Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » Brady to toss hat into the ring again
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Brady to toss hat into the ring again

Tuesday, Jun 25, 2013 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Tomrrow is Brady’s day

Illinois state Sen. Bill Brady of Bloomington, the 2010 Republican nominee for governor, will formally launch another run at the office during a statewide tour Wednesday, he announced today.

The announcement, which has been expected, brings to five the number of formal candidacies for next year’s race, with possibly two more in the wings — including incumbent Democratic Gov. Pat Quinn, who hasn’t formally announced a re-election bid but is expected to. […]

Brady is the fourth announced Republican candidate, joining state Sen. Kirk Dillard, Chicago businessman Bruce Rauner and state Treasurer Dan Rutherford of Chenoa.

On the Democratic side, Bill Daley, former chief of staff to President Barack Obama and son and brother of Chicago’s two former Daley mayors, is running. Democratic state Attorney General Lisa Madigan hasn’t announced a campaign, but there is speculation she might.

* His announcement schedule…

State Senator Bill Brady, a Republican from Bloomington, will announce his candidacy for Governor in 2014 in Chicago, Springfield, Marion and Bloomington on Wednesday, June 26, 2013.

Following is the schedule:


10 a.m. Chicago
The Wit Hotel, Wilde I Room
201 N. State Street

12:30 p.m. Springfield
Abraham Lincoln Capital Airport
Knotts Conference Room (main terminal, second floor)
1200 Capital Airport Drive

3 p.m. Marion
Williamson County Airport
Main Terminal
10400 Terminal Drive

6 p.m. Bloomington
CJ’s Restaurant
2901 E. Empire Street

* More

“Illinois is facing serious challenges. We see them everyday… on the front page, at boarded-up businesses and around the kitchen table as families struggle with their household budgets. With the right leadership, Illinois can grow and prosper again. Nancy and I believe in Illinois, and we’re not giving up on Illinois. And I’m going to be right there, sleeves rolled up, working for sounder communities, vibrant job growth and a stronger Illinois,” Brady said in a statement emailed to supporters and the media.

* Except for now opposing mass puppy euthanasia, I wouldn’t expect this

Whether Brady intends to moderate his message this time around is sure to be among the questions he’ll face as he kicks off his campaign Wednesday at events in Chicago, Springfield, Marion and Bloomington.



  1. - Chavez-respecting Obamist - Tuesday, Jun 25, 13 @ 11:56 am:

    Does he understand that room is named for Oscar Wilde?

  2. - Knome Sane - Tuesday, Jun 25, 13 @ 11:58 am:

    Brady will try to establish himself as the most conservative candidate of the bunch, as Rauner cannot take that flag. Dillard has a good job on the “mea culpa” tour. But it will be up to Brady and Rutherford to determine who is lining up the majority of the conservative base behind them. It’s the only chance Brady has…to “out conservative” the field.

  3. - Cincinnatus - Tuesday, Jun 25, 13 @ 11:58 am:

    He thought it was this:

  4. - Knome Sane - Tuesday, Jun 25, 13 @ 11:59 am:

    …Dillard has DONE a good job, that is….

  5. - 47th Ward - Tuesday, Jun 25, 13 @ 12:03 pm:

    Brady voted to allow undocumented Illinois residents to get drivers’ licenses, which I applaud and view as him learning something about moderating his positions. Good for him.

    Of course, some of the mouth-breathing conservatives will never forgive him for that.

    How in the world will Rauner, Rutherford, Dillard and Brady find good running mates? And who from the Tea Party wing of the GOP is going to get in the race? Walsh? Proft? I don’t think the field is set just yet.

