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Question of the day

Monday, Aug 12, 2013 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Taken as a whole, video gaming at taverns and truck stops now ranks as the second largest casino in Illinois

As of June, there were 1,863 licensed video game establishments, but there are also at least 2,000 more applicants waiting in line.

And through the first six months of the year, the people playing the video machines across the state lost $106 million, according to Illinois Gaming Board data.

The latest list of businesses looking to get dealt in fills 170 pages on the Illinois Gaming Board’s web site.

That list of license hopefuls will surely grow if Gov. Pat Quinn allows a recently passed bill to become law. The bill adds social clubs to the list of those eligible for licenses.

* Not everybody is happy, of course

The Illinois Church Action on Alcohol & Addiction Problems is continuing its fight against video gaming expansion, contacting local officials and communities and providing them with information about the impacts of video gambling.

“It’s because of all the harm, the increase in addiction, bankruptcy and crime,” executive director Anita Bedell said. “When you make gambling more available and accessible, then more people will be gambling, and there will be more problems.”

* The Question: Do you play video gaming machines at your local, non-casino establishments? Take the poll and then explain your answer in comments, please.

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  1. - Skeptic - Monday, Aug 12, 13 @ 12:20 pm:

    I play the lottery (usually a couple dollars per week) which I guess constitutes “gambling” but on the whole, gambling to me is about as exciting as watching paint dry and way more expensive. And if I want to toss my hard-earned money into the economy, I prefer it to go something that brings me something of value and provides something of value to someone else who isn’t just sitting there waiting for me to push a button.

  2. - wordslinger - Monday, Aug 12, 13 @ 12:26 pm:

    Not yet, but I will if I get a chance. My usual watering holes are downtown and in the western burbs and I have yet to see a (legal) machine.

  3. - Keep Calm and Carry On - Monday, Aug 12, 13 @ 12:28 pm:

    Like Skeptic, I play the lottery once in a while. Also been to the casino a few times, so I’m not opposed to gambling. But local video gaming? No thanks. Vegas is preferable for this type of gaming. Or a real casino.

    It’s rather obnoxious and depressing to see in restaurants and veterans halls. I prefer to enjoy my pizza or family dinner without watching someone whittling away their paycheck or blowing the last of their social security payment. That’s why I don’t patronize establishments that install them.

    It stinks when you really liked the place, though.

  4. - Darienite - Monday, Aug 12, 13 @ 12:29 pm:

    I think it’s amusing that those who oppose taxes think nothing of going somewhere and dropping twice that amount in a couple of hours for ‘entertainment’. The last time I gambled in a casino it was in 1997 in Las Vegas. I’ll do a $2 Nassau when I play golf, but that’s it.

  5. - PublicServant - Monday, Aug 12, 13 @ 12:29 pm:

    ===Haven’t played the machines and never will because I just don’t gamble==

    The above is the choice that’s closest to my position, however, since I’ve lived in Illinois my entire life, I wouldn’t say that I haven’t gambled at all.

  6. - Will - Monday, Aug 12, 13 @ 12:30 pm:

    At least a Casino can pass off as an entertainment event. A special trip you make on rare occasion. There’s nothing so depressing as seeing machines in dingy dive bars that you know are always played by the same people who have nothing but a crappy part time job or disability check.

  7. - MrJM - Monday, Aug 12, 13 @ 12:35 pm:

    I need an option that says, “Not yet, because I’m morally opposed to gambling but I probably will.”

    – MrJM

  8. - Wensicia - Monday, Aug 12, 13 @ 12:35 pm:

    If I feel the need to just give my money away, I prefer giving it to charity.

  9. - So. ILL - Monday, Aug 12, 13 @ 12:35 pm:

    I totally love it. There’s a casino in like 5 places in my small town now!

  10. - wishbone - Monday, Aug 12, 13 @ 12:35 pm:

    “It’s because of all the harm, the increase in addiction, bankruptcy and crime,” executive director Anita Bedell said. “When you make gambling more available and accessible, then more people will be gambling, and there will be more problems.”

