Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » *** UPDATED x1 *** State halts transfers out of Murray
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*** UPDATED x1 *** State halts transfers out of Murray

Friday, May 24, 2013 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Nobody is willing to speculate on this move, but it wasn’t good news for the governor either way

Illinois officials agreed Thursday to temporarily halt the movement of residents out of an institution for the developmentally disabled in the southern Illinois city of Centralia.

At the request of U.S. Northern District Court Judge Ruben Castillo, the state agreed to stop the transfer of all but one resident out of Murray Developmental Center until a hearing next week on a temporary restraining order requested by residents’ families.

The lone resident who Castillo said can be moved is returning to his mother’s home.

Gov. Pat Quinn ordered Murray and several other facilities closed last year as part of an effort to save the state tens of millions of dollars. But parents of Murray residents sued to stop or delay the closure, saying residents wouldn’t get the care they needed elsewhere. Earlier this month, a panel of Illinois lawmakers voted against closing the center, as well as two of the state’s prisons.

A little background is here.

*** UPDATE *** From the IL Dept. of Human Services…

The plaintiffs’ motion is without merit. The state is acting safely and responsibly to transition residents to community care. Governor Quinn is committed to rebalancing the state’s system of caring for people with developmental disabilities so they can live more independent, fulfilling lives.

An emergency TRO was not issued. Rather, the judge allowed the plaintiffs to file their motion requesting an emergency TRO but continued any decision until the assigned judge to the case returns next week. In good faith, we voluntarily agreed not to move any residents in the meantime.


  1. - wordslinger - Friday, May 24, 13 @ 12:24 pm:

    No need to rush. The families deserve the time and venues to have their concerns aired and weighed.

  2. - Flan - Friday, May 24, 13 @ 12:27 pm:

    Good for the judge. Poor choice of background article there. I know people that work at Murray Center and the moving of residents there is essentially a cattle call, with residents rushed out before the new rooms are even built with staff unprepared to care for residents’ medical needs.

  3. - giveandtake - Friday, May 24, 13 @ 12:40 pm:

    This is a very good first step in an uphill battle. There is a national movement to deny part of the U.S. Supreme Court ruling in Olmstead.

    On April 15th, over the signature of Thomas Perez (who has been nominated for a cabinet position)USDOJ filed a Statement of Interest in the case -

    “For the reasons stated above, the United States respectfully requests that this Court find that the Plaintiffs’ have no claim under the Americanss with Disabilities Act.”

    “Plaintiffs make much of Olmstead’s statement that there is no ‘federal requirement that community-based services be imposed upon those who do not desire them’.”

    It will take a very strong Federal Judge to rule against USDOJ and for what Olmstead really says.

  4. - the Patriot - Friday, May 24, 13 @ 1:31 pm:

    The AG has to go. How can she really represent the person she plans to begin campaigning against in a few months. And how can she represent a person on a decision her father opposed. Do we assume Lisa and Mike had no discussion on this, C’mon man.

    Quinn isn’t smart enough to realize his current political foe placed his daughter in a position to “represent” him, and his future opponent is representing him. If Quinn had a brain, he would get any litigation to support his policies out of the AG until she at least vows not to run against him.

  5. - Rich Miller - Friday, May 24, 13 @ 1:33 pm:

    ===How can she really represent the person ===

    She doesn’t represent any person. She represents the state.

  6. - Rich Miller - Friday, May 24, 13 @ 1:37 pm:

    ===Quinn isn’t smart enough to realize his current political foe placed his daughter in a position to “represent” him===

    Yeah, MJM is so smart he elected Lisa 13 years ago just to mess with Pat Quinn.

    Take a breath.

  7. - wordslinger - Friday, May 24, 13 @ 1:38 pm:

    –Yeah, MJM is so smart he elected Lisa 13 years ago just to mess with Pat Quinn.–

    It has been a slowly unfolding grand conspiracy, hasn’t it?

  8. - Rita Winkeler - Friday, May 24, 13 @ 1:45 pm:

    The Judge looked at the evidence and did what was legally right for the residents of Murray Center….all residents…..Bravo!!!

  9. - Jeff Park Mom - Friday, May 24, 13 @ 1:46 pm:

    I hear DHS is way behind in finding places willing to take these high-need folks out of Murray. So now they are playing catch-up by trying to force families to take whatever place will have their loved one, whether it is right for them or not. That’s why 26 people died when Lincoln Center closed - dumping. Shame on Quinn and good for Judge Castillo.

  10. - Bigtwich - Friday, May 24, 13 @ 1:58 pm:

    This does not mean much one way or the other. The plaintiffs presented an emergency motion for Temporary Restraining Order before a motion judge. The state agreed not to do anything for a week and the case was set over before the judge who had been handling it.

