Fundraising reports
Wednesday, Jul 17, 2013 - Posted by Rich Miller
* The Tribune looks at contributions raised during the second quarter by both Gov. Pat Quinn and Bill Daley…
One-third of the $1 million the governor raised during the second quarter this year came from political action committees. Quinn received about $267,000 from organized labor PACs. Six donations alone, from political funds representing union engineers, painters, carpenters, machinists, laborers and pipefitters totaled $211,200, records showed.
The flurry of money left Quinn with $2.3 million to take on Daley, the former White House chief of staff and U.S. commerce secretary who is the son and brother of two former Chicago mayors.
But Daley is doing pretty well raising money. In just 19 days last month, the challenger was able to tap a national network of donors to raise nearly $800,000. The total included $100,000 of Daley’s own money. Daley entered July with $794,000, and in the first two weeks of the month has raised another $52,300 in big-money donations.
Among Daley’s largest donors was Boeing, which gave Daley $25,000 at the end of June. Five company officials, including its chief financial officer, Gregory Smith, added $13,800 this month. Also among Daley’s donors was New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, who gave the individual maximum of $5,300. Bloomberg’s gun-control super PAC could get involved in the contest for governor on Daley’s behalf.
* Tom Kacich looks at Sen. Michael Frerichs’ cash…
All his money doesn’t make him invincible, but the $647,188 that state Sen. Mike Frerichs has available for a state treasurer race puts him in a better position than most other Democrats who have been looking at the job.
The Champaign Democrat’s campaign fortune is significantly greater than that held by the two Democrats who already had indicated interest in the race: Michael Cabonargi of Chicago, a member of the Cook County Board of Review, and Jason Ervin, a Chicago alderman. […]
[But] Frerichs said that Cabonargi, who has $400,897 in his campaign fund, emailed supporters last week to say that he isn’t running for a statewide office. […]
That leaves Ervin, whose most recent campaign disclosure report shows he had just $10,098 on hand, as well as $9,545 in campaign debt. […]
By a way of comparison, Frerichs’ nearly $650,000 campaign fund is more flush than the $400,241 that Republican Rutherford had in his campaign account four years ago as he was beginning the race for treasurer.
It’s also far more than any of the reported Republican candidates for treasurer next year have on hand. Sen. Darin LaHood of Peoria has $138,294, while former DuPage County Board Chairman Robert Schillerstrom has $39,727 and DuPage County Auditor Bob Grogan reported just $19,000.
* LaHood will soon get a boost from Newt Gingrich…
Newt Gingrich will be in north Peoria next week for State Senator Darin LaHood’s annual Sizzle and Swizzle fundraiser on July 25th at Brewers Distributing. The buzz is that Senator LaHood may be raising funds for a statewide bid in 2014 - possibly and most likely, State Treasurer. LaHood staffed for Treasurer Dan Rutherford before being elected to the State Senate.
“It’s such an honor to have Speaker Gingrich in Peoria to support me,” said Senator LaHood. “He is one of the most thoughtful and passionate voices for job creation policies and economic recovery solutions for our country. He is a transformational leader and I am honored to welcome him to Peoria.”
* The upcoming comptroller’s race was looked at by Kurt Erickson…
Simon entered July with $272,000 in her campaign account. She raised $191,000 during the most recent fundraising quarter, mostly from more than 500 small donors.
Her largest contributions, totaling $5,300 each, came from a retired Wittenberg University political science professor and his wife. Simon is a 1983 graduate of the Ohio school.
Topinka has $805,000 in her campaign account after raising $149,000 in the most recent quarter.
[Democratic Will County Auditor Duffy Blackburn] has $25,300 in his account. He has raised about $24,000 in the past three months
* And Kirk Dillard said he wouldn’t raise money for a while if elected…
Dillard pledged that if elected he would eschew raising any money for his campaign fund in the first 2½ years of his term, in order to devote himself full time to governing.
- Rahm'sMiddleFinger - Wednesday, Jul 17, 13 @ 11:24 am:
Daley will raise a lot of money. But what is he going to use it for? To drive Quinn’s unfavorables lower? Won’t work.
Quinn doesn’t need nearly as much ammunition because his targets are so big.
- Chicago Cynic - Wednesday, Jul 17, 13 @ 11:26 am:
Why would Dillard make such a stupid pledge? That takes you all the way into petition season. To put it into perspective. If he miraculously wins and did that, his most recent reports would show him with ZERO leading into an election year.
Look, I know he doesn’t like to fundraise and has a pretty well developed reputation as a lazy campaigner, but this is just idiotic.
- wordslinger - Wednesday, Jul 17, 13 @ 11:30 am:
Gingrich is a draw in Peoria? Who knew?
Why pay big money to hear him speak? Drop a quarter in him and he’ll play his greatest hits all night long.
I’m not sure Bloomberg’s PAC would get involved. Quinn couldn’t stop conceal-carry, but he made all the right noises in the AV. Is Daley some leader on the issue or something?
- walkinfool - Wednesday, Jul 17, 13 @ 11:49 am:
Bloomberg’s affinity to Daley is not related to guns. PQ is as good on guns (per Bloomberg) as Daley
It’s all about being in the high finance club together.
- Raising Kane - Wednesday, Jul 17, 13 @ 12:03 pm:
Based on Rich’s poll numbers today, Simon would be guilty of political malpractice if she passed on a sure thing race for Treasurer to run against Topinka.
- come on - Wednesday, Jul 17, 13 @ 12:15 pm:
This Treasurer’s race can certainly be interesting to watch if SS does decide to take on the good Senator. Little surprised Schillerstrom’s numbers were so low but not surprised that it is mostly his lackeys/vendors from DuPage and he and Blago’s common BFF Mike Vondra. He’s even starting taking money from attorney’s from a bond counsel law firm. Same ole Bob!
- G'Kar - Wednesday, Jul 17, 13 @ 12:28 pm:
Considering that his father worked for Bob Michel, I find it a bit ironic that LaHood praises Gingrich.