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Today’s best e-mail

Monday, Aug 5, 2013 - Posted by Rich Miller

* From a press release…

On Tuesday, August 6, State Representative Jeanne Ives will host a Health and Fitness Boot Camp for children in her district. The event will be held at Cantigny Park, 1S151 Winfield Rd., Winfield, IL from 9am to noon.

When asked how she came up with the idea to conduct a boot camp, Representative Ives stated that, “Long ago, I recognized that children have a great deal of natural energy and are drawn to physical activity and events that challenge them. I certainly enjoyed the physical fitness challenges in my Army training. This camp is designed to let kids see how well they can complete some fun, age-appropriate fitness tests. I have hosted similar events for my own children and their friends and I wanted to broaden these activities to a wider group.”

State Representative Jeanne Ives (R-Wheaton) is a West Point Graduate who served in the United States Army and comes from a family for whom military service is a tradition.

It is free and open to all who wish to attend.

What Boot Camp Will Look Like:

    · At 0900 (9:00 a.m.): Recruits will be signed in, currently 70 children, ages 3-12, have enlisted.
    · Rep. Ives will lead the way, completing the fitness test, obstacle course, climbing wall, and BMI testing
    · Recruits will:
    o Complete an Obstacle Course by FTX Crossfit
    o Scale a Climbing Wall
    o Participate in a Fitness Test
    o Earn personalized, commemorative dog tags
    o Receive BMI testing and learn safe stretching from Advanced Healthcare Associates
    o Take part in basic First Aid Instruction from Cadence Health and Edward Hospital
    o Join in activities and presentations on proper nutrition from Juice Plus and FORWARD of DuPage County
    o Receive samples of healthy snacks from Whole Foods
    · At 1200 (12:00 p.m.): Recruits will be dismissed.
    · Rep. Ives will be available to speak with media before and after the event.

You gotta love the “commemorative dog tags” part. But I sure hope that Sgt Hartman from “Full Metal Jacket” doesn’t show up.


  1. - Norseman - Monday, Aug 5, 13 @ 2:07 pm:

    Kids with Democrat parents will have to do 100 push ups.

  2. - Norseman - Monday, Aug 5, 13 @ 2:10 pm:

    If no recruits show up, we will be going through the other parks drafting participants.

  3. - 47th Ward - Monday, Aug 5, 13 @ 2:11 pm:

    “I am Gunnery Sergeant Ives, your senior drill instructor. From now on you will speak only when spoken to, and the first and last words out of your filthy sewers will be “Sir”. Do you maggots understand that?”

  4. - Lil Squeezy - Monday, Aug 5, 13 @ 2:12 pm:

    kids will have to maneuver around union bosses in the obstacle of special interests if they wish to reach the freedom line.

  5. - Timmeh - Monday, Aug 5, 13 @ 2:17 pm:

    It sounds kind of fun. I’m too old for the age limit though.

  6. - Ghost - Monday, Aug 5, 13 @ 2:18 pm:

    I didnt see anything for children with disabilites.

    I think this is a great idea, but it would be even better with some things for disabled children.

  7. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Aug 5, 13 @ 2:21 pm:

    I guess that makes Rep. Ives… The “Big Toe”…Will the kids be learning about Mobile Homes and sneaking into the Czech Republic likes it …Wisconsin?

  8. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Aug 5, 13 @ 2:24 pm:

    “14:30 - 14:50, ‘The Confederate Uniform and You’ - Discussion and Photo Op with Rep. Ives”

  9. - OneMan - Monday, Aug 5, 13 @ 2:24 pm:

    Lt. Lockhart… The bond rating agencies are wetting themselves and even Ron Magers is going to say there is no way out of this pension crisis…


    Yes Rep. Joker…

    Rep Joker..Does this mean Anne Margret isn’t coming?

  10. - Anon III - Monday, Aug 5, 13 @ 2:29 pm:

    Is she running for soccer coach?

