Frerichs responds to Cross candidacy
Wednesday, Aug 21, 2013 - Posted by Rich Miller
* From state Sen. Michael Frerichs, Democratic candidate for state treasurer…
State House Republican Leader Cross has been a Springfield insider for over two decades during which he contributed to many of the most hazardous fiscal decisions leading to our current financial crisis.
Leader Cross has championed a Republican caucus which has lost touch with the middle class and has sought to cut to the core the very programs that working families across Illinois depend on like public schools, and programs to protect Illinois’ seniors.
I look forward to a vigorous and exciting debate about how best to protect the retirement security and college savings of working and middle class families.
As the statement clearly indicates, this is likely gonna turn out to be a union/business proxy war over pension reform. Expect it to be high dollar and brutal.
- Easy - Wednesday, Aug 21, 13 @ 3:57 pm:
Team Frerichs is going to have to move quicker. they missed all the deadlines. swing…and miss.
- Keep Calm and Carry On - Wednesday, Aug 21, 13 @ 4:05 pm:
Already? LOL.
“State Senator Mike Frerichs has been a Springfield insider for nearly a decade, during which he contributed to many of the most reckless fiscal decisions leading to our current financial crisis.
Senator Frerichs has championed a Democratic majority which has lost touch with the middle class and has sought to burden the very working families across Illinois that make our state work. He has voted for everything from the massive income tax increase to an increase in utility taxes, without lifting a finger to roll back the waste, spending and corruption plaguing Springfield. He’s busy talking about climate change while I’m focusing on creating jobs and building economic opportunity for all.
I look forward to a vigorous and exciting debate about how best to protect the future of our great state for working and middle class families.”
Rich is right - this one is going to be a doozy. It practically writes itself if Cross and Frerichs go down these predictable paths.
- 4 percent - Wednesday, Aug 21, 13 @ 4:32 pm:
Hi, I’m Mike Frerichs. I was sworn into office in January 2009 and among my very first acts were voting for leader, approving Senate Rules, and introducing a constitutional amendment to raise the income tax on January 13.
- walkinfool - Wednesday, Aug 21, 13 @ 4:35 pm:
Already false statements from both sides. Here we go. It’s going to be deep.
- 47th Ward - Wednesday, Aug 21, 13 @ 4:38 pm:
All Frerichs has to do is post up Cross all day long. Dump the ball in low to the big man and get out of his way. Cross can’t go to his left, so his best hope is tossing up some quick 3s before they get swatted into the stands. No way he gets any boards, Frerichs will own the glass.
I’ll take Frerichs and give you the points. It’s a slam dunk.
- Anonymous - Wednesday, Aug 21, 13 @ 4:44 pm:
Frerichs’ silly rhetoric consistently reminds me of those over-the-top press releases that the Washington staffers put out like cookie cutters such as when Ann Callis announced (though both sides are guilty.)
His ambition knows no bounds.
- Short - Wednesday, Aug 21, 13 @ 4:47 pm:
I find it offensive that Frerichs is always touting his tallness. It is getting old. Vote for me cause I’m tall and you are not. Standing Tall. I’m taller then Abe Lincoln. I’m tall therefore I should be elected. Tall, Tall, Tall, is that All?
- Bill White - Wednesday, Aug 21, 13 @ 5:08 pm:
Does the Office of Treasurer have any significant policy setting authority?
- The Captain - Wednesday, Aug 21, 13 @ 5:16 pm:
This is going to be the fun one. *gets popcorn
- 4 percent - Wednesday, Aug 21, 13 @ 5:52 pm:
Since it wasn’t official, Frerichs should have taken the high road and welcomed him to the race, blah blah blah.
- LeaveMyPensionAlone - Wednesday, Aug 21, 13 @ 5:56 pm:
I’m just glad I finally get to vote against Cross.
- Brian Piccolo - Wednesday, Aug 21, 13 @ 6:06 pm:
So Frerichs is the outsider????? I guess he hasn’t served in the majority controlling party or anything???
- Lost In Chicago - Wednesday, Aug 21, 13 @ 6:17 pm:
Other than serving on ISBI, the treasurer doesn’t do much with managing the pensions, so I don’t get the Senator’s comment on retirement security (assuming he means the pensions). And as far as “hazardous fiscal decisions” go, wasn’t the Senator the deciding vote on the income tax hike?
