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Just an ordinary average guy

Tuesday, Aug 13, 2013 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Illinois Review

GOP gubernatorial candidate Bruce Rauner will be hosting a hot dog and chips luncheon at the IL GOP”s State Fair celebration Thursday. Monday, in an email to supporters, Rauner announced he was planning to take his Harley down to the capital - something kind of unexpected by most, unless you’ve noticed Rauner arriving at a pig roast in McHenry County in late June or at a recent parade where he participated on board his Harley.

Yep. He’s just exactly like you and me, except he grew up in privilege and is now worth megabucks.

* IR also wonders whether Rauner supports ABATE by not wearing a helmet. Actually, ABATE is pro-choice on helmets. Todd Vandermyde, the group’s longtime lobster, usually wears a helmet.

Rauner with helmet…




  1. - Don't Worry, Be Happy - Tuesday, Aug 13, 13 @ 10:32 am:

    If he’s going to ride without a helmet then there should be a lot of scrutiny about his Lt. Gov choice.

  2. - The Captain - Tuesday, Aug 13, 13 @ 10:37 am:

    Sons of Arbitrage

  3. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Aug 13, 13 @ 10:38 am:

    “Daniel Simpson Day - Whereabouts Unknown”

  4. - foster brooks - Tuesday, Aug 13, 13 @ 10:40 am:

    What did he do with his limo driver?

  5. - Nuclear Bozo - Tuesday, Aug 13, 13 @ 10:44 am:

    Uneasy Rider

  6. - Norseman - Tuesday, Aug 13, 13 @ 10:46 am:

    Top - Rauner dressed for the State Fair parade lined with hostile state workers.

    Bottom - Rauner supervises volunteers during a recent neighborhood blitz.

  7. - Small Town Liberal - Tuesday, Aug 13, 13 @ 10:49 am:

    Rauner, the real One Percenter…

  8. - dupage dan - Tuesday, Aug 13, 13 @ 10:50 am:

    I used to be teased about wearing my brain bucket (other names unprintable) back when I rode. 2 friends nearly lost their lives when the cranium hit the pavement. I suffered a minor concussion when I got rear ended by a drunk driver. My helmet saved my life. NEVER ride without wearing your helmet.

    So he’s a priveleged rich guy. Maybe we should pass a law banning that.

  9. - The Captain - Tuesday, Aug 13, 13 @ 10:50 am:

    Sons of Affluence

  10. - Joe M - Tuesday, Aug 13, 13 @ 10:51 am:

    Only those with a head worth protecting, need to wear a helmet.

  11. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Aug 13, 13 @ 10:51 am:

    “Harley-Davidson; When driving around Illinois in a Sedan can’t cover up your phoniness…”

  12. - The Captain - Tuesday, Aug 13, 13 @ 10:51 am:

    Sons of Alternative Minimum Tax

  13. - 47th Ward - Tuesday, Aug 13, 13 @ 10:55 am:

    Top: Larry Wilcox reprises his famous role as Officer Jon Baker, marking the 35th Anniversary of the hit TV show CHiPs.

    Bottom: Born to be mild.

  14. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Aug 13, 13 @ 10:59 am:

    “Helmet - $100.

    Motorcycle made to order - $12,800.

    iPhone to call Arne Duncan to clout Daughter - $200.

    Donations to Daley, Emanuel, and Rendell to gain access - $100,000 +

    Pretending to be an ‘Outsider on a steel horse he rides’ - Priceless.”

  15. - Skeeter - Tuesday, Aug 13, 13 @ 11:03 am:

    Looks like Rauner just lost his Streeterville support.

  16. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Aug 13, 13 @ 11:06 am:

    Vote for Bruce - He Goes Both Ways

  17. - A guy... - Tuesday, Aug 13, 13 @ 11:14 am:

    Hi I’m Bruce. I just rode in.

  18. - Phenomynous - Tuesday, Aug 13, 13 @ 11:17 am:

    Harley Dealer - And this is the Harley Road King. Notice the reinforced steel saddlebags? That’s so you don’t have to worry about people stealing your travelling gear.

    Rauner - Can I put money in those?

    Harley Dealer - I don’t see why not. Heck, you could fit a lot of money in there…

    *Rauner’s eyes light up*

    Rauner - Can I put one of those reinforced steel thingies on the back too?!

    Harley Dealer - It’ll cost you extra, but yeah, sure! Of course, but you won’t be able to ride with anyone on that way.

    Rauner - Who cares?! I’ll take it!

  19. - Cincinnatus - Tuesday, Aug 13, 13 @ 11:19 am:

    Rebel without a Clue.

  20. - LakeviewJ - Tuesday, Aug 13, 13 @ 11:20 am:

    Easy R8-er

  21. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Aug 13, 13 @ 11:20 am:

    Bruce Rauner rolls into Republican Day on his Harley-Davidson named, “The Phony Pony”

  22. - cover - Tuesday, Aug 13, 13 @ 11:20 am:

    Rich, I thought you were turning that lede into a Joe Walsh (the rocker, not the goofy ex-Congressman) song reference. “Pick up the dog doo, hope that it’s hard.”

  23. - wordslinger - Tuesday, Aug 13, 13 @ 11:24 am:

    Sleazy Rider

  24. - zatoichi - Tuesday, Aug 13, 13 @ 11:32 am:

    Strugis lite.

