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How can we miss you if you won’t go away?

Wednesday, May 8, 2013 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Be still, my beating heart

Republican leaders, who orchestrated Brady’s exit strategy last month at a meeting in Tinley Park, said about a dozen real contenders are vying to replace Brady. That number is likely to be winnowed to five or fewer within the next two weeks after a Wednesday conference call of the state central committee members, they said.

Among the contenders is Jason Plummer, son of a wealthy Downstate lumber baron, who was the lieutenant governor running mate of state Sen. Bill Brady of Bloomington in 2010 and who lost a bid for Congress in southwestern Illinois last year.

Jason really thinks he has what it takes to run the state party, eh?


* Related…

* Pat Brady exits with blast, as Illinois GOP seeks new chief: “We have some really good people who get drowned out by this sliver of people who just care about things that aren’t very important,” he said. “If we just care about platform loyalty, we’re never going to attract enough people to win elections. . . .It drowns out our greatness, which a majority of people agree with us on: tax reform, limited government, education reform. . . .We need to emphasize the issues on which we can win elections. But it’s not the social issues. It’s just not.”

* Don’t expect the GOP to change on gay rights anytime soon: In other words, there hasn’t actually been a Republican shift on gay rights. Instead, Republicans have just been smarter about vocalizing their opposition to marriage equality and other anti-discrimination laws. Yes, a plurality of people who self-identify as Republican support same-sex marriage — 49 percent, according to a March survey from the Pew Research Center — but this doesn’t translate to support among the pool of Republican voters.

* GOP: Resignation of Brady is a chance to regroup

* Outgoing GOP chief Pat Brady warns leaders: ‘It’s not 1980 anymore’: “Certainly,” says Oberweis on the next chairman being pro-gay marriage. “I think it would be clear, hopefully, to all concerned if he or she supports gay marriage, that’s a private consideration. When addressing public issues, he or she will address issues that are supported in the party platform.”

* Editorial: GOP will be pressed to keep Brady’s momentum


  1. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, May 8, 13 @ 9:26 am:

    I need to take my “Plummer” meds before I commment.

    He does have a few “sweet” pictures in a faux Oval Office to show some leadership …

  2. - Anonymour - Wednesday, May 8, 13 @ 9:27 am:

    #fakeOW - Jason Plummer — Christmas came early!

  3. - Six Degrees of Separation - Wednesday, May 8, 13 @ 9:31 am:

  4. - Demoralized - Wednesday, May 8, 13 @ 9:33 am:

    So Obwerweis said this didn’t have anything to do with the gay marriage issue yet he continues to harp on the issue. If Republicans cannot get a handle on Oberweis and others like him they are going to continue to be thought of as intolerant on the issue. Shut up about it already. Are you that ignorant not to realize that it is a losing issue and as long as you keep bloviating about it you are only hurting the image of the Republican party that much more?

    As for the Jason Plummer thing, I suppose if the Republicans have no intention of making their party central committee relevant then by all means choose the guy. Sometimes watching the Republicans is like watching a Three Stooges episode.

  5. - Bill - Wednesday, May 8, 13 @ 9:35 am:

    Jason would be an excellent choice. He could rebuild the Dupage Republican organization in his own image. He will also play really well in Cook County and especially Chicago. Go for it, Jason.

  6. - Madison - Wednesday, May 8, 13 @ 9:37 am:

    Willy and CapFax get a windfall…the gift that keeps on giving…JP in the hunt for State Chairman?
    My recollection is that he was a one term Madison County GOP Chairman because even the Republicans thought he was a brat. I do have to admit he was good to us Dems so…I would say he is just the man they need for the job!

  7. - Molly - Wednesday, May 8, 13 @ 9:37 am:

    and yes I said yes I will Yes.

    Plummer to head the ILGOP? Now MY heart’s beating like mad….

  8. - TCB12 - Wednesday, May 8, 13 @ 9:42 am:

    I, for one, will be setting a reminder for this afternoon to come back & read Willy’s comments……..see ya’ll at 4pm.

  9. - HenryVK - Wednesday, May 8, 13 @ 9:43 am:

    It is interesting comparing how Dems and the GOP are handing the dispute over marriage equality.

    A significant number of Dems are against it, but Dems are not allowing those divisions to tear the party apart. Frankly, I haven’t heard of any retribution of any kind aimed at those Dems opposed to marriage equality.

    That may be part of the reason that Dems have won so many elections in Illinois.

  10. - Ahoy! - Wednesday, May 8, 13 @ 9:45 am:

    I”m sure the Democrats would welcome a Plummer chairmanship, heck, they’d probably even campaign for it.

  11. - Will Caskey - Wednesday, May 8, 13 @ 9:46 am:

    Yo Republicans that’s nice and all but we still don’t care who you have as your chairman, or whether you have one at all. Give it to Plummer, or to Plummer’s pet hamster. Makes no difference.

  12. - ChicagoR - Wednesday, May 8, 13 @ 9:47 am:

    Daddy, buy me this! You never buy me what I want! It’s my birthday, I want it!

  13. - LincolnLounger - Wednesday, May 8, 13 @ 9:47 am:

    “Are you that ignorant not to realize that it is a losing issue and as long as you keep bloviating about it you are only hurting the image of the Republican party that much more?”

    That’s exactly what they are. They live in a faux reality and only speak to each other. They really think that everyone is against it because all the people they talk to as they caucus in a phone booth oppose SSM. There’s also a whole lot of “I’d rather be ‘right’ than win” folks to consider, too. #Marginalized.

  14. - Cincinnatus - Wednesday, May 8, 13 @ 9:50 am:

    The GOP Chairman needs to be able to fundraise, represent the Republican Party platform in the absence of a Republican Governor, and organize a grassroots campaign. Whomever fits that bill, man or woman, minority, whatever, gets my support. This is a tough set of requirements, and finding the right person is right now the PRIMARY concern of IL Republicans.

