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Question of the day

Thursday, Aug 15, 2013 - Posted by Rich Miller

* If you had to choose between the current crop of Republican gubernatorial candidates, whom would it be? Whom would it definitely not be? Explain.


Ask and ye shall receive

Thursday, Aug 15, 2013 - Posted by Rich Miller

* I gave AT&T a really hard time here the other day for lousy (actually, almost nonexistent) mobile phone service at the State Fairgrounds.

I went to the Toby Keith show last night. The place was packed and Toby rocked it. A thoroughly enjoyable evening.

I could see that lots of people had their phones out, taking pics and videos and likely posting on social networks, so I decided to send a couple of test texts. They went through fine. I even accessed my e-mail and the Internet. Everything worked like it was supposed to.

So, apparently, AT&T fixed its serious problems and I’d like to express my appreciation by saying “Thanks for doing the job you should’ve been doing all along.”

Too harsh? Maybe. I guess I should be happy.


Progress or no?

Thursday, Aug 15, 2013 - Posted by Rich Miller

* On the one hand

Members of a legislative pension reform committee won’t put a timetable on when they’ll complete their work, although they continue to say they’re making progress.

Committee members — who spoke privately among themselves Wednesday — said there are still details that must be resolved before a reform plan can be presented to the General Assembly.

“We’re quite close,” said Rep. Elaine Nekritz, D-Northbrook. “I think it’s a matter of getting a few more details hashed out. How long that takes, when that announcement comes, I can’t predict right now.”

* On the other hand

Sen. Bill Brady, R-Bloomington, said he was disappointed by developments Wednesday.

“Today, I don’t think we made much progress,” Brady said. “The biggest obstacle is probably differing opinion on what amount of savings needs to be. At the end of the day, I think it’s coming down to how much savings is necessary to both protect what people have earned and be affordable to future General Assemblies.”

What I believe this shows is a serious attempt at partisan and ideological balance, which had been sorely lacking up until the conference committee began to meet. Speaker Madigan wanted to get as much savings as possible, Senate President Cullerton wanted to find a compromise with the unions. Now, the idea is to negotiate the amount of savings that one side can accept while still keeping in mind the damage that will be done to actual human beings.

The biggest problem, of course, is still constitutionality. I don’t think they’ll get past this issue until the courts weigh in. For now it appears to have been set aside.


I guess it depends what “always” means

Thursday, Aug 15, 2013 - Posted by Rich Miller

* From the Twitters



*** LIVE COVERAGE *** Illinois State Fair Republican Day

Thursday, Aug 15, 2013 - Posted by Rich Miller

* will have live video of the State Fair Republican Day rally. The event begins at noon. Click here to watch it.

* Some events have already started, however, so here’s the ScribbleLive feed


Quinn has special day with special friends

Thursday, Aug 15, 2013 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Some out of town reporters seemed surprised that Gov. Pat Quinn received such an enthusiastic ovation at yesterday’s annual Democratic County Chairmen’s Association brunch. After all, every poll shows he’s unpopular with voters, even Democratic voters, and he’s not known to be the insiders’ favorite guy.

But Bill Daley made a not so subtle attempt at an answer yesterday

“It’s Springfield,” he said. “I think there may be a lot of people who obviously have known or worked for Pat, or work for Pat now, over the years and they’re appreciative of those jobs.”

Lots and lots of those county chairmen either have state jobs or contracts for themselves and/or their family members or close friends. Of course they’re with their meal ticket.

* But that didn’t stop Daley and Sen. Kwame Raoul from taking jabs at Quinn

Daley attempted to seize on the dysfunction and contended Democrats will lose the governor’s office in 2014 unless he is the nominee. “I believe — and I believe strongly — that there’s got to be change,” Daley said of more than five years of Quinn at the helm.

Quinn brushed aside Daley’s comments and vowed to defeat all challengers.

“There’s nobody in Illinois who can run a grass-roots campaign like I can,” said Quinn, who narrowly won the primary and general elections in 2010 despite low approval ratings. “I’m not afraid of big money, big-time lobby groups. I think I can win the day with the kind of campaign people in Illinois will admire.”


