Unclear on the concept
Tuesday, Jul 16, 2013 - Posted by Rich Miller
* Some of you have pointed out in comments that if you Googled Kirk Dillard’s name you were directed to a campaign website that was apparently still under construction.
The Sun-Times has more…
On that page you see a pitifully amateur-looking error page that says “under construction” and links back to Dillard’s Facebook page.
But on today’s news release accompanying Dillard’s launch the web address of kirkdillard.com is listed. It indeed is a professional-looking Web site and his campaign said it was launched last night to coincide with today’s announcement.
When the Sun-Times called Wes Bleed, one of Dillard’s press people, to ask about it, he confirmed Kirkdillard.com is the official site for the gubernatorial race.
So what’s the deal with the other web address? Was that a prank by a rival?
“Let’s put it this way,” says Bleed, “I’m not familiar with it.”
You’re not familiar with it, Wes?
Um, all it took was a quick check of the Network Solutions page to find that electdillard.com is owned by none other than Kirk Dillard.
And now the page shows this…
C’mon, people! You never heard of auto-forward???
Get in the game!
* Meanwhile, there are real perils with using stock images in campaign ads…
Kirk Dillard’s new professionally-produced campaign video that attempts to conjure images of a revitalized Illinois features a sign at a cafe called Lift Coffee Shop with an employee next to a sign that reads: “open.”
The business is open.
But in a different state.
A worker at Lift Coffee Shop said the cafe is in Richmond, Virginia and it is independently-owned.
The campaign admitted it goofed.
The video has since been deleted. Here’s the new video. Rate it…
- J. Nolan - Tuesday, Jul 16, 13 @ 12:10 pm:
HA! Totally called this. Like i said before..amateurish…
- Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Jul 16, 13 @ 12:13 pm:
Amateur Hour.
Either DO have a website, Facebook, Twitter … Or …Do NOT.
Look at the @Bill_Brady Twitter.
These guys ran statewide before, and learned nothing???
Did the Dillard Crew forget that Rauner has/d Canadian stock footage and was dinged here and other places too? Who are these Dopes running these shops??
- J. Nolan - Tuesday, Jul 16, 13 @ 12:19 pm:
I wonder the same thing - myself and my dad ran my own campaign. No mistakes, and top vote getter. Hire me! Haha..snark.
- Ggal - Tuesday, Jul 16, 13 @ 12:21 pm:
I forgot is it Dillard running for Gov or Edgar?
- Amalia - Tuesday, Jul 16, 13 @ 12:24 pm:
if it’s Wes Bleed, it doesn’t lead? sorry, could not resist.
- Samurai - Tuesday, Jul 16, 13 @ 12:34 pm:
The WIU Leatherneck reference was a good touch. And if Dillard learned from one of the most respected Governors in recent history, then why not rely on it. I would prefer that my heart surgeon learned from one of the best 20 years ago. Why not the Governor of the state where I live.
Willy,wondering if you ever had a sit down with Cincy?
- Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Jul 16, 13 @ 12:39 pm:
Why would you ask?
- Cincinnatus - knows he/she can find me here anytime.
- Boone's is Back - Tuesday, Jul 16, 13 @ 12:41 pm:
The beginning was a little tired- especially with the whole “Chicago used to be the capitol of the midwest.” What city would it be now?
However- I liked the Dillard = IL stuff. The listening tour shot at Rauner was also a good little swipe.
- In the know - Tuesday, Jul 16, 13 @ 12:41 pm:
not much wrong with that video. His extensive use of personal photos may cost him the “I don’t want no insiders” vote, but unlike rauner, it shows deep Illinois roots in a personal way. I liked the “no need for a listening tour” line as well. He is still way underfunded, but I think he’ll give Rutherford a run for his money.
- A Citizen - Tuesday, Jul 16, 13 @ 12:42 pm:
Apparently Dillard is still using MSI.
- Norseman - Tuesday, Jul 16, 13 @ 12:44 pm:
Willy, Kirk needs your help. Unfortunately, it doesn’t appear that you’ll get a lot of money out of him.
I suspect that his money problems is behind these goofs. Like all things, you get what you pay for.