  6. - Roadiepig - Tuesday, Jun 25, 13 @ 12:07 pm:

    You know politicians could save a lot of time if they just bought short sleeve shirts. All that sleeve rolling takes up valuable time …

  7. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Jun 25, 13 @ 12:13 pm:

    ===How in the world will Rauner, Rutherford, Dillard and Brady find good running mates?===

    That is going to be the first HUGE challenge for those four. It will also be telling who WANTS to run with whom. Running as a team from the get-go, for the first time, ever, will add a different dynamic for sure, starting at the State Fair.

  8. - Robert the Bruce - Tuesday, Jun 25, 13 @ 12:13 pm:

    @47th Ward, I wonder if Rauner, Rutherford, or Dillard would criticize him for the drivers license vote? Conservatives I know don’t consider any of those three “true conservatives.” It would seem to be a big opening for a tea partier to enter as the “true conservative” whose turn it is to try to beat the Democrats.

  9. - Responsa - Tuesday, Jun 25, 13 @ 12:16 pm:

    Way to harsh my mellow of the Blackhawks win, Brady. We really do not need you in the field again this time.

  10. - Mouthy - Tuesday, Jun 25, 13 @ 12:16 pm:

    I like puppies. I like animals. Many of my friends are animals. Bill Brady is no friend of mine.

  11. - RNUG - Tuesday, Jun 25, 13 @ 12:16 pm:

    Unless something changes, I’m going to most likely skip voting on the top position on the ballot.

  12. - 47th Ward - Tuesday, Jun 25, 13 @ 12:17 pm:

    Robert, I’m pretty sure Dillard voted for it too, so he’s not about to make it an issue. And Rutherford voted for civil unions, so it’s not like he can get to the right of Brady either. There is definitely an opening for another candidate.

  13. - AFSCME Steward - Tuesday, Jun 25, 13 @ 12:25 pm:

    Being the most conservative may win primaries, but is a sure loser in the general. The governorship is there for the taking, but if the party nomionates another “base” candidate, it will be 4 more years with a dem gov.

    “Brady will try to establish himself as the most conservative candidate of the bunch”

  14. - Whatever - Tuesday, Jun 25, 13 @ 12:26 pm:

    Why does the media keep reporting that Dillard is a candidate? He hasn’t announced yet; he just keeps saying he will. I’m not convinced.

  15. - VonKlutzenplatz - Tuesday, Jun 25, 13 @ 12:36 pm:

    Wonder if Brady has given any thought to the budget, or if he’s still going to go with the “appoint a commission” idea again.

    One bit of advice for Bill — you’ve been there 20 years. You are not an outsider. If you have ideas, put them out there. But when you go with “we will look at it” people wonder what you’ve been getting paid for over the past 20 years.

  16. - Small Town Taxpayer - Tuesday, Jun 25, 13 @ 12:36 pm:

    As I see it, the danger for Brady is how much he intends to moderate his message. If he goes in moderate direction he might be able win the general election if he runs against someone like Quinn again. However, he might not get to the general election because he is no longer a ‘true conservative’ which will probably be required if he hopes to win the primary.

    In addition if he changes too many positions, for example where he stands on mass puppy euthanasia, he opens himself to the charge of being a ‘flip-flop man’. His opponents will probably claim that the voters do not know his true position and/or that it might change at any time.

  17. - Langhorne - Tuesday, Jun 25, 13 @ 12:41 pm:

    Whatever he says in announcing, i dont want to hear brady say anything about how he did last time. If he is somehow the candidate again, he will get shellacked.

  18. - shore - Tuesday, Jun 25, 13 @ 12:46 pm:

    the best stuff in chicago newspapers right now are the editorial cartoons the sun times and mother tribune are pulling out mostly firing at springfield folks. They’ve been biting and excellent especially on this race. Enjoy the sun times cartoons while they last, given the way they handled their photography department 2 weeks ago one has to think Natasha Korecki/McKinney ect will be writing them after the next round of layoffs.

    As for Brady as some say in spring-why is this defeat going to be different than all his other defeats? and will Dillard’s perry endorsement in 2011 enable him to get those conservative bona fides he lacked to put away brady in 2010?

