To Modernize Our Natural Gas Distribution System, Illinois Needs a Legislative Solution
Thursday, May 9, 2013 - Posted by Advertising Department [The following is a paid advertisement.] Beneath Chicago’s streets lie gas mains that were put in place, in some cases, when horses and buggies were driving overhead. Since 1981, Peoples Gas has been replacing these outdated mains. So far, the utility has replaced about half of its 4,000 miles of old cast-iron and ductile mains with updated pipe. In the years to come, we’re going to rely on natural gas more and more. But Illinois’ current regulatory system is unpredictable, outdated and inefficient, inhibiting investment. Illinois natural gas utilities need a legislative solution to have the continued confidence to invest in the replacement older, higher risk materials at an accelerated pace, protect over 1,000 jobs and provide natural gas customers with the safe and reliable service they expect. Members of the Illinois General Assembly: We need a legislative solution. Click here to learn more: