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The perils of making the leap

Friday, Jun 28, 2013 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Attorney General Lisa Madigan agreed yesterday with the growing belief that Gov. Pat Quinn would likely try to rewrite the concealed carry bill

Madigan said she had supported legislation that would give law enforcement more leeway to issue concealed carry permits — so-called may-issue legislation — rather than the way the compromise was written. The measure awaiting Quinn’s action puts the onus on law enforcement to deny a permit, which is known as shall-issue.

Still, she said, lawmakers “put in a lot of good protections in it, including increased mental health reporting (and) a very good list of where you cannot carry a concealed weapon.”

She noted, however, that restaurant owners have been lobbying Quinn over a provision that would allow people to carry concealed firearms into their establishments if at least half of their revenues do not come from alcohol sales. She also said restaurant groups don’t want to display signs to say they prohibit carrying concealed firearms.

But Madigan dodged on whether she would sign the compromise legislation if she were governor, saying she did not want to inject politics into the issue. She said she expected Quinn to act on the bill by early next week.

That’s another reason why she doesn’t want to announce anything yet. Candidates often prefer to let hot-button issues play out before they jump in.

Sen. Bill Brady discovered this the hard way yesterday during the pension reform hearing

State Sen. Bill Brady, a Republican who announced his gubernatorial bid this week, questioned why the committee didn’t have a concrete plan, but said he didn’t have one either when [Chairman Kwame Raoul] asked committee members.


  1. - Chicago Cynic - Friday, Jun 28, 13 @ 9:59 am:

    Ducking, bobbing and weaving to avoid the tough issues is not exactly a way to distinguish yourself as a leader.

  2. - low level - Friday, Jun 28, 13 @ 10:03 am:

    Prob would have been better for Sen Brady to stay off the committee. May come back to haunt him. Good not to commit, bad not so good to appear clueless on a plan when he is on the cmtee.

  3. - LincolnLounger - Friday, Jun 28, 13 @ 10:04 am:

    He is a nice guy, but one of the worst (significant) statewide candidates in memory. The timing of the roll-out was amateur hour. He has run 3 times for Governor, but yet he “needs time to formulate” positions that have been around forever. Then he attacks the committee for not having a position when he doesn’t have one either.

    I wonder if he doesn’t listen, or is the GOP bench so thin that he’s getting poor advice?

  4. - low level - Friday, Jun 28, 13 @ 10:22 am:

    The perils of being clueless, to paraphrase Rich - or the perils of being an IL GOPer!

  5. - David Ormsby - Friday, Jun 28, 13 @ 10:26 am:

    It’s remarkable that Brady can’t think beyond the next question or the implication of his own.

  6. - dupage dan - Friday, Jun 28, 13 @ 10:30 am:

    Better to remain silent and be thought a fool……

  7. - walkinfool - Friday, Jun 28, 13 @ 10:34 am:

    The reality for Brady is that if he commits to a compromise plan on pension reform, he will have a tough time in the GOP primary. There is a strong faction on the right that would prefer to do away with pensions entirely, and replace them with 401K or equivilent. Others who simply blame unions for government waste.

    If he takes any detailed positions, one or another of the editorial boards will start the attacks. It’s usually considered to be too early in the race to set targets on the range.

  8. - Mason born - Friday, Jun 28, 13 @ 10:40 am:

    Seems to me Brady heard Dillards comment from yesterday and thought he could make some hay off of it. Unfortunately (for him) he forgot he was actually on the committee and Should have had some sort of idea.

  9. - Palos Park Bob - Friday, Jun 28, 13 @ 10:48 am:

    Brady can’t articulate his parameters and philosophy on the most critical issue facing our state, pension reform, but boy, does he have opinions on the way stray dogs and cats should be euthanized!LOL

    Seriously, he needs some “discriminator” between Rauner, Rutherford, Dillard and himself.

    This time around I think the GOP primary voters are going to be looking for someone who has concrete options for a long term solution to the pension, corruption and horrible economic growth condition problems in Illinois.

    Common sense solutions to those issues, along with “right to life” and LGBT entitlement and priviledge issues will turn the GOP primary.

