Caption contest!
Tuesday, Aug 6, 2013 - Posted by Rich Miller * From a recent bill signing event… ![]() Now, y’all know that I really don’t like violent imagery in comments, so make sure you don’t get weird on me today. Take it easy. Thanks. Funniest commenter wins a beverage with yours truly at the Illinois State Fair. * Yesterday’s winner was Arthur Andersen…
- OneMan - Tuesday, Aug 6, 13 @ 9:04 am:
The winner of Governor Quinn’s I’ll appoint the person closest to me at 12:47 PM to run a state department contest celebrates her good fortune.
- Big Muddy - Tuesday, Aug 6, 13 @ 9:08 am:
Awkward moment for the Governor as he forgets the the words during the YMCA dance
- unclesam - Tuesday, Aug 6, 13 @ 9:09 am:
James Cameron’s wife photobombs Illinois Governor Pat Quinn
- Bill White - Tuesday, Aug 6, 13 @ 9:10 am:
Pat Quinn whispers, “Can I be the cowboy?” as the crowd spontaneously starts singing: Y M C A!
- SAP - Tuesday, Aug 6, 13 @ 9:13 am:
Pat, if you want to replace that Rocky statue in Philadelphia, you have to stand like this.
- Rail Sitter - Tuesday, Aug 6, 13 @ 9:14 am:
Don’t worry Sandy, Pat Quinn is watching your back.
- Anonymous - Tuesday, Aug 6, 13 @ 9:15 am:
I used to hang my sheets on the line like this until I got a state grant for clothespins.
- Skeptic - Tuesday, Aug 6, 13 @ 9:16 am:
Wait, I’m on the news, but the reception is bad. Hold your arms just … like … that!
- Roadiepig - Tuesday, Aug 6, 13 @ 9:17 am:
For someone about to be frisked by the governor, Sandy sure seemed happy .
- the unknown poster - Tuesday, Aug 6, 13 @ 9:17 am:
Quinn applauds the winner of the “Raise your hand if you’re Sure” commercial tryout.
- Blazer - Tuesday, Aug 6, 13 @ 9:22 am:
“Quinn suddenly recognizes the need to hire new security detail before the state fair.”
- MrJM - Tuesday, Aug 6, 13 @ 9:29 am:
“She really stuck the landing — 9.5.”
– MrJM
- So. ILL - Tuesday, Aug 6, 13 @ 9:30 am:
When I said ’stick-em-up’, I was talking to pension recipients…
- Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Aug 6, 13 @ 9:31 am:
“I got my paycheck!”
- Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Aug 6, 13 @ 9:35 am:
“You like me, you really like me!”
- Formerly from Southern IL - Tuesday, Aug 6, 13 @ 9:37 am:
Pat Quinn crowns the 2013 champion of the State Fair cheer competition.
- Bluefish - Tuesday, Aug 6, 13 @ 9:40 am:
Don’t cry for me, Illinois
The truth is I never left you
All through my wild spending
My Blago existence
I kept my promise, don’t keep your pensions
- Ron Burgundy - Tuesday, Aug 6, 13 @ 9:44 am:
Governor Quinn applauds the sole survivor and winner of the First Running Mate Hunger Games.
- Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Aug 6, 13 @ 9:45 am:
“Viva Quinn! Viva Illinois! Viva …Democracia!”
- Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Aug 6, 13 @ 9:50 am:
“Our Glorious Leader did it! Mr. Quinn fired Mike Madigan!”
- dupage dan - Tuesday, Aug 6, 13 @ 9:55 am:
Holy Bill Bash - watch out!!!! Bam! Biff! Pow! Nananananananana, Pat Man!
- Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Aug 6, 13 @ 9:57 am:
Moments ago, Glorious Leader Quinn swore-in his one person legislature…
- Rusty618 - Tuesday, Aug 6, 13 @ 10:00 am:
“Hmm…is that Bounce Spring Fresh or Snuggle Soft Sandalwood I smell?”
- Chavez-respecting Obamist - Tuesday, Aug 6, 13 @ 10:00 am:
- Esquire - Tuesday, Aug 6, 13 @ 10:02 am:
Bluefish, beat me to it! “Evita” came immediately to mind as to the woman’s pose.
Pat Quinn will not be mistaken for Juan Peron, but he is obscured in the photo.
“Don’t Cry for me Argentina (Illinois)! I kept my promise, now keep your distance…”
- ShermanStateEmployee - Tuesday, Aug 6, 13 @ 10:05 am:
Strong enough for a man, but made for a woman.
- Anonymous - Tuesday, Aug 6, 13 @ 10:08 am:
I can stretch the truth this far!
- Irishpirate - Tuesday, Aug 6, 13 @ 10:10 am:
Jody Foster accepts Pat Quinn’s offer to be his running mate in 2014.
- Jack - Tuesday, Aug 6, 13 @ 10:14 am:
“Let me shield the crowd from the glare of your dome, Mr Governor.”
- The End Is Near - Tuesday, Aug 6, 13 @ 10:19 am:
“Just throw your hands in the air, and wave ‘em like you just don’t care, and if you believe our state is doomed, scream it out and say ‘Oh, yeah!’”
- Ready To Get Out - Tuesday, Aug 6, 13 @ 10:22 am:
Thank you for you support electing me the first female Illinois governor. And please give a warm welcome to my new Lt. Gov. Pat Quinn.
- Slacker - Tuesday, Aug 6, 13 @ 10:26 am:
SC: “Maui wowie!”
PQ: “Smokin’!”