- shore - Tuesday, Jul 16, 13 @ 12:46 pm:
the pictures of dillard for governor he uses are judging by the signage from the last campaign which is awkward. All you’ve really got there are pictures of him running for office/in office-it’s hard to square the “Illinois boy” mantra when the rest of it screams springfield insider. This is not a party/conservative movement right now looking for more of the same or that has shown in any way that it’s tired of fighting and “looking for someone that can win”. He backed perry for president-the guy in the video poaching jobs from illinois.
In short, the message from the video is “I’m a career insider and it’s my turn”. No thanks.
- Chavez-respecting Obamist - Tuesday, Jul 16, 13 @ 1:01 pm:
The D-Lard signs still need to go.
- Whatever - Tuesday, Jul 16, 13 @ 1:01 pm:
I agree with Willy - “amateur hour.” For someone who’s been saying he’s running for months, Dillard certainly didn’t seem to take that time to plan his roll-out. Feels like a campaign for State Rep., circa 1990’s.
- Formerly Known As... - Tuesday, Jul 16, 13 @ 1:03 pm:
Brady and Dillard must have had the same people running their web operations for their day of announcement.
- Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Jul 16, 13 @ 1:04 pm:
- Norseman -,
Cash up front, except for Rauner, - AA - handles all business inquiries
- Samurai -,
I am curious what made you think of that…
To the Post,
I am a bit concerned about ALL the GOP candidates, be it from a monetary standpoint, logisitical/ground game infastructure standpoint, and from a message standpoint, as these rollouts seem very lack-luster and thrown together by candidates who have for months planned on running for the Top Job, and if they win, will be the Governor of Illinois.
These are the first impressions you want to leave to those who watch camapigns closely?
Well, what I am going to watch very closely are the choices of the LGs and how each of these Camps decide on the Who, and decide how to use them.
- A guy... - Tuesday, Jul 16, 13 @ 1:06 pm:
An unbiased review of this vid would say it tells a comprehensive story and casts him and his accomplishments in a very positive light. If you don’t like the guy, fine. But if you sit around nit-picking stuff that the average person in the electorate will never consider, you’re just being petty. It’s a very decent video piece. The snafu with the website is amateurish and immediately fixable. If your pre-op team isn’t up to snuff, your rapid response team better be. Both need some giddyup right now…but the video is well done.
- Anonymous - Tuesday, Jul 16, 13 @ 1:11 pm:
Woah. That was pretty darn good for a kick-off video. ALL merit-based.
- leading with the unemployment issue = 10
- nostalgia combined with clear statement that the issue of current state is policies NOT people = 10
- Background/values to support “I’m from Illinois” = 10
-References to Boeing/Navistar = 10
-Trust and bipartisan and R group ratings = 10
-”Conservative” references focused on fiscal responsibility almost immediately followed by focus on family and related values = 10
-NICE, gentle jab regarding no need for “listening tours” = 10
Nice to see videos that appeal to, and are geared toward, the “thinking voter” who likes structured approaches of presenting an argument and following through with an example that supports it INSTEAD of empty talking points.
Definite 10 and it’d be great to see more of these from everyone.
- Thanks - Tuesday, Jul 16, 13 @ 1:14 pm:
If the GOP wants a solid shot at winning, they need to nominate Dillard.
- Anonymous - Tuesday, Jul 16, 13 @ 1:19 pm:
I agree. More of this, and running for office could actually once again become desireable and something that voters admire rather than tolerate.
- Ghost - Tuesday, Jul 16, 13 @ 1:21 pm:
Thanks I am a Dillard fan, but I think Rauner has a decent shot at beating Quinn.
I would say last time around peopel did not vote for Quinn so much as against Brady for being to conservative. I dont see Rauner or Dillard with that problem.
Now if Daley wins and goes up against Rauner or Dillard…Flounder: Oh Boy, is this great!
- Chavez-respecting Obamist - Tuesday, Jul 16, 13 @ 1:27 pm:
I’m an anyone-but-Brady voter and I’m not sold on Dillard. I’m not saying I’d vote for Quinn again over Dillard, but it’s still a possibility.
- haverford - Tuesday, Jul 16, 13 @ 1:27 pm:
Chavez-respecting Obamist, I’m glad I’m not the only on for whom the D-LARD popped, rather than the IL. That’s…. not fortunate for him.
