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Question of the day

Tuesday, Aug 6, 2013 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Politico

Former White House chief of staff Bill Daley is featuring a White House photo of the day Osama bin Laden was killed and touting his “key role” in the operation as an example of leadership in his campaign for governor of Illinois.

On his campaign website, a link just above “donate today” reads: “This is what leadership looks like.” When users click, it brings full screen the official White House photo of the Situation Room on May 1, 2011, where President Barack Obama’s national security team is getting an update on the mission to kill bin Laden.

The caption on Daley’s website reads: “As President Obama’s Chief of Staff, Bill played a key role in the operation that captured Osama bin Laden.” […]

In the bio section of his site, Daley highlights his stint in the Obama administration from January 2011-January 2012, saying Daley “was involved in all aspects and issues faced by the president and the administration, both domestic and foreign.”

* The iconic photo

* The Question: Will Bill Daley’s involvement with the killing of Osama bin Laden be significantly persuasive in the Democratic gubernatorial primary race? Take the poll and then explain your answer in comments, please.

online survey


  1. - Mason born - Tuesday, Aug 6, 13 @ 10:42 am:

    To me Daley was WH chief of Staff. If he was National Security Advisor maybe this has legs but Chief of Staff is quite a reach.

  2. - Empty Suit - Tuesday, Aug 6, 13 @ 10:44 am:

    Not only will it not be persuasive, once people realize he’s wearing the same shirt that he wore at the fair..I mean really dude change your shirt.

  3. - Empty Suit - Tuesday, Aug 6, 13 @ 10:44 am:

    I wonder if he had shorts on too?

  4. - dupage dan - Tuesday, Aug 6, 13 @ 10:46 am:

    Is that the same shirt Daley wore to the fair?

    Captured, Dead or Alive. I remember the posters.

    Look, Daley has got to milk this because, as far as gov’t is concerned, his CV is a bit weak. He was supposed to bring his business chops to a WH that some said had alienated that community and later got the bum’s rush. Other than that…..

  5. - Redic - Tuesday, Aug 6, 13 @ 10:47 am:

    This is what being close to leadership looks like.

  6. - Quid-Pro-Quixote - Tuesday, Aug 6, 13 @ 10:48 am:

    “except” !!

  7. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Aug 6, 13 @ 10:48 am:

    My own opinion is that Daley appears to be running a general election contest in a Democratic primary. But, then again, this could help with moderate to conservative Dem primary voters.

  8. - CircularFiringSquad - Tuesday, Aug 6, 13 @ 10:50 am:

    We voted “yes” because he was wearing the same shirt he wore to the McHenry Co. Fair…think what that would be worth on ebay!

  9. - Just Observing - Tuesday, Aug 6, 13 @ 10:51 am:

    I think, as COS, it would be fair to say he “was involved in all aspects and issues faced by the president and the administration, both domestic and foreign.”

    But saying “As President Obama’s Chief of Staff, Bill played a key role in the operation that captured Osama bin Laden” is quite a stretch. He may have played a role in orchestrating the announcement of bin Laden’s capture, but I find it quite hard to believe he had anything to do in the planning of the actual operation.

  10. - 47th Ward - Tuesday, Aug 6, 13 @ 10:52 am:

    I give Daley credit for the role he played in this historic raid, but for me personally, it isn’t terribly persuasive. It’s not like he will ever need this particular experience in the Governor’s office.

    Unless he decides it’s time to take St. Louis…

  11. - Timmeh - Tuesday, Aug 6, 13 @ 10:53 am:

    “Not only will it not be persuasive, once people realize he’s wearing the same shirt that he wore at the fair..I mean really dude change your shirt. ”

    Actually, the guy in his shirt is his stunt-double. The guy in the suit is Bill Daley.

  12. - Nonplussed - Tuesday, Aug 6, 13 @ 10:53 am:

    I was at Soldier Field the day Walter Payton had the longest TD run of his career. I would like to tout my key role in that run.

