Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » *** UPDATED x1 *** Today’s letter
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*** UPDATED x1 *** Today’s letter

Tuesday, May 7, 2013 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Illinois Review has a post up about Lake County Sheriff Mark Curran’s letter to Rep. Ed Sullivan, a Republican supporter of gay marriage. Curran is definitely opposed

In the letter to Rep. Sullivan, he gave three main reasons based on his experience and expertise in criminal justice:

“First, same sex marriage is not in the best interest of children; Second, same sex marriage is not in the best interest of society; and Third, same sex marriage will result in the loss of liberty for those opposed to same sex marriage.”

Curran told Sullivan that the overwhelming majority of people incarcerated in this country are male, up to approximately 90 percent in most correctional institutions.

“The single greatest common denominator of those incarcerated in this country is the absence of a father in their lives,” he said. “Some studies show approximately 85 percent of those in correctional institutions had no relationship with their fathers. All reliable studies show a boy that does not know his father is more than twice as likely to wind up incarcerated.”

Um, so if a boy has two fathers doesn’t that make him even less likely to wind up incarcerated?

Just asking…

*** UPDATE *** Rep. Sullivan responds

Unfortunately, I have not yet had the opportunity to read his letter; a surrogate brought the letter to a meeting I had with approximately forty constituents Sunday night to discuss SB10. However, I am waiting for a return call from the Sheriff, and have been waiting for some time. When I heard that Sheriff Curran was going to be the lead speaker at the rally against the bill at my office, I called him thinking we could have a collegial discussion about marriage equality. I continue to extend that offer.

I have great respect for Mark, and have supported him for many years. When he changed parties from being a Democrat to being a Republican, I spoke at his press conference and welcomed him into our party, and that was after he was going to oppose me as a Democrat in the 51st District! When his conscience and religious beliefs dictated that he oppose the Death Penalty in Illinois, I supported him. When he backed a proposal to allow illegal immigrants the ability to have driver’s licenses, I was respectful of his beliefs even though I disagreed with him. And when the Sheriff was quoted as being in favor of decriminalizing arrests for marijuana possession in Waukegan, as a friend I was respectful of his views even though I did not share them.


…Adding… Roundup…

* Editorial: Raising the Illinois speed limit would kill more motorists

* Editorial: Putting Illinois in the fast lane

* Editorial: Rate-hike dance has consumers partnerless

* NRA: Illinois A “Hotbed of Litigation” … And More Coming

* State ban on teen tanning? ‘Oh my God! I would cry’


  1. - Spliff - Tuesday, May 7, 13 @ 12:43 pm:

    I think Sheriff Curran’s elementary math looks like this:
    0 father + 0 father = Bad
    1 father + 0 father = good
    1 father + 1 father = Look a kitten!

  2. - G. Willickers - Tuesday, May 7, 13 @ 12:43 pm:

    First, glad he left the Democrats. Second, glad he’s floundering as a GOP. Third, keeping him in office will result in the further loss of GOP credibility.

    Keep it up 13th Century Lake County Republicans.

  3. - Anon - Tuesday, May 7, 13 @ 12:43 pm:

    Ha! Good point Rich. According to his logic, it would make someone twice as likely than the child of a mother/father to avoid ending up behind bars. And surely he is as avid about fixing divorce as he is about this issue.

  4. - Chris - Tuesday, May 7, 13 @ 12:44 pm:

    “Um, so if a boy has two fathers doesn’t that make him even less likely to wind up incarcerated?”

    Exactly my thought when I read that.

    I was expecting something about the problems with inmates wanting to marry each other (which might be a legitimate problem). Instead, that.

  5. - Jack - Tuesday, May 7, 13 @ 12:44 pm:

    I’m neither for or against, but Curran’s argument is just plain silly.

  6. - Gregor - Tuesday, May 7, 13 @ 12:46 pm:

    Not to get too didactic, but technically, those male inmates were abandoned by heterosexual fathers who refused to continue a heterosexual marriage. So, when do the warrants go out for the shotgun weddings for those “baby-daddy” fathers?