    I don’t gamble, but please save us from these moralistic prigs on the left and right who want to control our every move. If we quit enforcing laws against victimless crimes we could save enough money to fund our state pensions and cut taxes.

  11. - Norseman - Monday, Aug 12, 13 @ 12:37 pm:

    === Haven’t played the machines and never will because I just don’t gamble ==

    This was closest to my true answer. I only gamble at a destination vacation with family/friends. I can count on losing, but I enjoy the company of the family and friends.

    When I go to the local Chinese buffet, I don’t want to sit down and plunk coins into a machine.

  12. - Rich Miller - Monday, Aug 12, 13 @ 12:44 pm:

    I don’t gamble on machines much at all. Probably a handful of times in my life. Usually visits to Vegas, etc.

    But I’m not opposed to it. It’s your money, you spend it how you see fit. We can’t ban things because people have a problem with it. Obesity-related illness kills lots of folks and costs society billions, but we don’t ban double cheeseburgers or deep fried State Fair brownies.

    Live and let live.

    And I imagine I’ll probably stick a dollar bill or two into a machine sometime in the future just to check it out. So, I answered “Not yet, but I will.”

  13. - Anonymous - Monday, Aug 12, 13 @ 12:46 pm:

    It’s not great public policy, either, to fund government functions with the lost wages of the unfortunate and/or gullible. “A tax on people who are bad at math.”

  14. - Ray del Camino - Monday, Aug 12, 13 @ 12:47 pm:

    Sorry, Anon @12:46 was me.

  15. - OneMan - Monday, Aug 12, 13 @ 12:48 pm:

    Interesting that a Road Ranger in Springfield still seems to be the #1 outlet

    Also interesting how it at least appears that Springfield has the most machines..

  16. - Rich Miller - Monday, Aug 12, 13 @ 12:49 pm:

    ===A tax on people===

    If it’s voluntary, it ain’t really a tax.

  17. - wordslinger - Monday, Aug 12, 13 @ 12:49 pm:

    ===Haven’t played the machines and never will because I just don’t gamble==

    If you’re in the stock market, or futures, or have a 401k, you’re gambling every day.

  18. - Lil Enchilada - Monday, Aug 12, 13 @ 12:49 pm:

    I don’t go out much but played at my local tavern last week. It paid out about the same as a casino - which is NOTHING. I put $2 in one machine, then $2 in another. Yee haw!

  19. - John Bambenek - Monday, Aug 12, 13 @ 12:54 pm:

    You don’t have to buy anything, but we still call “sales tax” a tax.

  20. - Ron Burgundy - Monday, Aug 12, 13 @ 12:55 pm:

    Not morally opposed but it’s not my thing. I don’t even gamble much when I go to Vegas.

  21. - Will Caskey - Monday, Aug 12, 13 @ 12:57 pm:

    I would typically visit bars to drink and socialize. Video gaming hampers both of those. Anyone wants to do it I’m fine with it but it is not my personal thing.

  22. - wordslinger - Monday, Aug 12, 13 @ 1:00 pm:

    –You don’t have to buy anything, but we still call “sales tax” a tax.–

    JB, that’s just silly.

    You can go your whole life without putting a quarter in a slot machine or picking up a Lotto ticket. That’s why it’s voluntary.

    Try going a few days without buying something subject to sales tax. Can’t be done.

  23. - Ahoy! - Monday, Aug 12, 13 @ 1:01 pm:

    I didn’t vote because, “Not yet, but I might someday if i”m bored and around some machines and have a couple dollars to spare” was not an option. I too am not opposed, but not sure I will either.

    To Anita Bedell’s point, these things have always been available and accessible. This isn’t anything new, but the data and revenue is.

    To me, the big issue here is that we finally have data on these machines, they’ve probably been the largest source of gaming in the state, just done illegally and in the “under-ground.”

  24. - 47th Ward - Monday, Aug 12, 13 @ 1:01 pm:

    I haven’t come across any legal machines, but it’s only a matter of time until I do. I might drop a few bucks in, maybe not. I am not a big fan of video poker, I’m more of a slot jockey, where my compulsive behavior can really take over.

    Plus, there is something about actual reels spinning, as opposed to playing a video game, that gives me the feeling that slot machines are more up and up than video poker. But to each his own.