    The Dem primary will be won also on LGBT issues and expanding state entitlements and crony capitalism opportunities. I suspect the rank and file Dem primary voter will be looking for keeping as much of the status quo in public pensions in place as possible while finding “somebody else” to pay for it. African American Dem voters won’t switch to the GOP, but LGBT issues in the African American religious left may tip the balance to one candidate (Daley?).

    As a former Illinois GOP voter, giving the primary to three time loser Brady who couldn’t get more than 25% of the primary vote and lost a real “gimme” in the 2010 election due to campaign mismangement would be a HUGE mistake.

  10. - AFSCME Steward - Friday, Jun 28, 13 @ 10:49 am:

    This is what’s wrong with Illinois. We have no leaders. A leader will identify and problem, propose a solution, and fight for it. We have a bunch of power hungry people who will do and say whatever the polling and focus groups identify as pertinent to the target audience. Lisa Madigan has chosen not to take a stand on any major issue currently being debated. This is not leadership. It is Cowardace. She will not be getting my vote. Neither will Brady.

    “That’s another reason why she doesn’t want to announce anything yet. Candidates often prefer to let hot-button issues play out before they jump in.”

  11. - Libertyville's finest - Friday, Jun 28, 13 @ 10:51 am:

    Pension reform and casinos are big ticket items most Illionians could care less about. Both are special interest driven and don’t affect you unless you are a public employee or connected to the casino industry. This stuff will blow over with the general population.

  12. - Ken_in_Aurora - Friday, Jun 28, 13 @ 10:54 am:

    ===She noted, however, that restaurant owners have been lobbying Quinn over a provision that would allow people to carry concealed firearms into their establishments if at least half of their revenues do not come from alcohol sales. She also said restaurant groups don’t want to display signs to say they prohibit carrying concealed firearms.===

    I’m having a hard time feeling sorry for these restaurant owners.

  13. - Upstate hero - Friday, Jun 28, 13 @ 10:55 am:

    An Amendatory Veto is a signal CCW will happen July 9th without fail. I’m pleased

  14. - Upstate hero - Friday, Jun 28, 13 @ 10:58 am:

    Ken in Aurora

    Amazing what interests are at play with CCW. Now they want guns in their restaurants! Quinn will fight for guns in bars. Never thought I would see the day

  15. - VonKlutzenplatz - Friday, Jun 28, 13 @ 11:02 am:

    What? Brady doesn’t have a plan?

    But, but, but it seems like just yesterday Oswego Willy was calling me a dope for predicting that Brady would not have a plan.

    There must be an error in the report. Brady must have a plan. After all, this will not be 2010 all over again. Oswego has told me it will not be 2010 all over again!

    Please, double check that one! There certainly is a plan!

  16. - wordslinger - Friday, Jun 28, 13 @ 11:15 am:

    –She noted, however, that restaurant owners have been lobbying Quinn over a provision that would allow people to carry concealed firearms into their establishments if at least half of their revenues do not come from alcohol sales. She also said restaurant groups don’t want to display signs to say they prohibit carrying concealed firearms.–

    I read that as these restaurants do not want concealed weapons on their premises don’t want to advertise the fact. They’d just rather that restaurants be on the prohibited list.

    The paragraph isn’t quite clear. Does that sound right?

    Brady put himself in a trick bag agreeing to be on the conference committee. Surprised he did it.

  17. - Upstate hero - Friday, Jun 28, 13 @ 11:21 am:


    Sen Raoul had made the comment last week that Quinn had concerns about signs being posted everywhere. I take it that they dont want it advertised.

  18. - Ken_in_Aurora - Friday, Jun 28, 13 @ 11:21 am:

    ===The paragraph isn’t quite clear. Does that sound right?===

    That’s how I took it, and boo hoo. They have a way of prohibiting carry on their premises.

  19. - Mason born - Friday, Jun 28, 13 @ 12:03 pm:


    I think this has more to do with wanting your cake and eating it to. No they may not want a CCW holder with a gun in their restaurant but they also do not want that CCW holder going somewhere else to eat. I.E. They want your money but not your gun if they post a sign and their neighbor does not then you may choose to go next door and “punish” their bottom line.