  7. - Mike MacD - Tuesday, May 7, 13 @ 12:47 pm:

    “…the loss of liberty for those opposed to same sex marriage.”


    What about the loss of liberty to those opposed to bigots?

    The mind is a terrible thing.

  8. - Sir Reel - Tuesday, May 7, 13 @ 12:48 pm:

    Second Sherrif Curran is not in the best interest of society. See how easy it is?

  9. - wordslinger - Tuesday, May 7, 13 @ 12:50 pm:

    –“First, same sex marriage is not in the best interest of children; Second, same sex marriage is not in the best interest of society; and Third, same sex marriage will result in the loss of liberty for those opposed to same sex marriage.”–

    Thanks for clearing that up, sheriff. Or should I say doctor? Scientist? Priest?

    Anyway, the evidence Curran presented in support of his contentions is overwhelming and indisputable.

    Another American Taliban masquerading as a conservative Republican.

  10. - Don't Worry, Be Happy - Tuesday, May 7, 13 @ 12:51 pm:

    To answer your question about kids with two dads:,0,3173176.story

  11. - Will Caskey - Tuesday, May 7, 13 @ 12:52 pm:

    While my preference is to not dignify insane nonsense with a response, if you’re going to respond that’s the way to do it. Full marks.

  12. - CircularFiringSquad - Tuesday, May 7, 13 @ 12:55 pm:

    We have known Mark for some time. Once upon a time he was a very thoughtful, balanced person.
    Clearly he continues to slip in Whack Job status with each passing day. We might think it appropriate to check his other whack job ideas and decide if he is fit to hold office.
    Someone might want to ask if his squads have toured the seminary to see who they have parked at the hideout lately.
    Fire, Aim, Ready

  13. - David Ormsby - Tuesday, May 7, 13 @ 1:00 pm:

    Is Curran free-lancing for The Onion?

  14. - Abe the Babe - Tuesday, May 7, 13 @ 1:05 pm:

    The comparison to fatherless children is simply ignorant. The absense of a parent (in particular) a father in a heterosexual relationship cannot be compared to a child being raised by two committed women. If you were to assume that one parent children are worse off than two parent children then run the numbers and see how many broken families there are that orginated from a same sex marriage.

    Im guessing that same sex marriages have no trouble beating the 55% divorce rate of heterosexual couples.

  15. - ebgill - Tuesday, May 7, 13 @ 1:06 pm:

    Sheriff Curran has a religious agenda:×7Mqs

  16. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, May 7, 13 @ 1:12 pm:

    Curran …Sullivan.

    Youo want to know what My Party is facing to be relevent in today’s Illinois?


    And Rep. Sullivan…this should reinforce your stance on SSM insofar as these arguements… just seem to be missing what is the reality of 21st century Illinois, and Illinois’ voters as a state.

    Keep up the good fight, Rep. Sullivan.

  17. - Demoralized - Tuesday, May 7, 13 @ 1:16 pm:

    ==Third, same sex marriage will result in the loss of liberty for those opposed to same sex marriage==

    How does it result in the loss of liberty for those opposed? Is somebody forcing them to get a same sex marriage? This is the most bogus argument that those opposed to same sex marriage put out there. Never mind that the liberties of those seeking same sex marriage are being trampled upon.

    Note to those of you who think your liberties are being trampled upon if same sex marriage is allowed - grow up. I’m offended by a lot of stuff but I don’t come up with a crazy argument that my liberties are being infringed. Mind your own business.

  18. - Waldi - Tuesday, May 7, 13 @ 1:18 pm:

    == “The single greatest common denominator of those incarcerated in this country is the absence of a father in their lives,” he said. ==

    No offense, but the single greatest common denominator is the presence of the Y chromosome. I’m just sayin.

  19. - ProblemChild21 - Tuesday, May 7, 13 @ 1:21 pm:

    Wordslinger - Your logic is correct, in that the Sheriff did not support his arguments in any way, shape or form; however, the mudslinging is unnecessary and hurts your platform. Shame on you for calling a principled and non-violent person who is unable to adequately explain his principles an “American Taliban”!