  19. - Deep South - Tuesday, Jun 25, 13 @ 12:47 pm:

    If the “base” candidate wins the nomination, the Dem, whoever it might be, will win the general. No doubt about it.

  20. - AFSCME Steward - Tuesday, Jun 25, 13 @ 12:48 pm:

    The goal should be to win the general. Winning the “I’m more conservative than you” primary contest will bring another November defeat. The GOP needs to get behind a moderate candidate that can win the whole enchilada, not just appeal to the fringe right. The party needs to give indies and moderates a reason to return to the fold. The “base” has made the GOP irrelavent in Illinois.

    “As I see it, the danger for Brady is how much he intends to moderate his message. If he goes in moderate direction he might be able win the general election if he runs against someone like Quinn again. However, he might not get to the general election because he is no longer a ‘true conservative’ which will probably be required if he hopes to win the primary.”

  21. - Samurai - Tuesday, Jun 25, 13 @ 12:49 pm:

    2010 all over again. Will Adam A reconsider? Will Proft give up radio? Maybe Proft and Walsh can both give up radio and run together. The possibilities are endless. At least for Dillard he does not have three opponents from DuPage–yet at least. Though Dillard unencumbered by other DuPagers may not matter in 2014. I am still amazed that Schillerstrom garnered about 3000 primary votes after withdrawing. I thought DuPage County GOP voters were smarter.

  22. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Jun 25, 13 @ 12:49 pm:

    ===You are not an outsider.===

    HE is not running as an Outsider!

    When Brady runs as an outsider, let me know.

    To the Post,

    Senator Brady,

    You last run, I was harsh at times, but always trying to help, or trying to help you look at things different. I will do the same again.

    Best of Luck,

    Oswego Willy

  23. - DuPageExpat - Tuesday, Jun 25, 13 @ 12:52 pm:

    There’s an opening for a tea partier, but I don’t think Walsh or Proft will take it. Walsh is more likely to run for Congress again (14th?), and Proft seems pretty happy where he is.

    So with those two out, who drives the clown car this time?

  24. - A. Nonymous - Tuesday, Jun 25, 13 @ 12:54 pm:

    This isn’t 2010. How do you go from losing to Quinn to thinking you’ll win this time?

    I doubt he gets past the primary.


  25. - LincolnLounger - Tuesday, Jun 25, 13 @ 1:18 pm:

    At this point, it’s just vanity (no matter what Jeb Bush allegedly told you, Bill.)

    How can he extol the virtues of running government like a business when his went bankrupt.

    If you cannot win in one of the biggest GOP tidal wave elections in our lifetimes, you aren’t going to win this time either.

  26. - redleg - Tuesday, Jun 25, 13 @ 1:37 pm:

    So are we going to finally get see the outcome of Bill’s bankruptcy proceedings or will the media try to hide it again?

    While you’re ahead Bill, call it quits before you embarrass yourself again. You’re not the same man my father campaigned for in western McLean County 20 years ago. And you’re definitely not the same man since the last campaign.

  27. - He Makes Ryan Look Like a Saint - Tuesday, Jun 25, 13 @ 1:39 pm:

    Dear Bill

    Move on, you lost find another office to run for. I refuse to vote for you this time.


    Dear GOP State Chairman

    Remember the days when the GOP held the Gov’s office? There was leadership at the top the prevented the bloodbath primaries while the Dems fought against each other. We are going to lose once again.

  28. - cover - Tuesday, Jun 25, 13 @ 1:42 pm:

    Can the Brady campaign chalk up as “progress” the fact that he actually found Chicago this time?

  29. - wordslinger - Tuesday, Jun 25, 13 @ 2:00 pm:

    I can’t blame him for running again. You come that close, it must gnaw on you something fierce.

    I don’t know that he’ll be the most right-wing candidate in the primary. Dillard’s been running blindly to the right ever since the blowback from his Obama spot.

