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Question of the day

Monday, Jun 3, 2013 - Posted by Rich Miller

* WUIS covered the election of Jack Dorgan as the new Illinois Republican Party Chairman

Dorgan has his work cut out for him. As party chair, he will be asked to raise money, recruit candidates and deliver a message to both the Republican base and key groups like women and minorities who now strongly back Democrats. No wonder even some in the G-O-P call the state party chair the “worst job in Illinois.” But Dorgan takes exception ton those who say the party is broken.

DORGAN “Well the party’s not broke. We’ve had some growing pains right now. We’re ready. We’re united and we;re going to move forward and show people there is a two party system.”

* Dorgan was selected on the first ballot

Rich Williamson of Kenilworth, Republican National Committeeman from Illinois and co-chairman of the selection effort, said Dorgan was elected on the first ballot. Asked if the vote was unanimous, he just repeated that the weighted vote of central committee members went Dorgan’s way on the first try.

Another candidate for the chairmanship, former U.S. Rep. Joe Walsh, R-McHenry, made it clear to the committee in his speech that he did not expect to be picked. But he also warned against picking someone who would be seen by grassroots Republicans and tea party members as an insider. He said after the speech that he thought Dorgan was in that unacceptable category.

“He’s a lobbyist,” Walsh said. “He’s somebody who can play both sides of the aisle. That is not what the Republican Party needs. That would just devastate grassroots supporters in the state.”

* Dorgan’s background

Dorgan has long been involved in Republican politics, beginning as an aide to the late Rep. Roger McAuliffe, who long held the designation as the only Republican legislator from Chicago. Dorgan also served as deputy chief of staff to former House Speaker Lee Daniels and as an aide to Gov. Jim Thompson and director of the Liquor Control Commission under Gov. Jim Edgar.

But Dorgan also has close ties to Illinois’ ruling Democrats. He founded a lobbying practice with James McPike, a former majority leader for House Speaker Michael Madigan, who doubles as Illinois Democratic Party chairman.

The firm’s clients include Ameren, AT&T, Fairmount Park race track, the Illinois Hospital Association and the Illinois Asphalt Pavement Association, a group formerly headed by Bill Cellini, who is now serving prison time after being convicted of federal corruption charges.

* The Question: Despite the obvious structural handicaps inherent with the IL GOP, do you think Dorgan will do a good job as state party chairman? Take the poll and then explain your answer in comments, please.

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  1. - Will Caskey - Monday, Jun 3, 13 @ 12:24 pm:

    Sure, why not?

  2. - OurMagician - Monday, Jun 3, 13 @ 12:31 pm:

    Joe Walsh talking about someone else playing both sides of the aisle is about as good as it gets.

  3. - reformer - Monday, Jun 3, 13 @ 12:32 pm:

    Jack has his work cut out for him, and he less than a year to do it before the next chairman’s election.

  4. - 47th Ward - Monday, Jun 3, 13 @ 12:34 pm:

    I voted yes. I’ve met him and I think he’s from the wing of the party that likes to win elections. So if that’s part of the job and the Republicans decide to listen to him, then they might be more competitive in 2014 than they have been recently.

    Although this statement troubles me:

    “We’ve had some growing pains right now.”

    Um Jack, the pain you’re feeling isn’t because your party is growing. Job one is to stop the bleeding and grow the party. I wish him well. We could use a competent and competitive GOP in Illinois.

  5. - Gunderstank - Monday, Jun 3, 13 @ 12:44 pm:

    == He’s somebody who can play both sides of the aisle. ==

    Sounds like a great reason to have Dorgan doing the job. The GOP needs to pull in some independents and get some Dems to crossover if it is going to become effective. If it can’t, then it will have to be content with Statewides who are so personally appealing that they can get elected in spite of their party, supported by a shadow presence in the GA based in a shrinking number of strongholds.

  6. - steve schnorf - Monday, Jun 3, 13 @ 12:48 pm:

    one of the good guys-likes to win, but without leaving a trail of bloody bodies and enemies waiting to get even

  7. - AFSCME Steward - Monday, Jun 3, 13 @ 12:49 pm:

    I voted yes, but there also has to be a reality check here. The party is broke & it is not united. The loud screaming Tea Partiers Joe Walsh a prime example) took over and drove the party out of the mainstream, alienating many more moderate voters. The result is a GOP that is irrelevent in Illinois. A GOP that isn’t driven by the hardcore extreme right will be successful in Illinois. But it has to be more than the party of no. Even as a minority party, it has to advance ideas and policies, not just complain about everything the democrats do. It has to discipline itself and speak out against the extremists that want to exclude people because they are not republican enough. If it does so, the GOP will rebound and become a viable alternative to the out of control democrats.

