces enough from visitors to the Allstate Arena and the Rosemont Theater today. God only knows what they’d filch from Cubs fans going to Donald E. Stephens Field. There’s enough sprawl in the region. Another stadium surrounded by acres of parking lots, we don’t need.

    As for financing the proposed rebuilt, the Ricketts family has a financial model they are confident will work without dipping into the public till. Say what else you will about Mayor Emanuel, but he was absolutely correct to say no to that. Give them a fair chance to try.

    Ald. Tunney and the rooftop owners, who long ago traded any semblance of neighborhood charm for flat-out greed, stand in the way. Granted, they have that contract that Tribune Co. was stupid enough to sign. Would they rather have the Cubs go away, leaving them with suddenly-utterly useless buildings? Good parasites take only enough from their host to thrive, not enough to kill.

    And, Alderman, the only Wrigleyville residents who have a right to kvetch are the ones who were living there before 1984. Everyone younger than that knows exactly what they bought into when they moved to anywhere within a mile of Wrigley.

  32. - railrat - Tuesday, Mar 19, 13 @ 2:40 pm:

    only move to Rosemont if Stephens can provide fencing/alleys/bushes for post game “bladder relief” !!

  33. - TCB - Tuesday, Mar 19, 13 @ 2:40 pm:

    I want them to stay in Wrigley because I want them to go another 100 years without giving Wrigley a world championship.

  34. - wordslinger - Tuesday, Mar 19, 13 @ 2:40 pm:

    I’m not sure what the Stephens Crew is up to here, but it’s very funny.

    –“There are 25 acres of land that Rosemont is willing to give to the Ricketts family to build a stadium. It’s the last piece of land of any size at the intersection of Balmoral and the Tri-State Tollway.”–

    Yeah, there might be a reason for that, lol.

    Maybe it’s the ambiance of low-flying screaming jets taking off and landing every couple of minutes, 24/7, right next door at O’Hare.

    Or the soothing spectacle of endless freight train traffic out of the Bensenville yards.

    Or the serenity of slugging it out in traffic where the Tri-State, Addams, Kennedy and Mannheim meet at O’Hare.

    Gary, you can still spin it, dude. You made my day.

    Ain’t never gonna happen. The only real option outside of Wrigleyville is the Arlington track.

    And that ain’t gonna happen, either.

    Wrigley is the brand, not the Cubs, for those shelling out to attend games in person. They’re going nowhere (in all meanings of the word).

  35. - Mason born - Tuesday, Mar 19, 13 @ 2:40 pm:

    Gotta say i am not the biggest fan of the cubs to begin with but man how do you have Cubs without Wrigley field. Hell i wanted my kids first games to be a t Wrigley even if i had to wait for a Cardinal Cub Game to go.

  36. - ZC - Tuesday, Mar 19, 13 @ 2:41 pm:

    Don’t want them to move, but it would serve the rooftop guys right.

  37. - Deep South - Tuesday, Mar 19, 13 @ 2:42 pm:

    It is not where they move to, but the fact that they would move at all. The only way for the Cubs to become a successful franchise is to move out of Wrigley. “Fans” don’t go see the Cubs play, shoot they pretty much figure the home team’s gonna lose anyway, no, they go to see Wrigley, enjoy the atmosphere and the old school charm. Put the Cubs in a situation where the only way ownership can put meat in the seats is to field a quality team and the Cubs will playoff contenders in short order.

  38. - Then again... - Tuesday, Mar 19, 13 @ 2:43 pm:

    I’m always amused by the conversation “other people” have about Cubs fans/Wrigley.

    =Cubs fans don’t care about the game as much as the ball park, the partying, the beer, the other fans, the bleachers=

    So says someone I can only imagine is a fan of the other team in town - you know, the one with the jumbotron, “fundamentals zone??”, speed pitch, (admittedly nice) expansive food and drink menus, etc… Look, I’m fine with all those things, let’s just not pretend the folks are Wrigley are the (only) distracted ones…

    Oswego Willy’s point is well taken, though, about whether or not Wrigley is keeping the Cubs from winning. I think we definitely need to have a conversation about reducing day games and I hope the renovation plans will be enough to bring the player facilities up to par. But at the end of the day, I think Wrigley has less to do with the Cubs’ losing ways than downright gross mismanagement by the front office.

    I’m with Irish. This place is living history. It’s where the Babe “called” his home run. Keep the place. Renovate it, bring it into the 21st century, but keep it. There is no other Wrigley, and there aren’t many sports venues you can say that about anymore.

    Interested to hear what Rich has to say on the matter…

  39. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Mar 19, 13 @ 2:48 pm:

    ===Interested to hear what Rich has to say on the matter… ===

    I have said for years that the Cubs should bulldoze that park before somebody is killed by falling concrete.

