* From ABC7…
Expect Daley to tell voters he’d use his White House ties to help Illinois.
“I would hope that if I was so honored to be Governor, you can be assured that whatever it took to help the people of Illinois I’d do that,” he said.
But Daley says his private sector work with J.P. Morgan-Chase is most important.
“To me, that’s the creator of jobs and that’s the engine we have to get going in this state,” Daley said.
No mention of the bailout.
I’m just not sure that trumpeting his stewardship of a “too big to fail” bank is gonna do him all that much good in a Democratic primary. Maybe I’m wrong. Feel free to correct me in comments.
*** UPDATE *** Oops. I meant to post this story as well. Sun-Times…
Bill Daley, who launched his race for Illinois governor last week, donated $100,000 to his warchest, while tapping long-time friends here, New York and Florida to help bankroll his Democratic primary bid, according to a report filed on Monday.
Daley contributed the $100,000 to his “William M. Daley Exploratory Committee” on June 11; a big enough sum to show that Daley is just not marking time waiting to see if Attorney General Lisa Madigan jumps in the contest.
- Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Jun 18, 13 @ 9:11 am:
Going down this road could lead to these claims too, I don’t know …
I created… more Homes to be “available”, more moving vans to be rented…
The banking “thing” is still “too soon”, but…if you “own it”, maybe you can make it a positive(?)
- Easy - Tuesday, Jun 18, 13 @ 9:15 am:
i’m pretty sure most Dem primary voters associate big banks with job creation. Is this guy really that tone deaf?
- CircularFiringSquad - Tuesday, Jun 18, 13 @ 9:21 am:
Wall Street banker v. hedge fund hustler..BankerBilly v CousinBrucey It seems just what really needs. Will BankerBilly give us a little detail on his efforts to lobby the public unions to save Jamie Dimonn;s butt after losing SIX BILLION DOLLARS$ ($6 000,000,000) of some derivatives swindle in London.
That should work well. And speaking of banking can we talk a little about the Amalgamonster?
- wordslinger - Tuesday, Jun 18, 13 @ 9:35 am:
Is that a gag? JP Morgan Chase, one of the prime banksters that drove the economy into the ditch?
Daley should be sure to mention his time at SBC, too, when his big-money contributions to Blago greased through phone rate hikes.
- Shore - Tuesday, Jun 18, 13 @ 9:35 am:
-correct me if I’m wrong but illinois already has a former white house cos in office, durbin may have obama ties, obama will only be in office for 2 years of his term, his white house cos time taught us national gop’ers have no interest in helping him, this is not montana or mississippi.
-good luck on selling millionaire banker to the democratic electorate, although they went that route with alexi.
- Bill White - Tuesday, Jun 18, 13 @ 9:53 am:
The underlying problem with our economy is that “Capital” is taking too large a slice of the total economic pie while “Labor” is taking too small a slice. That reduces overall aggregate demand, shrinking the economy and leading to record low interest rates, despite budget deficits.
The bankers are the folks responsible for this.
Bill Daley should NOT be governor of Illinois as his understanding of economics is essentially the same as Mitt Romney’s.
- L.S. - Tuesday, Jun 18, 13 @ 9:54 am:
He’s writing his own attack ads. Just add a morphing of his face into Romney and you’re done.
- Rollo Tomasi - Tuesday, Jun 18, 13 @ 10:02 am:
Richard J. Daley was mayor of Chicago.
Bill Daley was with JP Morgan Chase.
Bill Daley JR was with Morgan Stanley
Morgan Stanley owned Chicago Parking Meters LLC.
Chicago Parking Meters LLC sold 49.9% of it’s stock.
About 49.9% of the Chicago Parking Meters, LLC is owned by a group headquartered in Abu Dhabi. Journalist Matt Taibi write about this in his “Griftopia.”
I’ll bet Bill daley will not be putting that in his campaign ligature”
- Frank - Tuesday, Jun 18, 13 @ 10:03 am:
Your dead on target, Rich. In the past week, Bill Daley has set the tone for an excellent General Election campaign (or some might say Republican Primary campaign.)
And it’s not only his early campaign tone that’s a problem, his biography just doesn’t play well in a Dem Primary: Banker, utility exec, NAFTA architect, brother of a former mayor now despised by primary-voting city workers.
Maybe he can win in March by just not being Pat Quinn…but methinks to pull this off he needs: 1) a warm, public embrace from Obama; and 2) Lisa not to run.
- Mike M - Tuesday, Jun 18, 13 @ 10:07 am:
It didn’t seem to hurt Rahm….
