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The Chicago way

Thursday, Jul 11, 2013 - Posted by Rich Miller

* House Speaker Michael Madigan denied today that he pressured anybody at Metra and said he withdrew a pay raise recommendation

House Speaker Michael Madigan is denying he pressured ousted Metra CEO Alex Clifford to give an employee a raise, according to a statement released this morning.

The speaker’s statement was released minutes before a House committee hearing on Clifford’s controversial severance package. Clifford received the parting deal after accusing the board of retaliating against him for pushing back against pressure to provide patronage jobs and contracts.

Madigan said he recommended in March 2012 that the employee, Patrick Ward, receive a merit adjustment based on his education level and job performance.

The speaker said the employee’s supervisor expressed concerns about such a request coming from Madigan’s office. “Upon learning of this, the recommendation was withdrawn,” the speaker said in a statement.

There are quite a few contributions from Ward to Madigan’s various political operations, but nothing huge.

* Meanwhile, retiring Chicago Ald. Dick Mell appears to be doing his best to grease the skids to appoint his daughter, Rep. Deb Mell, to his seat. The latest development is the decision by the chairman of the City Council’s Hispanic Caucus to not send a letter to Mayor Rahm Emanuel asking that he replace Mell with a Latino…

Ald. Danny Solis (25th) said the eight Hispanic aldermen who comprise the caucus’ executive committee are evenly divided on the issue of pressuring the mayor, given their respect for Dick Mell and their admiration for his daughter, State Rep. Deb Mell (D-Chicago), who remains the odds-on favorite to fill her father’s City Council seat.

“I’m one of the four who doesn’t think it’s a good idea, considering who Dick Mell is, the qualifications of Deb Mell, the fact the 33rd ward is 51 percent Hispanic and the fact we’ll be getting a Hispanic state representative to replace Deb Mell” if the mayor chooses her to replace her retiring father, Solis said.

Getting a Latino legislator would be a nice benefit. More

After announcing his retirement last week, Richard Mell talked about installing his Hispanic aldermanic aide Jaime Andrade to replace Deb Mell in the Il. House. But, Solis said the retiring alderman mentioned no specific candidates during his meeting with the Hispanic Caucus.

* And Mayor Emanuel seems more than open to the appointment

“State Rep. Deb Mell is not guaranteed the job because her last name is Deb Mell. And State Rep. Deb Mell is not excluded from the job because her last name is Mell,” the mayor said.

“State Rep. Deb Mell is not guaranteed a job in City Council because she would be the first [openly] lesbian [alderman] or because she had breast cancer. But, she’s not excluded because she would be the first lesbian and the first woman, as [far as] I know, that has breast cancer. I remind all of you [that] she was endorsed by both papers when she ran for state rep.”


Question of the day

Thursday, Jul 11, 2013 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Bill Daley is apparently on a Downstate tour and stopped at the Belleville News-Democrat for a chat

“I know politics, I’ve been around it, I know how difficult it is, how crazy it can be,” Daley said Wednesday during a visit to the BND, which constituted a break from a long road trip he’s taking around Southern Illinois with his wife Bernadette Keller, who goes by the nickname Bernie. […]

Daley acknowledged that metro-east voters might have good reason to feel suspicious about another Chicago-area politician seeking their votes.

“All I can ask and all I can hope for is that people will give me a chance to first get to know me and get to listen to my ideas and my suggestions, who I’m about and whatever I’ve done,” Daley said. “Hopefully, they will give me that chance.”

* Video

* The accompanying photo

* The Question: Caption?


The real issue lost in the din

Thursday, Jul 11, 2013 - Posted by Rich Miller

* I don’t necessarily agree with Bill Daley, but he made a valid point with his criticism of Gov. Pat Quinn’s veto of legislative salaries due to the lack of pension reform progress

“The worst thing is that they come up with some political deal, that really has not been run through the numbers, but they do a Band-Aid (approach) and everybody gets the heck out of town and pretends they’ve solved the problem. That’s the worst scenario,” Daley said

* As I’ve been reporting for a while now, Quinn’s own actuarial analysis on his proposals (subscribe for more info) won’t even be completed until maybe tomorrow at the earliest - two days after his populist veto. The pension conference committee has decided on a framework and has submitted several proposals for actuarial analysis, but they won’t be completed for weeks.