  15. - Madison - Wednesday, May 8, 13 @ 9:51 am:

    We were all hoping that they would nominate a millionaire who never worked a day in his life white male, but we were scared because Romney was in Tahiti. Now we know its gonna be OK…

  16. - HenryVK - Wednesday, May 8, 13 @ 9:52 am:

    One thing lost in this discussion — although Brady was right on some issues, Republicans should keep in mind that ultimately, he was not an effective Chair.

    He was not able to unify the party, and the electoral record was not great.

    The party needs to change, and they do need a stronger and more effective chair.

    Given the way all this went down though, I don’t have much hope they will choose well this time.

  17. - Devices - Wednesday, May 8, 13 @ 9:57 am:

    I can’t imagine certain members of the state central ever allowing JP to get it. Unless they view it as the absolute, final nail in his political coffin

  18. - dupage dan - Wednesday, May 8, 13 @ 9:58 am:

    Dan Hicks and his Hot Licks. Great band - great tune.

  19. - OneMan - Wednesday, May 8, 13 @ 9:58 am:

    Looks like I picked the wrong week to stop drinking…

  20. - soccermom - Wednesday, May 8, 13 @ 10:02 am:

    Will, of course you’re right. But you have to admit — it will be more fun if they pick Plummer. (Although I think his hamster would be an equally effective spokesperson.)

  21. - Looking Upward - Wednesday, May 8, 13 @ 10:08 am:

    Young Plummer has lost two elections now. He may even be the reason why there is not a Republican in the Governor’s chair. Wouldn’t you think someone would get the message by now?

  22. - frustrated GOP - Wednesday, May 8, 13 @ 10:10 am:

    So, Democratic rule for 20 years, the state can’t pay bills bond rate in the tubes, worker comp reform needed to bring in business. A Gov. that is the most honest but inept in decades. The Staet’s most favoriate son not running for president again.

    Great time for the GOP to seize control, rise up and take back seats, and state wide offices across the Board. So let’s plan to find good candidates, work together to cohesive, remember the simple phrase “It’s the economy Stupid” and what do we run into.

    A fight over a civil rights issues most people agree should be law. Didn’t these guys run for office, didn’t someone explain to them the optics of winning the day in the paper? Didn’t someone tell them this is a game of addition?

    When do we stop the homophobic agenda of the family tax payer’s group and the like?

  23. - haverford - Wednesday, May 8, 13 @ 10:13 am:

    Plummer or Plummer’s hamster - they’re both spinning their wheels.

    Gosh this would be a delight.

  24. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, May 8, 13 @ 10:18 am:

    Ok, now that I have my “IV” with my “Plummer meds” entering my veins, and I have turned the lights off, lit a bunch of candles, trying to find my Zen, I think I am ready.

    To the Post,

    Channel 11 and Phil Ponce. How do I think Jason Plummer would be as the “face and Spokesperson” for the ILGOP.

    Channel 11, Phil Ponce.

    Jason Plummer does not know what it means to lead. Jason only knows whatever his Dad can cook up for Jason to be to advance Jason. That is what Jason is. After losing his Congressional bid, Jason’s Dad orchestrated Jason’s seat at a Bank that Jason’s Dad has ties to. Jason has yet to have a job that hasn’t required his Dad’s HR department, and now Jason Plummer is going to be the “face and Spokeperson” for My Party.

    If we go back to the criteria - steve schnorf - had, for example, Jason Plummer does not even meet a single one of those criteria. Who is going to go to Jason Plummer for political “cover”, allowing Jason to speak for them or the ILGOP?

    No one.

    Jason’s Dad’s piggy bank might be able to fund the ILGOP for some time, but who is going to give monies to the ILGOP with Jason Plummer at the helm? “Jason is what we need in leadership in the ILGOP, here is $10,000.” Really?

    Jason can not speak to any issue “extemporaneously” (I am using that word because “extemporaneously” was a vocab word for Jason and he will know what it means!) and look credible speaking to any issue. You need to be politcally savy, and media savy, and money smart. Jason Plummer has none of those.

    Finally, let us all not forget the last month of the Enyart-Plummer race. Jason Plummer accused Gen. Enyart of taking all these pension, which was factually WRONG, and it included a Death Benefit for his wife from her mother.

    Jason Plummer is classless.

    We can not have a Chairman who lack cerdibility and class while trying to build a Party under the Reagan Rule of 80%. You can not have a “bridge-burner”, an “angry spoiled child” as a leader of men and women trying to organize a politcal aparatus that needs to be based on compromise. Jason Plummer’s last month of that campaign shows me that Jason is more about making himself feel good, than about trying to make My Party better.

    Those personality traits are not acceptable for someone who thinks they can lead the ILGOP towards the Reagan Rule.

    My only hope is that Jason will use his “interview” for the Chairman spot as a building block to learn how to interview for jobs that do not include Dad as the HR Officer.

    Jason Plummer has no credibility as an office holder. Jason Plummer has no credibilty as a fundraiser (how are those tax returns BTW?), and Jason Plummer has no credibility as the “face and Spokesperson” for anyone or anything Republican, be it himself on Channel 11 with Phil Ponce, or for My Party, striving for relevence in the Reagan Rule of 80%, while we all in My Party try to win elections.

    Please, Jason, go do something …anything … to gain personal credibility and come back without your Dad proping you up, or without trying to seem relevent, when in reality, you aren’t to relevent to any discussion… unless Dad bankrolls the discussion beforehand.