- OneMan - Tuesday, Jun 18, 13 @ 10:17 am:
Didn’t know you could give to a campaign with a PO box as your address…
- ZC - Tuesday, Jun 18, 13 @ 10:36 am:
If the past five years have taught us anything: very financially successful, highly educated, intelligent and articulate businessmen - and perhaps especially from the finance sector - can know bupkis about what creates jobs for society as a whole, or what is in its long term interests.
Just bears repeating from time to time. Daley I actually think is better than most, but this is an odd campaign slogan.
- Wensicia - Tuesday, Jun 18, 13 @ 10:43 am:
Does Daley understand he’s running in the Democratic primary, not the Republican?
- Keyrock - Tuesday, Jun 18, 13 @ 10:48 am:
OW - Did I miss it, or are we still waiting for your full Bill Daley rollout?
- Bill - Tuesday, Jun 18, 13 @ 11:03 am:
How much is Al Gore kicking in?
- Chi labor - Tuesday, Jun 18, 13 @ 11:13 am:
Yes, the same JP Morgan that has foreclosed on thousands of Chicago area homeowners and brought us the Chicago Parking meter deal. That is just the tip of the iceberg. This guy is absolutely crazy if he thinks he can win a Democratic Primary.
- Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Jun 18, 13 @ 11:15 am:
Bill Daley hasn’t rolled out his campaign…just as Rauner had his Exploratory Committee, then annopunced, I have to give Daley a wide berth, and see how Bill Daley rolls this out officially.
I will say 100 Large, says “something”, but not everything.
- Anonymous - Tuesday, Jun 18, 13 @ 11:29 am:
“I’m a decision-maker” good
“business leader” could work
“counselor” maybe
“banker” OMG!
- Michael Westen - Tuesday, Jun 18, 13 @ 11:37 am:
The last thing Illinois needs is a lecture from a Daley about fiscal responsibility.
Maybe Billy will propose selling off the tollway.
- Anonymous - Tuesday, Jun 18, 13 @ 11:43 am:
Like the Anonymouses on here: One of these three is not like the others.
Maybe the hope is that if he somehow makes it through the Primary, the Rs will embrace him because of his banking experience, similar to the mantra that is often fed to Conservatives: “He’s the only one who can win the General.”
Having said that and no disrespect intended, I’m really not sure how many Rs (or even Rs who are now Is) would vote for a Daley, even a banker.
- walkinfool - Tuesday, Jun 18, 13 @ 11:44 am:
Anon 11:29 was me. Sorry
- Anonymous - Tuesday, Jun 18, 13 @ 11:46 am:
No prob, walkinfool. Thank you.
- OneMan - Tuesday, Jun 18, 13 @ 12:56 pm:
There is one risk in promoting the banking angle as an old Bloom County points out
- A. Nonymous - Tuesday, Jun 18, 13 @ 1:25 pm:
Without banking what else does he have to run on?
His WH experiences under WJC and BHO aren’t much to write home about.
Maybe he can use a tin ear as his campaign symbol.
- Anonymous - Tuesday, Jun 18, 13 @ 1:53 pm:
With “dedication to public service” now so passe, maybe a “spanking” Rock Star might do it.
On second thought, maybe not. The “tides” seem to be changing.
- Century Club - Tuesday, Jun 18, 13 @ 2:12 pm:
As for the $100K, can’t Daley just return the contribution if he drops out?
- Arthur Andersen - Tuesday, Jun 18, 13 @ 2:46 pm:
The Clinton’s were in Chi recently-think they cut any commercials?
Yeah, me too.
- Just The Way It Is One - Tuesday, Jun 18, 13 @ 4:57 pm:
Right–”no mention of the” BAILOUT for the Bid Banks like Chase–which millions of Americans, with plenty of them Illinoisans, including a Boatload of DEMocrats, MANY of whom ALSO lost their jobs, homes, or took massive financial hits SELing them, took as a result of totally IRresponsible BANKING Practices, right here in Illinois, and one of the hardest HIT States to be sure, and Daley wants to TOUT what a BIGSHOT EXECutive he was at CHASE right aroung that time??? Boneheaded–just unbelievably boneheaded…! He thinks he can win on his name and Clout of his family connections, but for this as some hallmark CAMPAIGN Strategy–he’s so way off center, he must be pickin’ dandelions somewhere out in Left Field at some empty Ballpark somewhere–unbelievable/sheez…! (Or he’s been livin’ OFF of that massive/excessive Salary he reCEIVED while at Chase for so long that he HAS to be up in some Ivory Tower somewhere with some awfully expensive Rose-Colored Glasses on…!
- Just The Way It Is One - Tuesday, Jun 18, 13 @ 4:58 pm:
That was, of course, meant to read “for the Big Banks….”