Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » Dillard lashes out at Gidwitz
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Dillard lashes out at Gidwitz

Monday, Aug 19, 2013 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Sen. Kirk Dillard sounds a bit peevish about the defection of Ron Gidwitz to Bruce Rauner’s campaign. Gidwitz was Dillard’s campaign chairman in 2010

“(Gidwitz) is a Chicago multimillionaire with strong ties to city hall, like Mr. Rauner, the billionaire that he’s for. So it’s not a surprise and they are both social moderates,” Dillard said. […]

Dillard adds that he’s learned from his mistakes of his 2010 campaign for governor. The Hinsdale Republican says he started that campaign too late.

Dillard has moved hard to the right since losing that ‘10 primary to Bill Brady and it shows in that quote. But his campaign committees have filed just three A-1’s this month for a total of only $18,500. He’s been hurt by the defection and, once again, he waited too long to start working.

* The AP looks at the rich people lining up behind Rauner

Rauner is a billionaire who — at least financially speaking — doesn’t need the help, and money doesn’t always decide Illinois primary races. But if the pattern holds, it could make it difficult for his opponents — state Sens. Bill Brady and Kirk Dillard and Treasurer Dan Rutherford — to fight back with television advertising, mailers or fly-around events, particularly in crucial weeks before the March primary election.

“That’s going to be their problem, I believe,” said Ron Gidwitz, a former Illinois Republican party chairman and gubernatorial candidate who’s serving as Rauner’s finance chairman. […]

“There’s a certain time in which (known candidates) have to say ‘I’ve tried often enough, it’s time to step back,’” said Elizabeth Christie, a retired executive and one of the biggest donors to the state GOP who gave $20,000 to Brady’s 2010 bid and is now a chairwoman of Rauner’s campaign. “I believe a lot of donors are saying it’s time … and I think you’re seeing that in the numbers.” […]

Rauner’s numbers were boosted by a who’s who of GOP donors — including at least half of more than a dozen individuals who regularly help bankroll GOP campaigns in Illinois, according to an Associated Press review of campaign finance data. The group includes Citadel CEO Ken Griffin and hedge fund manager Anne Dias Griffin — who gave a combined $450,000 to Brady’s failed 2010 gubernatorial bid — and a trio of contributors who accounted for almost one-fifth of the money Dillard received during that year’s primary.

* And the Sun-Times wrote about a subscribers-only poll last week, so here it is

The field of Republican candidates for the governorship still has no clear-cut frontrunner, though Brady is in the lead, according to a Capitol Fax poll of 1,102 likely Republican primary voters released this week. […]

Brady had 21 percent of those surveyed, compared to 17 percent for Rutherford, 14 percent for Rauner and 10 percent for Dillard.


  1. - Vote Quimby! - Monday, Aug 19, 13 @ 10:39 am:

    Shame on them for using subscriber-only content…

  2. - Keep Calm and Carry On - Monday, Aug 19, 13 @ 10:51 am:

    Dillard should have done a better job of maintaining ties with Gidwitz after the last cycle instead of assuming they’d be working together again this time around.

    Separately, some of these big donors may wind up wishing they had kept their powder dry if Rauner tanks once the Rahm Emanuel, Chicago billionaire, clout prep, etc. messages begin hitting.

    Primary voters tend to be more motivated, partisan and educated on issues than those who just vote in the general.

  3. - A guy... - Monday, Aug 19, 13 @ 11:06 am:

    The old adage is true, “Big money discriminates against everything but big money”. Dillard is taking the tack he has to here by saying “Just another rich guy supporting a rich guy who buy their clout with dollars instead of good policy”. The ‘earned media’ has a tendency to try and even up the score. If all 3 of the others pound on Bruce the Clouter at every opportunity and all 3 tie him to Rahm and Co., there isn’t enough money in the world to shake that collar. But it will take all 3. I’m betting they do become partners in that effort.

  4. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Aug 19, 13 @ 11:08 am:

    Dillard should have paid what was owed Gidwitz.

    That is the bottom line here.

    Never be a Debtor to the rich, especially if you think you don’t owe them… and they think you DO owe them.

    It’s always about the Dollars…

    Dillard needs a strong field operations, focusing on getting “found” Pluses to the polls, not “assumed” Pluses. That is Dillard’s road to win, since money is going to be his largest liability, and given how Dillard has moved so much farther Right, and given the Obama ad, the Edgar tired message, Dillard needs his focus on that “harvest” of Pluses to make up for all this lost time, again, as Dillard continues his history of playing catch-up.

    Get it done… on the Ground.

  5. - MrJM - Monday, Aug 19, 13 @ 11:10 am:

    Serious question: How is it too late for Dillard (who’s already in the race) but it’s not too late for Raoul (who has yet to get into the race)?