  25. - Wumpus - Wednesday, May 8, 13 @ 10:19 am:

    Lumber Baron? Seriously? Coming from Rich Miller, Media Tyrant

  26. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, May 8, 13 @ 10:24 am:

    @FakeJasonPlummer - Look, OW, my Dad says I can do it and still get my chores done AND play banker AND have summers off. I am more than even qualified. #ChairmanSoundsKoolToo

    @FakeJasonPlummer - In reality, a “chair” can be made out of wood, so I know that part I qualify for. #WoodenChairNotWoodenHead

    @FakeJasonPlummer - My 1st piece of Business as Chairman would be to have a roundtable discussion, and I happen to have a round table so the hard part is done. #UnderstandingLeadshipIsJasonsStrength

  27. - Bill White - Wednesday, May 8, 13 @ 10:27 am:

    Dear Frustrated,

    The best way to fix the Illinois economy would be for both sides to accept that Keynes and Paul Krugman are right. Austerity does not lead to prosperity.

  28. - Anonymous - Wednesday, May 8, 13 @ 10:28 am:

    Although Jason Plummer certainly would be good for Dems and a driver for Indies deciding to go Dem, it seems ironic to hold his feet to the fire because of what his father has done for him. Illinois is littered with elected officials whose family influences and histories helped get them elected.

  29. - Responsa - Wednesday, May 8, 13 @ 10:30 am:

    ==Wouldn’t you think someone would get the message by now?==

    A lot of people have gotten the message. Just (apparently) not him. I’ve said here before that if Jason is sincerely set on having a career in politics and public service he needs to move to another state, work to establish himself as a responsible and contributing force inside a community, and achieve some local cred away from his Illinois “roots” and apart from his family name. His cluelessness about his image and lack of current qualifications here is really getting old.

  30. - OneMan - Wednesday, May 8, 13 @ 10:30 am:

    Lumber Baron was a my film name in college…

  31. - Midstate Indy - Wednesday, May 8, 13 @ 10:33 am:

    Plummer: Get out.

    ILGOP Central Committee: Get a clue.

    Oswego Willy: Where does one get a prescription for those meds?

  32. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, May 8, 13 @ 10:38 am:

    ===So Obwerweis said this didn’t have anything to do with the gay marriage issue yet he continues to harp on the issue. If Republicans cannot get a handle on Oberweis and others like him they are going to continue to be thought of as intolerant on the issue. Shut up about it already. Are you that ignorant not to realize that it is a losing issue and as long as you keep bloviating about it you are only hurting the image of the Republican party that much more?===

    From your post, to Oberweis’ “political” Ice Cream.

    Let. It. Go.

    You are not required to commment, and frankly, stop talking. You are making the ENTIRE Party look bad, intolerant, and out of touch. Pat Brady is gone, the SCC did an outstanding job marginalizing you, you lose whenever you choose a politcal avenue, just be happy you THINK you are relevent to the discussion.

    Your “relevence” is only found in Dems who love to make My Party look bad, and no one helps more. As Ron Burgundy told Champ when Chamnp was speaking utter nonsence, “How about you sit out a few plays.”

    Great post, - Demoralized -

  33. - walkinfool - Wednesday, May 8, 13 @ 10:38 am:

    Enough with the attacks on patrimony.

    Just look at Jason’s actual election and party leadership results, and it’s obvious he’s not the person for this job. Given his contacts and skills, would he be an especially good fundraiser? That doesn’t seem likely either.

  34. - Will Caskey - Wednesday, May 8, 13 @ 10:39 am:

    Actually let me repeat my turncoat offer here:

    Pay me enough to retire with no diminished income right now and I’LL chair the IL GOP. You won’t get the absolute bar none BEST campaign-oriented overhaul but I will at least structure the party according to the latest established best practices in data collection, field, fundraising, recruiting/vetting et cetera. It would be an order of magnitude better than anything you could possibly expect from your entire bench.

    My contact info is on my website. Call me to discuss!

  35. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, May 8, 13 @ 10:42 am:

    - Midstate Indy -,

    I am on 24 hour “watch” and my life is not the same. I do not wish that upon you. I will make sure to get you my Doctor’s information if I hear you have an episode similiar to my many episodes, but try other means first, like working out, running, painiting… you do not want to go down this road …

  36. - wordslinger - Wednesday, May 8, 13 @ 10:48 am:

    –“I think the Republican Party has to be open to different viewpoints. I think that is a positive. We need a chairman who will bring different elements of the party together to unify us,” Oberweis said.–

    Can you believe this guy? Was he giggling when he said that?

    He starts the whole auto-da-fe for Brady’s apostasy regarding the sacred platform that no one’s read.

    But now he’s a champion of diversity in opinion and bringing everyone together.

    As a veteran loser of statewide races, Oberweis must at least be curious as to the positioning successful GOP candidates have taken in the last 40 years or so.

    Hint: the winners were not like you.

  37. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, May 8, 13 @ 10:51 am:

    - Will Caskey -,

    If we meet to discuss, will you validate parking?

    To the Post,

    The criteria needs to include someone with electoral success, able to be seen by all wings of the Party as “fair” and able to understand everyone, but has the political acumen to explain to media and the rank-and-file what direction is necessary to become relevent to Illinois voters.

    The criteria must include someone who can raise funds, and talk to big money donors and be able to do that while not seeming akward or forced upon those donors. The criteria needs to include someone who looks at monies spent, are spent with the maximum return for the Party, and to work with the SCC to find goals in SPENDING that make sense to make the ILGOP relevent.

    Finally, the criteria need to be that the Chair can speak to the media, even about the Party Platform, and to make things quite clear that there are no Litmus Tests or Blood Oaths, but we in the ILGOP have a platform, but having issue with a “plank” does not make you “Un-Republican”

    Looking at the Trib’s list, I am still searching, and I need much more info on some of these floated names.

