Fun with numbers
Friday, Jun 28, 2013 - Posted by Rich Miller
* Scott Reeder writes about House committee chairman stipends…
Imagine being paid $10,327 to show up for just one meeting.
Most people would call that a pretty sweet gig— unless you’re the one footing the bill. […]
One of those committees was the Small Business Empowerment & Workforce Development Committee chaired by state Rep. LaShawn Ford, D-Chicago.
Ford’s committee considered no bills this year and met for discussion purposes only.
And yet he was paid $10,327 to chair the committee. State Rep. Michael Tryon, R-Crystal Lake, who was the Republican spokesman on the committee, also received $10,327 for serving on the board that voted on nothing.
“I would chair this committee— even if I didn’t get paid,” Ford told INN in a recent interview. “I think committee chairmen ought to get paid more because they do more work. ”
He added that because he also chairs the Restorative Justice Committee he would be collecting a $10,327 chairman stipend anyway. Only one chairman stipend is given out per year— even if a representative chairs more than one committee.
Ford is under federal indictment for bank fraud.
Ford is right. He chairs two committees. So, to highlight this as the only example of a committee chairman who allegedly got paid to do nothing is ridiculously unfair, since Ford’s other committee did quite a bit of work this year. Was it because he’s under indictment? Sure looks that way. But what does that have to do with the story, other than to undercut the guy and/or the process?
Also, Rep. Tryon is not currently listed as the minority spokesperson on Ford’s committee. Rep. David Reis is the spokesman. Reis is also the spokesman on the Insurance Committee, which met quite a lot.
Look, there’s more than enough material to whack these people with. Why resort to making stuff up?
- Dan Johnson - Friday, Jun 28, 13 @ 11:39 am:
And those subject matter hearings are not easy to organize. Rep. Ford puts in a lot of extra time on small business issues. The press (and the US Attorneys office) ought to quit picking on him, as he is a very diligent lawmaker.
- Fed up - Friday, Jun 28, 13 @ 11:58 am:
Dan or he could do something unheard of in Illinois follow the law.
- CircularFiringSquad - Friday, Jun 28, 13 @ 12:02 pm:
Reeder is a truly gifted …. well he writer for a lobbyist ….
He got Lawrence to shuffle off the rocker to ‘xplain and the GOPie spoxter to suggest a gun is held to Billboards head to name minority spokespersonages.
Please stop making Billboards make those appointment. Pleeeeeeeze!
- Norseman - Friday, Jun 28, 13 @ 12:14 pm:
They write this stuff because of the unwritten three C’S of reporting:
1. Conflict
2. Criticism
3. Controversy
Lazy reporters don’t go beyond the 3 C’s to discuss relevancy and fairness. Thankfully we have a better quality reporter in Rich Miller. (Although I can still disagree with him on occasion.
- Formerly Known As... - Friday, Jun 28, 13 @ 12:24 pm:
Speaking of funny numbers:
There’s a headline breaking that the Feds are going after JJJ & Sandi’s homes.
Much as I despise what they have done, and how far short they have fallen of their promise, that’s horrible news. Very sorry to hear that for their family.
I understand the Feds are sending a message and the Jacksons are fortunate to have wealthy relatives who will hopefully help them get through this period in life, by geez.
The Feds have taken their source of income, their savings, much of their property, their reputations and their livelihoods. Now you’re going to take their homes as well?
They have kids. And those homes they grew up in may well be the last thing those kids have that provides a sense of normalcy.
I don’t know if I’m angrier at the Feds for going after the homes of the Jacksons for exposing themselves to such risk in the first place.
Sad, all the way around.
#NoMoreVenting #Thanks
- wishbone - Friday, Jun 28, 13 @ 2:12 pm:
“The Feds have taken their source of income, their savings, much of their property, their reputations and their livelihoods. Now you’re going to take their homes as well?”
Come on they did it to themselves. Despite being a child of privilege, JJJ is a corrupt, venal man, and deserves far more punishment than he is likely to receive.
- Gunderstank - Friday, Jun 28, 13 @ 2:21 pm:
Whoa, whoa, whoa…let’s not let facts get in the way of a good story.
- Formerly Known As... - Friday, Jun 28, 13 @ 2:44 pm:
That’s very true, @wishbone. I can’t stand JJJ.
But I still felt bad for their kids upon reading that.
The truth is, of course, the Jacksons did this to themselves and their kids. No one else. And the Feds are just doing their job by sending a very clear message to others.
- Barney - Friday, Jun 28, 13 @ 3:09 pm:
Typical Scott Reeder article. Start with a conclusion, then try to find a few facts to back it up.