    “Well the party’s not broke. We’ve had some growing pains right now. We’re ready. We’re united and we;re going to move forward and show people there is a two party system.”

  8. - Chad - Monday, Jun 3, 13 @ 12:56 pm:

    I voted yes. Jack brings together the skills sets and contacts needed to be successful — or to at least over-perform expectations (admittedly very low at this point). He knows how to raise political funds, knows how to assemble coalitions to agree and win, and is a listener. Those who want to be “pure” in their political work will be disappointed, as he knows the only way to make progress in Illinois is to engage in reasoned compromise. Finally, Jack is not intimidated by the election success of the Democrats. It is simply a matter of him being practical about assembling the people and resources needed to win in order to gain credibility — and eventually to gain control. In comparison to most of the other candidates, there is no actual benefit to him in the “glamor” that is bestowed on him as a result of this.

  9. - Ahoy! - Monday, Jun 3, 13 @ 12:58 pm:

    I didn’t vote in part because I have basis for having an educated opinion and in part because I’m not sure anyone could do a good job with the Republican party right now, there’s just too many Joe Walsh’s in it.

    One thing that did strike me was this comment, “We’ve had some growing pains right now.” Dude, you’ve had shrinking pains.

  10. - RNUG - Monday, Jun 3, 13 @ 12:58 pm:

    Is it possible to do a worse job?

  11. - Anonymous - Monday, Jun 3, 13 @ 12:58 pm:

    That a very nice “endorsement,” Steve. (And, I’ve updated my personal definition of “good guy” and “good man.” I thought that would be obvious, but live and learn…the hard way.)

  12. - Just Me - Monday, Jun 3, 13 @ 1:17 pm:

    As a lobbyist he must have learned the art of political realities, and how to maneuver to win. That is exactly the type of skill you want in a party chairman.

  13. - Formerly Known As... - Monday, Jun 3, 13 @ 1:18 pm:


    He was also the only candidate with the ability to hit the ground running. There is no time for on the job training when the term only lasts 10 months.

    Any of the alternative selections would have had to spend a few months getting to know elected officials, donors and activists. That costs time. Time you do not have as a party.

  14. - hisgirlfriday - Monday, Jun 3, 13 @ 1:24 pm:

    What years was he daniels deputy chief of staff and was that when tristano was chied of staff?

    John Kass will be so happy that this choice let’s him recycle old combine columns.

  15. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Jun 3, 13 @ 1:41 pm:

    Voted Yes.

    It was so comical to read Joe Walsh, and all his bloviating, and all the “RINO” name-calling, and I think there was even a call to break away and form a new party.


    Jack Dorgan comes from the Thompson and Edgar “Coaches Tree”. Thompson and Edgar had no time for Litmus Testers or BLood Oathers … only winners.

    If you ain’t helping, you are hurting.

    Edgar and Thompson taking on the Slytherin House wing of My Party, and just pummeling them is legendary, and in the same breath, Thompson and Edgar were inclusive to any and ALL who were about the ILGOP, Thompson and Edgar winning because they are about “adding”, not “reducing” the number of Illinois voters looking to vote Republican.

    Why is it important that someone like Dorgan with that pedigree take over until April?

    Winning and moving the Reagan Rule of 80% is where we need to go, and it is lost on those moving the agenda to “must”, “always”, “never”, and “only”…

    “That’s what it’s all about. That’s what the Slytherin House Republicans can never understand - that what Dorgan and the Reagan Rule of 80% offers the opportunity for the Party to grow and look inclusive to the ‘Indie’ voters that left My Party. A Thompson and Edgar pedigree is like having a police department against the Slytherin House Republicans.”

    What is good, is that Oberweis and Walsh, and even Dan Duffy made a point about Dorgan, and Dorgan being a lobbyist, ignoring the pedigree of winning, and understanding that the “Right” group to align yourself with when organizing a Party, is a group that can win.

    Its also about understanding “organization” and what it takes to win statewide. While “a Jim Nalepa type” sounds soooooo “Right”, not being part of a winning statewide apartus, is not helping to build the type of network structure necessary to be inclusive, and how to bring them all together, like Thompson or Edgar did, with Jack Dorgan a major part in a whole bunch of moving parts.

    I am excited the Oberweis said he was willing, and looked forward to working with Jack Dorgan. We will be watching. Guaranteed.