  25. - Plutocrat03 - Monday, Aug 12, 13 @ 1:05 pm:

    I don’t gamble, but I ran across a few machines during a trip last week.

    I just don;t get the attraction. At least in a casino there are some things going on. In a small establishment, you get a few lights and not much else.

  26. - olddog - Monday, Aug 12, 13 @ 1:10 pm:

    I only gamble on election day.

  27. - G'Kar - Monday, Aug 12, 13 @ 1:10 pm:

    ===Haven’t played the machines and never will because I just don’t gamble==

    As several others has said more eloquently than me, this is the closest to my position. I do gamble on lottery tickets, raffles, tip boards, fantasy football, etc, so I’m not opposed to gambling. I just think the machines are really, really boring and I can think of other way to waste my money.

  28. - Larry Mullholland - Monday, Aug 12, 13 @ 1:12 pm:

    “As of June, there were 1,863 licensed video game establishments, but there are also at least 2,000 more applicants waiting in line.

    And through the first six months of the year, the people playing the video machines across the state lost $106 million, according to Illinois Gaming Board data.”

    This I assume these figures presented pale in comparison to the real figures when video poker was not regulated. It was happening at a much greater scale and not documented by the government.

  29. - reflector - Monday, Aug 12, 13 @ 1:15 pm:

    I took care of some machines and know you cannot win overall.Lots of fun but if you keep playing you lose and the house wins.

  30. - Skeeter - Monday, Aug 12, 13 @ 1:17 pm:

    I’m fine with gambling. The idea of some video machine is not the least appealing. Since that wasn’t a choice, I left it blank.

    It is the equivalent of going to an Illinois casino and seeing a bunch of old people putting money in slots. I find it depressing.

  31. - zatoichi - Monday, Aug 12, 13 @ 1:21 pm:

    Gambling is OK if you like. Did the machines a couple of times in various casinos. Almost fell asleep. I’d rather spend my money on some of those new heart clogging, high end, melted cheese sandwiches.

  32. - Chucky Jay - Monday, Aug 12, 13 @ 1:21 pm:

    I’ve only played a couple of times at a local watering hole, hit one for $110 on one spin the first night I tried them out.

  33. - Robert the Bruce - Monday, Aug 12, 13 @ 1:26 pm:

    “Not yet, but I will”
    I prefer table games at real casinos to the video poker/slot machines. But I imagine if I’m at a bar that has these machines and friends are playing, I’ll join in to be social. I might be wrong, but I’m assuming that the payoff percentage is worse for players in these bars than it is in slot machines/video poker in casinos.

  34. - Lil Enchilada - Monday, Aug 12, 13 @ 1:31 pm:

    oops! I didn’t realize I had a ticket for 17 cents left from my big video gaming night.

  35. - Susiejones - Monday, Aug 12, 13 @ 1:33 pm:

    our little community has 3 machines in the local tavern. it is open for breakfast every morning and one farmer comes in for coffee, then plays $20 in the machines. I have no idea if he ever wins. I have no interest in the machines. we go to Vegas every few years and usually play blackjack, not the machines. figure I can lose $50 a day and still survive. whatever I sit down with, I either lose it or after an hour of playing, I cash it in and move on. don’t enjoy the boat casinos and no interest in the machines in local establishments.

  36. - Anon-Partisan - Monday, Aug 12, 13 @ 1:35 pm:

    My category wasn’t listed: No, have done it a handful of times in the very distant past but found it a complete waste of time & money. I am not however opposed to others having the option to play so long as they are not up at the bar bugging & begging me for my hard earned cash to chase that last “Bell, Cherry, or 1-Bar, etc.” after they have burned up their whole paycheck and drained their accounts for that Big Payoff that’s just around the corner. Pretty sad to see some poor soul putting $700-800 in a machine and Maybe “winning” a couple of hundred bucks night after night. But I myself will happily spend $5 on lottery tickets every so often.