In public, the governor demanded that the GA take action Tuesday. In private, he submitted an alternative plan that wasn’t even vetted yet. His staff also engaged in talks on a new plan that won’t be vetted for weeks.

Set aside all the heated rhetoric on both sides. The heart of the matter is that this move was fundamentally dishonest grandstanding. And that’s what makes it so Blagojevichian. Sure, it’s popular with goofballs like the Tribune editorial board

Quinn has tried everything to get them to pass a solution.

Yeah. OK. Right.

Give me a break.

* The general public surely loves this because legislators are even more unpopular than the governor. And lots of haters will relish the schadenfreude of watching legislators whine about not getting paid.

* But what the Tribune and others out there either ignore or fail to understand is that the governor clearly back-stabbed the pension reform conference committee, which was making a good faith effort to finally bring some resolution to this problem. He chose the path of Rod to the path of governance. And that disgusts people who are doing some difficult and hard work like Sen. Kwame Raoul

“[Quinn] knows [the conference committee] very well may come up with a product the General Assembly could take up this summer. What it can be made to look like is we failed his deadline until he took this action to suspend our pay and because he took this action, we got it done,” Raoul said.

“It’s made to look like he merits some credit for getting it done, when in fact he’s not rolling his sleeves up and getting it to the table. He ought not get credit for the work that we’re doing,” Raoul said.


…Adding… The SJ-R editorial board gets it

Legislators are making progress, even if it’s not happening as fast as Quinn and others would like. For the state’s chief executive to stomp his feet and hold his breath in this way is silly, shortsighted and harkens back to the kind of ham-handed tactics of a previous Illinois governor who became a laughingstock.

In the same way that legislators are trying to be mindful of fairness to pensioners and current state workers, the governor must remember to be fair to legislators, who now seem to be trying hard to achieve a workable reform plan for Illinois.

* Related…

* Brown: Quinn, the candidate, should cede the stage to Quinn, the statesman

* Sneed: Gov. Quinn’s paycheck play a political setback — or comeback?

* Zorn: Quinn’s salary grab: Clever gambit or impotent, unconstitutional grandstanding?

* Hinz: Quinn makes shrewd political move freezing lawmakers’ pay

* VIDEO: State Representative Mike Bost on Salary Freeze, Pensions


*** UPDATED x2 *** * This just in…

Thursday, Jul 11, 2013 - Posted by Rich Miller

* 9:58 am - The Illinois Supreme Court has ruled that the state’s parental notification of abortion law is constitutional. Read the opinion here.

React in a bit.

*** UPDATE *** From Terry Cosgrove at Personal PAC…

“Today is a dark day for the young women of Illinois. There are thousands of at risk young women who face dangers in their homes from incest, violence, drug and alcohol addiction, mental illness, and abusive parents. Under this law, these vulnerable and terrorized teenagers now will be required to inform their parents, many of whom are absent, that they are seeking an abortion and then to face the consequences, whatever they may be. Today’s decision by the Illinois Supreme Court is nothing short of heartless and cruel, and will subject many of the most vulnerable women and girls of our society to countless risks to their health and safety. With this decision, Illinois has moved in the direction of right wing states like Texas, Ohio and Wisconsin, which are doing everything possible to abolish access to a safe and legal medical procedure. Personal PAC is committed to raising and spending whatever money necessary to elect enough pro-choice Senators and Representatives, as well as a pro-choice Governor, to repeal this devastating law. Illinois needs our Wendy Davis’–brave Senators and Representatives in the Illinois General Assembly who will act to correct this terrible injustice.”

* From Planned Parenthood…

We are disappointed by the Illinois Supreme Court’s decision to dismiss a lawsuit challenging the Illinois Parental Notice of Abortion Act of 1995.

While we believe the Illinois Parental Notice of Abortion Act puts the health and safety of teens at unnecessary risk, Planned Parenthood of Illinois is committed to doing everything we can to make this new process as easy as possible for teens if the law goes into effect.

Planned Parenthood agrees that in an ideal world, parents would be involved in their teens’ health care and engaged in healthy dialogue around responsible decision making. Most teens seek their parents’ advice and counsel when making decisions about their health care. But in some cases, safe and open communication is not possible. In those cases, research shows mandatory parental notice laws do not enhance parent-teen communication. Rather, they can be harmful to teens’ health and well-being. The focus should be on giving teens the information they need to make responsible decisions and continue to encourage healthy family communication, not erecting barriers to critical health care services.