    I look forward to Jack Dorgan to building off what he learned from Thompson and Edgar, and Roger McAullife. Finding the 80% and educating the electorate come March 2014 will serve My Party far better than “a Jim Nalepa type” and being “so Right” come Primary season, 2014.

    Best of Luck, Mr. Dorgan. I know you are goig to put your best effort forward to bring people back whom we argee with 80% of the time, as Ronald Reagan believed was an Ally, and I know you will do your best to push back Purity, rigidness, and intolerance.

    Thanks for taking this task.

  16. - Just curious - Monday, Jun 3, 13 @ 1:42 pm:

    Doesn’t anyone see the potential for bad optics with a lobbyist who is paid to influence legislators also being a party chairman in charge of candidate recruitment?

    And there is this:

  17. - too obvious - Monday, Jun 3, 13 @ 1:46 pm:

    You can’t have a gop chair who shovels money to Democrats. It’s absurd. Only in Illinois.

    Dorgan has been on the central committee for nearly 2 decades. He’s presided over the demise of the IL GOP. Yeah let’s make him chairman!

  18. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Jun 3, 13 @ 1:56 pm:

    - Just curious -,

    Here is what I …DO …know.

    Of the 8 that “applied”, Jack Dorgan, coming from the McAuliffe/Thompson/Edgar “Coaching Tree”, knows how to ….win.

    Dorgan doesn’t “dream” about winning, or “talk” about winning, or even speaks without knowing …about winning.

    Jack Dorgan has done the “organizational dirty work” that others think is “below them”. Dorgan can read with the electorate is telling My Party, and knows where we are wrong, and knows where we need to be “Right”, and quite frankly, I would be shocked, when Dorgan is attacked for his job, for where he lives, for his business partner, Thompson and Edgar will STILL be behind Dorgan, since they BOTH trusted Dorgan in their two different organizations, and both trusted Dorgan’s expertise … to help win elections.

    19, 47, No Mansion.

    30, 60, Mansion is where we need to get to, and Dorgan knows how to put My Party on the path towards 30, 60, Mansion.

    Ask Thompson. Ask Edgar. Statewide winners, aided…by Jack Dorgan.

  19. - dazed & confused - Monday, Jun 3, 13 @ 1:57 pm:

    Obviously, there are a lot of posters who don’t know Jack!!! He’s a class guy who has the ability to work together an forge ahead. He’s been brought in to stop the bleeding and try to turn the ship around.

    He’ll do a good job.

  20. - Anonymous - Monday, Jun 3, 13 @ 2:00 pm:

    =Edgar and Thompson taking on the Slytherin House wing of My Party, and just pummeling them is legendary, and in the same breath, Thompson and Edgar were inclusive to any and ALL who were about the ILGOP,…=

    “Pummeling” (To beat, as with the fists) and being “inclusive” seem at odds. Perhaps, they were doing something less “severe,” which would have lead to inclusion.

  21. - Amalia - Monday, Jun 3, 13 @ 2:04 pm:

    yes. and he will make it fun.

  22. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Jun 3, 13 @ 2:07 pm:

    ===“Pummeling” (To beat, as with the fists) and being “inclusive” seem at odds. Perhaps, they were doing something less “severe,” which would have lead to inclusion.===

    Golly, not at all! Example?

    If you think a Jack Roeser was helping in 1994, then I can’t help you.

    I think there were quite a few Conservative Republicans in 1994 who couldn’t get a mail piece out quick enough with a picture of Jim Edgar and themselves on it.

    See, not to difficult to see… if you are about winning and being inclusive, and not about Jack Roeser, circa 1994, and the “Right’s” thinking of Jim Edgar.

    Pretty easily, actually.

  23. - Bluefish - Monday, Jun 3, 13 @ 2:15 pm:

    Yes. If the IL GOP wants to reverse their current fortunes and at least get out of super-minority status they need to start rebuilding inroads in what were traditionally Republican leaning suburbs. Jack knows that territory.

  24. - Anonymous - Monday, Jun 3, 13 @ 2:22 pm:

    Well, I suppose Rich didn’t like that last one about my seldom understanding what Willy is tryig to say. Was it the Vulcan “mind meld” sentence, Rich?

  25. - wordslinger - Monday, Jun 3, 13 @ 2:37 pm:

    I voted yes, because I hope so.

    It would be good for the state to have GOP that was interested in making the commitment and compromises necessary to govern.

    It’s been done before. The idea is to build a governing majority, not to kowtow to the talk-radio ignorami angrily nostalgic for a time that never existed.

