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*** UPDATED x3 - Cross issues statement *** Cross to step aside

Wednesday, Aug 21, 2013 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Leader Cross is holding an 11:30 conference call with his members, and I’ll give you more details then, but as subscribers already know, this is true

After weeks of saying he would stay on as Illinois House GOP leader, Tom Cross apparently has decided to give up that post to run for Illinois treasurer.

Sources close to the leader reported last night that he intends to hold a conference call with House Republicans late this morning to announce that he is moving on. Mr. Cross himself was not available for comment, but the information came from top-notch sources.

Mr. Cross had been preparing to run for attorney general but took a pass when incumbent Democrat Lisa Madigan decided to run for a new term instead of governor.

Among other Republicans who have been considering a race is former DuPage County Board Chairman Bob Schillerstrom, but it’s not known whether he will oppose Mr. Cross, who as leader has had access to fairly considerable campaign cash.

*** UPDATE 1 *** Cross has asked his members to begin the process of a succession plan. He said he isn’t making any endorsements for his successor.

Cross wants the transition completed by the first week in October, but will be open to advancing the time frame.

He says he will be making a formal announcement for treasurer in two weeks.

Cross will serve out his term in the House.

*** UPDATE 2 *** From the House GOP…


This afternoon I shared with my colleagues in the House Republican Caucus my sincere appreciation for all of their support, hard-work and repeated confidence in me to serve as the House Republican Leader for the last 10 years. Serving as House Republican Leader has been an immense privilege and a humbling honor and I will forever cherish the friendships, the successes and yes, even the battles.

As I consider the challenge of serving Illinois at a higher level, I did ask my colleagues in the House Republican Caucus to begin the process of a succession plan so that a new leader may be chosen in preparation for the 2014 elections. I will be announcing my plans within the next two weeks and I remain committed to adding members to the House Republican Caucus.

*** UPDATE 3 *** Sen. Darin LaHood is backing Cross

Republicans informed of Cross’s plan confirmed the details, including Republican Sen. Darin LaHood, who once considered a bid for treasurer but is now backing Cross.

“He will be a steady hand at the wheel of the treasurer’s office,” he said.


  1. - Keep Calm and Carry On - Wednesday, Aug 21, 13 @ 11:20 am:

    Cross will make a formidable opponent. He’s not exactly a mere placeholder on the ballot.

    Sorry to hear this for some of the other candidates already declared, however.

  2. - unclesam - Wednesday, Aug 21, 13 @ 11:22 am:

    The bigger question — when is Cross going to “give up the post” of Minority Leader?

    Immediately, veto session, after the 2014 election? What timing is best for that caucus?

  3. - Bill White - Wednesday, Aug 21, 13 @ 11:26 am:

    Who will seek to become the new minority leader?

  4. - shore - Wednesday, Aug 21, 13 @ 11:33 am:

    He was a disaster. Won’t be missed. Radogno can go too.

  5. - dogboy - Wednesday, Aug 21, 13 @ 11:43 am:

    Can’t wait for Big Mike Frerichs to beat Tom Cross like a drum. Crosses poor fiscal policies have helped bring Illinois to financial ruin, so now he wants to manage taxpayer funds? Incredible.

  6. - Knome Sane - Wednesday, Aug 21, 13 @ 11:44 am:

    Let’s see where the business groups’ support fall. My money is on the capable Rep. Durkin.

  7. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Aug 21, 13 @ 11:47 am:

    @ a Luncheon.

    Will be commenting after…

  8. - Norseman - Wednesday, Aug 21, 13 @ 11:56 am:

    Can’t wait for Willy’s take on this.

  9. - Keep Calm and Carry On - Wednesday, Aug 21, 13 @ 12:01 pm:

    Interesting thought, dogboy. Who bears greater culpability in the eyes of voters?

    A member of the minority, who opposed many of the policies of the past 6 years?

    Or a member of the majority, one who has supported many of those policies during the past 6 years from the state senate?

  10. - reformer - Wednesday, Aug 21, 13 @ 12:01 pm:

    Ineffective is a charitable description of the Cross tenure.

  11. - Joe Bidenopolous - Wednesday, Aug 21, 13 @ 12:10 pm:

    I wonder who’s doing Frerichs’ OR - Caskey, Gragert, someone else? Whoever it is, they’re gonna have them some fun with that one.

    Tom and Rod were two peas in a pod once upon a time. Not to mention the votes! Oh, the votes

  12. - Union Man - Wednesday, Aug 21, 13 @ 12:26 pm:

    Don’t let the door hit you on your way out!!

  13. - LadyKane - Wednesday, Aug 21, 13 @ 12:34 pm:

    I’m sorry to see Cross go. I always respected him. I may not have agreed with him, but I always respected him. I would hate to see someone like Durkin or Poe get elected leader, however. I worry they would further kill the GOP in Illinois. I know I would be hardpressed to support HRO and their efforts.

  14. - Just Me - Wednesday, Aug 21, 13 @ 12:49 pm:

    I said this last week and I’ll say it again. The House GOP caucus changed from when Cross overthrew Daniels, and there is no shame in recognizing that the caucus needs/wants a different leadership style then the one they wanted in 2002. Cross tried to change with the caucus but it just didn’t work that well.

    Cross will make an awesome statewide candidate given his statewide network. Sorry Frehrichs, I like ya, but I’m voting for Cross for this one.

    (By the way, by stepping down mid-General Assembly, does Cross loose his Leadership stipend and is this screwing up his pension calculation or is he keeping the Leader job formally until sine die and a new Leader-designee is just for election purposes?)