Awaiting more responses. Stay tuned.

*** UPDATE 2 *** Thomas More Society…

Illinois’ long-delayed Parental Notice of Abortion Act will finally go into effect within a matter of days thanks to the Illinois Supreme Court’s unanimous ruling this morning that the law does not violate the Illinois Constitution. Under the Illinois law, passed in 1995 but never put into effect, a parent or guardian must be notified at least 48 hours before a child under the age of 18 undergoes an abortion.

“This is a huge victory for the rights of parents not only in Illinois but in all Midwestern states,” said Tom Brejcha, President and Chief Counsel of the Thomas More Society.

The Supreme Court’s decision represents the successful culmination of an almost nine-year effort by Thomas More Society special counsel, constitutional scholar Paul Linton, to have the law enforced. Linton met with Illinois pro-life leaders at the end of 2004 to develop a strategy for reviving the parental notice law, which had languished in legal limbo for many years because the Illinois Supreme Court declined in 1995 to adopt a needed rule for confidential “bypass” hearings and expedited appeals for minor girls who were either deemed “mature” or made credible claims of family abuse. For lack of that rule, federal courts held the law to be unconstitutional and enjoined its enforcement in February 1996. Linton and several pro-life leaders enlisted then-DuPage County State’s Attorney Joe Birkett to assist in the effort. In 2006 Birkett and the Thomas More Society petitioned the Illinois Supreme Court to adopt the needed procedural rule. Shortly thereafter the Supreme Court adopted the rule needed to put the law into effect.

The American Civil Liberties Union fought against the law, despite the new rule, on other federal constitutional grounds. The Thomas More Society was involved in the litigation when Peter Breen, then its Executive Director and Legal Counsel, recruited two downstate State’s Attorneys to intervene in the case to ensure a vigorous defense for the law in the state and federal courts. The ACLU ultimately lost their final federal challenge before the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals in Chicago in July 2009. Yet, a day before the parental notice law was to go into effect in late 2009, the ACLU filed a new state court lawsuit claiming the statute violated the Illinois Constitution of 1970. The state trial court rejected ACLU’s suit, but the Appellate Court reversed and sent the case back down to the trial court for further proceedings. Both the Attorney General and the Thomas More Society then filed petitions for review by the Illinois Supreme Court. Both petitions were granted in November 2011. Linton, author of a widely acclaimed legal treatise Abortion Under State Constitutions, authored the Thomas More Society’s friend-of-the-court brief on behalf of over twenty Illinois State’s Attorneys in defending parental notice. Linton also orally argued in defense of the law before the Supreme Court on behalf of the two State’s Attorneys who had attempted to intervene in the case to bolster defense of the law.

The ACLU’s repeated challenges to the constitutionality of the Illinois parental notice law had resulted in Illinois becoming a “fugitive” abortion state – a “dumping ground” for out-of-state minors’ abortions. Until now, Illinois was the only Midwest state without a parental notice or consent law in effect. This allowed thousands of abortions to be performed in Illinois on non-resident minors who crossed state lines, often accompanied by the adults who impregnated them, to evade their own state’s parental notice or consent laws.

* Catholic Conference of Illinois…

The Catholic Conference of Illinois applauds today’s unanimous Illinois Supreme Court ruling clearing the way for a 1995 parental notification of abortion law to finally be implemented.

State lawmakers approved the legislation requiring that a parent or legal guardian be notified when a minor seeks an abortion in order to protect our children from making a life-or-death decision on their own. The measure includes a waiver for those children who have been physically or sexually abused.

Special interests and legal wranglings barred the law from taking effect for 18 years, setting up the state as an abortion haven for children from surrounding states, which already have parental notification laws in place.

“With this ruling, parents across the state and the Midwest can breathe a sigh of relief with the knowledge that state law finally allows them to fully parent their children, and safeguard their lives and those of the unborn,” said Robert Gilligan, executive director of the Catholic Conference of Illinois.

Gilligan noted the decision cited other court rulings that recognize minors often lack the maturity, experience and judgment to distinguish harmful choices, as well as observing that juvenile justice systems exist for those very reasons.