    That’s going to hurt Dillard more this time than last. Obama is much more unpopular now among GOP primary voters than he was before the 2010 primary.

  30. - Ahoy! - Tuesday, Jun 25, 13 @ 2:48 pm:

    I”m wondering how his loss to Quinn is going to be used by the candidates. “our opponent here couldn’t beat Pat Quinn who was running on a tax increase platform, how is he going to beat Lisa Madigan?” Illinois is probably less republican and less conservative than it was in 2010.

  31. - Publius - Tuesday, Jun 25, 13 @ 2:55 pm:

    Remind me which one Brady is. . Is he the dull white guy. Or the dull white guy. Or the dull white guy. Or, maybe, the dull white guy?

  32. - VonKlutzenplatz - Tuesday, Jun 25, 13 @ 3:14 pm:

    Out late last night?
    Having a rough day?
    No, I didn’t say he was running as an outsider.
    What I said was that since he is not an outsider, he needs to act like he’s got a clue.
    No sign of that so far though.

  33. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Jun 25, 13 @ 3:23 pm:

    One word was all caps, not all caps …

    Nah, home by 11, actually feel good too ..

    …no, not a rough start either, got quite a bit done, and enjoying Wimbledon coverage.

    ===What I said was that since he is not an outsider, he needs to act like he’s got a clue.===

    No, I think you just said that… “now”.

    If you posted “that” eariler” then you would have said it earlier.

    Also, I stand by my Post.

    Every. Word.

  34. - VonKlutzenplatz - Tuesday, Jun 25, 13 @ 3:27 pm:


    When it comes to “is Brady an outsider” you are arguing with nobody.

    I never said he was an outsider or that he ran as an outsider. All I said was that, since he isn’t one, he needs to act like he has a brain. We saw no evidence of that in 2010, or since then.

    But keep up this “is he now, or will he be an outsider” dialogue. Always fascinating reading people debate voices only they can hear.

  35. - grand old partisan - Tuesday, Jun 25, 13 @ 3:29 pm:

    Right, Publius. Because right now the Dem field is fill of excitement and diversity….

  36. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Jun 25, 13 @ 3:30 pm:

    ===you’ve been there 20 years. You are not an outsider.===

    Who gives advice about not being an Outsider, to some …NOT running as an Outsider, not claiming to BE an Outsider, or running on any platform or idea signaling they … are an Outsider?


  37. - walkinfool - Tuesday, Jun 25, 13 @ 3:31 pm:

    Brady shocked me last time, with his apparent inability to understand the fundamentals of the state budget. We should have minimal financial knowledge expectations for Gov. candidates.

    After four years, maybe he comprehends it better now. All the other likely candidates seem to.

    Brady should not be on the CC on pensions. He will look for opportunities for sound bites, and avoid compromises which could hurt him in the primary. He is in campaign mode full time now.

    Or maybe Radogno wanted to put him in this trick bag?

  38. - Hacks - Tuesday, Jun 25, 13 @ 3:41 pm:


  39. - Downstate - Tuesday, Jun 25, 13 @ 3:45 pm:

    A great day for Rauner. Rutherford and Brady will split the entrenched Republican vote, while Rauner will capture the disaffected vote. Dillard’s entrance will only help the effort.

  40. - Only in Illinois GOP! - Tuesday, Jun 25, 13 @ 3:52 pm:

    In 2006 Brady lost the GOP Primary securing only 18% of the GOP vote and in 2010 barely won the GOP Primary with only 20% of the GOP vote. Not a huge amount of support from the base out there for this guy!

    Not to be forgotten Brady remarkably under-performed and lost to arguably one of the most incompetent/not necessarily corrupt Governors in Quinn.

    Ok this is Illinois and in the Illinois GOP primary there is no rhyme or reason for pragmatisms. So you can’t blame Brady for chasing his dreams with a true hale marry toss in the ring.