  37. - Robert the Bruce - Monday, Aug 12, 13 @ 1:39 pm:

    My only experience seeing these table games was in a working class bar in Rockford. A group of four next to us at the bar each threw in $5 and a couple of them went to play $20 worth. They burned through it. Each then threw $5 more in, a couple from the group again took the $20 to play a little bit more, came back 15 min later saying “well, we broke even this time”

    I share this story because of a lot of the moralizing/nanny-state attitude I saw from a couple of my friends at the bar, as well as the commenters here.

    From my perspective, this group wasn’t throwing away money - it was entertainment. Didn’t cost ‘em that much - about the price of a movie, and certainly a heck of a lot less than, say, a concert or a musical or an expensive restaurant.

    It is just one anecdote, I know. But the narrative that this is all just sad, depressed people blowing their money foolishly because they don’t understand math isn’t necessarily more accurate.

  38. - Belle - Monday, Aug 12, 13 @ 1:40 pm:

    This seems like a pretty bright group of people or else we’re all liars.
    Gambling always seemed a bit silly to me but people spend their money on all kinds of crazy things.
    I’m just not interested

  39. - kimocat - Monday, Aug 12, 13 @ 1:41 pm:

    The machines do nothing for me — just not my idea of entertainment. I do go to the horse races once a year and put my two dollars down on the favorites to show. My goal is to pay for lunch and parking.

  40. - Loop Lady - Monday, Aug 12, 13 @ 1:45 pm:

    everytime I think I might try it, I look at the person playing and think again…

  41. - Bemused - Monday, Aug 12, 13 @ 1:52 pm:

    I was not one to play the old Cherry Master machines, so this not something I have a big interest in. The wife likes to play slots but says she is not too interested as it is not the Casino experience. I actually saw them for the first time this weekend at Darcy’s Pint in Springfield, seemed out of place to me. Not against them and may drop a buck or two in them if I have to wait 30 min for a table some evening.

  42. - Anon - Monday, Aug 12, 13 @ 1:53 pm:

    == If you’re in the stock market, or futures, or have a 401k, you’re gambling every day. ==

    If this is your position, you need a less in both statistics, and economics.

  43. - Anon - Monday, Aug 12, 13 @ 1:57 pm:

    I am going to divert all the money I gamble on horse racing in Illinois to video poker instead, since video poker is new and exciting, as opposed to Illinois horse racing which seems tired and worn out.

  44. - wordslinger - Monday, Aug 12, 13 @ 2:03 pm:

    == If you’re in the stock market, or futures, or have a 401k, you’re gambling every day. ==

    If this is your position, you need a less in both statistics, and economics.–

    LOL, really? Is that you, can’t-lose Bernie Madoff?

  45. - Pandora - Monday, Aug 12, 13 @ 2:05 pm:

    No real category for me either, I like to gamble but these machines don’t interest me. Also, I limit my gambling to Vegas (I don’t even go to the boats) because I prefer not to slip into gambling as a regular activity. So, I voted that I won’t do it, but not because I am opposed, just not interested in these machines.

  46. - Amalia - Monday, Aug 12, 13 @ 2:06 pm:

    I might win money. but the might is too small. all the money is in the account for the fantasy Jimmy Choos….

  47. - wordslinger - Monday, Aug 12, 13 @ 2:22 pm:

    –If this is your position, you need a less in both statistics, and economics.–

    Anon 1:53, I’d be fascinated for a lesson from you in statistics and economics as to how investing in stocks or futures is not gambling.

    Perhaps you need a lesson in English. My Webster’s defines gamble as:

    –N. an enterprise undertaken or attempted with a risk of loss and a chance of profit or success.–

    You have a guaranteed, no-risk investment strategy? You should be advertising to the gold-bug suckers who listen to Rush and Beck.

  48. - Rich Miller - Monday, Aug 12, 13 @ 2:33 pm:

    ===You have a guaranteed, no-risk investment strategy? ====

    Illinois bonds?


  49. - wordslinger - Monday, Aug 12, 13 @ 2:41 pm:

    –Illinois bonds?–

    LOL. Certainly one of the best bets right now for rate of return and risk. But like everything else, still a bet.