  20. - wordslinger - Tuesday, May 7, 13 @ 1:29 pm:

    Problem, without debating what principles Curran is trying to defend, my calling him American Taliban was extreme and wrong. I apologize.

  21. - LincolnLounger - Tuesday, May 7, 13 @ 1:39 pm:

    Does the good (and ambitious) Sheriff then take the next step and insist that marriage be restricted to fertile, heterosexual couples with an obligation to reproduce? If I follow the logic, that must be what’s required, right? Parents who divorce should immediately have their children seized and re-allocated to two-parent households (because every one of those is certainly happy and healthy.) Too old to reproduce? Forget about it.

  22. - Wensicia - Tuesday, May 7, 13 @ 1:39 pm:

    The way he’s been switching positions on other issues the past few years, I won’t be surprised if Curran switches on this one when gay marriage passes.

  23. - HenryVK - Tuesday, May 7, 13 @ 1:59 pm:

    “Third, same sex marriage will result in the loss of liberty for those opposed to same sex marriage.”

    Sure, just like people who support the White Sox results in the loss of liberty for those of us who support the Cubs.

    He seems to be arguing that we need to create a world where nothing happens anywhere that might bother Curran. Because it is all about Curran’s liberty and not anybody’s liberty.

    You are not Curran, so your liberty doesn’t matter.

    That’s an interesting argument from an elected official.

  24. - Anonymous - Tuesday, May 7, 13 @ 2:12 pm:

    This certainly has to be one of the more interesting days on the blog in a while. Responsa felt it necessary to develop a primer on selecting a handle; word is accusing people of being “American Taliban,” and CFS has fragmented and is now a “We.”

    I wonder what this all means.

  25. - paddyrollingstone - Tuesday, May 7, 13 @ 2:14 pm:

    He’s an interesting guy. Gets elected Sheriff as the first Dem to get elected county-wide in Lake in a coon’s age, then switches to the GOP (was never clear why) and now stakes out a position on the far right of the party. I’ve heard for a long time that he wants to run state wide (for AG if Madigan moves on) but I really wonder where his head is at with comments like these. Even if they are sincerely held beliefs, the arguments are made in a really moronic way.

  26. - Just Me - Tuesday, May 7, 13 @ 2:27 pm:

    Rich, you made a very good point yesterday. Let’s examine what happened to society in the states that already have equal/gay marriage.

  27. - I don't want to live in Teabagistan - Tuesday, May 7, 13 @ 2:27 pm:

    Change “same sex” to “interracial” and this could be the State of Virginia in 1967.

  28. - Carl Nyberg - Tuesday, May 7, 13 @ 2:47 pm:

    Hasn’t Curran showed a willingness to change his mind about core principles in the past?

  29. - Dan Bureaucrat - Tuesday, May 7, 13 @ 3:18 pm:

    Curran is a good guy and a smart sheriff and is very well liked. He’s a deeply religious person, and that’s partly why he is such a good person.

    The gay marriage issue has brought out a lot of reactions, justifications, explanations and statements that many of us would rather not see. People are expressing deeply felt opinions about how we or someone else should be recognized by the state (not any religious body) and it’s a rough patch indeed. But let’s keep going and try to recognize the best in everyone. Sheriff Curran certainly does this and has my respect.

  30. - Samurai - Tuesday, May 7, 13 @ 3:29 pm:

    As an active member of the Lake County GOP, I really pray that the gay marriage issue goes away. The torch and pitch fork carrying social litmus testing blood oathers (how’s that Oswego Willy)are really making it difficult-ok, down right painful-to get enthusiastic about supporting any Lake County candidate.

    It’s about the economy. The state has to get it’s economic house in order. I have very conservative friends and constituents whose views pass the litmus test; but they do not care. They want taxes lowered and a government that does not resemble a clown show.

    And while on a rant (Rich will probably bounce me),I, much like Ed Sullivan, opposed and perhaps ridiculed the gay life style. My opposition was born of ignorance. I found out my niece was gay years ago and she said: “Why would I CHOOSE a life style that subjects me to prejudice and hatred.” Agreed.