    But seriously, what sane investor is going to invest into a 2 time loser. Then again, this is the Illinois GOP and sad to say anything can happen. Either way the GOP finishes in second place once again and in no small way due to their inability to build consensus within their own ranks. Pragmatic leadership - what a concept!

  41. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Jun 25, 13 @ 4:05 pm:

    I was thinking about Rauner during all this, with Brady and Rutherford;

    I think a child with a sign at the campaign stops reading “Bruce Rauner uses Democrats to deny kids a fair shot” might cool the jets of the Payton Prep Clouter. Hypocricy always seems to level the playing field, Brady, Rutherford or Dillard notwithstanding.

    “Bruce Rauner uses Democrats to deny kids a fair shot”

    Tought bell to unring, especially when its true.

  42. - steve schnorf - Tuesday, Jun 25, 13 @ 4:05 pm:

    Brady is a good guy. He should be welcomed into the race. I’m guessing he learned a lot from his last campaign and that we’ll see that in days to come. As to the budget, he surrounded himself with some of the best budget people around. remember, he was trying to win a Republican primary.

  43. - Just The Way It Is One - Tuesday, Jun 25, 13 @ 4:11 pm:

    Seeing BB jump in again…? Just HAVE to say it, sorry, to all of those “Undecideds” out there: “Fool me once, shame on you,” BUT “fool me TWICE??!! Shame on…!” You all know the rest (and speaking of giving it a rest, Bill, I wish you might think about THAT Old Saying, too, but…oh what’s the use)!!

  44. - wordslinger - Tuesday, Jun 25, 13 @ 4:17 pm:

    –As to the budget, he surrounded himself with some of the best budget people around. remember, he was trying to win a Republican primary.–

    What are you trying to say Steve, lol?

    To be fair, both Rauner and Daley have advised us that they favor allowing the temporary income tax increases to expire.

    Having taken those positions, these Titans of Industry can surely sketch out for us the broad strokes of proposed revenues and expenditures in their administrations.

    I mean, you wouldn’t take those positions unless you had a plan for such a radical change, would you?

  45. - VonKlutzenplatz - Tuesday, Jun 25, 13 @ 4:18 pm:


    At no time — either in the primary or in the general election — did Brady ever come up with any ideas relative to the budget. His “plan” was to appoint a commission.

    I still don’t know if he was playing politics (don’t put a plan out that somebody can attack) or if he genuinely had no clue.

    But I can tell you he lost my vote over it. I concluded that Quinn had no idea and that Brady had no idea but only one of the two hated Chicago.

    I haven’t seen anything since that time either. If he’s got some plan, he’s keeping it well hidden.

    You say he’s a good guy. To me, he appears like just another guy collecting a state paycheck but earning it. You know, the kind of people that Republicans claim are the problem.

  46. - walkinfool - Tuesday, Jun 25, 13 @ 4:23 pm:

    ==”he surrounded himself with some of the best budget people around. remember, he was trying to win a Republican primary”==

    Glad to hear it. I hope he does that again and listens to them.

    You’re not implying that it helps to appear financially ignorant in a Republican primary, are you? I was honestly surprised last time, and did not have that concern with some other GOP candidates.

    Perhaps it was just a few bad instances.

    Since it’s you Steve, I will keep an open ear.

  47. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Jun 25, 13 @ 4:25 pm:

    ===To me, he appears like just another guy collecting a state paycheck but earning it. You know, the kind of people that Republicans claim are the problem.===

    What does that even mean?

    He collects a paycheck, but IS earning it? What is this criteria you have that Brady should be doing, since he is collecting a paycheck AND earning it?

    As for asking - steve schnorf - about budgets, policy on crafting budgets, and how one like “a Bill Brady” is using his knowledge, I will leave that poking of the bear for Mr. Schnorf.