The Catholic Conference of Illinois strongly supported the original legislation, lent its support to defeating the legal challenges to the law, and fought off subsequent legislative efforts to undermine the role of parents.


Second thoughts

Thursday, Jul 11, 2013 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Gov. Pat Quinn was slammed hard for populist pandering and over-reachoing on his concealed carry amendatory veto. The criticisms were mostly on point.

However, think about something for a moment. Quinn’s AV did not insert language to make it a “may issue” bill. Quinn spent a lot of time this year insisting that local governments ought to decide who could carry concealed firearms. Yet he conceded significant ground to the NRA and its allies by accepting a “shall issue” law.

The only local control Quinn included was language about letting home rule units pass their own assault weapons bans. But that meant a whole host of other gun control ordinances, including Chicago’s gun registry, would be immediately legislated out of existence.

* The proposal as passed allows concealed carry in churches, unless churches post a sign prohibiting it. Quinn didn’t touch on that matter in his AV even though he spent a ton of time railing against the bill in churches during the week between his veto and the override.

* His AV didn’t address Sheriff Tom Dart’s objections, either

Dart said a provision giving his office 30 days to conduct background checks on anyone applying for a concealed carry permit in Cook County is a joke.

“I have absolutely no idea how we can comply with any type of process that’s going to fairly evaluate any of these people who are applying. I don’t know how,” he said.

What I’m saying is that Quinn, for all his faults, for all his populist bloviating, for all of his over-reaches, came a very long way on concealed carry. David Axelrod called Quinn’s amendatory veto “modest and sensible.” The changes were certainly modest, considering how far the governor could’ve gone.

* Unfortunately for him, Quinn’s somewhat reasonable behavior (in relation to what he could’ve done) has given Mayor Bloomberg - who has endorsed Bill Daley - a clear opening to attack the governor for being “soft” on gun control. Yeah, it may be a stretch, but Bloomberg would have the facts on his side.

Ironic, no?

* Related…

* Gun owners ask courts to allow immediate ability to carry firearms in public

* Immediate concealed-carry right sought

* IL grapples with implementing conceal-carry law

* Gun charge dismissed after concealed-carry vote


Quinn defends veto’s constitutionality

Thursday, Jul 11, 2013 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Dave Ormsby quoted Gov. Pat Quinn’s spokesperson Brooke Anderson last night on the constitutionality of yesterday’s line item-veto of legislative salaries

“Article IV, Section 9(d) of the Illinois Constitution authorizes the Governor to reduce or veto any item of appropriations in a bill presented to him. Quinn v. Donnewald confirms that such authority extends to the line item veto of the salaries of State officials, including legislators.

“Like other State expenditures, the payment of the General Assembly is subject to appropriation. The governor has a constitutional right to apply his line-item veto to appropriation bills, and that’s exactly what he did today.”

The Quinn v. Donnewald decision is here.

* I’ve also been told that since the General Assembly has the option and the power to override the veto, then this case would be unlike Jorgensen v. Blagojevich, which found that eliminating judicial cost of living increases was unconstitutional.

And since the General Assembly has not yet attempted to override the veto, there’s also, I’m told, an issue of ripeness.

* As we discussed yesterday, the attorney general’s office is looking into the matter

Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan said no one has formally sought an opinion on Quinn’s move yet, though a spokeswoman acknowledged late Wednesday that her office had “talked informally with the Comptroller’s office about questions pertaining to today’s actions.”

Topinka spokesman Brad Hahn told the Chicago Sun-Times the review would be undertaken by lawyers within Topinka’s office.

In a statement Lisa Madigan issued Wednesday the three-term attorney general echoed Topinka’s qualms about the constitutionality of Quinn’s move.

“The Governor’s actions raise a series of constitutional and procedural issues that have never been resolved by the courts,” said spokeswoman Natalie Bauer. “We’re looking closely at them.”

* Sen. Raoul wants to see a court challenge, but it won’t be him

State Sen. Kwame Raoul (D-Chicago), who leads a 10-member conference committee sought by Quinn to draw up a pension compromise, also said he would like to see someone in the Legislature go to court to challenge Quinn’s “illegal” maneuver in “punishing folks, who may well have supported what he supported.” […]

But Raoul, a potential candidate for attorney general if Attorney General Lisa Madigan runs against Quinn, said it would not be him doing it. “I don’t want to give his action any more visibility and credence than it deserves,” he said.