  38. - wordslinger - Wednesday, May 8, 13 @ 10:56 am:

    Someone might want to advise Jason to take a little break. He’s a little young to wear the Harold Stassen jacket.

  39. - ProblemChild21 - Wednesday, May 8, 13 @ 11:03 am:

    I thought that I had found an outlet for reasoned debate and commentary here - however, it seems that I have found a gleeful pounding board for Democratic types. Am I wrong????

  40. - Kyle Hillman - Wednesday, May 8, 13 @ 11:04 am:

    What? Why is no one floating Rep. Gay Marriage Is A ‘Completely Disordered Relationship’ Ives.

    Pretty confident it would make Sen. “I am scared of 10,000 per day Illegal Aliens” Oberweis happy and at the same time guarantee the party makes no real gains in 2014.

    A win, win.

  41. - Will Caskey - Wednesday, May 8, 13 @ 11:05 am:

    ProblemChild: I’m actually dead serious. I don’t think the IL GOP can afford my price tag but that just goes to show lack of willingness to pay market value for real, modernized campaign apparati.

  42. - HenryVK - Wednesday, May 8, 13 @ 11:09 am:


    No, not really. Yesterday Dems got hammered in a thread relating to the Davis seat in Congress.

    People here hammer away at both sides. Pretty much, if you screw up, you get hammered.

  43. - walkinfool - Wednesday, May 8, 13 @ 11:11 am:

    @ProblemChild: Any thoughts on who should be the next ILGOP chair?

    I think we’d all be better off with a strong one.

  44. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, May 8, 13 @ 11:12 am:

    - ProblemChild21 -,


    See, I like to win.

    I like the idea of 30, 60, Mansion.

    I hate to lose, and be “Right”, I hate seeing My Party shrink at the hands of those who think they are “helping”. I despise faux “Field Operations” or the marginalizing of what boots on the ground mean to winning elections. I like the idea that the Reagan Rule of 80% brings more “indies” into the fold, but hate that others think the Reagan Rule is “anti-Republican” and against a Party Platform.

    I also believe …”I believe in the sweet spot, opening your presents Christmas morning rather than Christmas Eve, and I believe in long, slow, deep, soft, wet kisses that last three days.”

    I am not a Democrat, not even close. I am a Republican trying to get My Party to stop looking foolish, and start down a path of relevence.

    If you can’t see how me, and SO MANY others, are trying to help, then I can’t help you, but I hope I can help the ILGOP be better.

  45. - votecounter - Wednesday, May 8, 13 @ 11:14 am:

    Put down the sharp objects and the dart board of Oberweis you have. It is the media and people here who keep asking about SSM and making everything about it. The GOP nationally and here is against SSM as is the Catholic Church, many many black church’s and many protestant denominations. Leave it alone will you. And answer my question from yesterday “How does the GOP get minority candidates when we have no party to do the field work in Cook? It was you and some others who laughed at our diversity; I gave a legitimate reason and examples but you continued to attack people in YOUR party and not answer or come up with an answer.

  46. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, May 8, 13 @ 11:30 am:

    ===It is the media and people here who keep asking about SSM and making everything about it.===

    I have yet to find a REQUIREMENT that you either have to take a reporter’s call, or have to answer a reporter’s question. Oberweis has taken it upon himself to answer everything, and and to answer everyone, even if it is at the detriment of My Party.

    ===Leave it alone will you.===

    I respond. Oberweis speaks, I respond. I think if you make Oberweis put away his “politcal” ice cream, it would go away.

    ===And answer my question from yesterday “How does the GOP get minority candidates when we have no party to do the field work in Cook?===

    I didn’t see it, and I try to respond to anyone who asks me somethng, so either way, apologies.

    To that question, My Party is only going to get out of the wilderness by working in the precincts, starting with just IDing and voting known GOPers and building upon learing the technique of having an effective election day aparatus. Without people understanding that Precinct work is hard, a year round commmittment, and you must take Election Day off to be effective, anything set into motion will fail.

    As for minority candidates, I tend to look at things through, “precinct, Ward/Township, County, State” pyramid. You can not win a GA seat without winning precincts. You can have a great candidate, but if they can’t get it done in the precincts, what are we talking about. Recruitment of candidates, be they minority or otherwise, must be based on the premise that if the work is not going to be done in the precincts, from beginning to Election Day, then the recruitment failed. You get any cnadidate than can put together a field operation, work precincts effectively, and they have a strong message that financial asstitance aids in the election, then you are “cooking with gas.”

    There is no “magic pill or elixer”. Hard work, becoming relevent in the precincts, which mkaes you relevent in the district, is THE way to make it work. The rest is just “double-talk” to any candidate, minority or not, and not helpful in winning anything.

    A good State Chair will know this and so much more. That is my hope, minorty candidates for offices included.

  47. - Arthur Andersen - Wednesday, May 8, 13 @ 11:30 am:

    Willy, I’m currently at the doc’s office for a bad migraine and can’t say much beyond “right on.”
    However, after I get the IV, in a couple hours, will be ready to snark away.
    If I can stay awake.

  48. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, May 8, 13 @ 11:40 am:

    - AA -, all the best to your speedy recovery.

    Also, one thing that is missing is that if we in the ILGOP want to be “seen” as inclusive, that means actually … being…inclusive.

    Voters are tired of any politcal party saying one thing about themselves and showing them, the voters, something else.

    Either we are going to be welcoming, or we are not. Saying something alot does not make it more true than not saying it at all. Use the Reagan Rule for “cover”, show the opening for diversity and welcome it. Don’t say you are for “diversity, as long as it fits the rigid platform” rhetoric.