- Anon - Tuesday, Jul 16, 13 @ 1:31 pm:
Really nice video. Don’t get the “amateur” comments. Framed key issues and told a truthful and compelling biography.
- LincolnLounger - Tuesday, Jul 16, 13 @ 1:34 pm:
Nice video. But where was the barn coat?
- Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Jul 16, 13 @ 1:35 pm:
Ok, here is a “thought” to correct the Dillard signs, keep the concept intact, but offset the sign;
Make the SIGN …White …
Make the D, and the LARD - Dark Blue…
Make the IL, keeping the concept intact and the cost of design at …zero … make the “IL” Bright orange …
The white sign, with the dark blue D and LARD will not be as heavy of a standout reversing the colors, and making the “IL” bright orange makes the “IL” pop, which was suppose to happen in the first place.
I hate colored signs, reverse letters of white, specifically because of this problem Dillard finds with these signs.
Attention Dillard Camp;
Have the printer do a mock of the sign with the colors in the way I laid it out, take a look, see what you think.
You’re welcome.
- RNUG - Tuesday, Jul 16, 13 @ 1:45 pm:
Video - very good, hits all the right (pun intented) notes.
As to the web mistakes: “Try not. Do or do not.”
- Anonymous - Tuesday, Jul 16, 13 @ 1:46 pm:
I can understand that, Chavez. Voters need to raise and keep the bar high. Demand demonstrated capabilities, create a “trust” environment of being able to appropritely address both strengths and weaknesses, and keep.it.clean as best one can in this field, and we’ll have a better chance of voting in real “winners.”
- hisgirlfriday - Tuesday, Jul 16, 13 @ 1:53 pm:
Watched the vid w/o sound but my impression is that the video was OK - not great, not awful. The black and white photos, especially with politicians, should be scrapped or at least greatly reduced. Even if you liked Edgar as gov and the 80s and 90s illinois economy, the black and white photos say old and out of touch and not forward looking enough. The legislator of the year text also seemed on the screen too long and with too much focus. Other than that though I liked the bio photos of Dillard as a person and the way economic challenges could be presented without seeming so doom and gloom, at least in comparison to rauners scare vids. Could have done without stuff about texas or indy though. We aren’t those states and that’s not the electorate of illinois. The GOP needs to get over Illinois not being Indiana or Texas or be content to lose forever.
- Samurai - Tuesday, Jul 16, 13 @ 1:55 pm:
As Norseman stated: “Willy, Kirk needs your help.”
Though I think Dillard has assembled a decent staff, your insight is always helpful. The money is going to have to be well spent by the Dillard campaign and of course Rutherford has gained an advantage by showing up at most every County and Township event spreading the word. I know you have advised a good ground game and the thought that comes to mind is how to maximize resources. I think at the end it will be Dillard v. Rutherford.
Best regards.
- Anonymous - Tuesday, Jul 16, 13 @ 1:56 pm:
Interesting comment, hisgirlfriday. I usually do the “sound off” analysis as well. However, this one got me focused on ISSUES and actual SUBSTANCE so I didn’t even feel the need to address the technical aspects of the “film.”
Success in the developers’ ability to prevent me from doing so = 10!
- Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Jul 16, 13 @ 2:05 pm:
- Samurai -,
Thank you for the very kind words, and I too think, for the most part, the campaigns that have brought local talent on board to do the heavy lifting that mean well, and are trying.
I might be helping more here then being “in there”…sometimes being too close to something, you lose the perspective needed to be critical.
In that way, I hope if anyone reads my Dopiness, and thinks it might help with a swift kick in the pants, a message, strategy, or a laugh, then that is pretty cool too.
With respect, I thank you.
- A guy... - Tuesday, Jul 16, 13 @ 2:06 pm:
OW, even just a “drop shadow” on the IL without changing the color at all would do the trick and keep the concept intact. In that case, you could even drop shadow the I,L,L and make the read quicker. Same color letters reversed out or otherwise.
- Anonymous - Tuesday, Jul 16, 13 @ 2:06 pm:
=Feels like a campaign for State Rep., circa 1990’s.=
If approaches and disclosures similar to these from candidates are considered “circa 90s,” ability to make me long for and welcome back aspects of the 90s = 10!
- Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Jul 16, 13 @ 2:13 pm:
- A guy … -,
It’s offical, between you and I, and all the talk yesterday, we have all spent more time on the signage than the Dillard Crew.
To your point,
Anythng that can get them get away from the reverse color signage is going to be an improvement and take the focus off the white letters, blue sign oops of “D” and “LARD”
Make sure you catalog this hour and send that to - AA - so we can Bill the redesign if need be. Thanks.
- Soccermom - Tuesday, Jul 16, 13 @ 3:03 pm:
I wish Wes Bleed were the candidate, not the staffer…
- Midstate Indy - Tuesday, Jul 16, 13 @ 3:04 pm:
Good lead with unemployment - particularly using the screenshot of central IL cities. Also good use of blaming ‘policies’ rather than government - helps steer the conversation away from Dillard’s length of tenure. I don’t think he overdid the Edgar part - also solid having a Big Jim photo in the mix.
Seemed to be very reliant on past experiences with little balance given to forward thinking, although I do appreciate how he doesn’t seem to try to come off as something he is not, ie regular carhartt jacket wearer.
The D-Lard signage is messy, but an easy & quick fix if they get on it. Overall I think a good piece for the electorate. Not the best, but fairly straight forward & certainly no so long it got boring. Get the rest of the website stuff figured out, fix the sign snafu & remit appropriate payment to Willy and you’re on the road to success!
- A guy... - Tuesday, Jul 16, 13 @ 3:36 pm:
OW, right on. Hour catalogued.
- wordslinger - Tuesday, Jul 16, 13 @ 7:29 pm:
–I would say last time around peopel did not vote for Quinn so much as against Brady for being to conservative. I dont see Rauner or Dillard with that problem.–
I wouldn’t believe anything Rauner said, but where in Dillard’s recent record is he less right-wing than Brady? (I don’t concede “conservative” to those who appeal to the extremes)
- Norseman - Tuesday, Jul 16, 13 @ 8:14 pm:
Word, Kirk used to be more moderate. As we’ve seen too many times with others, he’s decided to drink the Kool-Aid so he can get through the primary. Too bad; our family supported him last time but he’s lost our vote this time.
- wordslinger - Tuesday, Jul 16, 13 @ 8:39 pm:
Norseman, that moderate reputation should have been scrapped long ago.
I knew him a little back in the day when he was cutting deals with Madigan, Rock, Lee and Pate for Big Jim. Later as COS for Edgar. Regular moderate GOP guy.
But last time out, he went beyond Tea Party. Calling Obama a “socialist” (whatever that means to those guys). Saying our rights come from “The Lord” (so much for the people and the Constitution, and you non-Christians out there, too).
Then the pathetic, well-telegraphed (thank you, Cincy) gay-baiting against another Republican, culminating in the “traditional family” stuff.
You don’t get your “moderate” ticket punched after that.
Sad thing is, given his experience, he should have had the guts to try to bring back the disaffected GOPers who now call themselves Independents by standing up to the extremists.
His guy Edgar certainly did with Baer and Roeser. He welcomed their opposition, and swatted them aside without breaking a sweat. Virtually every successful GOP state candidate I can think of in the last 40 years had to pound lumps on the thick head of an extremist primary opponent at one time or another.
It wasn’t that tough and it got them into fighting shape for a successful November. Why some GOPers are scared of the extremists is beyond me. They got no game, as they prove every time out.
- Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Jul 16, 13 @ 8:56 pm:
===Why some GOPers are scared of the extremists is beyond me. They got no game, as they prove every time out.===
My Party is fooled in thinking that to appease Slytherin House Republicans at any cost, … adn even though the “Moderate voters” have rejected the Slytherin House Litmus Tests and Blood Oaths, these former Moderates feel that making a leap back to the Middle is not the path to General Election vicotry and they …drink … the kool-aid of electoral failure.
We fear a Minority, even in our own ranks as Republicans, because being someone who is accpeting to Americans of all shapes, sizes, colors, beliefs and backgrounds is too broad of a concept to compute, all the while, they repeat tolerance, every Sunday, in the pews of churches with only like-minded people.
Other than that …