Obviously, suing over this would be a political hot potato for the plaintiff. Former Sen. Denny Jacobs probably would’ve had the guts to do it, but he was infamous for that stuff and untouchable back home.


Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Crosstabs

Thursday, Jul 11, 2013 - Posted by Rich Miller

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Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Today’s edition of Capitol Fax (use all CAPS in password)

Thursday, Jul 11, 2013 - Posted by Rich Miller

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AG Madigan “reviewing” Quinn move

Wednesday, Jul 10, 2013 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Amanda Vinicky


Unclear on the concept

Wednesday, Jul 10, 2013 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Gov. Pat Quinn on his veto of legislative salaries

“There is a principle as old as the Bible, you don’t get your wages until the job is finished.”

Only if you’re working on a piece-rate.


ISRA still pushing court case

Wednesday, Jul 10, 2013 - Posted by Rich Miller


Illinois lawmakers thought they were in the clear after meeting a federal court’s deadline to pass a concealed carry law by Tuesday. But the Illinois State Rifle Association says that’s not good enough.

The Rifle Association believes lawmakers did not meet their deadline because the state’s ban on carrying guns outside the home remains in effect.

While concealed carry is officially the law in Illinois, it could be mid-March before a gun owner would actually and legally be able to carry their weapon in public. The new law gives state police six months to setup a permit system, then there’s a 90-day application process.

The Rifle Association says that delay continues to deprive lawful gun owners of their constitutional rights.

The ISRA’s motion is here.


Topinka wants legal review of veto

Wednesday, Jul 10, 2013 - Posted by Rich Miller

* From Comptroller Topinka…

This morning the Governor notified my office of his intention to eliminate the salaries and stipends of members of the General Assembly.

While I understand and appreciate the Governor’s focus on pension reform, real questions have been raised about the legality of his action.

Specifically, Section 11 of our State Constitution states that ‘changes in the salary of a member shall not take effect during the term for which he has been elected.’

Therefore, I have requested a legal review which should be completed before lawmakers are scheduled to receive their next paychecks on August 1, 2013.”


Don’t be so quick to think there will be an override

Wednesday, Jul 10, 2013 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Here is House Speaker Michael Madigan’s full react to Gov. Pat Quinn’s line-item veto of legislative salaries and benefits…

“I have been working for many months to pass real, comprehensive pension reform.  During the first Democratic Caucus of this General Assembly, I admonished our members that doing nothing or passing only a half measure on pension reform was not an option.  This issue must be solved in order to put Illinois on a more secure financial path. 

“I, along with Representative Nekritz, Leader Cross and the members who supported House Amendment 1 to Senate Bill 1, have been the only lawmakers willing to take a difficult vote that would lead to solvency in our pension systems.  The Governor’s decision follows my efforts and I understand his frustration.

“I am hopeful his strategy works.”

Translation: Unless something drastic happens, there ain’t gonna be an override vote until pension reform passes.

This is a House Bill, sponsored by Madigan himself, so he alone controls what happens next.

* Senate President John Cullerton’s full react…

Lawmakers have worked hard this session. That work included passing a balanced budget, paying off hundreds of millions of dollars in old bills, cutting their own pay and numerous, serious bipartisan efforts to enact comprehensive pension reform.

The governor’s actions today are as unproductive as yesterday’s arbitrary deadline. Responsible leaders know that unworkable demands will only delay progress.

Our efforts on pensions will continue until we’ve reached our goal. In the meantime, the work of the pensions conference committee shouldn’t be undermined or deterred by today’s or future political grandstanding.

Cullerton can complain all he wants. The sponsor in the originating chamber controls the override motion’s fate. If MJM is with Quinn, then there won’t be an override.

…Adding… Commenter 47th Ward is again spot on

Madigan must believe Quinn’s “strategy” will soften up the Senate more than causing a ruckus in the House. The pension debate is still Cullerton v. Madigan, and neither is yet willing to blink.


Question of the day

Wednesday, Jul 10, 2013 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Your one word react to the governor’s announced “consequences” on the failure to enact pension reform?

Keep it to one word only, please. Thanks.