  31. - OneMan - Tuesday, May 7, 13 @ 3:30 pm:

    I guess I don’t understand how giving someone some legal protection for something that basically already happens.

    I mean, you share rent, you share checking accounts, you share a relationship where there are consequences if it ends how is it not basically marriage.

    I could see where these arguments were coming from if no one engaged in pre-martial relations and they were looking to change the law and then that would happen. I could see how that might change society, but this.

    The more they argue the less sense the arguments make to this Republican.

  32. - Arthur Andersen - Tuesday, May 7, 13 @ 3:37 pm:

    Not to toss gas on the fire here but this guy gets to carry a gun 24-7 and we’re worried about concealed carry permits?

  33. - Chevy owner/Ford County - Tuesday, May 7, 13 @ 3:46 pm:

    “The single greatest common denominator of those incarcerated in this country is the absence of a father in their lives,” he said. “Some studies show approximately 85 percent of those in correctional institutions had no relationship with their fathers. All reliable studies show a boy that does not know his father is more than twice as likely to wind up incarcerated.”

    This sounds more like an argument for removing children from single mother households than an argument against marriage equality…. Perhaps remove the children from single mothers and place them with two married gay men? That would be a novel approach to fighting crime!

  34. - Spiney Norman - Tuesday, May 7, 13 @ 3:48 pm:

  35. - wordslinger - Tuesday, May 7, 13 @ 3:49 pm:

    –“First, same sex marriage is not in the best interest of children;–

    That is such a slanderous statement. Is it possible the sheriff does not know any same-sex couples who have raised wonderful children?

    Perhaps he should speak to some of those children.

  36. - Northsider - Tuesday, May 7, 13 @ 4:02 pm:

    “First, same sex marriage is not in the best interest of children; Second, same sex marriage is not in the best interest of society; and Third, same sex marriage will result in the loss of liberty for those opposed to same sex marriage.”

    Such deductive reasoning. I sure sleep sounder knowing I live in Cook County.

    Fifty years ago, this argument would have been, “First, mixed-race marriage is not in the best interest of children; Second, mixed-race marriage is not in the best interest of society; and Third, mixed-race marriage will result in the loss of liberty for those who oppose race-mixing.”

    Garbage then, garbage now.

    When is Curran up for re-election?

  37. - Sonic Infidel - Tuesday, May 7, 13 @ 4:17 pm:

    Whoa, wait a second. You’re telling me there’s a Republican county sheriff who favors decriminalization of marijuana possession, favors letting illegal immigrants get drivers’ licenses, and opposes the death penalty, but he’s against gay marriage? How does that even work? I know those are each separate issues, but how does one take such progressive views on most of these issues as a Republican but still insist that gay marriage is going to hurt society? That boggles the mind.

  38. - Endangered Moderate Species - Tuesday, May 7, 13 @ 4:19 pm:

    The Illinois Review and similar so-called conservative media outlets have seemed to provide more of a benefit to the Democrats in the last twenty years than they have the Republicans.

    IMO, it began when Limbaugh called out George Bush (on a daily basis) on his “read my lips” no-tax pledge.

    In a bizarre way, the right wing may be the true nemesis of the GOP.

    In Illinois, it is fair to say. the Dems success may be more about GOP cannibalization than their own leadership.

  39. - HenryVK - Tuesday, May 7, 13 @ 4:23 pm:

    “In Illinois, it is fair to say. the Dems success may be more about GOP cannibalization than their own leadership.”

    A lot of us, particularly fiscal conservatives in Chicago, feel that the GOP has not given us much of an option.

  40. - Chavez-respecting Obamist - Tuesday, May 7, 13 @ 4:23 pm:

    I think this “[S]ame sex marriage will result in the loss of liberty for those opposed to same sex marriage.” means people like himself won’t be able to pretend they live in a world where no one is different.

