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The Madigan mobile phone mystery

Wednesday, Jun 5, 2013 - Posted by Rich Miller

* From the Tribune’s report on the pension reform meeting yesterday between Gov. Pat Quinn and Senate President John Cullerton

Quinn had been told by Madigan’s staff that the speaker was out of state, but the governor said he hoped Madigan would call in to the meeting. That didn’t happen.

“He was unavailable,” Quinn told reporters at an unrelated stop Tuesday. “He doesn’t have a cellphone. I did leave a message for his wife.”

Madigan spokesman Steve Brown later confirmed that the powerful Southwest Side Democrat does not carry a cellphone but said the governor’s staff was “fully aware the speaker wasn’t available.”

* Jessica Reynolds’ react at Zorn’s blog

Maybe I’m overreacting to this news because I’m part of the generation that considers their cellphones their absolute best friends, but c’mon, doesn’t own a cellphone? What?

I’ve seen Madigan use a mobile phone at the Statehouse. But I was told today that Madigan’s MO is to borrow somebody else’s phone when he needs to use one.

Obviously, he could’ve called in with somebody else’s phone or a landline. The cellphone issue is a red herring. The governor’s “big” meeting was pointless, Madigan knew it, he didn’t go.


  1. - Wensicia - Wednesday, Jun 5, 13 @ 11:29 am:


    Look at the Change of Subject blog post again. It was submitted by Eric’s co-contributor Jessica Reynolds (Tribune editorial coordinator); she made the above quote.

  2. - Happy Returns - Wednesday, Jun 5, 13 @ 11:30 am:

    “Paulie hated phones. He wouldn’t have one in his house. He used to get all his calls second hand, then you’d have to call the people back from an outside phone. There were guys, that’s all they did all day long was take care of Paulie’s phone call.”

  3. - Formerly Known As... - Wednesday, Jun 5, 13 @ 11:31 am:

    It seems like one of Madigan’s little power plays.

    “Don’t call me, I’ll call you.”


    “OK, let’s do a deal. Get Mike on the phone and let’s close this thing.”

    “Um, we can’t.”

    “What do you mean?”

    “I mean we can’t. We have to wait until he feels like talking about pensions, debt, health care cuts, the earthquake in Cairo, the flooding in Peoria, etc. Sorry.”

    “What? That’s bizarre. I was elected by the people of Illinois, and this is an emergency. This is affecting people’s lives.”

    “Well, he can’t be reached. Don’t worry, though, he’ll call us when he’s ready.”

  4. - Allen Skillicorn - Wednesday, Jun 5, 13 @ 11:34 am:


  5. - Formerly Known As... - Wednesday, Jun 5, 13 @ 11:35 am:

    Quinn and Cullerton should now disappear for a few days once Madigan returns and is ready to talk.

    You know, just to be fair and keep things equitable.

    Never mind that we’re the 5th largest state in the Union facing a few pressing issues.

    No wonder Illinois is in such a mess. We have “Nelson” (the bully from “the Simpsons”) running Illinois.

    Or, as a fellow commentor said yesterday, “Perhaps the Sith lord hologram was down.”

  6. - Chris - Wednesday, Jun 5, 13 @ 11:39 am:


    That would be the Appalachian Trail, sir. Terrible cell coverage, so it makes sense.

  7. - Dave Dahl - Wednesday, Jun 5, 13 @ 11:41 am:

    Doesn’t carry a cell phone? We’re talking about someone who befuddled many CF commenters with his use of the phrase “ash can” here. It totally fits.

  8. - Wensicia - Wednesday, Jun 5, 13 @ 11:41 am:

    If Madigan wanted to be reached by Quinn, the lack of a cell phone wouldn’t have prevented it. I agree, the cellphone is a non-issue.

    BTW, we older people aren’t tied to our cell phones 24/7. Perhaps why we’re often misplacing or forgetting them. Zorn brought this up in a previous post on cellphones and the older generation.

  9. - archimedes - Wednesday, Jun 5, 13 @ 11:42 am:

    Remember - after the Senate defeated his SB1, he “was going to the mansion.” PQ must not have offered too much of value then, so why should he expect anything more now?

  10. - WizzardOfOzzie - Wednesday, Jun 5, 13 @ 11:42 am:

    Madigan doesn’t have a cellphone and Blagojevich didn’t know how to use a computer. I wonder why our State is a disaster.

