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23 chairmen are on the payroll

Monday, Mar 25, 2013 - Posted by Rich Miller

* When I told my subscribers about how 52 county Democratic Party chairmen had signed a letter in strong support of Gov. Pat Quinn, I knew there were several state workers on that list. Bernie did the full count, though, and came up with this astounding figure

Of the 52 Democratic county chairmen listed as issuing that letter, at least 22 have state jobs, and another is on a state board. Combined annual salary for the 18 who work for agencies under the governor tops $1.1 million, comptroller’s records show.

* At least two of those chairmen didn’t want to be included

“I would not endorse him,” said [Mason County Chairman Jay Briney] of Quinn, adding that he doesn’t get involved in endorsements much anyway, and he thinks it’s too early to talk about the 2014 race. A Havana resident, he said one example of unhappiness with Quinn in his area is the governor’s moves for gun control. […]

And Karen Boensel of Oakford, who leads Menard County Democrats, said someone with the governor’s staff discussed the letter in advance with her, but she did not give permission to use her name and was surprised when it appeared. She said any endorsements are up to her precinct committeemen.

* And Sangamon Chairwoman Doris Turner wasn’t the only one quoted in Bernie’s piece as saying this

“There was a conversation that started there among a number of county chairmen with some staff from the governor’s office,”

Here’s hoping that no state resources were used in that letter or there will be heck to pay.

* Either way, the fact that staff was involved means that Gov. Quinn’s fingerprints are all over this thing

Fellow Democrats,

We write today to express our full support for Pat Quinn in his bid for another term as our Governor. A costly, bitter 2014 primary fight between fellow Democrats is exactly what Illinois Republicans want: a chance to divide and weaken our party and recapture the executive branch of state government.

Pat Quinn took the reins of state government in the midst of the worst recession since the Great Depression - and in the aftermath of a massive, embarrassing scandal. As Governor, he has restored honor and integrity to Illinois. To clean up the mess he inherited, he’s had to make unpopular decisions, including some that have angered our allies. But in hard times more than ever, we need a truth-telling leader, unafraid of ruffling feathers and making tough decisions.

As we press forward through unprecedented challenges, it’s tempting and often convenient to criticize those leading the charge for painful but necessary reforms. Over and over, we’ve witnessed the same Republicans who led us into the national recession fight tooth and nail against Senator Durbin and President Obama’s efforts to pull us out of it.

Let’s be clear: Every dollar spent in a primary battle is a dollar not spent in our inevitable war against the Republican money machine in 2014. The last thing we need is a right wing, anti-worker Republican driving us back into recession.

Governor Quinn has earned our support for putting people to work with the largest ($31 billion) capital construction program in Illinois history. His effort is laying the foundation for a stronger, better educated and more prosperous state.

Thanks to Governor Quinn’s total commitment to public works, Illinois is rebuilding roads, bridges, schools and water systems statewide. These projects are creating thousands of jobs and restoring confidence in many discouraged communities.

But even as we repair our infrastructure, we know there is no easy fix to the economic problems facing our state. We understand that real recovery and reform takes time and courage. Here in Illinois, we’re lucky to have a Governor with an unmatched record of fighting for the public interest and the common good.

Please join us in standing united behind Governor Quinn.

In Solidarity…

Keep in mind that 52 signatures out of 102 counties is a failing grade for a sitting governor, especially considering that almost half of those supportive chairmen are on the payroll, and some of the others have relatives working for the state. That’s the best he can do?

And I’m so sure that this letter will discourage any primary opponents. Yep, it’ll frighten them right down to their snow boots. Undoubtedly so.



  1. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Mar 25, 13 @ 9:58 am:

    Is that letter worth $1.1 million in salary?

    What dopes thought a letter, signed by County Chairmen, would be good at this point in the game, when anyone can look at that list, see who is “on the payroll” and make Quinn look like he either “strong arming” them for their job, or they are lemmings backing the guy who is “feeding their family”?

    I would be more impressed if;

    Well over 90 Chairmen signed the letter, or …

    52 Chairmen signed, without any connection to the Administration is found, financially or otherwise.

    Would we be having the same tenor of this if none were on the payroll?


    Actually, this is quite the embarassment, given the idea that Quinn has these Chairmen on the payroll, and it seems Quinn’s Crew needs to let others know they are beholden to Quinn, and may just be with the Governor becuase of the “Direct Deposit” they get from the state of Illinois.


  2. - horseracer - Monday, Mar 25, 13 @ 10:06 am:

    Rock Island, St. Clair and Kane County’s chairmen are not pipsqueaks. Only 18 work for agencies under the Governor? Nothing compared to the old days.

  3. - Rich Miller - Monday, Mar 25, 13 @ 10:20 am:

    horseracer, I’m not sure that St. Clair’s chairman actually “endorsed” the governor, or thought he was doing so.