  15. - Hank - Wednesday, Aug 21, 13 @ 12:55 pm:

    to begin the process of a succession plan… old are the Cross Children? It’s the Chicago way after all
    Does he have to check with Madigan?

  16. - Just Me - Wednesday, Aug 21, 13 @ 1:04 pm:

    @Hank, be careful there, kiddo. I believe they are still kids, and unlike Lisa aren’t professional politicians themselves and open to snark.

  17. - OnlyinIL - Wednesday, Aug 21, 13 @ 1:15 pm:

    word on the street is that Cross did clear this with his dad. that seems to be an important consideration of late…

  18. - Michelle Flaherty - Wednesday, Aug 21, 13 @ 1:55 pm:

    “does Cross loose his Leadership stipend”

    at the moment he’s making $0.

  19. - Jake From Elwood - Wednesday, Aug 21, 13 @ 2:06 pm:

    Cross will make an excellent candidate (certainly better than Smilin’ Bob) and I think he would do a capable job as Treasurer.

  20. - Just Me - Wednesday, Aug 21, 13 @ 2:12 pm:


  21. - walkinfool - Wednesday, Aug 21, 13 @ 2:25 pm:

    Good guy… Mike F should get by him though.

  22. - K3 - Wednesday, Aug 21, 13 @ 3:20 pm:

    Wow. Awful timing for the House GOP. Not that they have a shot at getting a majority this year, but tough for the already declared candidates

  23. - Loop Lady - Wednesday, Aug 21, 13 @ 3:23 pm:

    My money is on Durkin to replace him…

  24. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Aug 21, 13 @ 3:38 pm:

    The day has come.

    Tom Cross is moving on.

    Tom Cross is moving on to run for himself. Tom Cross is going to leave the HGOP … worse… than whem Tom Cross felt the NEED for “The Coup”.

    Tom Cross is moving on, and everyone is going to be better for it.

    I live in Kendall County, and as a member of the General Assembly, Representative Cross has done incredible things for Oswego Schools, Kendall County, and his district, while serving in Springfield. Living where I do, I can not say that Cross failed his district, or his “base”, and I am thankful for the years of Tom Cross’ service.

    As a member of the Illinois GOP, I am utterly disappointed in the Irrelevent Leader.

    Cross was a lazy “leader”.

    Lazy leaders…Golf … on Election Day.

    They Do.

    Lazy leaders see nothing wrong in taking time for themselves on the most important days. Cross wasn’t working hard, unless you count getting “up and down” from the greenside bunker on the 5th Hole on Election Day … “working”, while Speaker …Speaker … Speaker Madigan was at the Ward Office… working …

    If you call making that “par” working, no one worked harder than Tom Cross that Election Day. No one.

    Tom Cross never threatened Mike Madigan.

    Not once.

    At least Lee A. Daniels tried to scare Speaker Madigan, and got the gavel … once…

    Tom Cross put together those who worked “real hard” and should get participation trophies for working so hard as Senoir Staff … but never got their act together … ever… and changes … were rarely made … when they screamed to be.

    This is exactly how I want to Remember “Two-Putt” Cross;

    Selfishly leaving a Caucus far worse than when Cross led “The Coup”, as he has…with the title of …”Irrlevent Leader”… while the HGOP was more than welcoming the “breath of fresh air” Cross himself promised when taking over. The only “fresh air” that they got was the fresh air Tom got golfing … on Election Day.

    The good?

    Tom Cross’ selfishness will make him a very good candidate to run statewide. Self presevation is a huge motivator, and Tom Cross is motivated to win… for himself.

    The HGOP Caucus needs to clean house. “Allow” Cross to take all the “Senoir Staff” with him to run for Treasurer. This is a huge gift. Make the changes. Change the Culture. You, the HGOP, are as low as you can be, you got your Irrelevent Leader to move on, do not make the mistake of thinking “everything else is fine”.

    It’s not.

    This “breakup” is perfect. Tom Cross has my support for Treasurer, and I think Cross will do great. It’s a new begining. I welcome it.

    The HGOP should welcome this too. Embrace the Reagan Rule of 80%, as the first African-American House member is announced to be sworn in on the very same day Cross departs.

    He is from my neck of the woods.

    He is a Sherriff’s Deputy … in Kendall County.

    My Home county. Tom Cross’ home county.

    New beginnings.

    Good-Bye “Two-Putt”. Now when you golf, its for you, and you alone. Maybe the only person sad to see you leave your post is Michael J. Madigan, Speaker of the Illinois House.

    That is the legacy, and that may be the truth …

    Good luck.

  25. - Cincinnatus - Wednesday, Aug 21, 13 @ 4:26 pm:


    Does the new guy golf?

  26. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Aug 21, 13 @ 4:35 pm:

    - Cincinnatus -,

    Maybe its what I post …I don’t know exactly … but …

    I never get invited to the “golf outings”.

    Maybe its because guys like you and I work on election day …

    Guess we aren’t “fun” …

  27. - Arthur Andersen - Wednesday, Aug 21, 13 @ 6:52 pm:

    Willy, I don’t golf either, but I still get plenty of invites lol.

  28. - Visual Manager - Wednesday, Aug 21, 13 @ 7:11 pm:

    First of all the golf outings are amazing. I just can’t see him raising the cash. Dallas must have assured him of something… This is going to get interesting..l.

  29. - Just Me - Thursday, Aug 22, 13 @ 4:52 am:

    hey Willy, I assume this means you’re running for State Representative?

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