Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » AFSCME prez says Quinn has “price to pay”
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AFSCME prez says Quinn has “price to pay”

Tuesday, Apr 2, 2013 - Posted by Rich Miller

* National AFSCME President Lee Saunders lit into Gov. Pat Quinn again and promised retaliation

He also chastised Democratic officeholders, including Illinois Gov. Pat Quinn and Philadelphia Mayor Michael Nutter, who have sought concessions by public workers such as pay cuts, higher health insurance premiums and lower pensions.

“It really does annoy me when we support candidates and after that election is over with, they have amnesia and they forget how they got there and who supported them, and they want to take us on rather than work with us to resolve problems,” Saunders said. “And when politicians do that, I think there should be a price to pay, and I think we need to be more aggressive in our approach in holding politicians accountable.”

He said a contract agreement was reached recently with the state of Illinois only after workers “put heat on the governor,” including staging protests at his public appearances.

So, was that a good contract or a bad contract? If it was a good contract, then that kinda undercuts his argument, no?

* Meanwhile, I didn’t see much new in this Sun-Times story about Lisa Madigan. Pat Brady and Don Rose obviously disagree about her candidacy

“Honest to God, it is incomprehensible to me that you would have a speaker who is as powerful as he is and then have his daughter as governor,” said state Republican Party Chairman Pat Brady.

“It will be a big issue, it will be a national story, if that comes to pass. I cannot imagine the major donor community having the stomach for it. … What happened to checks and balances? On so many levels it is not good for the state — I believe. I think that’s a big, big issue that she’s going to have to address early.”

Rose said while the issue is a real one, he doubts it would gain enough traction to hurt Lisa Madigan’s run.

“The question would come up: Is this putting too much power into one family? It’ll affect the election, marginally, I think,” Rose said. “It’s not enough to defeat her by any means. It would probably be the only issue against her. Stacked up against the power of Mike’s organization and her own popularity, it would be a real issue, but it wouldn’t drag her down.”

“Have his daughter as governor,” is, to me anyway, borderline sexist. Brady is really gonna have to watch his mouth next year if she runs. Brady was full-on sexist about LMadigan in 2012, but almost nobody took notice because Brady couldn’t find a real opponent for the AG. That won’t be the case if Lisa runs for governor, however.

* And Bill Daley is apparently peeved that Lisa Madigan has been getting all the attention lately, so he penned an op-ed for the Tribune last week. But he said almost nothing new

Like a lot of people across Illinois, I look at our state government and I am amazed at how dysfunctional it continues to be, year after year — same old political fights, same old bickering, nothing gets done.

I’d take him a whole lot more seriously if he formed a campaign committee.

* Related…

* Kwame Raoul: I will ramp up bid for Illinois Attorney General — if Lisa Madigan is out: Other possible contenders for the seat are Illinois Lt. Gov. Sheila Simon and Cook County Sheriff Tom Dart.


  1. - Cal Skinner - Tuesday, Apr 2, 13 @ 12:10 pm:

    Why is no one mentioning State Rep. Jack Franks as a potential for Attorney General?

  2. - wordslinger - Tuesday, Apr 2, 13 @ 12:30 pm:

    I think Rose has it about right.

    If Lisa Madigan is the nominee for governor, the family connection could have an impact on the margin.

    But if the GOP nominee is from among the current crop of likely candidates, I doubt if it would matter.

    Has anything really changed from the guys who couldn’t beat Pat Quinn in a bad economy, with Blago hanging around his neck, in a national GOP tidal wave?

  3. - dave - Tuesday, Apr 2, 13 @ 12:39 pm:

    **Why is no one mentioning State Rep. Jack Franks as a potential for Attorney General?**

    Cal - because you are the only one who thinks that Franks will run. Franks has no real constituency to win a Dem primary.

  4. - dave - Tuesday, Apr 2, 13 @ 12:40 pm:

    **But he said almost nothing new…**

    I don’t know…endorsing a progressive income tax is a pretty big deal from Daley.

  5. - Both Sides Now - Tuesday, Apr 2, 13 @ 12:47 pm:

    Frankly, as long as MJM is Speaker, I don’t think it makes a bit of difference who the Governor is. Speaker Madigan is the one who is really running the show.

  6. - Jimmy 87 - Tuesday, Apr 2, 13 @ 1:17 pm:

    Mr. Saunders comments nicely illustrate the gigantic conflict of interest inherent to public employee unions. Specifically, that they are directly involved in electing the people that set their pay and benefits. This is a phenomenon specific only to public employee unions - there is really no comparable equivalent available to their private sector counterparts.

    As a taxpayer in a state that is so financially out of balance I find his remarks totally out of touch. His comment - “It really does annoy me when we support candidates and after that election is over with, they have amnesia and they forget how they got there and who supported them, and they want to take us on rather than work with us to resolve problems,” sounds more like it belongs in Rod Blagojevich’s evidentiary proffer than anywhere else.

    Recently both former Governor Thompson and Sen. Biss have asked that people quit demonizing public employees. I get it. They were promised certain things and I’m really trying to get on board with that. However, when your organizations’ national president standing at the podium, basically demanding a quid pro quo (union support and money in exchange for a favorable contract/benefits) it’s hard to resist the urge.

