Override SB 9 Veto to Get Smart Grid Back on Track
Tuesday, May 7, 2013 - Posted by Advertising Department [The following is a paid advertisement.] ComEd is disappointed that Senate Bill 9 has been vetoed. This legislation would get the Smart Grid back on track and allow ComEd to build a modern grid to reduce power outages and give customers more choice and control over their energy use. Governor Quinn’s veto threatens millions of dollars of investment in our state’s economy and more than 2,400 jobs that have already been created through grid modernization. The delay of the Smart Grid also harms Illinois’ overall economic competitiveness and ability to attract and grow business here. SB 9 merely clarifies existing language in the original Energy Infrastructure Modernization Act of 2011 – nothing more and nothing less. In fact, the Illinois Commerce Commission participated in developing the bill’s language and retains its regulatory oversight over ComEd. Even with the planned delivery service increases, customers on ComEd supply will still be paying about 10 percent less on their electric bill in January 2014 than they are today, due to a reduction in the supply charge that takes effect in June 2013. With energy prices relatively low, now is the right time to invest in Illinois’ electric grid. We urge members of the General Assembly to override the veto to get the grid modernization program back on track.