  48. - VonKlutzenplatz - Tuesday, Jun 25, 13 @ 4:28 pm:


    I think if you are in Springfield for 20 years, you could come up with some plan for the big issues facing the state.

    But that’s just the crazy dreamer in me.

    And I have no idea what, or who, you were referencing with the last part of your comment, Oswego.

  49. - AFSCME Steward - Tuesday, Jun 25, 13 @ 4:36 pm:

    What is the goal ? To win the primary or the governorship ? Pandering to the far right then in the primary, then becoming moderate for the general won’t work in Illinois. Let everybody that wants to run run. But the GOP leadership needs to choose a candidate that can win in the fall, push that candidate, reach out to indies & dis-infranchised GOPers, get them to vote in the primary. Make a serious effort to get crossovers to vote GOP in the primary. Pick someone that has broad appeal, not just a “base” candidate. If the GOP leaders do this there will be a GOP governor. Continue down the current path, trying to out conservative each other, and the dems keep the statehouse. There are far more moderates than hardcore right. Win those back you win in the general. Blow them off, you lose. Its that simple.

    “he was trying to win a Republican primary”

  50. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Jun 25, 13 @ 4:55 pm:

    ===I think if you are in Springfield for 20 years, you could come up with some plan for the big issues facing the state.===

    Are ya gonna give him his Fly-Around tomorrow at least before decrying no plan? Maybe even give him till Friday?

    The Election of 2010, Primary and General are over. The Campaign season is not going to be like 2010, 2006, whatever. If you have a beef about 2010, and want more this time, - steve schnorf - has a response for you;

    ===I’m guessing he learned a lot from his last campaign and that we’ll see that in days to come.===

    Are you giving him a chance, by NOT giving him a chance because of 4 years ago? That is no you, no Brady.

  51. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Jun 25, 13 @ 4:55 pm:

    That is on you, not Brady.

  52. - VonKlutzenplatz - Tuesday, Jun 25, 13 @ 4:57 pm:

    Try to focus.
    Did Brady have a budget plan that he made known to the public in 2010?

  53. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Jun 25, 13 @ 4:58 pm:

    Try to focus.

    This is 2014.

  54. - VonKlutzenplatz - Tuesday, Jun 25, 13 @ 5:04 pm:


    In 20 years, has Bill Brady come up with a budget plan? Has he accomplished anything at all?

    Why do you think he will now?

    You are sort of like a small child, thinking “THIS YEAR Santa’s really going to bring me that pony!”

    Dream on, son! Whatever gets you through the next 18 months.

    Sure, November is going to be tough again but if you really really really hope, this may be the year that Brady does what he’s never done before!

    Get’em Tiger! Walk those precincts! Get those four votes!

  55. - Michael Westen - Tuesday, Jun 25, 13 @ 5:07 pm:

    I seem to recall in the general election Brady saying he was for cutting the budget 10% across the board. That’s a plan. Sort of.

  56. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Jun 25, 13 @ 5:13 pm:

    ===Has he accomplished anything at all?===

    Should we …”Fire Him”? “Anything?

    “Anything”? Yikes!

    ===Has he accomplished anything at all?===

    “Anything”? That seems a bit …what did you say …small child thinking? This is getting a bit embarrassing for you.

    “Anything” seems to be a theme,

    Has any-ONE acomplished, any-THING, according to you?

    ===Dream on, son!===

    Call me a Dope, ingnorant, whatever.

    Don’t call someone “son”, it means you are losing the arguement, have very little knowledge of the subject and trying to use “son” tries to show superiority that it appears your arguement is lacking.

    ===Get’em Tiger! Walk those precincts! Get those four votes!===

    Well, thanks. I hope to find persons who can cleary discuss the issues without “son”, “Santa Claus”, “Anything”, and not living in 2010, during … the 2014 election.

    Appreciate that!

    BTW, I am not supporting anyone, but defending Brady against someone who is living in 2010, who speaks in absolutes in politics, and mocks walking precincts, yeah, I will usually come to defend.