Daley changes his stance on contributions

Wednesday, Jul 10, 2013 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Now we know why Bill Daley traveled to Springfield on a hot news day. Yeah, he wanted to get himself into the stories, but I think mainly he wanted to bury a position change

Days after Bill Daley proposed strict campaign fundraising guidelines and promised to limit his own donations while a gubernatorial candidate, the former White House chief of staff reversed his stance Tuesday and said he would take in money this year while lawmakers are in session.

The Chicago Democrat rolled out his proposal to limit political fundraising last week, after he’d announced about $800,000 in political fundraising during the initial weeks since forming his 2014 exploratory committee.

Playing up Illinois’ dark history of political corruption, he called for reforms. He said once elected governor, he’d move to ban political contributions during the time that lawmakers meet in Springfield. That would apply to state lawmakers, statewide officeholders and candidates seeking those offices.

Then he vowed to extend that principle to himself this year, saying he would not take any political donations while lawmakers meet in Springfield — including sessions in July and later this fall.

But Daley pulled back from that idea Tuesday while addressing reporters outside the Illinois Capitol, where lawmakers were gathered inside. He explained the discrepancy by saying he was “correcting” his statements and that he wasn’t elected yet.

“I have no power to affect anything,” he said, adding that refusing to take donations on those days would “be just political grandstanding.”

I don’t disagree with this. Glenn Poshard killed his campaign by imposing his own campaign contribution caps. Sheila Simon lost what was believed to be a sure thing Carbondale mayoral race by doing the same. Get elected, then change the system.

But, obviously, Daley should’ve figured that out before he rolled out his initial announcement the other day. Not a good sign.

* More coverage

Former White House Chief of Staff William Daley criticized Gov. Pat Quinn Tuesday for snubbing a hearing this week before a legislative panel the governor himself prescribed as the venue for solving the state’s nearly $100 billion pension crisis.

“It’s unfortunate the fiscal crisis, driven by the pension issue, doesn’t seem to be any further than it was the last time the Legislature was here,” Daley told reporters outside the Statehouse. “It’s unfortunate the governor didn’t meet with the conference [committee] members [Monday], have the opportunity to lay out exactly what he’s for, what the parameters of what he would accept [in a] deal.” […]

“He called for the conference [committee], and I don’t know what’s exactly happened in the last two-and-a-half weeks since the conference was created, how many times the governor has met with the members or other legislators to try to develop a plan and a solution to this crisis,” Daley continued. “But it’s unfortunate: It looks as though once again, there will be failure here today on the fiscal situation.”

* More

Bill Daley, the former White House chief of staff and gun-control advocate who has launched a primary challenge to Quinn, slammed him for touting his proposed gun restrictions at high-profile community events rather than behind closed doors with lawmakers.

“I know he’s gone to churches and he’s prayed, but hope and praying are not a strategy,” Daley told reporters outside the Statehouse on Tuesday as the override vote loomed. “There wasn’t a concerted effort driven by the governor” to get the restrictions into the bill earlier.

“One would have to raise the question,” Daley added. “Was this a political statement or a real attempt to have a solution to a problem that plagues our state and nation?”

Quinn, in remarks to later to reporters, testily denied he’d been disengaged from the legislative process . “I spoke about this to members of the Legislature over and over again,” he said.

* Daley press conference audio in three parts…

Click to listen Part 1

Click to listen Part 2

Click to listen Part 3



*** UPDATED x1 *** *** Live *** “Consequences” press conference

Wednesday, Jul 10, 2013 - Posted by Rich Miller

*** UPDATE *** The governor’s veto message is here. You can compare those line numbers to the General Assembly’s operating appropriations, which is here, beginning on page 75. He got them good.

[ *** End Of Update *** ]

* From the governor’s office…

This event will be streamed live online at

For an audio only stream, please visit

The big event begins at 10:30.

* From IOCI Media Services…

A free, live stream (video and audio-only) of Governor Pat Quinn’s press conference will be available this morning on our website:

* Watch the ScribbleLive feed


Dillard to announce Monday

Wednesday, Jul 10, 2013 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Another one makes the expected jump

State Sen. Kirk Dillard told the Sun-Times today he will announce his bid for governor on Monday, in a two-day fly-around that will kick-off that morning outside of his Northwest Side childhood home.