  11. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Aug 5, 13 @ 2:31 pm:

    Rep. Ives, “If this goes well, I plan on asking the Speaker if we can have one of these days during Veto Session, the Confederate uniforms are optional, but celebrated…”

  12. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Aug 5, 13 @ 2:33 pm:

    “Opening Remarks - Rep. Ives

    My name is Rep. Ives, you will not like me. I am hard, but I am fair…We will see if you are fit enough to live in my Beloved District…”

  13. - Norseman - Monday, Aug 5, 13 @ 2:36 pm:

    Camp cadence.

    Ives is our Rep from here;
    She’ll kick the Speaker’s rear;
    No tax is her pledge to you;
    If she can stop Governor Magoo;
    The budget will go down to the floor;
    When she shows workers the door;
    Sound off - no tax;
    Sound off - no pensions;
    Sound off - fire Madigan;
    1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - go Ives

  14. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Aug 5, 13 @ 2:42 pm:

    “What is that on your free Rep. Ives Camp t-shirt?”

    “My Dad’s ‘Oswego Willy for Governor’ pin”

    “An ‘Oswego Willy’ pin, on your uniform!!”

    “It’s a t-shirt, Ma’am”

    “Oswego Willy is worthless and weak! You can go get your Political Ice Cream now… And without that OW pin!!”

  15. - Fred's Mustache - Monday, Aug 5, 13 @ 2:44 pm:

    I can’t wait to hear about the three year old that scaled the climbing wall.

  16. - Rich Miller - Monday, Aug 5, 13 @ 2:45 pm:

    “Son, all I’ve ever asked of my boot camp kiddies is that they obey my orders as they would the word of God. We are here to help the district, because inside every Democrat there is an American trying to get out. It’s a hardball world, son. We’ve gotta keep our heads until this peace craze blows over.”

  17. - Ghost - Monday, Aug 5, 13 @ 2:47 pm:

    OW, I didnt see any listing for a stable to muck out….

  18. - FoxValleyPride1 - Monday, Aug 5, 13 @ 2:58 pm:

    Live ammo?

  19. - ugh - Monday, Aug 5, 13 @ 2:59 pm:

    This from the woman who stated, during debate on the floor, that women needed guns to protect themselves because they are weaker than men.

  20. - Stuff happens - Monday, Aug 5, 13 @ 3:10 pm:

    If Sgt. Hartman shows up and yells at Ives, she’ll just have him arrested for Threatening a Public Official.

  21. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Aug 5, 13 @ 3:10 pm:

    Rep. Ives, “Absolutely. My answer is I don’t have the first dang clue. Maybe he was an early “leave-er and liked to leave after lunch. Or maybe he didn’t have any friends that were from Slytherin House. I’m an educated state Representative, but I’m afraid I can’t speak intelligently about the day camp habits of Willy from Oswego. What I do know is that he was set to leave the camp at 1800 just like all the campers. Now, are these the questions I need to answer? Campaign Stickers and Cannoli? Please tell me that you have something more, - Norseman -. Oswego Willy had the time of his life today. Please tell me OW’s Field Coordinator hasn’t pinned his hopes to Dope, who couldn’t finish a day at my camp….”

  22. - CircularFiringSquad - Monday, Aug 5, 13 @ 3:15 pm:

    What no live fire exercises, pugil sticks, hand to hand, judo?
    This Ives woman is a true suburban wimp

  23. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Aug 5, 13 @ 3:17 pm:

    “Campers, we live in a world that has General Assmeblies, and those GAs have to be guarded by Members with Ideals. Who’s gonna do it? You? You, Sally Student? I have a greater responsibility than you could possibly fathom. You weep for Oswego Willy, and you curse Slytherin House. You have that luxury. You have the luxury of not knowing what I know. That Oswego Willy’s campaign, while pathetic, probably brings snark. And my existence, while humorous and incomprehensible to you, creates snark. You don’t want the snark because deep down in places you don’t talk about at 8th birthday parties, you want me in the Statehouse, you need me in the
    Statehouse. Slytherins use words like Blood Oath, Litmus Test, ‘must’. We use these words as the backbone of a life spent defending something. Oswego Willy and his ilk use them as a punchline. I have neither the time nor the inclination to explain myself to a campers who rise and sleep under the blanket of Slytherin that I provide, and then questions the manner in which I provide it. I would rather you just said thank you, and went on your way, Otherwise, I suggest you register to vote and vote for Reagan Rule Republicans, and walk a precinct. Either way, I don’t give a dang what you think you are entitled to.”