  11. - Bernard Winkeler - Friday, May 24, 13 @ 2:03 pm:

    I have read the declarations written by the brave employees of Murray Center who have watched DHS attempt to move the wards of the state. It is disgraceful. The very department that is supposed to be protecting the rights of the most severely disabled is treated them like the blacks were treated during slavery……..denying them the basic human rights of safety. They may be wards of the state but the state does not own them. Everyone has the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness….DHS is denying them these basic rights.

  12. - Alicia - Friday, May 24, 13 @ 2:17 pm:

    It’s so nice to see there are still people who will listen to the facts and aren’t corrupt! Two thumbs up for this judge!

  13. - barb thompson - Friday, May 24, 13 @ 3:01 pm:

    awsome this judge had compassion for those who cannot speak for themselves …BRAVO

  14. - Mary - Friday, May 24, 13 @ 3:14 pm:

    Thank God for justice officials who have the courage to make decisions based on the needs of our most vulnerable citizens. For some people the safety, consistency and compassionate staff of an institution is exactly what they need. Shame on those who treat these dependent persons without regard for their physical and emotional needs

  15. - BobO - Friday, May 24, 13 @ 3:15 pm:

    Families of Murray residents know that as long as their relative with a disability remains in a state-run facility, the funding will be adequate to support that persons needs.

    Those families know that Illinois has a history of neglecting individuals once they leave the
    state-run institution. Community program funding is 50% behind the cost-of-living when compared to state-run institutional services over the past 20 years.

    These comments are not in support of the institutional model, but an indictment of how Illinois has shortchanged its community developmental disability support system.
    Today, with delayed payments on top of the inadequate reimbursements, most are barely able to stay afloat.

    Families of residents in Illinois institutions have legitimate concerns for the long-term support of their loved ones. However, the demographics are not favorable for
    the future of any state-run institution.

    Regardless of what happens with Murray, all Illinois facilities for persons with developmental disabilities will eventually have to close.

    Families need to plan for this reality. The per capita costs of institutional care continue to rise. Somewhere between today and 20 years from now, the cost will reach a financial and politically unsustainable level. Its better for families to plan and initiate a change when they are still able to do so.

    Otherwise, left on its own, by 2032 there will be one resident left in the Illinois institutional system, costing taxpayers $900 million dollars per year to be served. Regardless of how you feel today, no one wants their relative to be the last person standing.

  16. - Keep Calm and Carry On - Friday, May 24, 13 @ 3:20 pm:

    Now hopefully the regular judge will grant the TRO.

  17. - giveandtake - Friday, May 24, 13 @ 3:46 pm:

    The Judge did prohibit Illinois from moving “a single soul” out of Murray until the TRO hearing is held on May 30.

    DHS saying the Plaintiffs motion is without merit is about as accurate as all the other statements that DHS has made about the closing of Jacksonville and Murray.

    The May 21 Plaintiffs filing includes sworn affidavits on harm and injury to residents, failure of the State Guardian to protect residents, threats to employees, unsafe or dangerous group homes, and 204 incidents (including death) to former residents of the Jacksonville Developmental Center using the same CRA process being used to attempt to close Murray.

  18. - Trying To Be Clear - Monday, May 27, 13 @ 9:35 am:

    Murray Center fits perfectly into a much needed crisis response network. We cannot leave community providers “high & dry” with no recourse but 911 calls, jails & over medicating of complex citizens. In fact, Georgia had to add back 12 crisis teams and 11 crisis homes not originally planned or budgeted for.They learned of the gap in services in a painful way.

  19. - Andy's Mom - Tuesday, May 28, 13 @ 10:14 am:

    Thanks, Judge Castillo, for protecting my sons brothers and sisters at Murray Center.

  20. - B.O. B. - Tuesday, May 28, 13 @ 9:11 pm:

    Why would anyone try to balance a budget with the life of another human being? The states financial downfall was not caused by these people! Why should they be suffering? Who is to say these people of Murray Center are not happy where they are! Has Governor Quinn ever worked with or been around these residents? Well if he had maybe he would learn something! PLEASE help to keep MURRAY CENTER OPEN!

  21. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, May 28, 13 @ 9:34 pm:

    ===Why would anyone try to balance a budget with the life of another human being?===

    Budgets are always about human beings. Welcome to the real world.

  22. - Vic - Wednesday, May 29, 13 @ 9:43 am:

    I think there are many more ways to cut spending other than closing Murray Center. Matter of fact I KNOW there are more ways to cut spending other than closing Murray Center. It is a DISGRACE to our state to forcefully remove these residents from their home. As a legislator, ask yourself, Would you like to be taken from your home and MADE to live elsewhere, especially somewhere a lot less adequate to take care of your needs. PLEASE HELP KEEP THESE RESIDENTS IN THERE CURRENT HOME OF MURRAY CENTER PERMANENTLY.

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