  49. - Cincinnatus - Wednesday, May 8, 13 @ 11:45 am:


    You have given me and I have taken much of your advice. Here’s something back, it’s not “My Party” it’s “Our Party”. Much of your criticism is spot on, but too many people think it is “my” party and the phrase leaves me uncomfortable…

  50. - Madisonite - Wednesday, May 8, 13 @ 11:47 am:

    Jason Plummer probably can’t be an effective spokesman against Quinn and the fiscal condition of the state. He has left a littered trail of unpaid staffers and vendors from his congressional campaign. With many of them still trying to get paid (all disclosed on FEC reports), he may not have the time to be an effective chairman. He ran through three campaign managers of the congressional race and refused to pay the last one. That is probably a violation of the federal campaign disclosure rules. Plus, he has burned quite a few bridges with the national vendors that support the grassroots activity of the state party. It’s pretty bad when the rich kid’s credit gets pared.

  51. - Anonymous - Wednesday, May 8, 13 @ 11:48 am:

    =I thought that I had found an outlet for reasoned debate and commentary here - however, it seems that I have found a gleeful pounding board for Democratic types.=

    It usually is an outlet for reasoned debate except for when the topic is ILGOP and then the Dems and “Democratic types” can’t help but “let loose” on Republicans.

  52. - Anonymous - Wednesday, May 8, 13 @ 11:52 am:

    =I gave a legitimate reason and examples but you continued to attack people in YOUR party and not answer or come up with an answer. =

    Now now, votecounter. Don’t let facts and valid observations get in the way. We all know that Oswego Willy follows Reagan’s Rule.

  53. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, May 8, 13 @ 11:55 am:

    - Cincinnatus -,

    Let me clarify why I say “My Party”

    I “own” it. When things are bad, I still “own” it. It has nothing to do with wether there are “Good Republicans” or even Slytherin House Republicans, this is “My Party”, and I am not going anywhere. I never want to speak for anyone, or think I even speak for anyone besides myself at any time.

    By saying “My Party”, I find that claiming all that is bad, or needs to be fixed, becomes more of my repsonsiblity, then just complaining about “our party”.

    Apologies if that is something you do not like, and I will remember your remarks, again apologies, but I hope you understand the “why” to my thoughts.

    As for ===…“Democratic types” can’t help but “let loose” on Republicans.===

    Who are the “Democratic types”, and how are they defined? this ought to be good …

  54. - OneMan - Wednesday, May 8, 13 @ 11:56 am:

    It usually is an outlet for reasoned debate except for when the topic is ILGOP and then the Dems and “Democratic types” can’t help but “let loose” on Republicans.

    Usually when they do, we deserve it…

  55. - Wumpus - Wednesday, May 8, 13 @ 11:58 am:

    –“I think the Republican Party has to be open to different viewpoints. I think that is a positive. We need a chairman who will bring different elements of the party together to unify us,” Oberweis said.–

    Can you believe this guy? Was he giggling when he said that?

    I bet he had milk coming out of his nose

  56. - OneMan - Wednesday, May 8, 13 @ 11:59 am:

    I gave a legitimate reason and examples but you continued to attack people in YOUR party and not answer or come up with an answer.

    I am not Oswego Willy but I share a school district with him…

    You want an answer.

    Stop harping on social issues. It does not get us any more votes. Start making fiscal responsibly the centerpiece of policy and platform. I am old enough to remember the days of Republican success in this state and being a social conservative was not the key to that.

  57. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, May 8, 13 @ 12:03 pm:

    - votecounter -

    Again, if I don’t see your posts, than I can’t respond. If my response, today, is still not enough of an answer, please explain, and I will again try to answer.

    - OneMan -, My 308 “Buddy”, well said. Maybe we are both a bit long in the tooth if we can remember the formula to win, but have to llok so far back to give examples.

  58. - Anonymous - Wednesday, May 8, 13 @ 12:04 pm:

    =Usually when they do, we deserve it… =

    That is sometimes the case, but obsessive is not only obsessive; it’s dull and irrational. But then again, what better way to stop intelligent debate?

  59. - HenryVK - Wednesday, May 8, 13 @ 12:06 pm:

    “But then again, what better way to stop intelligent debate?”

    A person who lacks the creativity to even come up with a name is talking about the virtues of intelligent debate?

    Oh, the irony.

  60. - Anonymous - Wednesday, May 8, 13 @ 12:08 pm:

    I thought you said you weren’t going to waste your time on responding to my comments, HenryVK. (Creativity IS in the eyes of the beholder, isn’t it, HenryVK?)

  61. - Midstate Indy - Wednesday, May 8, 13 @ 12:09 pm:

    AA, Get well soon! Sincerely, Jason Plummer

    Cincinnatus, I appreciate your thoughts on the My/Our Party concept, but I must disagree. Right now I feel the ILGOP is not really my party, and until I feel ownership in this party again, I don’t believe I can participate in a partnership in this party. I want this to be our party, but I believe the foundation of that unity is a strong basis of individual ownership.

  62. - OneMan - Wednesday, May 8, 13 @ 12:10 pm:

    Well man without a name, let me pose the question to you…

    Do we not deserve to be given a hard time about how the whole Brady thing was handled?

  63. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, May 8, 13 @ 12:15 pm:

    Oh, - HenryVK -, welcome to the - Anonymous - conundrum…

    You can’t get straight answers, you never know “which” - Anonymous - is talking, and the amusement of - Anonymous - poking at bears, and then blaming the bears when they respond.

    To the Post,

    - Wumpus -’s quote he pulled from Oberweis is a prime example that I was referring to about this need to answer questions, or even taking questions to begin with. Jim Oberweis is not the “right” person to take diversity questions when Oberweis waited weeks to go after Pat Brady, and then used SSM and the Party Platform as the reason…

    Now, Oberweis is going to be the spokesman on what the Party Platform is, and how it fits, AND being inclusive?

    Doesn’t work, and that is why the media LOVES getting him in the “trick bag” of quotes on these issues.

    Let. It. Be.

    That was an example I was focusing on too.

  64. - HenryVK - Wednesday, May 8, 13 @ 12:15 pm:

    Oh, that way you 12:08? I thought it was somebody else.

    If you aren’t going to add a name, can we just call you “Troll”? You really don’t seem to be adding substance, and you seem pretty intent on creating controversy, and you don’t seem to want to play by the rules like the rest of us, so it seems to fit.

    Or just start posts with “this is the nameless poster that HenryVK promised to ignore.” That way, I will know that it is you and not some Other Anonymous posting.

  65. - Anonymous - Wednesday, May 8, 13 @ 12:25 pm:

    I’m not going to pretend that I have or know all of the details as to “how the Brady thing was handled,” OneMan. I’m also not going to pretend that I understand the challenges that Brady faced as Chair–just as I see no value in repeating over and over again what I did see, know, or believe on that and related topics.

    It’s done. And it’s time to heal.

  66. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, May 8, 13 @ 12:29 pm:

    - Cincinnatus -,

    Did I answer as to the “why”, and is that ok?

  67. - Jeff Trigg - Wednesday, May 8, 13 @ 12:37 pm:

    Ron Paul got 87,000 IL primary votes, 9+%. Maybe I should apply, they’d absolutely love me managing their state party. They obviously need those libertarian leaning votes in the future.

  68. - Cincinnatus - Wednesday, May 8, 13 @ 12:41 pm:


    It’s okay by me, you don’t need my approval! Ever read anything by Frank Luntz on messaging? If we are serious about an inclusive party, we should be using inclusive language, and mean it. But trust me on this, if it was “my” party, it would be a helluva lot different, as it would if it was “yours.”

  69. - Anonymous - Wednesday, May 8, 13 @ 12:47 pm:

    Oh, regarding Henry, this one’s for you:

    Yesterday, upon the stair,
    I met a man who wasn’t there
    He wasn’t there again today
    I wish, I wish he’d go away…

    When I came home last night at three
    The man was waiting there for me
    But when I looked around the hall
    I couldn’t see him there at all!
    Go away, go away, don’t you come back any more!
    Go away, go away, and please don’t slam the door… (slam!)

    Last night I saw upon the stair
    A little man who wasn’t there
    He wasn’t there again today
    Oh, how I wish he’d go away

  70. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, May 8, 13 @ 12:49 pm:

    - Cincinnatus -


    I never want to speak for anyone, I never want to think I speak for anyone. If someone agrees, first, heaven help them, but if they agree, it only makes the arguement stronger, not the messenger.

    You are correct on many levels, but I never feel comfortable saying all I say, especially how I say things at time, and want to put in there “our” party. This literary type of discussion is best when splitting a picther of an “adult” beverage, because, - Cincinnatus - you making me think about this is making my “Plummer meds” wear off!

    My hope for the next Party Chair is that the SCC will see this as sending a message to all of us as to where we are going and what is a route to get there. If they can do that by State Fair, then we are going to have a fighting chance to make a difference, even at the Precinct Level, but will they? No snark, actually asking … will they?

  71. - LincolnLounger - Wednesday, May 8, 13 @ 12:56 pm:

    Beware, OneMan. Watch for votecounter to call you a RINO, rail about the lack of principles, betraying the base, and generally offering hosannahs to the “My Way or the Highway” crowd as he does at the “crossroads of the conservative community” website.

  72. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, May 8, 13 @ 1:29 pm:

    ===Harold Stassen===

    - wordslinger -, how great is that!

    I hit the “search” key and fun insued. Awesome reference.

  73. - Demoralized - Wednesday, May 8, 13 @ 1:34 pm:

    ==It usually is an outlet for reasoned debate except for when the topic is ILGOP and then the Dems and “Democratic types” can’t help but “let loose” on Republicans. ==

    That’s the Republican’s fault not the fault of those on this comment board. Perhaps if they would stop doing stupid things on the topic of SSM then they wouldn’t feel the wrath of people here. Quit whining and grow up.

  74. - Demoralized - Wednesday, May 8, 13 @ 1:37 pm:

    ==Put down the sharp objects and the dart board of Oberweis you have. It is the media and people here who keep asking about SSM and making everything about it.==

    Yeah, because Oberweis never brings the subject up at all. People would stop talking about it with respect to Oberweis if he would just shut up about it. He’s the problem, not the media or anybody else. As long as he keeps dishing out comments then he deserves everything he gets and then some.

  75. - Percival - Wednesday, May 8, 13 @ 1:39 pm:

    The comments and media reporting I’ve seen are by people who obviously never had to deal with Pat Brady’s aggressive side. That element was an under-reported factor in the opposition to him. Also, never judge the outcome of an ILGOP matter early on. The substantial pressure of the Money and Establishment will come to bear at the close, not the opening.

  76. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, May 8, 13 @ 1:48 pm:

    ===That element was an under-reported factor in the opposition to him.===

    Why? Why do you think that is?

    Jim Oberweis insultated Pat Brady, making it all about a Chairman not standing by the Party Platform and SSM, when Oberweis had week upon week to make it about the Election Results, Personalities, Administrative Issues … no.

    That “element” was lost to the Slytherin House Conspirators who had to make it about the SSM issue, and learned that you … can’t … make it about the SSM issue because that is the Dopiest idea and it makes us all look intolerant. Oberweis did it, and that “element” was lost for good in the media.

    The other part is spot-on, and the Money and Establishment can be very helpful, as I a guessing they were helpful in NOT allowing torches, and pitchforks and “politcal” ice cream oust Brady. Good Point.