  11. - Ahoy! - Wednesday, Jun 5, 13 @ 11:43 am:

    I kind of dig that the Speaker just borrows other people’s phones when he needs them. Who is going to turn down the Speak when he asks (or just tells you) to use your phone?

    Do they have any pay phones at the Capitol still? Do you think he makes collect calls or carry’s around a quarter in his pocket?

  12. - Ken_in_Aurora - Wednesday, Jun 5, 13 @ 11:44 am:

    Can’t wiretap what he doesn’t have.

  13. - Tsavo - Wednesday, Jun 5, 13 @ 11:47 am:

    Happy Returns,

    Good post from a GREAT movie.

  14. - MOON - Wednesday, Jun 5, 13 @ 11:51 am:

    I know for a fact that Madigan does not have a cell phone

    With regards to the meeting. This was nothing but an opportunity for Quinn to appear as if he was doing something.

    Like other Governors in the past have done, Quinn should have sat down in early May for one on one meetings with the Senates President and Dem. senators and point out the obvious. We need to pass Madigans plan since it is the only one that comes close to solving Illinois problem. Quinn needs to lead, not hold press conferences.

    With regards to whether or not it would be approved by the SC. is questionable but so was Cullerton’s plan.

  15. - Jimmy - Wednesday, Jun 5, 13 @ 12:05 pm:

    Funny, maybe the Speaker is a big fan of “The Wire.”

  16. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Jun 5, 13 @ 12:05 pm:

    “Can’t wiretap what he doesn’t have.”

    Also can’t track GPS locations of meetings, etc.

  17. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Jun 5, 13 @ 12:06 pm:

    No phone records to subpoena?

  18. - walkinfool - Wednesday, Jun 5, 13 @ 12:11 pm:

    The man never ceases to amaze.

  19. - DanL60 - Wednesday, Jun 5, 13 @ 12:22 pm:

    MM is always at least two steps ahead.

  20. - wordslinger - Wednesday, Jun 5, 13 @ 12:31 pm:

    Official statement from MJM’s office on why he didn’t attend the meeting:

    “I ran out of gas. I… I had a flat tire. I didn’t have enough money for cab fare. My tux didn’t come back from the cleaners. An old friend came in from out of town. Someone stole my car. There was an earthquake. A terrible flood. Locusts! IT WASN’T MY FAULT, I SWEAR TO GOD!”

  21. - OneMan - Wednesday, Jun 5, 13 @ 12:36 pm:

    Ok not to be contrary here, but if you were him would YOU have a cell phone?

    Considering the perception is that if you need/want something done you need to talk to him, would you want to be that accessible. Unlike any other phone, that one is the one virtually everyone answers themselves, so secretaries, no aids…

    Seem like a good plan for him..

  22. - MOON - Wednesday, Jun 5, 13 @ 12:42 pm:


    Astute and I think a correct observation.

  23. - John - Wednesday, Jun 5, 13 @ 12:50 pm:

    This is all about Madigan trying to make Quinn look bad to help his daughter. If Madigan wanted the Legislature to pass those bills then they would have passed, but he would rather have the appearance of gridlock and blame the Governor.

  24. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Jun 5, 13 @ 12:51 pm:

    ===This is all about Madigan trying to make Quinn look bad to help his daughter.===

    Yes, and if he’d have passed the bill it would’ve been about helping his daughter. I’m not so sure that’s the case here. As I wrote yesterday, I don’t believe that MJM wants Lisa to run. Just the opposite.

  25. - Newsclown - Wednesday, Jun 5, 13 @ 1:09 pm:

    I was in earshot one time to hear the Speaker complaining about a certain member getting his Lincoln Towers phone number and actually calling it, late at night. I dunno if he changed the number afterwards, but I’m pretty sure the caller is no longer a House member. Make of that as you will. Pauly reference from “Goodfellas”was my first thought as well.

  26. - Challenger - Wednesday, Jun 5, 13 @ 1:18 pm:

    Madigan gave up his state cell phone perk as his contribution to reducing the state budget and pension crisis.

  27. - Algonquin J. Calhoun - Wednesday, Jun 5, 13 @ 1:31 pm:

    Why would he need a phone? His thoughts, actions, plans, motives, rationales, beliefs, goals, likes, dislikes, opinions, and favorite color are on all our minds, all the time.

  28. - Meanderthal - Wednesday, Jun 5, 13 @ 1:38 pm:

    Even I have a cell phone. I don’t know how to use most of the stuff on it, but I have it.