  13. - Just Observing - Tuesday, Aug 6, 13 @ 10:53 am:

    BTW Rich… I like when you give more than two options in your poll questions… sometimes we need the nuance multiple answers provides.

  14. - titan - Tuesday, Aug 6, 13 @ 10:54 am:

    Is this a hint that the National Guard would be “taking out” problematic people in Illinois?

    Would we see drone strikes in the counties?

  15. - Responsa - Tuesday, Aug 6, 13 @ 10:54 am:

    I think to some Dem voters the “company” Daley kept might be more important than his actual role in the issue itself. His face in the picture with both the current president and the past and future presidential candidate, when compared to Gov. Quinn’s lack of national importance or influence, may impress and be meaningful to some who are tired of Quinn’s folksy incompetence. It probably won’t help Daley a lot with Republicans though.

  16. - Sorry, no - Tuesday, Aug 6, 13 @ 10:54 am:

    A great moment for our country but it’s not like he pulled the trigger. I mean, what was his involvement? He didn’t plan it. Maybe he helped the President reach his decision? Only time will tell.

  17. - Todd - Tuesday, Aug 6, 13 @ 10:56 am:

    On December 14th of 2010 Brian Terry was killed in AZ. Daley took over within a month of that event and just 3 weeks later the US Attn in AZ announced a big list if indictments from the fast a furious scheme.

    Around the Same time Sen. Grassley started his inquiry in to F&F.

    If Daley can claim being in on knocking off OBL, then it would be interesting to see his involvement/knoweldge in F&F as COS.

  18. - Hey There - Tuesday, Aug 6, 13 @ 10:57 am:

    It might be somewhat persuasive to some Dems, but I agree with Rich; this is a message for a general election campaign’s independent voters and not Democratic die-hards who will make up the lion’s share of the primary voters next year. To further support Rich’s assertion are the many reference on Daley’s website to his leadership in getting NAFTA passed. That is anathema to most Democratic primary voters especially union members.

  19. - J - Tuesday, Aug 6, 13 @ 10:59 am:

    This plays Downstate. Right now there’s a fairly sizable pool of votes that hate Quinn and don’t trust Daley. If Daley makes himself even slightly better in their eyes, he picks up a ton of votes.

  20. - Grandson of Man - Tuesday, Aug 6, 13 @ 11:00 am:

    I voted not persuasive. I’m not sure what role he could have played in the actual operation that led to bin Laden’s killing. Plus, Illinois has a few huge problems that should dominate any election. Voters may forget quickly about glories of the past.

    If he actually had a key role in the operation, why not milk it? After all, leadership ability (or lack of it) ought to be a major issue in a primary against Quinn.

  21. - OneMan - Tuesday, Aug 6, 13 @ 11:01 am:

    Think it might help a bit with those who are looking for a Quinn alternative…

    But I still voted no..

  22. - David Ormsby - Tuesday, Aug 6, 13 @ 11:03 am:

    No. It stretches and strains his credibility.

  23. - DeKalb Dragon - Tuesday, Aug 6, 13 @ 11:04 am:

    My reaction when I first heard this was, “you’re kidding me?” In my view, this is more, “hey look at me, I got to be in the room while some leadership was happening!”

  24. - Arthur Andersen - Tuesday, Aug 6, 13 @ 11:04 am:

    Nah. First of all, it’s just not that relevant to what primary voters are worried about right now. Secondly, and this may be fine print, but the folks who did the heavy lifting are probably sitting down with their coats off, well most of them, not standing in the shadows.

  25. - A guy... - Tuesday, Aug 6, 13 @ 11:06 am:

    Not too persuasive to me. If I were advising Quinn, I turn this one around. “I’ve made difficult decisions, he’s just watched”.

  26. - Marine0302 - Tuesday, Aug 6, 13 @ 11:09 am:

    “As President Obama’s Chief of Staff, Bill played a key role in the operation that captured Osama bin Laden.” […]

    Last time I checked, bin Ladin was not “captured.”
    Sloppy editing will not help.