  77. - Anonymous - Wednesday, May 8, 13 @ 2:06 pm:

    =Also, never judge the outcome of an ILGOP matter early on.=

    Yes. It is often like an onion where the obvious, top layers are often well-crafted lies perpetuated by “Others.”

    I miss the good old days when the Republican Party were confident…and proud of who they are, rather than feeling as if they needed to “market” themselves to be “accepted.”

    But Brady’s right. We do have a bright future ahead of us.

  78. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, May 8, 13 @ 2:20 pm:

    ===…top layers are often well-crafted lies perpetuated by “Others.”===

    Which “lies” …I get so confused as to which conspiracy theory is the one “on the table now” you are pointing to at any given moment.

  79. - Shore - Wednesday, May 8, 13 @ 2:20 pm:

    interview he did last night. My thoughts are that he’s a nice man who played an issue poorly. He should have let Kirk do the lifting for him.

  80. - Anonymous - Wednesday, May 8, 13 @ 2:34 pm:

    Ah. The “conspiracy theory” attack. I’m afraid that I’m one of those who believes that people–generally, are not focused enough for extended periods of time to come up and execute good conspiracies (except for those instances where people have been, or should be, tried).

    In other words, alot of what others believe are “conspiracy theories” are either entirely unfounded and unsupported by the facts–or resulted just out of the plain, stupid and often unrelated actions of more than one person, who probably were not acting in concert with one another. As a matter of fact, they might even have been opposed to one another and there, more often than not, found the results a bit…surprising.

  81. - Anonymous - Wednesday, May 8, 13 @ 2:37 pm:

    Oh dear, quite a few typos in that one. But I must admit that I did rush, because I do so love a good conspiracy theory theory. (And the two instances of “theory” is not a typo.)

  82. - Anonymous - Wednesday, May 8, 13 @ 2:40 pm:

    In other words, Willy, there are a lot of people who lies. Hence, the many layers of an onion.

  83. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, May 8, 13 @ 2:53 pm:

    So, which lies … all these lies …which ones?

    I know of Sen. Jim Oberweis, going very public about SSM, and calling on the SCC to meet and vote Pat Brady out because of the SSM/Party Platfrom issue, weeks after huge losses and well after communications issues, but … it was Jim Oberweis speaking directly TO the SSM/Party Platform issue that forced the removal to the front burner, and forced it on the “front page”, figuratively, in the media.

    You can’t unring a bell…

    Hence, my question… which lies?

  84. - Anonymous - Wednesday, May 8, 13 @ 3:00 pm:

    =I get so confused as to which conspiracy theory is the one “on the table now” you are pointing to at any given moment.=

    Hmmmm…I consider this an accusation by you that I am always pointing at conspiracy theories.

    So you can continue to “talk to the hand” as you often do anyway.

    Like I said, there are MANY who just plain outright lie for no reason at all. Aren’t there, Willy?

  85. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, May 8, 13 @ 3:01 pm:

    Last. Chance.

    ===Hence, my question… which lies?===

  86. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, May 8, 13 @ 5:59 pm:

    @FakeJasonPlummer - Hey, this is for “Chairman”, not even like Lt. Chairman! #JasonIsTopDog

    @FakeJasonPlummer - I tried to “tweeter” Uncle Jerry to get his support, but I guess he might even unfrended me on The Facebook. #UncleJerryHasSeenThisMovieBefore

    @FakeJasonPlummer - You know, I’d gladly match my leadership and my executive experience up to most anybody’s. #ResumesAreJustPaperInThisCase

    @FakeJasonPlummer - If all the Committee voter people pick me, I will invite them for a sleepover, like I do whenever I get new friends. #CanWeTakeARainCheck

    @FakeJasonPlummer - Dad wants to know from all the other State Chairmen out there, what does their job “cost” on the “open market” so Dad doesn’t overpay. #NoNoMoneyIsNoObject

    @FakeJasonPlummer - Did I say “I’d gladly match…” yet? Dang! #WastingAllMyGoodSellingLinesAboutMe

    @FakeJasonPlummer - Some might say this is a job I was born to do, kinda like any job my Dad gives me, just a little different this time. #ObliviousToMyOwnPerception

    @FakeJasonPlummer - I was a County Chairman and stuff, so I get all the Committee mumbo-jumbo. #SmallFishSmallPond

    @FakeJasonPlummer - Tell that Phil Ponce, HE better be ready for ME, cause I am all ready to take him down on the GOP stuff. #BeCarefulWhatYouWishFor

  87. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, May 8, 13 @ 6:15 pm:

    @FakeJasonPlummer - I was Chairman once, on the U of I Student Government for something or whatever, so I got this. #ItAlwaysComesBackToKams

    @FakeJasonPlummer - I am a concensus candidate, no one thinks I should do it! #GettingEveryoneToAgreeOnMeIsEasy

    @FakeJasonPlummer - Dad is pushing me real hard this Spring & Summer, so elect me so Dad gets off my back. #JasonNeedsStructureSaysDad

    @FakeJasonPlummer - If I win and get to be the Chairman, do I get a Cape or a Mask like a Power Ranger? that would be so cool! #TrappingsOfAnOfficeIsWhatJasonLikes

    @FakeJasonPlummer - Ok, I will make Oswego Willy my Lt. Chairman and he and Tom Cross can golf and stuff and we can be like a kool family and everything. #JasonIsUnitingTheILGOP

    @FakeJasonPlummer - If I win, Dad, stop with the Oswego Willy posts. I am doing real good, so lay off! #OneWayToGetRidOfOW

    @FakeJasonPlummer - I will follow the Party Platform to the TEA! Once someone reads it to me and explains all the big words, I will be good to go. #JasonThoughtPlatformsAreForDiving

    @FakeJasonPlummer - If I win, Free Ice Cre…Oh, Oberweis is on THIS committee too? Ok, then Free Cake! #PartyCakeFromJason