Dillard (R-Hinsdale) will become the fourth Republican to compete in the gubernatorial primary. After the Chicago announcement, Dillard will head to Decatur, Peoria, Carbondale, Rockford, Rock Island and will conclude with a rally back on Dillard’s home turf in DuPage County.

* Meanwhile, a reader pointed out something to me the other day. James Liautaud, the Jimmy John’s founder who’s threatened repeatedly to move out of state, contributed $1,000 to Bruce Rauner’s campaign late last month.

Liautaud has been a supporter of both Bill Brady and Dan Rutherford in the past.

Treasurer Rutherford regularly touts his friendship with the submarine sandwich kingpin, but so far Rauner has been the sole recipient of Liautaud’s cash this year.

* And speaking of money

Don’t count out Gov. Pat Quinn in the Dem primary race that reads like a dust-up with Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan and former U.S. Commerce Secretary Bill Daley.

† To wit: Sneed hears that Quinn out-raised both potential opponents this last quarter.

† The numbers game: Sneed is told Quinn raised more than $1 million, while Madigan raised more than $600,000 and Daley raised more than $790,000.

Quinn also outraised Rauner in the second quarter.

So far, only Sneed and myself have highlighted this fact. The governor is truly getting no respect, perhaps deservingly so.


Worst day ever?

Wednesday, Jul 10, 2013 - Posted by Rich Miller

* It’s hard to disagree with Dave McKinney’s analysis of yesterday’s drubbing

Hoarse and unusually agitated, Gov. Pat Quinn went before cameras Tuesday to explain his resounding defeat on concealed-carry legislation and to tell voters one more time why he couldn’t exert his will over a Democratic-led state Legislature.

“Today was a bad day for public safety in Illinois,” the governor said.

But in fact, it was Quinn himself who had the bad day, perhaps one of the worst of his one-and-a-half terms as governor.

The Democratic governor was resoundingly mowed down by lawmakers in his effort to rewrite portions of the gun bill – even on something as basic as requiring a concealed-carry licensee to tell a cop if he or she is armed and to strengthen the state’s hand in keeping concealed weapons out of the hands of a gun owner who presents a “clear and present danger.” […]

One could argue Quinn has set out on a path to seek his second full term by running against the Legislature, whose members consistently rate lower in popularity than even the chronically unpopular Quinn.

But that strategy, as his concealed-carry and pension defeats show, leaves Quinn looking weak, which the governor strained to explain away Tuesday during his news conference.

“With respect to working and getting the job done, I think the people of Illinois know I work every day for their common good,” Quinn said.

Working every day for the common good is a fine thing. But you gotta show accomplishments in order to do good things. Doing ain’t exactly his strong suit.

* The Tribune editorial board was on point as well

It wasn’t a good day for the governor. His veto was swiftly and summarily dismissed by an overwhelming number of lawmakers. His rhetoric — slapping this bill as some National Rifle Association diktat — didn’t ring true. It was the product of a difficult but balanced negotiation, compelled by the ruling of the 7th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals.

That’s exactly right. If Quinn wanted to be in the negotiations, he could’ve been. He chose to sit them out so he could do what he eventually did. Showmanship instead of leadership. But, hey, throwing rocks at the process has long been his thing.

* I tried twice to get Quinn to answer a simple question yesterday about why he or his staff weren’t in the room when the Legislature negotiated the concealed carry bill. He wouldn’t move off his talking points, then left after I pressed him a second time

* This ain’t the end, however. Not by any means

But the legislature’s decision to override Quinn and stick to its agreed-upon compromise may represent only a short-lived truce between gun rights advocates and gun control supporters in a state where there is a vast divergence over how firearms are viewed, dependent largely upon cultural and regional differences.

Even a late effort by lawmakers to amend another bill to reflect three mostly minor changes that the governor had proposed ended up falling short of the votes needed in the House after first passing the Senate. […]

Sen. Christine Radogno of Lemont, the Senate Republican leader, told colleagues that “I don’t think this is the last time we’re going to be discussing this issue.” And Rep. Kelly Cassidy, D-Chicago, a gun control supporter, said “it is a very safe bet that we will be back” fighting over changes in the new law. […]

Sen. Don Harmon, D-Oak Park, said lawmakers “can and should add more protections to when and how people can carry guns in public places. I believe in give-and-take and compromise, but we can’t bargain away the safety of our families.”