  20. - Ken_in_Aurora - Friday, Jun 28, 13 @ 12:36 pm:

    Mason, I agree - if they don’t want legal CCW in their establishment, they should own up to the possible financial implications of that decision.

  21. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Jun 28, 13 @ 12:47 pm:

    ===But, but, but it seems like just yesterday Oswego Willy was calling me a dope for predicting that Brady would not have a plan.

    There must be an error in the report. Brady must have a plan. After all, this will not be 2010 all over again. Oswego has told me it will not be 2010 all over again!===

    I posted…

    ===The guy hasn’t even rolled out anything!

    I have no clue, he may change , he may not change, but I am not focused on 2010, I am on to 2014, and I do not think using “Anything” when asking about a record is remotely intellegent.===

    You are still a Dope.

    Read exactly what I post, how I post it.

  22. - Ummmm - Friday, Jun 28, 13 @ 12:56 pm:

    PS. Brady lost before badly and will lose again
    That the GOPe would choose him or Dillard for that matter just shows it is still the party of stuck on stupid. Time for new blood - someone not owned by crony capitalists or the one party machine that runs this state (into the ground).

    Time to tell democrats and republicans to pound sand. Send em packing all across this state.

  23. - RonOglesby - Friday, Jun 28, 13 @ 1:00 pm:


    I’m having a hard time feeling sorry for these restaurant owners.

    Yup. Any private business can put a little sign up or a sticker in the window (maybe right next to the sticker showing the credit cards they accept!) that says no firearms… but they want dont want you to go anywhere else to eat.

    I spoke to a couple of local restaurants (not chains) that I frequent. One owner said he could care less if people carried. The others manager said she “doesn’t like guns” but wouldn’t put the sign up because I was the 3rd or 4th person to ask about what their policy will be and she doesn’t want to lose our business…

    You’re right. If you dont want guns on your site and you feel strongly, put up a sign. It has the force of law. They are trying to have their cake via law “Oh, its not use, its the state forcing us…”

  24. - Mason born - Friday, Jun 28, 13 @ 1:04 pm:


    While I would not suggest Brady to run again. It is worth noting he lost by under 32k and .9% not exactly beaten badly.

    As for the telling them all to pound sand right there with you.

  25. - Tommydanger - Friday, Jun 28, 13 @ 1:39 pm:

    It is easier to be a revoluntionary than it is to govern.

  26. - Tommydanger - Friday, Jun 28, 13 @ 1:42 pm:

    Its also easier to say revolutionary than it is to spell it correctly

  27. - wishbone - Friday, Jun 28, 13 @ 2:34 pm:

    “Its also easier to say revolutionary than it is to spell it correctly”

    Best recovery of the day.

  28. - VonKlutzenplatz - Friday, Jun 28, 13 @ 3:00 pm:

    Interesting response, Willy.

    Apparently, we all start with a blank slate.

    Willy would probably be thrilled to welcome Blago and Ryan to the race, since, you know, what they did in the past really doesn’t matter. It doesn’t tell us what sort of race they would run in the future. Right, Willy?

    Again, more insight into the ILGOP. Anybody wondering why the ILGOP is a footnote need only read Willy’s comments.

    He is a funny guy though. Sure can make us laugh at Plummer. Doesn’t really understand “elections” but humor has its value.

    The rest of us expect people to act pretty much the same as they act in the past.

    Of course, the rest of us would know that “dope” is not capitalized.

  29. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Jun 28, 13 @ 3:36 pm:

    Do. Not. Feed. Trolls.

  30. - walkinfool - Friday, Jun 28, 13 @ 3:58 pm:

    To say O’Willy “doesn’t really understand ‘elections’”, is frankly nonsense.

    His advice on how to win or lose them, holds a lot of water, for those of us who have actually won and lost them.

    If you’re saying that you and he don’t share the same interpretation of previous election results, that is a fair claim.

    I’m in between the two of you on Brady. Some concerns based on the past, but willing to keep an open mind for possible change.

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