  27. - BleugrassBoy - Tuesday, Aug 6, 13 @ 11:09 am:

    Agree with most commenters that this seems to be a bit of a reach for Mr. Daley.

    However, it does show him being a team member where something actually got accomplished - so in my mind that does put him ahead of PQ.

  28. - Soccermom - Tuesday, Aug 6, 13 @ 11:15 am:

    47th — Reminds me of one Friday night when we were leaving JRTC — well after 5 p.m. My colleague turned to me and said, “Don’t call me this weekend unless Indiana invades. If it’s just Wisconsin, I can live with that.”

    And yeah, yeah, this was before Walker was Governor…

  29. - Cook County Commoner - Tuesday, Aug 6, 13 @ 11:19 am:

    On the contrary. I find his claim offensive. The successful Bin Laden operation was the result of brave and skilled soldiers, not some elitist member of a Chicago Democratic Party dynasty. That this character is trying to get some mileage on this is repugnant. Most likely, him and his ilk delayed meting out justice to Bin Laden.
    But, sadly, a certain percentage of the “knowledgeable and informed” voters in Illinois will lap it up.

  30. - Chicago Cynic - Tuesday, Aug 6, 13 @ 11:22 am:

    Ormsby took the words out of my mouth (or keyboard as the case may be). “It stretches and strains his credibility.”

    I think it’s a ridiculous tactic that is far more likely to backfire as he tries to take credit for something where his role in this was marginal at best.

  31. - Empty Chair - Tuesday, Aug 6, 13 @ 11:25 am:

    Daley’s walking into a big trap with this whole “I was an awesome COS leadership leader I’m a leader” thing.

    A few gems from that piece (and the dozens of others like it):

    “His delegating management style clashed with some fellow White House staffers. His efforts to cut fiscal deals with GOP leaders proved unsuccessful and rankled some Democrats, including Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D., Nev.).”

    “Mr. Obama brought him [Daley] into the White House in the wake of Democratic losses in the 2010 election as the White House sought to recalibrate. Mr. Obama’s outreach to congressional Republicans culminated this summer with a fight over raising the debt ceiling and a failed effort to reach a bipartisan “grand bargain” on reducing the federal deficit.”

    “In November, Mr. Daley announced in a senior staff meeting that he had ceded part of his White House management duties to Pete Rouse, a longtime aide to Mr. Obama who served as interim chief of staff before Mr. Daley arrived….Mr. Daley’s role then was left undefined beyond managing relations with influential outsiders, and he appeared unable to regain his footing.”

  32. - Bill White - Tuesday, Aug 6, 13 @ 11:33 am:

    Same shirt AND he still has his suit jacket on.

  33. - wordslinger - Tuesday, Aug 6, 13 @ 11:33 am:

    I’m with CCC. I find the claim repugnant. Real soldiers risked their lives here.

    And as was pointed out, Bin Laden was not captured, for crying out loud.

    The president took a political risk — think Teheran rescue failure — but that was all on him. Anyone remember who Carter’s COS was when that failed?

    I don’t know that Daley wants to tout his COS tenure too much. There’s quite an archive of stories on how he just really wasn’t up to the job and got his wings clipped pretty severely not long into the gig.

    I voted “not persuasive at all.”

  34. - Tequila Mockingbird - Tuesday, Aug 6, 13 @ 11:35 am:

    He was a very long way from the trigger. To me, his trump card is just that he is a Daley. His biggest liability also happens to be that he is a Daley.

  35. - QC Examiner - Tuesday, Aug 6, 13 @ 11:37 am:

    “Osama bin Laden is dead and General Motors is alive”

    Oh wait, never mind those 22 closed embassies and Detroit’s bankruptcy.

    Honestly, I’m surprised he is using this as a positive thing considering the recent hysteria in the Middle East/North Africa. If some enterprising Dem doesn’t turn this against him, I’m sure the GOP will.

  36. - Bill White - Tuesday, Aug 6, 13 @ 11:38 am:

    Another snippet from Empty Chair’s WSJ link:

    >> Mr. Daley’s move marked the end of a rocky yearlong tenure in which the former J.P. Morgan Chase & Co. executive, whose original mission was to reach out to business and congressional Republicans, became increasingly sidelined.