    You talk about Babe Ruth calling his shot at Wrigley. Well, they knocked down “The House that Ruth Built” a few years ago. Why? Because the Yankees care about winning. Y’all don’t care about winning. So, keep it if you want. Just stop whining about what losers you are.

  40. - Bongofurry - Tuesday, Mar 19, 13 @ 2:53 pm:


    I guess you have not been in Rosemont for a bit. Check out the downtown they built, doing massive business out of it. 8 top line restaurants. Concerts, building a high end mall. Big Ten is building their headquarters there. Place is hopping like the old Viagra triangle in its heyday.

    As far as the Cubs; They can move to Rosemont, especially if there is a Rosemont in the Yukon Territory.

  41. - wordslinger - Tuesday, Mar 19, 13 @ 2:56 pm:

    – Hell i wanted my kids first games to be a t Wrigley even if i had to wait for a Cardinal Cub Game to go.–

    You have a very cool new park in St. Louis. Much better than old Busch.

    St. Louis is a great baseball town. Went every year for tournaments when my boys were doing travel ball. Miss it.

  42. - wordslinger - Tuesday, Mar 19, 13 @ 3:03 pm:

    –Y’all don’t care about winning.–

    The Tribbies and then Zell overpaid a fortune for the likes of Wood, Zambrano, Soriano and Marmol to try and buy a series.

    Last I checked, the Cubs are up 3-1 in the NLCS against the Marlins with Zambrano, Prior and Wood set in the rotation, lol.

    Of course, buying a series was part of the Master Plan by the Tribbies/Zell/Blago/Big Jim to unload Wrigley on the taxpayers.

    They tried, they choked. But they have no place to go where they can draw near 3 million with a 100-loss team.

    And Bongo, I’m quite familiar with Rosemont, but that site doesn’t cut it for an entertainment venue. That’s why it’s still vacant.

  43. - Big D - Tuesday, Mar 19, 13 @ 3:04 pm:

    As a business decision, leaving Wrigley would be insane. The Cubs have built a nationwide fanbase due in large part to the mystique of Wrigley Field (it certainly isn’t because of all the success they’ve had over the decades). That being said, the way the city is jerking them around has to make it at least a little bit tempting for Ricketts. Having to beg for permission to use your own money to upgrade a 100-year old ballpark has to get tiring after a while.

  44. - ILPundit - Tuesday, Mar 19, 13 @ 3:14 pm:

    Big D — The Cubs built a national fanbase because of WGN and the fact that you could watch their games anywhere in the country. Most of their national fan base has never stepped foot inside of Wrigley Field.

  45. - dupage dan - Tuesday, Mar 19, 13 @ 3:23 pm:

    “Wrigley is the brand, not the Cubs”. BINGO.

    If you build it (in DuPage County) they will NOT come.

  46. - LisleMike - Tuesday, Mar 19, 13 @ 3:31 pm:

    For all the nostalgia folks, my first game was with my father as Sportsmans Park in St Louis. He showed me how to score with the diamond shape, the positions by number and we got to shake hands with Stan Musial. Great memory, but I watched a fellow next to me in Busch Stadium doing the same thing for his son…all things change…I turned 65 yesterday and I am constantly reminded of such. It is your memory, keep it. Let others form thier own where ever they want in a safe environ.

  47. - Ray del Camino - Tuesday, Mar 19, 13 @ 3:35 pm:

    Another Cards fan heard from, but I wouldn’t go see the Cubs at some big, bland suburban park. Blah. I’d go to New Comiskey to watch ten-man baseball before I’d do that. (Nostalgiaville, but Old Cominskey was a trip, wasn’t it?)

  48. - L.S. - Tuesday, Mar 19, 13 @ 3:46 pm:

    I voted let em leave, but I’m already rethinking it. As a Sox fan it would be funny to make fun of the Dupage Cubs. But that would wear off quick and in the end, it’d be bad for the city.

  49. - Boone Logan Square - Tuesday, Mar 19, 13 @ 3:47 pm:

    This poll is defective. I care, as in I actively want the Cubs to move to Rosemont. As a White Sox fan, the idea of the Cubs trading Wrigley Field for some of the busiest flight paths on Earth sounds great!

  50. - LisleMike - Tuesday, Mar 19, 13 @ 3:47 pm:

    @ Ray
    I don’t disagree..I was raised by a Cards fan, but I love all baseball. I sand the National Anthem at the Old Comiskey, as well as the Cell and also with singers at Wrigley. Trust me it is a treat wherever. I just think that holding on because of the tradition is nostalgic and about us rather than all the current and future fans.