  26. - votecounter - Monday, Jun 3, 13 @ 2:45 pm:

    OW 1994 was 20 years ago!!! Things have changed, poking your base in the eye isn’t smart. We don’t have state workers to do the groundwork. Dorgon is another in a long line of chairman from the Thompson-Edgar wing who have been at the wheel in this parties demise.

  27. - Just curious - Monday, Jun 3, 13 @ 2:50 pm:

    You know, the statewide elected Republicans are moderates. Moderates are in charge of the caucuses in the ILGA. Moderates have been running the ILGOP forever.

    But according to the Passion of Pat Brady According to the Gospel of Slumlord Ron Gidwitz, it’s the conservatives (who hold no power in the party) are somehow ruining everything.

    Maybe it’s time to have leadership that mans up instead of blaming some phantom “ignorami”.

    As far as Edgar, MSI appreciates his years of service too.

  28. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Jun 3, 13 @ 2:53 pm:

    - votecounter -

    That was 20 years ago! And you know what, GOTV is still best done by knocking on doors, …even 20 years later.

    The GWB Field Operations answer how to do the Field Operations, less the Patronage, I am sure Mr. Dorgan has seen it.

  29. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Jun 3, 13 @ 3:03 pm:

    ===poking your base in the eye isn’t smart.===

    If the “Base” includes Jack Roeser, who is backing Bruce Rauner (huh?), then a poke in the eye didn’t hurt Thompson, and it especially didn’t hurt Edgar against Roeser.

    Just saying….

  30. - wordslinger - Monday, Jun 3, 13 @ 3:07 pm:

    –Things have changed, poking your base in the eye isn’t smart. We don’t have state workers to do the groundwork.–

    You mean those that are unrelenting and uncompromising in their principles won’t knock on a door unless they’re pulling down a state paycheck?

    I wonder why they don’t win statewide.

  31. - Susiejones - Monday, Jun 3, 13 @ 3:18 pm:

    I don’t know Jack, but I voted Yes because it sounds like he can bring moderate Republicans like me back into the party. I have thought of myself as an Independent the past few years because of the right wing take over. I have hope that we are on the right track. time will tell.

  32. - hisgirlfriday - Monday, Jun 3, 13 @ 3:34 pm:

    I guess its not surprising that a successful lobbyist like Dorgan would have a lot of friends and a lot of people rooting for him.

    But as much as Id like a sane IL gop to exist for the sake of this state generally and poor willy specifically, I don’t look at this guys resume and think wow the gop is back on track.

    Yes the GOP needs to get away from the reactionary “slytherin” joe walsh types but until rush limbaugh goes off the air and the national gop changes, the il gop is going to have a sizable “slytherin” element.

    The other thing is that as much as the il gop needs to get away from joe walshes is that it also needs to get away from nostalgia for the edgar/thompson era which (1) wasn’t as perfect as they remember it and (2) isn’t really re. I mean edgars last run was 1994. No one under 39 has ever even had a chance to vote for these guys.

    To be relevant going forward the ilgop will have to get less crazy AND less sentimental.

  33. - hisgirlfriday - Monday, Jun 3, 13 @ 3:37 pm:

    That was supposed to be isn’t relevant. Also I think my math was off and it should say 37 not 39.

  34. - Jimmy - Monday, Jun 3, 13 @ 3:41 pm:

    He has his work cut out for him. How does he go on the offensive against Democrats one day and then lobby them the next? It’s not impossible to do, but it will be hard to walk that tight rope day after day, month after month.

  35. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Jun 3, 13 @ 3:45 pm:

    - hisgirlfriday -,

    Great points, outstanding.

    That is why the GWB Field Operations plan is best suited, since 1994 was a long time.

    As for sentimental, I get it, I do. In that aspect, you are 100% correct. With Dorgan, Dorgan was “on the ground” during those times, and now has moved up. Where we, in My Party, mess up with this Thompson/Edgar leadership problem is that we keep putting “upper management” types from 20 years ago in those dopey positions to lead.

    Mr. Dorgan was a Cog in the Machinery, understanding and implimenting. Big difference.

    I am very hopeful with Mr. Dorgan. It will not be at all easy. Mr. Dorgan seems to understand its about building, and finance, and growing, and infastructure. He does not need to be taught want needs to be done, he seems to know it. That is half the battle.

  36. - Deep South - Monday, Jun 3, 13 @ 3:45 pm:

    ===poking your base in the eye isn’t smart.===
    well, in this case… it is. Keep the yapping ignormai at bay and reach out to independents, fence sitters and disaffected Democrats with a solid message that portrays the candidate as cool and collected, smart, savvy and someone who can take over and make positive change and the GOP just might win the Mansion. Pandering to the “base” is suicide.