  29. - dazed & confused - Wednesday, Jun 5, 13 @ 1:47 pm:

    He was driving and wanted to honor the new D’Amico law requiring hands free. With session, he did not have a chance to hit Radio Shack and get the earbuds.

  30. - ProblemChild21 - Wednesday, Jun 5, 13 @ 1:56 pm:

    =does not carry a cellphone=

    Pardon me for being cynical, but “does not carry” does not necessarily imply “does not own”. It also leaves the door open that whichever aide accompanies him carries the phone.

    Just sayin’…

  31. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Jun 5, 13 @ 2:11 pm:

    PQ: Hi Shirley, it’s Pat. Is Mike there?
    SM: Pat who?
    PQ: Pat Quinn.
    SM: I’m sorry?
    PQ: Shirley, it’s Governor Quinn. Is Mike available?
    SM: You mean the Speaker?
    PQ: Yes, is the Speaker available? I’d like him to join me and John Cullerton to discuss pensions.
    SM: Governor, why are you calling me? Doesn’t your staff know how to get hold of Tim Mapes?
    PQ: Who?
    SM: Tim Mapes, he’s the Speaker’s Chief of Staff since forever.
    PQ: Oh, I didn’t know that. I’ll ask Jack. Thanks. But if you do talk with him, would you tell him I called.
    SM: Ok. How do you spell your name again?
    PQ: Q U I N N.
    SM: Ok. Thank you for calling.

  32. - Nice Kid - Wednesday, Jun 5, 13 @ 2:13 pm:

    It may have been pointless, but by not going Madigan continues to portray himself as someone unwilling to comprimise or work toward a solution for Illinois. Also, I thought the story was that they didn’t know they could call in; a silly excuse indeed. Is the “no cell phone” the next best excuse they could find? Which excuse is it? Is there another one coming?

  33. - Rod - Wednesday, Jun 5, 13 @ 2:13 pm:

    I know a lot of us are mad at the Sun Times for totally eliminating all of their photo journalists the other day, but NATASHA KORECKI AND DAVE MCKINNEY’s article today had this priceless quote from Steve Brown: “Why they (the Governor’s Office) felt the need to announce a meeting when they knew he (the Speaker) wasn’t available, it’s beyond me,I’m not a psychiatrist, so I can’t explain why they do what they do.”

  34. - NW Illinois - Wednesday, Jun 5, 13 @ 2:17 pm:

    Has the Governor dispatched the State Police to fetch the Speaker for the next pension summit?

  35. - Abe - Wednesday, Jun 5, 13 @ 2:18 pm:

    Quinn isn’t trying to be a leader. He can’t lead!If his office was told MJM was “unavailable” or “out of town” then he should have waited until he was available. Madigan and Cullerton have been working on this issue for a long time and right now they do not agree on a fix. Quinn has offered no solutions on pensions, guns, gay marriage, gaming, etc. He sits in his office in Springfield or more likely in Chicago and trys to govern through the press. Just like Rod. And just like Rod, he may have had his last meeting with the Speaker.

  36. - foster brooks - Wednesday, Jun 5, 13 @ 2:19 pm:

    Was it a cellphone that got hot rod in prison?

  37. - Langhorne - Wednesday, Jun 5, 13 @ 2:38 pm:

    If he doesnt have a cell, it cant be hacked, pinged, or subject to FOIA, or a court order.

  38. - VanillaMan - Wednesday, Jun 5, 13 @ 3:03 pm:

    Madigan uses no media capable of being recorded or read.

  39. - Northern Townie - Wednesday, Jun 5, 13 @ 3:21 pm:

    Everyone is missing the obvious line: Speakerphone!

  40. - RNUG Fan - Wednesday, Jun 5, 13 @ 3:31 pm:

    Ok Maybe we can interpret the who house pension stuff and SSM to get Lisa not to run!

    We can test that one when she says she is out and he calls the house back to pass SB 2404 and SSM!
    I know there wont be a supermajority for SSM and SB 2404 may be his person grudge with Henry Bayer and …… on What leadership we have

  41. - RNUG Fan - Wednesday, Jun 5, 13 @ 3:56 pm:

    Considering the Senate Dems just tweeted this I don’t see any cave……
    I think the biggest news Rich broke was the Senators who wanted to adjourn to stick it to Madigan….How prevalent is that sentiment there and did they make the defeat of the cost shift their last order of business to send the message instead?