- Bill White - Wednesday, Aug 21, 13 @ 6:29 pm:
It would be sad if this race becomes focused on issues having little to do with the duties and responsibilities of the Office to be filled.
Set aside the larger political issues (that are not within the purview of the Treasurer’s office anyway) and Bob Grogan may well be the most qualified candidate.
Perhaps Treasurer and Comptroller should be merged and made an appointed office rather than elected state-wide office.
- A Casual Observer - Wednesday, Aug 21, 13 @ 6:43 pm:
The assumption is that Tom Cross will be the ultimate winner in the GOP primary. If the basis for that assumption is simply “name recognition” then maybe you will be correct. But my guess is that Tom will get knocked down like the rag dolls at the baseball throwing contest at the carnival when he gets to the GOP primary. I think people in Illinois will be looking for “a fresh face” for the state offices. Dan Rutherford would have been re-elected but he chose to run for governor. He has a a 50/50 chance (like Brady) of winning in the GOP primary but I am not as sure when it comes down to the general election. It is my opinion that somebody like Bob Grogan will do better than Tom in the Republican primary for State Treasurer. I would rather have an accountant as my Treasurer than another lawyer and a career politician back in any kind of state political office.
- CircularFiringSquad - Wednesday, Aug 21, 13 @ 6:46 pm:
We will miss Billboards. He was a great leader. Perhaps me will reconsider if that meaney Dwight Kay drops out
Hope the tall guys doesn’t pull those bank roll calls. Nah he will never do that
- Norseman - Wednesday, Aug 21, 13 @ 9:50 pm:
Candidates for lower ballot offices routinely come up with contrived issues to try and set themselves off from their opponent. Current examples are all the claptrap being thrown out there by Simon trying to justify her candidacy.
I’m not saying there are NO issues, but those are far fewer than the contrived issues introduced to play for the candidate. While I’m on issues for treasurer, you see candidates and later office holders come up with targeted investment programs where the beneficiary bank promises low interest loans to some group. I oppose these programs unless the state can be guaranteed the highest interest rate for its investment.
The best we can do is look at candidate credentials to determine who is generally the most competent person capable of hiring quality people to execute the duties of the office.
For me, this will be my opportunity to vote against Cross.
- Rahm's Middle Finger - Wednesday, Aug 21, 13 @ 11:20 pm:
Looks like the House Republican Staff doesn’t have a lot to do besides bash Frerichs on Facebook. Cross is a political lightweight and will get crushed. Frerichs is pro.
- Bill White - Thursday, Aug 22, 13 @ 6:14 am:
Make no mistake, I will vote for Frerichs. I just dont think the Treasurer’s race is the right venue for a proxy war on pension reform. I want a Treasurer who wants to be a good Treasurer.
Jesse White offers a good role model, here. He stays quiet but does his freaking job.
Of course, Rutherford using the office as a way to get a 4 year running start for Governor kinda set a bad example.
- Big Muddy - Thursday, Aug 22, 13 @ 7:36 am:
I wouldn’t be so quick to discount Grogan. The primary on the GOP side could be very interesting. On the upside it appears that Schillrstom is once again the bridesmaid. Can someone please tell Bob his time has came and went 10 years ago?
- Lost In Chicago - Thursday, Aug 22, 13 @ 8:07 am:
- It would be sad if this race becomes focused on issues having little to do with the duties and responsibilities of the Office to be filled -
Too late. We already have one guy talking about economic development in “110″ counties. That’s not the treasurer’s role. That candidate should go work for DCEO. We have one who touts a CPA. Accounts don’t invest. Then we have legislators and a former county board chairman. Their only qualifications to be treasurer are meeting the resident and age requirements. This race will be exactly about anything NOT related to liquidity and investing.
All voters need to hear are the same buzz words used for any campaign for any office and these guys know that.
- reformer - Thursday, Aug 22, 13 @ 8:23 am:
Cross has some liberal votes over his career, including votes to support Blago initiatives. Jack Roeser used to have a list on his website of bad Cross votes. Those could certainly come out in a primary.
- Bill White - Thursday, Aug 22, 13 @ 9:12 am:
It may be inevitable, but it’s still sad.
- Living in Machiaville - Thursday, Aug 22, 13 @ 9:41 am:
Frerichs’ words are feckless. His vote to raise income taxes on the “middle class” he seems believe he is in touch with will come home to roost.