  51. - Endangered Moderate Species - Tuesday, Mar 19, 13 @ 3:53 pm:

    First and foremost, I am a Cubs fan.

    Wrigley Field is a great place to visit, but it is outdated and does not have the amenities for fans and players as many of the new parks.

    Bottom line: I will watch the Cubs wherever they play.

  52. - East Central Illinois - Tuesday, Mar 19, 13 @ 3:56 pm:

    I voted to let them move; or maybe do a trade with Milwaukee and throw in Governor Quinn as an added bonus in the deal.

  53. - wordslinger - Tuesday, Mar 19, 13 @ 4:03 pm:

    –Most of their national fan base has never stepped foot inside of Wrigley Field. –

    That might have been the case 30 or 40 years ago when there were fewer teams, little or no cable, and no one was going to Wrigley (see Lee Elia), but I imagine these days most of Cubs Nation outside the area are retired snowbirds or ex-pats who’ve been to the park.

    It was probably true back in the day for the Cardinals. Before the Dodgers and Giants moved west, St. Louis was both the most southern and most western franchise, and KMOX was blasting their radio signal into Dixie and the Plains. Lot of far-flung Cards fans, then.

  54. - Stones - Tuesday, Mar 19, 13 @ 4:13 pm:

    Frankly, I hope they turn Wrigley into a big pile of rubble and start somewhere else but I don’t think that will happen. Rosemont just gave the Ricketts family a whole bunch of leverage against the city.

  55. - Arthur Andersen - Tuesday, Mar 19, 13 @ 4:13 pm:

    I could care less about the Cubs or where they play. I just don’t want my Cardinals to be around when the old place collapses.

  56. - Demoralized - Tuesday, Mar 19, 13 @ 4:17 pm:

    I’m a Cardinals fan but I enjoy going to games at Wrigley. But I do agree with Rich. It’s a crap shoot when you go there as to whether some part of the building is going to fall on top of you. Fix the park or move somewhere else.

    As an aside, don’t the Cubs have some of the highest average ticket prices in the MLB? I think they need to re-think their revenue distribution inside the organization and allocate some to, oh, I don’t know, capital expenses.

  57. - wordslinger - Tuesday, Mar 19, 13 @ 4:25 pm:

    –Rosemont just gave the Ricketts family a whole bunch of leverage against the city.–

    What they offered to give them is a 25-acre parcel at the road, rail and air crossroads of the nation that no one has seen fit to develop.

    What’s a new stadium cost? Here are the three most recent: Marlins, $634 million. Mets, $850 million. Yankees, $1.5 billion.

    I don’t see the leverage.

  58. - Kasich Walker, Jr. - Tuesday, Mar 19, 13 @ 4:30 pm:

    Dyersville, Iowa is waiting.

  59. - Amalia - Tuesday, Mar 19, 13 @ 4:33 pm:

    there’s a song from the 80s….take me way out to the ballgame, take me way out to the crowd, buy me some peanuts and turn out the lights, the Cubbies are playing in Arlington Heights….

    the White Sox are all that matters to me!

  60. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Mar 19, 13 @ 4:38 pm:

    (Ripping up tickets)

    Well, - AA -, I guess going to the Cubs-Cards game with you is OUT! lol

    To the Post,

    I have had in the background “Sports Talk Radio” and I guess it doesn’t matter which because all the local guys have been yapping about this today, and it seems the Cubs fans interested in winning Baseball wouldn’t mind the move, if it meant a winning ball club.

    Made me feel better.

    Wrigley is “good”, winning a World Series would be “Great”!

  61. - 3rd Generation Chicago Native - Tuesday, Mar 19, 13 @ 4:47 pm:

    I am more worried if they move how this will affect traffic on the Tri State and Kennedy, which is already congested enough in that area with the Airport.
    Otherwise I could care less.

  62. - Kasich Walker, Jr. - Tuesday, Mar 19, 13 @ 4:49 pm:

    One thing I liked about Wrigley: the last time I was there (about a decade ago, so maybe it has already changed) they weren’t blaring commercial announcements on the PA between innings.

    The Cell ought to knock it off, too.

    Didn’t notice that as a problem at Busch.

    Don’t know about the other parks.

  63. - Judgment Day - Tuesday, Mar 19, 13 @ 5:01 pm:

    “As for financing the proposed rebuilt, the Ricketts family has a financial model they are confident will work without dipping into the public till. Say what else you will about Mayor Emanuel, but he was absolutely correct to say no to that. Give them a fair chance to try.

    Ald. Tunney and the rooftop owners, who long ago traded any semblance of neighborhood charm for flat-out greed, stand in the way. Granted, they have that contract that Tribune Co. was stupid enough to sign. Would they rather have the Cubs go away, leaving them with suddenly-utterly useless buildings? Good parasites take only enough from their host to thrive, not enough to kill.”