  42. - Belle - Wednesday, Jun 5, 13 @ 4:03 pm:


  43. - Just The Way It Is One - Wednesday, Jun 5, 13 @ 5:30 pm:

    I’M echoing Jessica Reynolds’ comment about basically guffawing re. the Speaker of the House NOT even owning a cell phone…cmon, WHAT?! Now THERE’S a DEFinite sign (no shock here of course!) of a REAL Control Freak–i.e. I’ll contact YOU when I want to, but don’t be thinking you can ever even TRY to reach ME for any extraordinary reason, like, maybe wantin’ to save the Taxpayers of Illinois, oh, like ONly $17 MILLION a DAY, Mike? Are you kiddin’? And no offense, but I cannot concur with the suggestion that he didn’t bother to show, or even communicate what the heck he’s doing that’s SO much MORE important that he wouldn’t even bother to provide a REAson for his “unavailability” because the meeting was “pointless.”

    No, the meeting was extremely IMPORTANT to the citizens of Illinois who are sick and tired of being almost $100 BILLION in the hole, and Madigan’s head trips and game playing–which is exactly what this is. And his presence there at such meetings with the Governor and Senate President at this point–regarding a true financial CRISIS which Illinois has on its’ hands now because of hooligan behavior of this sort on HIS part–was of the UTmost importance as well, and he damn well knows it. In sum, MADigan’s actions and INactions are both pompous and inexcusable (but again, no shock here)…!

  44. - Barney - Wednesday, Jun 5, 13 @ 5:30 pm:

    In Chicago we used to just go out the back door, stand in the alley, and yell Yo Mike at Mikes house. Quinn should know that.

  45. - Robert the Bruce - Wednesday, Jun 5, 13 @ 5:50 pm:

    Madigan blowing off this post-session meeting is no big deal, I’d agree.

    But if it was Madigan’s petulance or personal animosity toward Cullerton or Quinn that prevented his joining regular discussions with them to hash out a compromise, it seems to me that he deserves a large share of the blame for pension reform not passing.

  46. - Arthur Andersen - Wednesday, Jun 5, 13 @ 8:02 pm:


    Ever feel tied to that cellphone?

    Just want to break away from pesty callers?

    Want to get back to the good old days before
    intrusive cellphones?

    Then you need the NEW “Madi-Go Phone!”

    ~Takes no incoming calls-Who needs ‘em!

    ~No snoopy GPS~The “Madi-Go” GPS tracks and locates the people YOU call!

    ~Large screen,buttons and live operator (”Tim”) 24/7 to place your call when YOU want to call

    ~Available apps include “3D Chess”

    Available NOW in Black, Grey “Patronage” Pinstripe, “Steve” Brown, or Special Limited Edition Apple Green, the “Madi-Go Phone” is YOUR 21st Century solution. Call now at 1-876-GOPHONE!
    The first 500 callers will receive a free “Madi-Knife.”

  47. - Running glider - Wednesday, Jun 5, 13 @ 8:51 pm:

    Just get the poor old guy a Jitterbug.

  48. - Emily Booth - Wednesday, Jun 5, 13 @ 8:51 pm:

    Madigan may not carry a cellphone but he does read email he receives as head of the Dem Party in Il. I have a state rep who doesn’t read his email.

  49. - Former Program Specialist - Wednesday, Jun 5, 13 @ 10:59 pm:

    The Dems just lost my vote. We are way past the point of fun and games. MJM…you need to go.

  50. - Jwatrlily - Thursday, Jun 6, 13 @ 8:50 am:

    Loved your “not my job” article in this week’s paper Rich. As for MM, can he now be called “Magic Mike” because he has pulled a disappearing act? IMHO, hanging this pension failure on Quinn isn’t remotely fair (and honestly, I am neutral about Quinn so I don’t speak from undying loyalty). I feel the blame for this rests on MM and ONLY MM since he didn’t call it for a vote after his pension bills were defeated. MM knew SB 2404 would have passed and his ego couldn’t let him do it.

  51. - low level - Thursday, Jun 6, 13 @ 9:03 am:

    Forgive me, but can someone please tell me what could have developed in the 3 days since the session ended that could have/might have/would have been accomplished even if MJM had been at or called into the meeting?

    Is it fair to observe that had the Gov conducted more meetings during the session with MJM and Cullerton that something might have been accomplished?

    From what I understand, there was no agreement to be finalized, nothing to discuss, & no new developments - making this whole story absolutely ridiculous.

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