  37. - Mouthy - Tuesday, Aug 6, 13 @ 11:39 am:

    Think back before you saw this picture again and name the people that you remember in the room. That should say it all on his “involvement”.

  38. - Wensicia - Tuesday, Aug 6, 13 @ 11:46 am:

    “As President Obama’s Chief of Staff, Bill played a key role in the operation that captured Osama bin Laden.”

    Oh, please, because his status allowed him into the situation room when the raid went down? That’s really twisting the facts for political gain and it’s an insult to the people in the CIA, Defense Dept and the incredible Special Forces that succeeded in killing Osama without losing any of their own men. I doubt many will be impressed with this claim.

  39. - siriusly - Tuesday, Aug 6, 13 @ 11:46 am:

    I voted not at all.

    On its own, it means little. He should not stretch. But as a theme, using this moment and dozens of others to remind people of his affiliations with Clinton and Obama are probably helpful overall.

  40. - Rod - Tuesday, Aug 6, 13 @ 11:49 am:

    I also voted “not persuasive at all.” Daley’s PR team really did not explain how exactly he was involved in the mission to terminate Osama bin Laden. Possibly it is classified, if that is the case should it have been discussed at all?

  41. - #NotVotingForHimWhoElseYouGot - Tuesday, Aug 6, 13 @ 11:51 am:

    My Gosh… Is he reaching or what?! The woman with the part in her bangs standing in the back behind the guy that’s trying to look over Daley’s shoulder could make the same “this is what leadership looks like” claim! These Daleys (sigh)… I’m sick of them.

  42. - RonOglesby - Tuesday, Aug 6, 13 @ 11:52 am:

    I put not at all… Not many chances to do cross border incursions into Indiana to kill bad guys here in Illinois. Hell, its not like it was even his responsibility to make that call. The president can pull that card, he had to make that call. Not Daley.

  43. - D P Gumby - Tuesday, Aug 6, 13 @ 11:54 am:

    nice try, but meh….Any chance he achieved anything as Commerce Secretary that might be relevant?

  44. - walkinfool - Tuesday, Aug 6, 13 @ 11:55 am:

    No, because no one will believe the “bin Laden” claim by Daley.

    They will respond well to the photo as a general statement of his abilities in government.

  45. - Chavez-respecting Obamist - Tuesday, Aug 6, 13 @ 12:03 pm:

    D P Gumby is right–if he’s going to play up anything it should be his accomplishments at Commerce, not as CoS.

  46. - I'm Strapped - Tuesday, Aug 6, 13 @ 12:04 pm:

    When you’re grasping for straws any ole straw will do, I guess

  47. - Steve - Tuesday, Aug 6, 13 @ 12:10 pm:

    No word yet on whether Bill Daley is proud of Obama’s medical device tax as part of ObamaCare. Or the new real estate tax on many properties in Illinois.

  48. - Amuzing Myself - Tuesday, Aug 6, 13 @ 12:13 pm:

    The only role he could have POSSIBLY played was to encourage the President ot “go” and to relay the President’s order to any key military commander that might not be President. It’s cool that he was in the room, but saying he was a key player in the operation is just ludicrous and makes him look foolish.

  49. - Chris - Tuesday, Aug 6, 13 @ 12:16 pm:

    I answered “not persuasive at all”, but now think I may have been mistaken–I think that this is a *negative* for him to promote.

    Think about the amount of play that the “how dare Obama take credit for the work of Seal Team 6″ got last year; sure probably not a lot of effect on the typical IL D primary voter, but the seed is out there (and was the first thing I thought of, regardless of how baseless I think the criticism was). Now Daley, about 8 steps removed from the chain of command on the actual decision, is touting a “key role”? What is Daley hoping, that PQ will use the Fox News anti-Obama talking points against him, and then Daley can spin it as PQ trashing Obama?