    “So where are the pony rides again, Rep. Ives?”

  24. - Jack - Monday, Aug 5, 13 @ 3:18 pm:

    “From the youngest to the oldest, we must be fit enough to defend against that liberal hoard from the East.”

  25. - Just Observing - Monday, Aug 5, 13 @ 3:20 pm:

    === “Long ago, I recognized that children have a great deal of natural energy…” ===

    They do? I wonder how long it took her to recognize this very subtle trait in children.

  26. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Aug 5, 13 @ 3:26 pm:

    “I run my Camp how I run my Camp. You want to Primary me, roll the dice and take your chances, so… don’t think for one second… that you can come down here, flash a petiton, and make me nervous…”

  27. - BMIves - Monday, Aug 5, 13 @ 3:28 pm:

    I don’t like the name Lawrence, only weasels and sailors are called Lawrence. From now on you’re Gomer Pyle.

  28. - wordslinger - Monday, Aug 5, 13 @ 3:29 pm:

    Recruits will also get a free “Rep. Jeanne Ives: ‘I went to West Point!” T-shirt.

    Other T-shirts available to anyone who will take them include “Rep. Jim Sacia: I was in the FBI!” and “Rep. Scott Drury: I was a federal prosecutor!”

  29. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Aug 5, 13 @ 3:29 pm:

    “14:00 - 14:30, ‘How to Field Dress and Clean a Floor Amendment with your Mess Kit’.”

  30. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Aug 5, 13 @ 3:43 pm:

    “I want you D.O.R., spell it camper, ‘D’, ‘O’, ‘R’…That’s it. You are dropped from the Rep. Ives Camp, go collect your goodies …”

    “You cann’t do it, cause …I got no place else to go …I go no place else to go … until my Mom picks me up … but I got no wheres else to go …”

  31. - Blazer - Monday, Aug 5, 13 @ 4:01 pm:

    Rep. Ives to children upon their arrival at 0900: “Welcome to the Hunger Games. May the odds be ever in your favor.”

  32. - estubborn - Monday, Aug 5, 13 @ 4:08 pm:

    Can’t say I’m a fan of Rep. Ives, but this is a rather unique and interesting event. It sort of raises the bar for the typical GA member summer outreach event. Cleaver and non-redundant way to bring up her time in the military too.

  33. - woodchuck - Monday, Aug 5, 13 @ 5:04 pm:

    I want that head so clean and sanitary that Bruce Rauner himself would be proud to go in there and (paraphrasing now) sit on the toilet with his new Carhart.

  34. - Jimmy - Monday, Aug 5, 13 @ 5:35 pm:

    I wonder if the kids will learn a lot about the War of Southern Independence.

  35. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Aug 5, 13 @ 5:47 pm:

    “My parents sent me to Rep. Ives’ Boot Camp and all I got was this lousy Confederate uniform…”

  36. - railrat - Monday, Aug 5, 13 @ 6:07 pm:

    son or daughter comes home chanting:
    “This is me Rifle”
    “This is my gun”
    “My rifles for killing”
    “My gun is for fun”
    whoa !!

  37. - Arthur Andersen - Monday, Aug 5, 13 @ 6:41 pm:

    “DuPage will rise again” T-Shirts, iPhone Cases, and Water Bottles available to all Campers!

  38. - low level - Monday, Aug 5, 13 @ 9:06 pm:

    mental health screenings should be made available also. Ives should be the first to get one.

  39. - low level - Monday, Aug 5, 13 @ 9:16 pm:

    “Long ago, I recognized that I was completely out my mind. Physical activity sometimes helps. So I decided to do this event. And remember - there’s one I in Ives. Forget teamwork. That’s socialism. Iveswork reflects the true spirit if our founding fathers.”

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