- Jack - Tuesday, Aug 6, 13 @ 10:28 am:
Gov Quinn applaudes the new cost-cutting initiative for state employees to fly without using airplanes.
- chitown3 - Tuesday, Aug 6, 13 @ 10:29 am:
- Obama's Puppy - Tuesday, Aug 6, 13 @ 10:29 am:
YES - I do play the banjo!!!
- I'm Strapped - Tuesday, Aug 6, 13 @ 10:37 am:
Pat, this is a public event so take your eyes off the prize!
- New Guy - Tuesday, Aug 6, 13 @ 10:40 am:
All together now, it’s fun to stay at the Y-M-C-A!
- Champions Champion - Tuesday, Aug 6, 13 @ 10:46 am:
Governor this is my new move I learned in self defense class!
- Empty Suit - Tuesday, Aug 6, 13 @ 10:47 am:
“Oh wow I could have had a V8!”
- Empty Suit - Tuesday, Aug 6, 13 @ 10:48 am:
“Smoke if you got em”
- Empty Suit - Tuesday, Aug 6, 13 @ 10:49 am:
“Sorry Governor, the guy in the back says the glare off your forehead is blinding him!”
- Sandy - Tuesday, Aug 6, 13 @ 10:51 am:
LOL I love this!
What a day and great responses!
- Jack - Tuesday, Aug 6, 13 @ 11:01 am:
Gov Quinn’s assistant demonstrates how the GA will get to Springfield after the Governor cuts their travel pay until pension reform.
- PastorMike - Tuesday, Aug 6, 13 @ 11:12 am:
“Wow look, I think I found the perfect spot to stick the knife!”
- Arthur Andersen - Tuesday, Aug 6, 13 @ 11:13 am:
“Ty said What? Throw up my hands!”
- Voice of Reason - Tuesday, Aug 6, 13 @ 11:33 am:
Second prize is two beverages with Rich.
- BIG R. Ph - Tuesday, Aug 6, 13 @ 11:35 am:
That’s going to leave a mark!
- A guy... - Tuesday, Aug 6, 13 @ 11:43 am:
Guess which hand holds the key to my new office?
- Empty Suit - Tuesday, Aug 6, 13 @ 12:01 pm:
“Talk to the hand!”
- Jake From Elwood - Tuesday, Aug 6, 13 @ 12:04 pm:
PQ’s new Lt. Governor candidate modestly addresses her audience.
- 47th Ward - Tuesday, Aug 6, 13 @ 12:07 pm:
A demonstration of the proper technique called the clean and jerk. Also pictured, a clean jerk.
- Voice of Reason - Tuesday, Aug 6, 13 @ 12:41 pm:
I’m ready for office in Illinois. I already know the arrest procedure, “Hands up in the air.”
- Stones - Tuesday, Aug 6, 13 @ 12:52 pm:
“So this is what Leonardo DicCaprio when he was standing on the bow of the Titanic!”
- Robert the Bruce - Tuesday, Aug 6, 13 @ 1:13 pm:
I’m told that as long as I keep my arms raised up in victory, Gov. Quinn can’t flip flop and cross out his signature on the bill.”
- Jake From Elwood - Tuesday, Aug 6, 13 @ 1:24 pm:
47th, that was funny.
- Anonymous - Tuesday, Aug 6, 13 @ 1:24 pm:
Body language speaks “Knuckle-head” Quinn
- WestSider - Tuesday, Aug 6, 13 @ 1:32 pm:
Governor Soybeans takes it on the chin…..again.
- Abe the Babe - Tuesday, Aug 6, 13 @ 1:47 pm:
Realizing his news conferences were becoming hum drum, Gov. Quinn appoints a new yoga instructor to warm up the reporters before each press event. (Not Pictured: Ray Long in downward dog pose).
- Harness Racing Fan - Tuesday, Aug 6, 13 @ 2:05 pm:
Participants in the state’s annual “Fishing With The Governor” contest describe their catch of the day.
- civil - Tuesday, Aug 6, 13 @ 3:21 pm:
Due to budget cuts “Squeezy the Pension Python” will now be played by…..
- Arthur Andersen - Tuesday, Aug 6, 13 @ 3:23 pm:
SC- “Please rise and join in singing the Illinois State Song.”
PQ- “O’Connor, don’t drown out the rest of us, ok?”
- WhoKnew - Tuesday, Aug 6, 13 @ 3:32 pm:
And the happy contestant celebrates the awarding of the first Illinois Medical Marijuana Dispensary contact.
- WhoKnew - Tuesday, Aug 6, 13 @ 3:34 pm:
I meant contract — or maybe it really should be contact, as in Contact High!!
- Arthur Andersen - Tuesday, Aug 6, 13 @ 3:41 pm:
“I met Arthur Andersen this morning, and he jumped like this after I told him he won yesterday’s caption contest! What a doll!”
- Harness Racing Fan - Tuesday, Aug 6, 13 @ 3:55 pm:
A fashion designer holds up the Governor’s new clothes.
- AFSCME Steward - Tuesday, Aug 6, 13 @ 4:26 pm:
Illinois Governor Pat Quinn applauds enthusiastically as women holds “air” Stanley Cup over her head.
- 312 - Tuesday, Aug 6, 13 @ 4:44 pm:
I get to be Lite Governor? Yay! What do I do?
- OLD BRASS - Tuesday, Aug 6, 13 @ 5:56 pm:
I can’t believe I missed her fist-bump!
- Harry Callahan - Tuesday, Aug 6, 13 @ 11:03 pm:
Raise your hand if you want a BROWNIE!