    I really don’t get how the COS can claim an iota of credit for a military decision (except in a circumstance where the COS is ex-military), and *certainly* not without disclosure of (likely) secret information about the decision-making process.

    Can we PLEASE get a 3d choice in the D primary? These guys are both !@#$%^& unbearable, and unbelieveable.

  50. - Chris - Tuesday, Aug 6, 13 @ 12:17 pm:

    “saying he was a key player in the operation is just ludicrous and makes him look foolish”


  51. - vibes - Tuesday, Aug 6, 13 @ 12:36 pm:

    All of the gnashing of teeth is not really relevant, although fund from a campaign junkie perspective — the pic supports the fact that he has adult experience, and that’s what has been lacking on the 2nd floor / 16th floor for 7 years now.

  52. - MrJM - Tuesday, Aug 6, 13 @ 12:40 pm:

    In Peter L. Bergen’s book “Manhunt: The Ten-Year Search for Bin Laden from 9/11 to Abbottabad”, Bill Daley’s name appears exactly twice. (And one of those concerns a chat with George Stephanopolis at the Correspondent’s Dinner.)

    Daley may have “played a key role in the operation that captured Osama bin Laden” but there is no evidence for it, so I voted “Not At All Persuasive”.

    – MrJM

  53. - Stones - Tuesday, Aug 6, 13 @ 12:45 pm:

    Somewhat persuasive.

    I think it helps to remind the electorate that he does have executive level governmental experience even if it is not an elected position. That being said, utilizing the taking down of Bin Laden for political purposes is bound to turn some people off.

  54. - reformer - Tuesday, Aug 6, 13 @ 12:49 pm:

    If Daley gets to claim credit for what went right during his stint in the White House, then he also gets blame for what went wrong. My guess is he wants only the former, not the latter, even though he is equally responsible for both.

  55. - The Doc - Tuesday, Aug 6, 13 @ 12:55 pm:

    ==Actually, the guy in his shirt is his stunt-double. The guy in the suit is Bill Daley.==

    Actually, the guy in the shirt is the wonderfully talented John Lithgow.

    This seems like a poorly conceived attempt to connect Daley with Obama. Very weak tea.

  56. - Carl Nyberg - Tuesday, Aug 6, 13 @ 1:00 pm:

    I asked Bill Daley on Twitter about his accomplishments in life.

    I’ll let you know if he responds.

    I’d be more impressed if he told me about arriving at an organization, analyzing the organization and then improving the services the organization provided to regular people.

    But it sorta seems like Bill Daley’s accomplishments mostly fit into the following statement, “I was in the room when something happened. And I was in the room because connections I had through my father opened the door.”

    As I said on someone’s FB feed, Bill Daley seems like a less accomplished Democratic version of George W. Bush.

  57. - Robert the Bruce - Tuesday, Aug 6, 13 @ 1:10 pm:

    Seems like he is overplaying his hand to take credit for something the President deserves credit for. Daley should stick with a more basic photo of him shaking President Obama’s hand when he took over as Chief of Staf.

  58. - Archiesmom - Tuesday, Aug 6, 13 @ 1:13 pm:

    Unless this room is planning to capture the state pension crisis, it’s irrelevant to me.

  59. - Foxfire - Tuesday, Aug 6, 13 @ 1:25 pm:

    Somewhat. It’s going to have an effect on the average voter. That day, US citizens were proud of their country and their government. It will resonate with voters and he’ll get some benefit.

    If you saw Zero Dark Thirty, you know what I mean.

  60. - Levois - Tuesday, Aug 6, 13 @ 1:36 pm:

    It wouldn’t persuade me. What does the operation that killed OBL have to do with running Illinois?

  61. - Illanoyed - Tuesday, Aug 6, 13 @ 1:40 pm:

    I would say that at least some segment of voters will be more disposed toward Daley as a result of his work at the White House during the Bin Laden raid. Even if only a small segment is influenced, then the picture is “somewhat persuasive.” The bigger picture, though, is that we and others will be at least talking about Bill Daley and his role as chief of staff to President Obama because his campaign posted the picture. Anything that steers the discussion in that direction is probably beneficial to the campaign in and of itself.