    Is this a “relative to the rest of his party’s field” thing or something else?

    – MrJM

  6. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Aug 19, 13 @ 11:21 am:

    - MrJM -,

    Given this is Dillard’s second time at this run, and the field of candidates Dillard is facing, AND the monies that Rauner and Rutherford are ahead of Dillard, and finally, Dillard is behind, bug not by much, in framing his message beyond Edgar, as some’s last image of Dillard is that of someone losing to Brady, touting the Edgar connection, and the single negative image of Dillard praising Obama, again, in a GOP Primary.

    Dillard is trying to tact Very Right, Right of Brady, building infrastructure better than the other 3, and moving beyond “Edgar’s ‘Guy’…” While still trying to wrap himself around the Gentleman from Charleston.

    Big moves, and a bit behind, given the field, the money out there Dillard’s money to date, and message restructuring.

    Dillard’s LG choice could close some of that “gap”; we will all see if that becomes the case.

    Does my take help, - MrJM -?

  7. - wordslinger - Monday, Aug 19, 13 @ 11:21 am:

    Geez, doesn’t Dillard still owe Gidwitz $250K? A little more diplomatic language might be in order.

    I mean, Gidwitz was “a Chicago multimillionaire with strong ties to city hall” when Dillard took all that money last time out. Didn’t seem to be a character flaw then.

  8. - 47th Ward - Monday, Aug 19, 13 @ 11:37 am:

    The wealthy IL GOP donors are going with Rauner. Fine. Good for them, backing one of their own. Judging from the comments I’ve read at Illinois Review and elsewhere, the plutocrats are backing a flawed candidate who doesn’t look poised to catch fire among rank and file ILGOP primary voters. He might win the primary, but there might also be some backlash too.

    As far as Rauner’s negatives, it’s like the old story about a tree falling in the woods:

    If a man clouts his daughter into a CPS magnet school, but his opponents can’t put 1000+ gross ratings points behind the attack ad, did it really happen?

    It’s better to have the most money in any campaign, but money in itself doesn’t win elections.

  9. - 4 percent - Monday, Aug 19, 13 @ 11:40 am:

    Now that Dillard’s hired Glen Hodas to manage his campaign, it’s a sure sign of a 4th place finish. He’s been unable to raise funds and attract a top notch staff. Probably not smart to take shots at the guy you still owe $250,000 because he’ll probably call in the marker.

  10. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Aug 19, 13 @ 11:47 am:

    - 47th Ward -,

    Well said on Rauner’s negatives and the other 3 not being able to get any points behind them in ads.

    If the 3 can make the “drum beat” on the voting community to pick up on it enough that Free Media” might put some of the negatives in “Play”, and make Rauner’s negatives Rauner’s narrative when the three tout themselves, then it might have serious legs. If the 3 ignore trying to make this “drum beat” Rauner’s negative narrative, then you are 100% On Point, it’s like a tree falling, with no one there to hear it.

    Good points, - 47th Ward -.

  11. - Steve - Monday, Aug 19, 13 @ 11:54 am:

    Kirk Dillard really shouldn’t be attacking Ron Gidwitz. This issue alone should sink him in the primary. When is he going to payback Ron??? Why should voters trust Dillard if he can’t payback Gidwitz??? Dillard and Rauner are both weak candidates for the GOP.

  12. - Norseman - Monday, Aug 19, 13 @ 12:21 pm:

    *** Oswego Willy for Governor - he’ll pay his campaign debts. ***

  13. - reformer - Monday, Aug 19, 13 @ 12:22 pm:

    == money in itself doesn’t win elections. ==

    No, but it can buy endorsements from township and county GOP organizations. Depending upon how effective the organization is, the endorsements can be worth some votes.

  14. - John Galt - Monday, Aug 19, 13 @ 12:35 pm:

    Probably not smart to take shots at the guy you still owe $250,000 because he’ll probably call in the marker.

    Kirk Dillard really shouldn’t be attacking Ron Gidwitz. This issue alone should sink him in the primary. When is he going to payback Ron??? Why should voters trust Dillard if he can’t payback Gidwitz???

    You know, I’m a Dillard guy, but these comments are correct. How does this not open up a “Deadbeat Dillard” line of attack?

  15. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Aug 19, 13 @ 12:42 pm:

    - Norseman -,

    Which is your preferred payment currency; golf balls or Cannoli?

    To the Post,

    Dillard’s attacking of Gidwitz makes for good fodder, but to most, it’s too “inside baseball” to hit Dillard as a “deadbeat”, unless Rauner wants to put some points behind it, but then Rauner would need to defend having Gidwitz in his Camp as something beyond ” pay back”

    Great fodder for “inside baseball” as Rauner runs as an “Outsider” as well - Yikes!