  57. - VonKlutzenplatz - Tuesday, Jun 25, 13 @ 5:21 pm:

    Oswego, thanks for that fact-filled retort. Son, you sure put me in my place. Oh no. Now you are going to get upset about being called son. Darn.

    Yeah, I’ve got this weird notion that when somebody acts a certain way for 20 years, that person is likely to act the same way for the next 18 months.

    Sure, it sounds crazy . . .

  58. - tired of politics - Tuesday, Jun 25, 13 @ 5:23 pm:

    The best advice to Republican primary voters. “Vote for the most conservative person who can win” William F. Buckley

  59. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Jun 25, 13 @ 5:28 pm:

    How about that “anything” stuff? Any of the Governor candidates accomplish … anything? Bill Brady has accomplished …Nothing, because he hasn’t accomplished … anything?

    Has any-One of them or any canidate , done any-THING according to you? What is that criteria?

    I would take offense, but besides your lack of knowledge, it appears you lack respect, not for me, which is fine, but for yourself.

    When you leave 2010, and want to join the rest of us in the 2014 campaigns, and talk about plans, and strategy, and stuff that takes a few thoughts strung together making a sentence, that would be nice.

  60. - VonKlutzenplatz - Tuesday, Jun 25, 13 @ 5:37 pm:

    In contrast? Sure. I’m no fan of Quinn, but in 2010 he at least told us what he would do.

    He said he was raise taxes.

    In contrast, Brady said . . . nothing at all.

    But this time might be different, Oswego. This time he might give us a plan. This time he might give us a reason to vote for him. Good luck with that, O.

    But in any case, this conversation has sort of run its course.

    You seem to have the impression that Brady is going to change. That 2014 will be different.

    But you’ve never given us any reason for to think it might be different.

    It is tough to view your position as anything but naive. You think Brady might change. You have no reason to believe he might change. But you cling to that belief. It is sort of sad.

    Have a good night, son. It is going to be a tough 18 months for you. But unless you start dealing with reality, nothing is going to change. In four years, you will be back here saying “BUT 2018 WILL BE DIFFERENT!”

  61. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Jun 25, 13 @ 5:43 pm:


    ===But you’ve never given us any reason for to think it might be different.

    It is tough to view your position as anything but naive. You think Brady might change. You have no reason to believe he might change. But you cling to that belief. It is sort of sad.===

    The guy hasn’t even rolled out anything!

    I have no clue, he may change , he may not change, but I am not focused on 2010, I am on to 2014, and I do not think using “Anything” when asking about a record is remotely intellegent.

    ===nothing is going to change.===

    “anything”, “nothing”, seriously??? …lol

    You crack me up.

    What a Dope!

  62. - Esquire - Tuesday, Jun 25, 13 @ 9:39 pm:

    Mister Brady, allow me to introduce you to Jim Ryan. He is another former gubernatorial nominee who thought that he would do better in another race. Did not make it out of the primary.

    Any questions?

  63. - fake county chairman - Tuesday, Jun 25, 13 @ 9:59 pm:

    old campaign debt

  64. - Truth teller - Tuesday, Jun 25, 13 @ 11:45 pm:

    Brady will win the nomination as the GOP gubernatorial race stands now. I doubt either Proft or Walsh will break into double digits if one or the other runs, and Adam A’s voters will surely gravitate to Brady.

    Rauner is the 2014 Andy McKenna. Dillard may “claim” he’s a conservative, but the conservatives won’t claim Dillard. Rutherford may take some of the Brady’s previous downstate voters away, but very few “base” votes.

    So that’s three moderates and Brady. Add Brady’s and AA’s 2010 numbers, then subtract some of Brady’s downstate votes to Rutherford, and you’re still looking at close to a third of the vote.

    In other words, 2014 presents a much clearer path to a Brady than in 2010.

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