  62. - Media observer - Tuesday, Aug 6, 13 @ 2:10 pm:

    Judging from these responses, AKD needs to do a lot better for all they’re charging Billy!

  63. - Samurai - Tuesday, Aug 6, 13 @ 2:16 pm:

    Voted not at all. but, sure there are many under informed voters who will swallow it whole.

  64. - Emily Booth - Tuesday, Aug 6, 13 @ 2:26 pm:

    Here in Chicago, we have a Mayor who never lets up about his former White House days. It can work against you.

  65. - lc expat - Tuesday, Aug 6, 13 @ 2:27 pm:

    how is this helpful for running state govt? i mean outside of monique davis’ call for the national guard to descend on the city…i guess he could watch that from a situation room

  66. - Way South of I-80 - Tuesday, Aug 6, 13 @ 2:35 pm:

    Voted “no” - very weak at best

  67. - just a thought - Tuesday, Aug 6, 13 @ 2:50 pm:

    Isn’t this a White House photo? If so, did Daley get permission from WH to post this on the website - I coulda sworn that those pictures can’t be used on political websites (or at least I thought that’s what WH says)…

  68. - Blue Dog - Tuesday, Aug 6, 13 @ 2:52 pm:

    I voted “very persuasive”. As many commenters have pointed out, this is beyond a stretch. This is an insult to those who really did the work to eliminate Bin Laden. For Bill Daley to take this kind of credit shows that he is nothing more than another corporate suit who’s willing to take credit & glory for everyone else’s labor. This garbage was very persuasive in convincing me not to vote for him. I really despise Pat Quinn, but this is no better.
    Looks like I’ll be leaving the top of my ballot blank, or maybe I’ll finally cross party lines for once this primary season.

  69. - Hey There - Tuesday, Aug 6, 13 @ 3:09 pm:

    If any of you haven’t read the book called The Finish it details the planning, hunt and death of bin Laden in great detail. It is a very good book written with the cooperation of some in the administration including the President. I think Daley was mentioned one time in the whole book and I believe that is when the author named who was in the room at the time of the raid’s culmination. Daley is not mentioned a single time as being even involved in the periphery of the decision to conduct the raid.

  70. - Arthur Andersen - Tuesday, Aug 6, 13 @ 3:38 pm:

    just a thought has an interesting point, as that definitely is an official photo.

  71. - BIG R. Ph. - Tuesday, Aug 6, 13 @ 4:16 pm:

    This no more give Daley any more credibility or shows any leadership. Just as it doesn’t give Hillary any credibility looking like she is scared to death with her hand over her mouth as the action is going on.

    If he was on Seal Team Six. Yes. But as he was a million miles away in a secure bunker watching it on TV like a football game—Absolutely Not!

  72. - Johnny Justice - Tuesday, Aug 6, 13 @ 4:39 pm:

    Daley was WH Chief of Staff for such a short time, it would be hard give him credit for much that happened under his watch. He was no Rahm Emanuel, who really ran the show for Obama.

  73. - Sunshine - Tuesday, Aug 6, 13 @ 6:13 pm:

    Leadership my behind! Those on the front lines show leadership. It’s pretty damned easy to sit and watch from the safety of the situation room. Then to tout this as leadership is, in my opinion disrespectful to the men and women of the armed forces.

    This shameful act will loose him votes, as it well should. What a goof. Pitiful, just pitiful!

  74. - Angry Chicagoan - Tuesday, Aug 6, 13 @ 6:18 pm:

    It’s a line on his CV and he has to put it in. But by the same token it would be surprising if it changed many minds.

  75. - Truth teller - Tuesday, Aug 6, 13 @ 8:16 pm:

    I remember saying after Daley left the Obama administration after less than year, “Well, at least he got in the photo after OBL was killed.” I’m sure his involvement was minimal, if any, and so will be the photo’s impact in the primary.

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