  88. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, May 8, 13 @ 6:44 pm:

    @FakeJasonPlummer - “Tweeter” me Kool slogans to tell the Commettee voter people this is starting to sound like alot of work #FlashVersusSubstance

    @FakeJasonPlummer - That Reagan Rule of 80% sounds a bit off. Reagan got a “B-”, I would have thought he would have gotten a higher grade in Kollege #ReaganRuleGradingOnTheCurve

    @FakeJasonPlummer - I saw Harry Potter this week like 9 times to understand. I keep looking for Il Republicans in Slytherin House, but they all have England-accents. #WillyMakesNoSenseAlot

    @FakeJasonPlummer - I will be announcing my intention to be Chairman right after I call Gen. Enyart to concede properly. #HoldingYourBreathAintGonnaHelp

    @FakeJasonPlummer - I have class, OW is speaking about stuff he don’t even know. I got a “pottery” class and a “ceramics” class planned for summer school. Dope! #MoneyDoesntEqualClass

    @FakeJasonPlummer - Uncle Bill said I would be a Great State Chairman, then he asked, “Which state?” That Kidder. #EvenMyNonEndorsementsAreFunny

    @FakeJasonPlummer - Rest assured southern border counties of Illinois, I remember my listening/hiding tour well, and I will always keep your issues close #OneIssueStayAwayPlease

    @FakeJasonPlummer - I am not a “dark horse” candidate. My pony is tan and tellow and white and I caller her Peaches! #PoniesArentHoresesPeople

    @FakeJasonPlummer - Someone “tweeter” me what I should do for the “Talent” part of the interview - juggle, paddle ball, or jazz tap? #PleaseVoteForMyTalentChoice

    @FakeJasonPlummer - Woo Hoo! If I win, I get to go to the State Fair again and talk to all the nice people, and they clap. How kool is that? #FriedBananasHereICome

    @FakeJasonPlummer - Sorry @TheRaunerChicken, I might have to go away and play Chairman to the WHOLE party that week, so no summer camp, may…be. #TheRaunerChickenIsWise

  89. - Arthur Andersen - Wednesday, May 8, 13 @ 7:07 pm:

    “Dad, am I a ‘lumber baron’ too? Son of a baron? Somebody in Kollege called me something like that but with the B-word and I gave him the ‘atomic wedgie’! Lt. Baron? That’s it!”

    “You know, I was the ‘party chair’ of my ‘frat’ back in Kollege, so no one can say I have no experience being the ‘party chair.”

    “Do you get a real chair when you are the ‘party chair?’ You know, like the King of British. That would be so dope!”

    “Dad, when Mr. Rauner called the lumberyard the other day he said “NFW.” What was that about? What? Never mind? Okay.”

    “Mr. Rauner also told me he hired some really smart guys to help out with his campaign. They made a real nice poster for him in no time. They had funny names, though. Arnold, Wilbur, and can’t ‘member the other one.”

  90. - walkinfool - Wednesday, May 8, 13 @ 7:19 pm:

    Next time this comes up, can we please come up with some names of those who could do a good job? It’s just too easy to criticize, but not very helpful.

  91. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, May 8, 13 @ 7:24 pm:

    - AA - … too funny!

    @FakeJasonPlummer - I am announcing offically on the “tweeter” that I am a Nominator for “Chairmaner of all Illinois Repubicans” #ProofreadingFakeTweetersIsOptional

    @FakeJasonPlummer - Hey OW, can I borrow that slogan you sent, “Chairmaner of the Bored”? That is SA-Weet! #IsWillyMockingOrHelping

    @FakeJasonPlummer - I have “twetteringed” Ms. Topinka, Mr. Rutherford, Mr. Cross, Ms. Radogno, all the Congressering IL Republicans, My Cat, and no one has yet to “tweeterered” back #ShouldHasJustSaidWhoDidRespondListShorter

    @FakeJasonPlummer - Being a Chairmaner has alot of things to it. My Dad’s name is Robert and I foillow his rules, but I guess some other Robert has somm too. #TooManyRobertsForMeOopsDidITweeterThatForAllToSee

    @FakeJasonPlummer - “The Chairmaner breaks all ties between Committee voter poeple. Whew, with I was just told 19 is an even number so I am in the clear! #LegalCouselForSSCLookOut

    @FakeJasonPlummer - One request, at least one meeting of the State Voter Committee Person(s) must be a “movie night” This is a “deal breaker”, honest. #PuttingPartyBackInTheWorkParty

    @FakeJasonPlummer - I look forward to seeing @SpeakerMadigan at the “Chairmaner Club” during our off time. #BiPartisanHangTime

    @FakeJasonPlummer - I want Scott Lee Cohen to know, there is life after NOT being Lt. Governor, no matter what people say. #WhoLooksFoolishNowRightSLC

  92. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, May 8, 13 @ 7:36 pm:

    - walkinfool -,

    Understood. Until the SCC decides to “leak” finalists to be chosen from, I, for one, do not want to say anything that might steer the Committee AWAY from one over the other. Plus, floating names this early…gets you the likes of a Jason Plummer…

    But, with much respect, - walkingfool -, I hear ya, and I don’t want to jinx anyone either. Double edge sword at this point.

  93. - Arthur Andersen - Wednesday, May 8, 13 @ 8:06 pm:

    Willy, remember the old DuPont slogan.

    You have outdone yourself today, man. There is just so much not there there to work with.

  94. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, May 8, 13 @ 9:15 pm:

    - Arthur Andersen -, I thank you.

    But, I think you are more right about there being “so much not there there”, how can it NOT be comical? I can’t take too much credit for what is given so easily to me from Jason. It is almost … like taking credit for the sun rising in the morning …

    It is what it is. Thanks, buddy.

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