  25. - A guy... - Tuesday, Aug 13, 13 @ 11:43 am:

    I trailer it to the edge of town.

  26. - Boone's is Back - Tuesday, Aug 13, 13 @ 11:44 am:

    Rebel with a Clout

  27. - olddog - Tuesday, Aug 13, 13 @ 11:48 am:

    Anybody else reminded of the picture of Dukakis in the tank?

  28. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Aug 13, 13 @ 11:50 am:

    Next stop, Sturgis.

  29. - votecounter - Tuesday, Aug 13, 13 @ 12:09 pm:

    Everytime I see him on the bike I think His wife won’t go to the event with him. The pro life pig roast, no way his wife would spend time with those types of people. Same with Dog Patch it’s not high brow enough for the likes of her. Want to bet where he will live if he wins?

  30. - the unknown poster - Tuesday, Aug 13, 13 @ 12:12 pm:

    Har Lee David Son VAROOOM!

  31. - Empty Suit - Tuesday, Aug 13, 13 @ 12:16 pm:

    Of course he’s an average guy just like us. Shoot just the other day I too gave millions to Rahm.

  32. - Chi - Tuesday, Aug 13, 13 @ 1:23 pm:

    Rauner arrives at the Harley-Davidson Pension Fund Trustees Meeting

  33. - Holdingontomywallet - Tuesday, Aug 13, 13 @ 1:34 pm:

    He’s rich? Good for him. Isn’t America great?

  34. - wordslinger - Tuesday, Aug 13, 13 @ 1:45 pm:

    –He’s rich? Good for him. Isn’t America great?–

    He is, and it is.

    He’s also a clout-heavy political insider who made tons of money off public employee pension funds.

    Why he pretends to be something he is not can only be answered by him.

  35. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Aug 13, 13 @ 2:01 pm:

    Rauner is either in denial that he is a phony, and 100% believes he (Rauner) is an outsider, charged with “shaking things up” oblivious to his own blatant hypocrisy…


    Rauner is counting on fooling everyone possible by ignoring the hypocrisy, mocking his own image by portraying himself, and “selling” himself, on purpose, as nothing as he truly is. Hubris, believing his own hypocrisy is irrelevant, and selling himself as his own film negative is acceptable to run on, and should not be questioned..,

    Then we get images like these, mocking, but his Hubris tells him it’s connecting.


    To the Caption,

    “Bruce Rauner poses…”

    THAT… sums it up pretty well for me.

  36. - votecounter - Tuesday, Aug 13, 13 @ 2:24 pm:

    It just kills me everyone knows he is a billionaire why try to hide it by hosting a Hot Dogs and chips lunch??? Fair or not Everyone hates a cheep Billionaire

  37. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Aug 13, 13 @ 3:02 pm:

    I don’t want a pickle
    I just want to ride on my motor-cicle
    And I don’t want a tickle
    I’d rather ride on my motor-cicle

    Apologies to Arlo

  38. - Norseman - Tuesday, Aug 13, 13 @ 3:12 pm:

    I can see it now. Rauner proponents coming out of the fair with T-shirts that say, “I support a one percenter and all I got to eat was a hot dog.”

  39. - Six Degrees of Separation - Tuesday, Aug 13, 13 @ 3:37 pm:

    top pic -

    “Vere is my schpike and my Maltese Cross?”

  40. - Darienite - Tuesday, Aug 13, 13 @ 4:16 pm:

    Wonder if he had Steppenwolf blasting on his hog.

  41. - abc123 - Tuesday, Aug 13, 13 @ 4:24 pm:

    “Grew up in privilege”? No, he did not. He is entirely self-made. Knock it off, Mr. Miller.

  42. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Aug 13, 13 @ 4:41 pm:

    His daughter didn’t. I mean, she lived in Chicago probably weeks,in that Condo before getting Clouted into Payton Prep where she was denied, just like every other kid who got denied, and didn’t live in Chicago.

    Like everyone else, not one bit different…

  43. - Bluefish - Tuesday, Aug 13, 13 @ 4:41 pm:

    “Just 15 more months of this and I can go back to the limo.”

  44. - Rod - Tuesday, Aug 13, 13 @ 4:43 pm:

    Regarding abc123 comment about Rich’s statement. Mr. Rauner on his campaign website states this: “Bruce makes no apologies for his success. He is a self-made businessman who had no inheritance or family wealth.” (

    Rich is usually pretty careful about what he writes. What more do you know about Mr. Rauner’s claim of having no family wealth?

  45. - Arthur Andersen - Tuesday, Aug 13, 13 @ 10:15 pm:

    Just wondering-is it possible to tow a Harley on a trailer with a Rolls-Royce? A friend of mine was always curious about that.

  46. - Langhorne - Wednesday, Aug 14, 13 @ 4:19 am:

    He should channel another outsider who won, jesse ventura, and get a feather boa to wear, while riding his harley to a wwe wrestling event. Really connect w us common folk.

    At least go for pulled pork. Something worth eating. Or maybe the hot dog is symbolic of the garbage and pink slime of govt.

  47. - Oh, please.... - Thursday, Aug 15, 13 @ 10:20 am:

    Either you do or you don’t always wear a helmet. Clearly he’s trying to manipulate the voters with his piles of money, a crisp new Carhartt and his ridiculous “I milked a cow” claim. Insulting, really.

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