  41. - reformer - Tuesday, May 7, 13 @ 4:49 pm:

    Curran insinuates that gays are somehow to blame, and will make worse, out-of-wedlock births and broken families. With all respect to the good Sheriff, it’s straight people who are responsible for broken families and out-of-wedlock pregnancies. Straight people are also to blame for the divorce rate. Let’s not scapegoat gays for the weakness of the traditional family.

  42. - Amalia - Tuesday, May 7, 13 @ 5:04 pm:

    ‘”….loss of liberty for those opposed to same sex marriage…..”

    oh, now bigots want to be a protected class. incredible

  43. - Grandson of Man - Tuesday, May 7, 13 @ 6:00 pm:

    In some excellent news on gay marriage, Delaware just legalized it today, and Rhode Island legalized it last week. These are models for our state.

    If things that bother us result in the loss of our liberty, none of us would be free.

    Kids would be lucky to have two parents who love them and provide them with guidance, no matter what gender they are.

  44. - Just The Way It Is One - Tuesday, May 7, 13 @ 6:35 pm:

    Sheez…and the beat goes on on the ssm issue–when the heck are they gonna finally vote already, and what’s the latest on how close it is-has enough arm-twisting gone on yet and juicy promises provided by those in favor and/or in power so that it’s a dead heat–or are the proponents still at least a good, few votes short? Politics, politics–let’s get on with it down there in Springfield. ‘Cuz a 1 or 2 vote victory either way, as I’ve been harpin’ on about for months now, is gonna leave a WHOLE lotta people profoundly unhappy in this State–and turbulence, as a rule, is never good for a Place people call “Home…!”

  45. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, May 7, 13 @ 7:31 pm:

    ===A lot of us, particularly fiscal conservatives in Chicago, feel that the GOP has not given us much of an option.===

    Cannibalization is not growing My Party. It gives those who feel its necessary to be one way or another and not being concerned that the growth of a Party is what allows any party the chance to be the MAJORITY party.

    If you ain’t helping My Party grow, including cannibalizing others you may disagree with, then you are hurting My Party. Stop hurting the Growth under the Guise of “helping”.

    You are not helping …honest.

  46. - Jake - Tuesday, May 7, 13 @ 8:56 pm:

    I just had a patch of skin removed from my arm to excise the cancer that had grown in that Almost certainly that cancer was due to carelessly excessive exposure to sun when I was a youngster. So count me in favor of restrictions on tanning beds for youngsters. Not even a close call.

  47. - George Burdell - Tuesday, May 7, 13 @ 10:01 pm:

    For as long as the concept existed, a marriage is a bond between one man and one woman. Opponents want to re-define this because it doesn’t suit their agenda. Curran understands this.
    We live in a state where we’re afraid to say “no” to anyone who has political pull.
    I’d like proponents of “gay marriage” to define marriage.
    Can I marry a corporation? Because the Supreme Court has ruled that corporations are people.

  48. - Anon - Tuesday, May 7, 13 @ 10:04 pm:

    Curran opened for Rick Santorum at a rally in Arlington Heights before last year’s primary. It’s clear what kind of Republican he wants to be

  49. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, May 8, 13 @ 6:31 am:

    ===For as long as the concept existed, a marriage is a bond between one man and one woman====

    You have not read your Bible very closely, then.

  50. - Nice kid - Wednesday, May 8, 13 @ 8:05 am:

    Actually, anon 10:04, polygamy has been, historically and in many societies, more prevalent than monogamous marriage. If that is your argument, it’s not a good one.

  51. - Nice kid - Wednesday, May 8, 13 @ 8:10 am:

    In 1998 the University of Wisconsin surveyed more than a thousand societies. Of these just 186 were monogamous. Some 453 had occasional polygyny and in 588 more it was quite common.

    BTW I am not making a case for polygamy. I am only saying that your “as long as the concept existed” argument is misplaced.

  52. - Davidh - Wednesday, May 8, 13 @ 8:29 am:

    ==In a bizarre way, the right wing may be the true nemesis of the GOP. ==

    Yes, this. It’s hard to see the last 20 years of leapfrogging to more and more extreme positions as contributing to a healthy party. Would really like to see the grown ups say “enough” instead of being cowed. Semi-relevant interesting read:

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