Richard Pearson, who heads the Illinois State Rifle Association, cheered the vote of legislators to overcome Quinn’s efforts to make the legislation more restrictive. But he also said that the new law was “not perfect” and that it would be reviewed and fine-tuned when necessary.

The trailer bill passed overwhelmingly in the Senate and got 62 House votes. It died in the House because it needed a super-majority due to its immediate effective date. That bill, and others, will likely pass next spring if they’re allowed to the floor.

* Related…

* How gun law works: Likely 2014 before permits issued

* New law gives suburbs 10 days to ban assault weapons

* Attorney General Lisa Madigan: Appealing federal court’s concealed-carry ruling now moot after override effort

* Concealed-carry legal in Illinois after Senate joins House in blocking Quinn’s amendatory veto

* Illinois lawmakers school governor with concealed carry override

* Despite Chicago bloodshed, Illinois will allow concealed carry

* 9 Illinois lawmakers skip historic concealed carry vote


Here come the “consequences”

Wednesday, Jul 10, 2013 - Posted by Rich Miller

* From a press release…

**Wednesday, July 10, 2013**

CHICAGO – Governor Pat Quinn will make a major budgetary announcement.

WHEN: 10:30 a.m.

WHERE: James R. Thompson Center
Blue Room – 15th Floor
100 W. Randolph Street
Chicago, 60601

I’ll try to have live coverage. It’ll be on a separate post. ADDING: The live coverage post is here.

* AP

Quinn hasn’t yet signed a key part of the Illinois budget that gives the state comptroller the ability to issue paychecks to tens of thousands of state employees.

The measure also provides money for agencies in charge of things like state campgrounds and running two state fairs. It contains a 250-page spending plan for state agencies.

The governor has until July 15 to sign House Bill 214. The fiscal year began July 1.

Any predictions?

…Adding… Here’s some advance coverage…

* ‘Arbitrary’ pension date passes: “The pension crisis will get dealt with,” state Rep. John Bradley, D-Marion, said. “It won’t be by some arbitrary date set by an irrelevant governor.”

* Quinn: Inaction on pensions ‘let down taxpayers’: “We don’t need any more excuses,” he said. We don’t need any more alibis.” He warned of consequences but declined to say exactly what he’d do. However, when asked, he didn’t deny the possibility of cutting legislative salaries from a pending budget bill.


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Wednesday, Jul 10, 2013 - Posted by Rich Miller

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Morning video

Wednesday, Jul 10, 2013 - Posted by Rich Miller

* After Gov. Quinn’s repudiation yesterday over concealed carry, this Blackberry Smoke tune seems appropriate. I’ve been listening to it all morning while writing the Capitol Fax. Check it out


Well my fall from grace was a sight to see
Good turned to bad and bad turned to misery
I found out what it is and what it’s not
And all I ask for sure ain’t what I got

Well I’ve been rained on, rode hard and put up wet
Danced with the Devil ’til I’m in debt
Took all I got and there ain’t much left of me
I’ve been knocked down, drug out and left for dead
Barely held together by a few old threads
And I’m still here, there ain’t much left to see, no
Well I’m still holding on and there ain’t much left of me

Thought that I hit bottom but I ain’t there yet
‘Cause you’d be surprised of how low a man can get
I watched stolen dreams slip through my hands
And now I’m getting out of here still while I still can

Well I’ve been rained on, rode hard and put up wet
Danced with the devil ’til I’m in debt
Took all I got and there ain’t much left of me
I’ve been knocked down, drug out and left for dead
Barely held together by a few old threads
And I’m still here, there ain’t much left to see,no
Well I’m still holding on and there ain’t much left of me
That’s right

Well my fall from grace was a sight to see
Nobody even cared what became of me
Do I have to get down on my knees
And ask the Lord, Lord have mercy on me

Well I’ve been rained on, rode hard and put up wet
Danced with the Devil ’til I’m in debt
Took all I got and there ain’t much left of me
I’ve been knocked down, drug out and left for dead
Barely held together by a few old threads
And I’m still here, there ain’t much left to see, no
Well I’m still holding on and there ain’t much left of me


Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Today’s edition of Capitol Fax (use all CAPS in password)

Wednesday, Jul 10, 2013 - Posted by Rich Miller

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