  7. - wordslinger - Tuesday, Apr 2, 13 @ 1:20 pm:

    –Mr. Saunders comments nicely illustrate the gigantic conflict of interest inherent to public employee unions. Specifically, that they are directly involved in electing the people that set their pay and benefits. This is a phenomenon specific only to public employee unions - there is really no comparable equivalent available to their private sector counterparts.–

    You can’t be serious.

  8. - Frenchie Mendoza - Tuesday, Apr 2, 13 @ 1:46 pm:

    You can’t be serious.

    Of course he’s serious. Jimmy87 is fighting for freedom and liberty and, gosh darnit, the right to make an honest dollar. Just like all the other 1%’rs who would never ever — never, never, ever, ever — elect anyone who would ever — ever in a million, billion, trillions years — help them increase their pay or give them, ya know, benefits.

    It *only* happens in the public sector. And only because those gosh darn unions are so vociferous in their demands. Because, you know, in the real world — aka private sector — no one would ever elect someone who would someone else increase the amount of dollars flowing into their wallets (or purses or offshore bank accounts).

    Gosh. Unions are just plain mean. And they’re loud. And, darnit, they really, really bug folks like Jimmy87.

    *eye roll*

  9. - Joe Bidenopolous - Tuesday, Apr 2, 13 @ 2:45 pm:

    I find it more interesting that the AFSCME President more or less explicitly stated that he expected favorable OFFICIAL treatment as a result of endorsements and campaign cash. Quid pro quo in such a manner is illegal, I believe.

    Of course, any run of the mill business guy who suggests that is a crook who should go to prison, what about this j’moke?

  10. - wishbone - Tuesday, Apr 2, 13 @ 3:04 pm:

    Just once I would like to ask President Saunders where the money is going to come from to fix the state’s pension woes? I know the answer. “Not my problem”. Same for Chicago Teachers Union head Karen Lewis. Where is the money to keep all those semi-empty schools open? “Not my problem.” they both need to get the hell out of the way of the real problem solvers. Closing some schools and across the board state budget cuts are not the whole answer, but they are a start.

  11. - Boone Logan Square - Tuesday, Apr 2, 13 @ 3:56 pm:

    I’m quite curious to see how Kwame Raoul would fare in a statewide race.

  12. - phocion - Tuesday, Apr 2, 13 @ 4:14 pm:

    Fine, let’s see if AFSCME endorses a Republican candidate for Governor in 2014. Didn’t think so…

    Empty threats are the currency of cowards, blowhards and bullies.

  13. - tired of politics - Tuesday, Apr 2, 13 @ 4:58 pm:

    Hey Jimmy,

    Maybe Saunders was referring to Quinn’s decision to withhold negotiated wage increases provided in the union contract.
    Also, how do contract negotiations go for AFSCME when they support the loosing candidate? Is there a comparable equivalent to picking the “wrong candidate” in the private sector?

  14. - Rod - Tuesday, Apr 2, 13 @ 4:58 pm:

    Lisa will do just fine running against any Republican canadidate with her father as Speaker. I agree with Don Rose. Now if the Republicans run Bruce Rauner things will go even better for Lisa. Republicans please, pretty please run Bruce.

  15. - Morty - Tuesday, Apr 2, 13 @ 5:32 pm:

    Why is saying “Have his daughter as governor” borderline sexist? If Lisa was a “Joe”, would there be an issue with saying “Have his son as governor”? The issue isn’t Lisa Madigan’s first name, it’s her last name.

  16. - Morty - Tuesday, Apr 2, 13 @ 5:40 pm:

    “Fine, let’s see if AFSCME endorses a Republican candidate for Governor in 2014. Didn’t think so…”
    They certainly should support downstate Republican legislators who didn’t go after the public service workers. I imagine if you had a Republican running for governor who said they supported paying all the promised pension benifits, they would get an endorsement. As it is, the unions need to cultivate 3rd party support if they are going to remain relevant in Illinois.

  17. - RNUG Fan - Tuesday, Apr 2, 13 @ 7:55 pm:

    I watched the interview He is quite happy with the contract. He really didn’t go after Quinn. He specifically mentioned sticking by republicans who stick with the state workers. I wonder if he was thinking more about the state house than Quinn.
    I noticed the rather poor funding of all the candidates ex Rauner. It is early but perhaps the Unions have followed AFSCMEs lead finally

  18. - RNUG Fan - Tuesday, Apr 2, 13 @ 8:12 pm:

    Morty They could do primaries too and remain relevant.
    And I am sure they will stick by the republicans that voted with them

  19. - chubs mahoney - Tuesday, Apr 2, 13 @ 9:17 pm:

    The full Saunders interview is worth watching. If only Henry Bayer were as reasonable as President Saunders –

    “…fortunately in Illinois we were able to resolve our differences…”

  20. - Dom Rickles - Wednesday, Apr 3, 13 @ 9:11 am:

    Kwame is not Barack although he thinks he is.
    Franks not a contender.
    Simon downstate appeal. More she appears in north and people hear her the less support she will have.
    Dart Cook County appeal. Any money for statewide race?
    Lisa is 800 lb gorilla in the primary.
    Would love to see Bruce’s onslaught in fall against Lisa and Dad and other family “ventures”

    Any poll numbers in AA community for Quinn and Madigan?

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