  50. - Joan P. - Monday, Aug 12, 13 @ 2:49 pm:

    “Haven’t played the machines and never will because I just don’t gamble”

    That pretty much explains it all. But if other people want to do so, that’s their business.

  51. - Tequila Mockingbird - Monday, Aug 12, 13 @ 3:04 pm:

    I don’t gamble but I’m not opposed to other people gambling, as long as its their own money. If they are receiving subsidies like food stamps, public aid, Medicaid then they absolutely should not!

  52. - Jake From Elwood - Monday, Aug 12, 13 @ 3:11 pm:

    Not my cup of tea, but whatever.
    Kinda boring.
    I would rather bet on sports or the ponies but I have not done too much of that lately either.

  53. - reformer - Monday, Aug 12, 13 @ 3:24 pm:

    The fact is the video poker bill represented an unprecedented expansion of casino gambling. We’re just starting to recognize the consequences.

  54. - Anon - Monday, Aug 12, 13 @ 3:25 pm:

    == Anon 1:53, I’d be fascinated for a lesson from you in statistics and economics as to how investing in stocks or futures is not gambling. ==

    Since you don’t know the difference, I will assume that you are probably a member of the General Assembly, or work for one of the Illinois public pension funds.

    Explanation: One is a random event, the other is not.

    If you are still confused, video poker is the random event, doing business as Caterpillar, Boeing, or Abbott Labs is not.

  55. - reformer - Monday, Aug 12, 13 @ 3:35 pm:

    I haven’t played them and won’t.

    Ahoy and Larry both referred to widespread illegal payouts on poker machines prior to legalization. If true, does that mean that lots of those now licensed for gambling used to be engaged in criminal activity?

  56. - Six Degrees of Separation - Monday, Aug 12, 13 @ 3:45 pm:

    If I am feeling particularly lucky some day, I might try it. Otherwise, not too attracted to the concept.

  57. - Small Town Liberal - Monday, Aug 12, 13 @ 3:46 pm:

    - If you are still confused -

    I’ve always gotten a kick out of smug, not overly bright business majors.

  58. - Foxfire - Monday, Aug 12, 13 @ 3:57 pm:

    Sorry, I don’t gamble except for the occasional lottery ticket.

  59. - blue collar - Monday, Aug 12, 13 @ 4:08 pm:

    just don’t gamble. figure i win every day that way. don’t care how others waste their money. i would rather waste it on beer and dart league fun.

  60. - wordslinger - Monday, Aug 12, 13 @ 4:23 pm:

    –Explanation: One is a random event, the other is not.–

    LOL, Anon, is that what they taught you in statistics class? Because when it comes to games of chance, the probabilities play out quite precisely over time.

    What did they teach you in statistics regarding investing in individual stocks, I wonder?

  61. - ChrisB - Monday, Aug 12, 13 @ 4:33 pm:

    Went to Vegas once and hated it because I just don’t enjoy gambling. So no, I haven’t even seen the machines in IL, nor would I play them.

    Closest thing I’ve ever done is play Shot Keno. In bars in Nebraska, where I went to college, they have Keno TVs just about everywhere. In Shot Keno, everyone playing picks a number. If your number comes up, you buy a round of shots for everyone. Split the round if multiple people’s number is called, carry it over (loser buys two rounds) if no one’s number is called.

    The drama is incredible, especially if you get ten or more people playing.

  62. - Metro transplant - Monday, Aug 12, 13 @ 4:35 pm:

    I’m not one for video or casino gambling. Even if I wanted too, I cannot. The village I reside in took this to referendum and it was defeated. Guess they don’t like FREE money….

  63. - Chavez-respecting Obamist - Monday, Aug 12, 13 @ 4:42 pm:

    I buy raffle tickets.I’ll buy an occasional Powerball/Mega Millions ticket if someone reminds me there’s about to be a big payoff. I play Bingo at Hamburger Mary’s when they give the proceeds to Harmony House. That’s the extent of my gambling.

  64. - Tequila Mockingbird - Monday, Aug 12, 13 @ 5:16 pm:

    Will Rogers said, “the best way to double your money is fold it in half and put it back in your pocket.”

