Durbin and Kirk to remain neutral in governor’s race
Wednesday, Jun 19, 2013 - Posted by Rich Miller * US Senators Dick Durbin and Mark Kirk say they will stay out of their respective parties’ gubernatorial primary battles. That’s probably a good idea, considering how nasty those primaries may get (a bit more on that topic later this morning). Sun-Times…
- wordslinger - Wednesday, Jun 19, 13 @ 8:59 am:
Good rule of thumb to stay out of it for current officeholders. Generally, there’s no upside for the endorser and you look bad if you can’t bigfoot your candidate across the finish line.
I did notice the Citizens for Edgar kicked in $20K to Dillard recently. Not a surprise, I suppose.
- Bill White - Wednesday, Jun 19, 13 @ 9:04 am:
“A spirited primary which I will observe with great interest.”
Sounds like terrific news for Capital Fax readership statistics!
- Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Jun 19, 13 @ 9:22 am:
Why get involved in these Primaries at all if you don’t have to? Saying you are neutral now defuses this possible problem before it becomes a problem.
Just good politics.
- Hat Trick - Wednesday, Jun 19, 13 @ 9:25 am:
Odd, I could have sworn Dick Durbin endorsed incumbent Bobby Rush back in 2000 when some guy named Obama was running against him.
My, what a difference a decade makes.
- Anon - Wednesday, Jun 19, 13 @ 9:26 am:
Glad to see the state’s “elder statesmen” staying out of the fray.
Not like Illinois needs any leadership or anything these days.
Keep your hands clean, boys…don’t want to mess up your re-election prospects.
P.S. I assure you I won’t be assigning blame to them the next time Illinois’ credit is downgraded. It will be someone else’s fault, no doubt.
- shore - Wednesday, Jun 19, 13 @ 9:34 am:
It’s what kirk can do starting next march for the nominee and for davis and other down ballot candidates on the trail that will be a tell about his 2016 viability. Most of the other senators of late that have had health issues and sought re-election- emk in 1994 when he was dealing with drinking, strom for 20 years, jesse helms and robert byrd later in life, were doing so in states where they had a half century of brand recognition and in most cases where their party was popular. Kirk has neither and it will be interesting to see what he can do next year because the dold campaign video last year was not a great indication.
- walkinfool - Wednesday, Jun 19, 13 @ 9:42 am:
Early yet.
- Demoralized - Wednesday, Jun 19, 13 @ 10:00 am:
@Hat Trick:
Endorsing a congressional candidate is greatly different that getting involved in a Governor’s race. These guys are going to have to work with the Governor, whoever he or she may be, and there is absolutely no reason for them to stick their noses in the race. They don’t gain anything by doing so.
- Hat Trick - Wednesday, Jun 19, 13 @ 10:14 am:
In almost any other scenario, a sitting duly- elected Democratic Governor NOT receiving the endorsement of sitting Democratic officeholders — especially a Democratic U.S. Senator — would be considered a gross betrayal. I could understand if the Governor had some ethical cloud hanging over him or was under investigation by the feds, but, really, over “leadership”? Give me a break.
“These guys are going to have to work with the Governor.” You mean they don’t have to work with the sitting Democratic Governor, now? If I were Quinn, I would have a looooong memory on this one. You act as if challenging an incumbent Governor in a primary is just par for the course.
- Arthur Andersen - Wednesday, Jun 19, 13 @ 10:44 am:
Kirk- no big deal, and no big impact.
Durbin-Squeezy is gonna have to yank hard to pull that knife outta PQ’s back. Going neutral on the incumbent is a big deal, regardless of the opponents.
- Ummmm - Wednesday, Jun 19, 13 @ 10:51 am:
See the pattern folks?
From lobbyists to elected officials and from lobby groups to partygoers themselves, the “new” plan is to go “neutral”. That is the OLD game played best by Obama - just vote present.
The fear of the old guard is seeping out for all to see.
These people who go “neutral” aren’t worthy of election or of representing others. They are demonstrating that they do not have the courage of conviction, of standing on principal.
All they want is to win election and the power they view that comes along with it. Thinking people will refuse to vote for those who go “neutral”. So too will they refuse to send a dime to those voting “present”.
- wordslinger - Wednesday, Jun 19, 13 @ 10:59 am:
Ummmm, the spirit is upon you today.
Elected officials staying neutral in a contested primary is hardly a new development.
- Anonymous - Wednesday, Jun 19, 13 @ 11:03 am:
=From lobbyists to elected officials and from lobby groups to partygoers themselves,…=
Don’t even get me started on politicians and their lobbyists and “partygoers”–especially those “distinguished” Gentlemen from our States on boats who would never do anything to disgrace their offices or subject themselves to even the perception of impropriety.
- Hat Trick - Wednesday, Jun 19, 13 @ 11:13 am:
Ditto, AA. The GOP I understand.
The Dems? Someone said, “They don’t gain anything by doing so.” Really? If it were the Hynes’ primary election I couldn’t agree with you more.
But, frankly, these potential primary opponents smell blood in the polling water and want to further advance their political careers. That’s not a value judgment based on some egregious error on Quinn’s part; it’s a political calculation on their part. Fair enough. It’s an opportune moment to challenge Quinn and if they don’t do it now they may have to wait what seems a political eternity in this galaxy. But to suggest there is some legitimate reason to challenge Quinn based on his violation of Democratic principles or because he is under a cloud legal or ethical suspicion (the only reasons I can think of he would deserve a challenge) is absurd.
I guess we’ll just have to see if they both have the stomach for it. Polling changes pretty quickly around here, as we have seen. And those money folks who think they can bounce between Lisa, Quinn and Daley as this brouhaha heats up will find themselves gaining greater scrutiny by Quinn’s team (at least, they should). The old Cellini, “We’re always in” mantra may not work as well as some hope. As people choose sides, the Governor and his incumbency will loom much larger—as it should.
- Formerly Known As... - Wednesday, Jun 19, 13 @ 12:40 pm:
Perhaps if Quinn changed his last name to “Bustos”, he might also get a primary endorsement from Senator Durbin.
- Ghost - Wednesday, Jun 19, 13 @ 3:32 pm:
Word them staying neutral is part of a Madigan/machine plot to seize control of the lottery industry and create a 3rd aiport near chicago only for use by LM and her family…..
- votecounter - Wednesday, Jun 19, 13 @ 6:06 pm:
Who ever Kirk picked in the primary would lose. he would be the kiss of death
- Arthur Andersen - Wednesday, Jun 19, 13 @ 6:42 pm:
word and others,, I see your point. I may just be too old school.
- Small Town Liberal - Wednesday, Jun 19, 13 @ 8:05 pm:
Durbin’s move is pretty disappointing, the Governor has been behind the President’s and the Senator’s agenda 100%. I’d expect a little more courage out of our senior Senator.
- wordslinger - Wednesday, Jun 19, 13 @ 8:10 pm:
–Durbin’s move is pretty disappointing, the Governor has been behind the President’s and the Senator’s agenda 100%. I’d expect a little more courage out of our senior Senator–
They are not goombata. Pretty nasty primary for Simon’s senate seat back in the day. Not exactly friendly when Durbin was in the wilderness working for Rock, either.
- BR - Wednesday, Jun 19, 13 @ 10:12 pm:
Durbin doesn’t understand basic common sense or what deficit spending is… and personally I think Kirk should retire as he has not recovered from his recent illness…. Both of them are what’s WRONG with Illinois’ and the Federal Government.