Raoul, a Hyde Park/Kenwood Democrat, didn’t have a formal speaking role at the county chairmen’s brunch but presided over a gaggle of reporters later to verify his interest in the race but stress he hasn’t made up his mind about it.

Raoul said he personally likes Quinn but poked at Quinn’s leadership skills.

“The job of governor entails more than just using a pen to sign bills. It involves leadership, and rolling up your sleeves and engaging the Legislature, not just throwing arrows and rocks at the Legislature,” Raoul said.

“It’s a different style of leadership than I’m accustomed to,” he said.

* There was a major no-show yesterday

[Effingham County Chair Audrey Griffith] was bothered that one politician never showed up — to either the morning meeting, or to the fair: the head of the Democratic Party of Illinois, House Speaker Michael Madigan, didn’t come at all.

“Be nice if he thought enough to be with us, supporting the party and egging people on to support what they believe in. Would have been really nice,” she said.

He’s suing the governor, he probably didn’t want to answer more questions about his daughter and the governor declared yesterday to be exclusively “Governor’s Day.” It’s no wonder he didn’t show. But still probably bad form.

* Quote of the day

Democrats couldn’t deny the tensions in the room.

“It’s there,” said Rep. Elaine Nekritz, a top pensions negotiator. “But we can all come together and enjoy a nice breakfast.”

* And tomorrow could be a big day for the governor

Democrats in Cook County, the largest county party organization in the state, will gather Friday to formally endorse a candidate for governor. County party officials said only Quinn was on the schedule to attend and ask the group for its endorsement, though Daley has reportedly been making phone calls to committee members over recent days.

“It would be very difficult to imagine the party endorsing someone who is not there,” said state Representative Lou Lang of Skokie, the group’s vice chair.

* Related…

* VIDEO: Illinois Senate President John Cullerton talks to reporters

* VIDEO: Pat Quinn speech 8-14-13

* VIDEO: Durbin on Illinois Democratic Party


A little perspective, please

Thursday, Aug 15, 2013 - Posted by Rich Miller

* I understand that a brother would be upset, but there’s a reason for this

The brother of former Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich says there’s a serious disparity in the sentence his brother received and the prison time lobbed against Jesse Jackson Jr. on Wednesday afternoon.

“It’s out of balance,” Robert Blagojevich said in a telephone conversation of the 30-month sentence given to the former congressman. “The sentence … compared to my brother’s, makes his disproportionately unbalanced and severe, and I’m hoping that the appellate process will finally render my brother some justice.”

The difference here is that Jackson pled guilty. He owned up to his mistakes. Rod Blagojevich continues to say he’s innocent. He does not accept responsibility.

Also, as a commenter pointed out yesterday, you don’t give a guy who pled guilty the maximum sentence because then defendants will be less likely to plead guilty in the future.

* So, was Jackson’s sentence too light? Maybe. But he used campaign money for personal expenses, which wasn’t even a crime not too long ago. Who was harmed? The contributors? Well, yeah, they did have the right to expect that their money would be used for campaign purposes, but it’s not like they’re truly “victims.” What about a candidate who announces she’s retiring on the same day as her fundraiser and doesn’t give the money back? That happened just a few days ago with an incumbent state Rep. Jim Edgar uses his campaign fund to make charitable contributions. George Ryan used his for legal defense.

I’m not making excuses for Jackson here. He violated clear federal laws on numerous occasions. I have no sympathy for him at all. The bizarre way he and his wife lived the high life off his campaign fund is thoroughly disgusting.

I’m just saying that, in my mind at least, what he did is not like robbing a liquor store. And since he pled guilty, he definitely should get a much lighter sentence than Rod Blagojevich.


Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Crosstabs and a roundup

Thursday, Aug 15, 2013 - Posted by Rich Miller

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Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Today’s edition of Capitol Fax (use all CAPS in password)

Thursday, Aug 15, 2013 - Posted by Rich Miller

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* Reader comments closed for the holiday weekend
* Isabel’s afternoon roundup
* Jack Conaty
* New state law to be tested by Will County case
* Why did ACLU Illinois staffers picket the organization this week?
* Hopefully, IDHS will figure this out soon
* Pete Townshend he ain't /s
* Open thread
* Isabel’s morning briefing
* Live coverage
* Selected press releases (Live updates)
* Yesterday's stories

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