  4. - Wumpus - Monday, Mar 25, 13 @ 10:31 am:

    If your interest is politics, then your job probably is also within the government. How many are lawyers, real estate agents or business owners which allows one to set his/her own hours? I doubt many have private secotr 9-5’s. It looks so Illinois, though, I will admit.

  5. - Raising Kane - Monday, Mar 25, 13 @ 10:48 am:

    St. Clair may not be with him Rich, but Bob Sprague has been around for a long, long time…he was not naive about what signing that letter meant.

  6. - Small Town Liberal - Monday, Mar 25, 13 @ 10:48 am:

    - I’m not sure -

    Well don’t let that stop you from suggesting otherwise.

    Ironic that within a week you both lionize Jim Thompson and then suggest Pat Quinn is abusing patronage over a simple letter circulated by chairmen.

  7. - Kathryn - Monday, Mar 25, 13 @ 11:06 am:

    Quinn could avoid a “divisive 2014 primary” by just not running again and let a winner lead the ticket. The man is delusional if he thinks he restored honesty and intgegrity to state government. GO LISA

  8. - NW IL Democrat - Monday, Mar 25, 13 @ 11:45 am:

    I’ve never seen a guy with a 21 percent job approval in downstate run for re-election … But you have to give this Governor an A for effort at least.

  9. - Empty Chair - Monday, Mar 25, 13 @ 11:47 am:

    RM, did either you or Bernie do any research to see whether any of the 22 state employees who are also County Chairs that endorsed Quinn were state employees BEFORE Quinn became Governor?

    That would be the number everyone should care about. If, like I suspect, many of these individuals have been long-time state employees, your insinuation of patronage would carry less weight.

  10. - RNUG Fan - Monday, Mar 25, 13 @ 11:47 am:

    It is not going to make them popular with their fellow state employees……..

  11. - Empty Chair - Monday, Mar 25, 13 @ 11:48 am:

    NW IL Dem - see: Pat Quinn 2010.

  12. - RNUG Fan - Monday, Mar 25, 13 @ 11:56 am:

    I was a republican vice-chair many many years ago and we seldom endoresed back then
    We did have patronage help back then but as Osewgo Will alwasy points out our GOTV was a joke. I ususally suggested seeking union support for real help

  13. - WizzardOfOzzie - Monday, Mar 25, 13 @ 12:01 pm:

    I think your spin on this wrong. The Chairmen for DuPage, Kankakee, and Kane don’t work in state government. Some maybe state employees, but that just means they’ll work harder.

    I just don’t buy that this is significant. Won’t keep anyone out, but it is certainly a show of strength.

  14. - WizzardOfOzzie - Monday, Mar 25, 13 @ 12:11 pm:

    To clarify, I should have written:

    I don’t buy that their state employment means anything.

  15. - walkinfool - Monday, Mar 25, 13 @ 2:09 pm:

    Rich’s headline alone made my heart drop.

    You don’t have to be a state employee to care about leading your party to victory on behalf of your principles and goals for the state.

  16. - wordslinger - Monday, Mar 25, 13 @ 2:21 pm:

    Jobs and demurrals aside, I’m trying to figure what the letter was intended to accomplish.

    The only real possible primary challenger to Quinn is Lisa Madigan and I doubt she would be rattled by it.

    Would it encourage others to get on the Quinn train, with money or shoe leather? I don’t know why.

    Whoever comes out of the Dem primary won’t have trouble raising money for the general election. There’s no one scary among the likely GOP field for the nomination.

  17. - OneMan - Monday, Mar 25, 13 @ 2:27 pm:

    Ironic that within a week you both lionize Jim Thompson and then suggest Pat Quinn is abusing patronage over a simple letter circulated by chairmen

    Abusing patronage? Seems like just pointing out a legitimate fact that many of those who endorsed Quinn work for the state.

  18. - Arthur Andersen - Monday, Mar 25, 13 @ 2:39 pm:

    OneMan, remember that STL is a Quinn shill, maybe on the payroll too lol, who gets his undies in a bunch anytime someone critiques the Mighty Quinn.

  19. - Small Town Liberal - Monday, Mar 25, 13 @ 2:47 pm:

    AA - Who says I wear undies?

  20. - NW Illinois - Monday, Mar 25, 13 @ 2:56 pm:

    Empty Chair: I was around during the 1994 Netsch Campaign. Her numbers, may she rip, were around 19% downstate and she went onto get slaughtered. If you’re trying to tell me that Quinn’s 21% job approval downstate = a victory in 2014 you’re drinking far too much Kool Aid.

  21. - wordslinger - Monday, Mar 25, 13 @ 3:15 pm:

    –Her numbers, may she rip, were around 19% downstate and she went onto get slaughtered.–

    Edgar got 52% in Cook that year. Last time out, Brady got 28% in Cook.