  37. - Just The Way It Is One - Monday, Jun 3, 13 @ 5:12 pm:

    Going more moderate, at least it so appears, and with someone who’s been well-connected to Both sides of the Aisle–good move for the GOP in the Chess Game of Illinois Politics at this point, but NOOOObody’s perfect so, sorry to sound mundane, but, we’ll see…!

  38. - Publius - Monday, Jun 3, 13 @ 5:13 pm:

    Willie said it all, well.!

  39. - ToughGuy - Monday, Jun 3, 13 @ 5:25 pm:

    I understand he is also a lobbyist for tobacco products and cigarette manufacturers. He should fit in will with the Republicans

  40. - walkinfool - Monday, Jun 3, 13 @ 5:36 pm:

    I hope so. We need a strong, competitive Republican Party.

    Dorgan has some of the skills and attitudes of Madigan, that have proven effective politically, but which rank and file GOPers usually love to criticize.

  41. - Bill - Monday, Jun 3, 13 @ 5:59 pm:

    He’ll be fine.

  42. - Arthur Andersen - Monday, Jun 3, 13 @ 6:10 pm:

    What Bill said.

  43. - fake county chairman - Monday, Jun 3, 13 @ 6:21 pm:

    does this mean that party chairs now can work the other side of the fence like donating to a democratic candidate or both

  44. - fake county chairman - Monday, Jun 3, 13 @ 6:22 pm:

    i am sorry should have said county chairs

  45. - Responsa - Monday, Jun 3, 13 @ 7:26 pm:

    ==I understand he is also a lobbyist for tobacco products and cigarette manufacturers. He should fit in will with the Republicans==

    What a nonsensical thing to post.

  46. - fake county chairman - Monday, Jun 3, 13 @ 8:30 pm:

    has anybody figure out how many county chairs mr rauner has bought

  47. - fake county chairman - Monday, Jun 3, 13 @ 8:37 pm:

    why should i have rep fund raiser so somebody up north can donate it to a democrat i can donate to my local or state rep on the other side of the fence and probably cut a better deal than somebody i dont know it would benefit me a lot better if this is the rep parties agenda

  48. - George T - Monday, Jun 3, 13 @ 11:59 pm:

    Jack Dorgan muscled Republican candidates out of the race against Senator James DeLeo in 2006 and against Senator John Mulroe in 2012. Jack Dorgan forced Republican committeeman to not slate any candidates in these races or forced them to slate straw candidates who did nothing (spent no money, did no mailings, spent no time) that were his personal associates.

  49. - George T - Tuesday, Jun 4, 13 @ 12:34 am:

    In 1994 Jack Dorgan worked for Democrat Ralph Capparelli against Republican State Rep Candidate Dan Staackman.

    In both 1996 for Congress and 2002 for Governor–Jack Dorgan (and then State Rep Angelo “Skip” Saviano) supported Rod Blagojevich.

    In 1998 Jack Dorgan worked for Democratic Candidate for Secretary of State vs Republican SOS nominee Al Salvi.

    In 2006 Jack Dorgan worked for Democratic State Senator James DeLeo and even stopped a slating session for a Republican opponent in that election.

    In 2012 Jack Dorgan worked for Democratic State Senator James Mulroe to make sure that he would have not Republican opposition.

    To do this he made threats, harmed people, swore and yelled, used legal and rules moves to STOP Republicans from being slated. There are many witnesses to this. More to come.

  50. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Tuesday, Jun 4, 13 @ 8:24 am:

    Dorgan was the best candidate, but I would correct him on one point. Illinois doesnt have a two party system, it has a three party system. there is the Democratic Party, and then the two wings of the GOP.

    And despite all of Willy’s prayers, the Republican Party as a whole, statewide, has never and will never recover from Fitzgerald and the end of state patronage.

  51. - Farm Boy - Tuesday, Jun 4, 13 @ 8:57 am:

    I voted “no” but I hope that I am wrong. I will try to be open-minded and give the man a chance.I am hoping that I will be pleasantly surprised as time goes on. Everything that I have read about him makes me think that Mr. Dorgan will be “more of the same”. But, maybe what I have read about him is not necessarily true. Got to give the guy a chance to show what he is really all about.

  52. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Jun 4, 13 @ 9:41 am:

    Yes, I think Dorgan will be an improvement over past chairmen. He is pragmatic, and can get things done. His background as a staffer and lobbyist are in his favor. Both jobs require you to get along with many different people while keeping your focus on the task ahead.

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