    Rosemont knows that the Rickett’s are down for at least $300 mil to spend for a renovated Wrigley. But that’s contingent upon the City of Chicago working with them on permits and conditions.

    Obviously, the Rickett’s would rather keep Wrigley as the home of the Chicago Cubs. But it’s like anything else, you make their lives too miserable, well, it’s “See Ya”. Something that Ald. Tunney and others should keep in mind.

  64. - Just The Way It Is One - Tuesday, Mar 19, 13 @ 5:15 pm:

    Stay. When it comes to Major League Baseball and the Cubs, I’m strictly a traditionalist, “Old-School” if you will. Plus, so many folks have been goin’ there for SO long with so many MEMories, fond and frustrating alike, that the Joint just makes people happy, even somewhat nostalgic for many, I think. Shucks, I was upset when they re-named the Home of the White Sox to the —-!…It’s STILL difficult for me to reference it in that way–I still call it “Comiskey Park,” or “Comiskey” for short, and if I’d have had MY way, they would’ve never dared to tear down the OLD Place!!!

  65. - Arthur Andersen - Tuesday, Mar 19, 13 @ 5:21 pm:

    Willy, you just come on down south and I’ll buy the tickets to a game at beautiful Busch Stadium. We’ll just have to hope we don’t get carjacked after the game lol.

  66. - Kasich Walker, Jr. - Tuesday, Mar 19, 13 @ 5:31 pm:

    @ Just The Way — there were some real bad seats at Comiskey. I’ve sat nearly everywhere at The Cell (took my awhile, but I like the name. No need to hold on too long to Chuck), and the views are great.

  67. - Muffin Man - Tuesday, Mar 19, 13 @ 5:36 pm:

    I wouldn’t blame the Cubs for leaving Chicago. It is a business decision. Based on the declining population in Chicago and Cook County over the past decade, there are a lot of other people that want to get out of Cook County and move to one of the surrounding collar counties. Chicago is “a nice place to visit but I wouldn’t want to live there.” Based on demographic changes over the past decade, the Rickett family should print that into a bumper sticker.

  68. - Chavez-respecting Obamist - Tuesday, Mar 19, 13 @ 5:36 pm:

    I’m not much of a baseball fan anymore–thank you Bud Selig, for ruining it for me–but I like have seats with backs, cupholders, and best of all, more than 4 stalls in the entire ballpark when I need to hit the ladies room.

  69. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Mar 19, 13 @ 5:37 pm:

    How about park around The Landing, catch a ride both ways, or even The Hill grab dinner.

    Or park where you said & take our chances…. At least it will be eventful regardless if the Cubs or Cards win.

  70. - Arthur Andersen - Tuesday, Mar 19, 13 @ 5:48 pm:

    Willy, you have a deal. Maybe Rich will come along.

  71. - wordslinger - Tuesday, Mar 19, 13 @ 5:57 pm:

    – Based on the declining population in Chicago and Cook County over the past decade, there are a lot of other people that want to get out of Cook County and move to one of the surrounding collar counties. Chicago is “a nice place to visit but I wouldn’t want to live there.”–

    So locating outside Cook, with 5.2 million people (40% of the state’s population) would give the Cubs a better chance to draw more than the 3 million a year they do now?

    Where would this less-densely populated location be and how much better than 3 million do they draw by being there?

    By the way, Cook’s population did not decline over the last decade. Chicago’s did, but is on an upswing driven by the explosive residential growth in and around the Loop.

  72. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Mar 19, 13 @ 5:59 pm:

    You never know - AA -, it’s a long season.

  73. - reformedformerlibertarian - Tuesday, Mar 19, 13 @ 6:32 pm:

    I don’t care about where the Cubs play, but I do have a serious problem with anyone being given 25 acres & not forced to pay fair market value for it

  74. - Richard Afflis - Tuesday, Mar 19, 13 @ 6:38 pm:

    I like to remind people that US Cellular Field is the only Chicago baseball stadium that has hosted a World Series the home team has won.
    All of the alleged tradition of Wrigley Field and in ninety-nine years they have no World Series win. Moving should at least be an option.

  75. - cunobarragan - Tuesday, Mar 19, 13 @ 8:40 pm:

    I want them to go but only if they take the santo statue with them and if the new place will have room to display the retired 42 where it can actually be seen.

  76. - foster brooks - Tuesday, Mar 19, 13 @ 10:23 pm:

    and there’s john cusack!

  77. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Mar 20, 13 @ 8:36 am:

    I don’t care what the Cubs do– leave, stay, or disappear entirely. I just don’t want them to get a single cent of public money from the State or the City. FWIW I’m a Chicagoan not a suburbanite.

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