  22. - Endangered Moderate Species - Monday, Mar 25, 13 @ 3:36 pm:

    Tell me again how the ILGOP lost the previous Governor’s race to Quinn?

    Asking for endorsements of the Dem County Party Chairman was a high risk / low reward campaign move.

  23. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Mar 25, 13 @ 3:41 pm:

    ===Edgar got 52% in Cook that year. Last time out, Brady got 28% in Cook.===

    There are votes in Cook, just have to get them out.

    ===Asking for endorsements of the Dem County Party Chairman was a high risk / low reward campaign move.===

    Agreed. Unless you are going to get such a substantial amount of them to commit, it is just a wasted exercise, and showing weakness, and leaving yourself open to criticism like “job holders endorsing Governor.”

    Not a wise move, indeed.

  24. - Empty Chair - Monday, Mar 25, 13 @ 4:08 pm:

    @NWIL - In 2010 Quinn had a 23% approval rating and won the statewide election in one of the biggest Republican landslide years in recent history. Don’t underestimate the power of incumbency, or the political skills of Pat Quinn.

  25. - Rich Miller - Monday, Mar 25, 13 @ 4:10 pm:

    ===Don’t underestimate the power of incumbency, or the political skills of Pat Quinn.===

    OK, so what happened to the other 50 chairmen?

  26. - Small Town Liberal - Monday, Mar 25, 13 @ 4:19 pm:

    Rich - How many signed a letter for him in the last primary?

  27. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Mar 25, 13 @ 4:33 pm:

    ===OK, so what happened to the other 50 chairmen?===

    Isn’t that “burying the the lead” on this? lol

    Fifty Chairmen decided NOT to endorse Pat Quinn in a letter.

    Great point, Rich.

  28. - Just The Way It Is One - Monday, Mar 25, 13 @ 6:16 pm:

    Well, however he was able to garner their support, 52 out of 102 IS over half…maybe that was the main Goal at this point, a full year before the potential Primary battle, Gov. Quinn was gunning for….I must say, though, that given the Political Reality of things in Illinois Government that I’m not really shocked that over half of THAT number hold State jobs…when it comes to such matters, folks do tend to “stand by” their “Man”, like the ‘Ol Country tune echoes on….

  29. - Trixie - Monday, Mar 25, 13 @ 8:59 pm:

    (1) The letter asks Democratic county chairmen to endorse their Democratic governor and only half do so despite him not having opposition yet? I wonder how many of these 50 get their names off the letter the minute Lisa announces. (2) Who are the political “brains” who actually decided this was a good idea to release? The letter and its release has NO political upside and TONS of down side. (3) The St. Clair County Democratic Chairman is appointed by the Governor to serve as chief judge of the IL Court of Claims (a gig that pays him over $120K annually). No shocker he signed.

  30. - Speaking the truth - Monday, Mar 25, 13 @ 9:38 pm:

    Trixie your posting is very similar to all the postings here today. Yet no one has yet to explain how “The letter and its release has NO political upside and TONS of down side.”

    So please be the first to explain how over half the chairmen are going against the most powerful family in Illinois politics.

  31. - Louis Howe - Tuesday, Mar 26, 13 @ 8:11 am:

    This is another example of Quinn’s inexperienced staff throwing something up against the wall to see what sticks. Some politicians are chess players (Madigan). Some are checker players (Edgar). Quinn’s a tick tack toe player.

  32. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Mar 26, 13 @ 8:40 am:

    ===So please be the first to explain how over half the chairmen are going against the most powerful family in Illinois politics.===


    52 signed the letter, 23 of the 52 are receiving a pay check from the state/administration, leaving 29 out of 102 Chairmen, with no inherit bias, choosing to say that Pat Quinn is their choice.

    29 out of 102, for a sitting governor, and the letter is out there for everyone to see the weakness. Twenty-nine out of 102 is quite pathetic when the goal of the letter is NOT to LOOK pathetic, but to show strength and solidarity for the Governor.

  33. - BogieBog - Tuesday, Mar 26, 13 @ 9:32 am:

    If Pat Quinn is nominated by the Democrats next year, he will lose the general election to whatever right-wing buffoon the Republicans select. The Democrats need someone else to run. Otherwise, it will be Governer Joe Walsh.

  34. - Trixie - Tuesday, Mar 26, 13 @ 10:25 am:

    To Speaking the Truth: What Oswego said. There!!
    And over half the chairmen going against the most powerful family? Where do you get that? Lisa hasn’t even announced and the letter doesn’t mention her or her father. How is that “going against” her and her family?
    And who sends out a letter like this with just electronic signatures of the alleged signers? Shouldn’t someone have gotten them to personally sign so they can’t later back out saying they didn’t agree to sign it? Aren’t you just asking for trouble otherwise? Didn’t the PQ people just get trouble with some chairs now publicly saying they didn’t sign? Won’t there probably be more such trouble when/if Lisa announces and more chairs try to get off the letter?

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