  65. - Just The Way It Is One - Monday, Aug 12, 13 @ 6:59 pm:

    Haven’t as yet, but with all of them available now, to be altogether honest, it’s just a matter of time that my wife or I will happen to find ourselves in some place for some such occasion or another with such a Machine, (like perhaps the local American Legion Hall which has some, or one of our local taverns) and we’ll be feeling poor and/or fun-loving for some reason, and will throw down the dough, just for the heck of it…because, as is sadly so often rationaized away, you think to yourself (like the infrequent Lottery ticket purchase), “Well, ya never KNOWWW, this may just be our Lucky DAY!!”

    (And then, of course, maybe 99% of the time (?), YOU LOSE–but then ya again rationalize it away and think to yourself, “Oh well, it was only a couple of bucks, after all, and at leas IlliNOIS will benefit a litTLE…!!”).

  66. - Just The Way It Is One - Monday, Aug 12, 13 @ 7:01 pm:

    That was meant to read: “…and at least…).

  67. - FormerParatrooper - Monday, Aug 12, 13 @ 7:20 pm:

    I spent a whopping $2 on a machine. Been to the boat in East Peoria a few times, did enjoy when it actually left the dock. I gamble rarely, went Vegas once, started with $20 and ended with $10.

    I know people who’s life revolves around gambling, I prefer fishing, buy a dozen worms and see how many I can catch before the worms run out.

  68. - Arthur Andersen - Monday, Aug 12, 13 @ 7:45 pm:

    word, Mr. Random Event sounds like a mutual fund salesman to me, but I could be wrong.

  69. - Anonymous - Monday, Aug 12, 13 @ 10:19 pm:

    One difference between gambling and the stock market is that in gambling the odds are deliberately against you. Long term, there is no way to win. The house always wins. Not true with the stock market.

  70. - Skeptic - Monday, Aug 12, 13 @ 10:20 pm:

    Sorry, anon 10:19 was me.

  71. - wordslinger - Monday, Aug 12, 13 @ 11:12 pm:

    –One difference between gambling and the stock market is that in gambling the odds are deliberately against you. Long term, there is no way to win. The house always wins. Not true with the stock market.–

    Skeptic, that is all true. I’ve been jawboning with some anonymous dude who trotted out some half-baked idea that through knowledge of “statistics and economics” that playing the stock market was not gambling, AKA taking risk for potential profit.

    Reminds of the chestnut that life is like Vegas: Sometimes you’re up, sometimes you’re down, but the house always wins in the end; have fun with it.

  72. - dupage dan - Tuesday, Aug 13, 13 @ 1:46 am:

    Gee whizz, I have invested in the stock market for years and, despite the downturn in 2008 or so, have seen my small portfolio gradually grow. Sure, there is risk - just like crossing the street. But I don’t call that gambling. If so, then everything is a gamble which means nothing is a gamble.

    On the other hand, I went to a conference about 10 years ago and stayed at one of the jewels in East St Louis and decided to spend a bit on the slots. I am not a gambler (see above). I bet on only sure things. My short stint on the room of no smiles (I enjoyed people watching more than the gambling) netted me nothing on an “investment” of 30 bucks.

    If you want a chance on winning at gambling I would suggest blackjack or poker. Done properly you can enjoy yourself and make a few bucks. Stay away from the 1 armed bandits. A SURE way to lose.

  73. - Chris - Tuesday, Aug 13, 13 @ 10:09 am:

    “I need an option that says, “Not yet, because I’m morally opposed to gambling but I probably will.””

    I need an option that says, “Not yet, but I probably won’t because ‘video gaming’ is tedious and non-social” or something else that isn’t “won’t bc [don’t gamble/morally opposed]”–neither applies to me, but do not like video gambling.

  74. - Ruby - Tuesday, Aug 13, 13 @ 5:14 pm:

    The gambling industry knows that people are more likely to become addicted to gambling if they live near a gambling location. This is why they want to have video gambling in our local bars and restaurants - more problem gamblers means more money for the gambling indusrty.

    I haven’t played the machines and never will because I don’t enjoy gambling. But I also will not patronize bars and restaurants with video gambling because I believe they will cause more gambling addiction than casinos.

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