    Maybe Dillard should take the “high road” and just move on, and respond to Gidwitz if he says something or to media when asked;

    “Ron is not with me, it’s his right to back who he feels he needs to, I respect that. Mr. Gidwitz has only ONE vote come Election Day, and I (Dillard) need to focus on voters not one voter who made up his mind. The voters ate going to decide on the Nominee, not ONE Ron Gidwitz.”

    Leave it there, Dillard Crew. Isolate Gidwitz’s anger, and make it about ALL the voters…

  16. - Voice of Reason - Monday, Aug 19, 13 @ 12:57 pm:

    This story is worthy of Lewis Carroll:
    Gidwitz abandons a candidate who could have won in 2010, but for the divided vote in DuPage - which doesn’t exist now, to throw his support behind another gazillionaire candidate - an idea that has never flown in Illinois. He is miffed, at least, that Dillard hasn’t repaid his loan from 2010, yet doesn’t hesitate to give money to a gazillionaire who doesn’t need it!! Gidwitz was right in 2010 and he would be even more right in 2014. His “horse” lost the race because of interference. That’s no reason to shoot it and back another horse that has never even run before.

  17. - shore - Monday, Aug 19, 13 @ 12:57 pm:

    After the disaster of the brady campaign in 2010 and the failure of the awkward somewhat moderate rich guy romney in 2012 it boggles my mind that’s exactly what the gop is going back to and I really hope democrats are enjoying this charade.

    Dillard seems like yesterdays news.

  18. - MrJM - Monday, Aug 19, 13 @ 1:06 pm:

    Oswego Willy,

    That is what I was looking for — Thanks!

    – MrJM

  19. - wordslinger - Monday, Aug 19, 13 @ 1:10 pm:

    –Gidwitz abandons a candidate who could have won in 2010, but for the divided vote in DuPage –

    The myth continues.

    Like the Mighty DuPage machine just had to unite to conquer all like in the old days.

    Who was the spoiler in that race? Ryan outpolled Dillard in DuPage, Cook, Lake and Kane.

    Dillard’s best counties were Downstate.

  20. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Aug 19, 13 @ 1:55 pm:

    Ok, (Sigh)…

    Dillard lost by 193 votes, divide by 9 townships…

    If Dillard, without a lick of field organization, could have mustered 22 votes in those 9 townships, Dillard wins.

    The turnout was NOT 90%, the turnout was not controlled. Dillard lost by not finding votes, harvesting those votes, and VOTING those voters.

    It was not Ryan. It was not Schillerstrom.

    Stop. Enough. Learn.

  21. - Whatever - Monday, Aug 19, 13 @ 2:26 pm:

    Agree with OW that it’s mostly inside-baseball, but it’s a shame to see Dillard exposed as a phony and hypocrite, taking the Gidwitz dollars when he could, opposing them when he can’t. And Dillard’s lurch to the right feels very inauthentic. Too bad he just can’t be himself. Or maybe he no longer knows?

  22. - hold on - Monday, Aug 19, 13 @ 2:33 pm:

    It’s not even Labor Day yet! There is plenty of time and Dillard is polite and has always thanked Gidwitz for his past support. Difference now is that Dillard is not Rahm Emanuel’s alter ego like Rauner

  23. - MrJM - Monday, Aug 19, 13 @ 4:11 pm:

    Geez, I’m old enough to remember when Dillard was good at this…

    – MrJM

  24. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Aug 19, 13 @ 4:32 pm:

    - A guy… - & - Whatever -,

    Thanks for the props, and - MrJM -, glad I helped and didn’t make it worse for ya.

    To the Post,

    I have wondered out loud if Gidwitz is assisting in organization and staff, because I am not too impressed with Rauner’s field operation, as I wait for Rauner Open Rallies, showing some sort of skill of handling a day to day operation and public appearance schedule…

    Or is The Bruce Rauner Crew admitting Rauner can’t handle uncontrolled events, and can’t get enough of a turnout to show groundswell?

    Holding “Town Hall” events at a business where the employees are “compelled” to attend don’t count, Rauner Crew.

    Who is going to circulate your petitions? Could a Scott Lee Cohen “pay per line” strategy be far behind?

    Who is going to be Rauner’s LG? An … “insider”…. a “Joe Walsh” type, no matter the credibity?

    Questions, questions.

  25. - Grandson of Man - Monday, Aug 19, 13 @ 6:01 pm:

    “Rauner is a billionaire”

    He’s the right kind of person to tell unions they’re too greedy.

  26. - wordslinger - Monday, Aug 19, 13 @ 10:07 pm:

    Is Rauner a billionaire? He’ll have to cop to that at some point, won’t he?

    Who’s going to be the first GOP candidate to release his tax returns and invite Rauner to do the same?

    What’s taking so long? The guy’s already spent two million on TV defining himself as Farmer Bruce.

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