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Caption contest!

Wednesday, Aug 7, 2013 - Posted by Rich Miller

* As you already know, Gov. Pat Quinn attended yesterday’s court hearing over the challenge to his legislative salary veto. From the Trib

Keep it clean, folks.

Funniest commenter wins a free Illinois State Fair beverage with yours truly.

* Yesterday’s winner was OneMan

The winner of Governor Quinn’s I’ll appoint the person closest to me at 12:47 PM to run a state department contest celebrates her good fortune.


Question of the day

Wednesday, Aug 7, 2013 - Posted by Rich Miller

* From Kurt Erickson

In agreeing to hire a former aide to Gov. Pat Quinn to lobby on its behalf, the town of Normal on Monday joined an estimated 140 other units of local government using tax money to try and gain a toehold in the Capitol.

According to a study by the Illinois Campaign for Political Reform, local governments and public agencies in Illinois spent more than $7.4 million on outside help in 2010 to try and heighten their profiles and gain better access to the policymakers in the Statehouse.

David Morrison, acting director of the Illinois Campaign for Political Reform, said he launched the study thinking that lobbyists for local governments were unneeded because local state lawmakers would be looking out for the communities in their districts.

But, he said, there are some factors that appear to make it a reasonable expense for some local governments.

For example, a city may be represented by two Republicans at a time when Democrats control state government.

“A city may think they need to hire someone in order to get face time with the people in charge,” Morrison said.

* The Question: Do you think hiring Statehouse lobbyists can benefit many local governments, or is it mostly a waste of taxpayer money? Take the poll and then explain your answer in comments, please.

online surveys


Excuses, excuses

Wednesday, Aug 7, 2013 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Yikes

A month after reporting that Southern Illinois University had lost 257 computers in 2012, Auditor General Bill Holland found a similar situation within the state’s sprawling adult and youth prison systems.

In audits released Tuesday, Holland said 156 computers were deemed “lost” at the Illinois Department of Corrections, and another 84 were unaccounted for at the Illinois Department of Juvenile Justice.

The loss of 240 more state-owned computers within the state’s penal systems is problematic, Holland said.

* The DoC was rather blasé about the whole thing

According to a new audit,there’s a risk confidential information stored on the computers could be exposed.

But D.O.C. spokesman Tom Shaer says that’s not likely.

“We don’t believe that these computers are laying around somewhere compromising security.”

Shaer says per the audit’s recommendation, the department is working to track them down.

“We’ll show, we believe, that these computers are either still in inventory and possibly service. Or were properly wiped clean, no security risk with information, and were discarded or properly disposed of. We just didn’t complete the paperwork due to human error during a time when the department was short-staffed. And it still is short-staffed.”

Shaer’s “explanation” is what a citizen might call “typical stupid government.”

Meh, so we lost some computers. I’m sure there’s no problem. Don’t worry. Trust us, they’re around here someplace. We’ll find them, just as soon as we get more money to hire more people.

Good managers find a way to make do with less. Bad managers blame budget cuts for everything that goes wrong.


Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Crosstabs

Wednesday, Aug 7, 2013 - Posted by Rich Miller

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The juvenile banana republicans strike again

Wednesday, Aug 7, 2013 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Another day, another ill-informed, adolescent temper tantrum over pension reform from the Chicago Tribune editorial board

There’s a conference committee of House and Senate members working on a solution. If all the legislators on that committee were serious — we know some of them are — they would have crafted a bill by now to present to the public and the governor.

But they haven’t done so. Some members of the committee appear to be in no hurry, especially now that Quinn has taken away their paychecks. They’ll show him! They’ll … just … keep … stalling.

Most exasperating is the slow-walk on pension reform by the conference committee’s chairman, Sen. Kwame Raoul. Not that Raoul hasn’t been busy … sizing up a run for governor. Gov. Raoul — excuse us, Sen. Raoul — your handling of this conference committee isn’t building confidence in your case for a political promotion.

The state’s pension liability grows by $5 million every day. Debt is piling up, up, up.

The committee has to produce a substantial bill, one that comes close to the $187 billion in savings promised by the pension reform bill that passed the Illinois House but was crushed in the Senate.

What’s it going to take? We’ve even come to miss Squeezy the Pension Python, the cartoon character that Quinn created to try to prod the legislators to own up to the disaster they’ve created. Where’s Squeezy, trapped in a smoke-filled room in the Capitol? Lured to the beach for bikini gazing and Mai Tais? Maybe he joined the conference committee — a guarantee that he would never be seen again.

Only the We Are One negotiated pension plan could receive three-fifths votes in both chambers to give any pension reform bill an immediate effective date. Otherwise, we’re looking at July 1, 2014 for an effective date on a simple majority roll call But to hear the Tribune tell it, we’ll drown if something isn’t done right this very second!!!

These people write like they’re tweenie girls whose parents won’t buy them One Direction concert tickets.

Take. A. Breath.

* Also, if they’d bothered to actually check, they’d know that the conference committee is actually making lots of progress. What’s the holdup? Well, every tweak they make has to be sent off for actuarial analysis, and that takes time.


Take. A. Breath.

* And I seriously doubt that Sen. Raoul cares whether the Tribune thinks he’s gubernatorial material. Threatening the guy ain’t gonna work.

* Also, too, the Tribune has proved over and over again that it has zero concerns for the state Constitution. Perhaps their editorial board members have moved to another state. I dunno. But pension reform is made extremely difficult because of our Constitution. And the obvious separation of powers questions raised by the governor’s veto seem not to bother the Trib, either.

They just want those concert tickets, man, and they don’t care how it’s done. Missing Squeezy? C’mon. Grow up, already.

[And for my more partisan commenters, please note that the word “republicans” in the headline is not capitalized.]


RTA chairman wants Quinn to withdraw Zuccarelli name

Wednesday, Aug 7, 2013 - Posted by Rich Miller

* RTA Chairman John Gates piled on against Frank Zuccarelli’s CTA appointment late yesterday in a letter to Gov. Pat Quinn

Gates said Zuccarelli’s dual roles on the CTA board while serving as Thornton Township supervisor violate “the intent of Section 19” of the Metropolitan Transit Authority Act.

Zuccarelli makes more than $100,000 a year in his role as Thornton Township Supervisor, according to a report by the Better Government Association.

Gates urged Quinn to withdraw Zucarrelli’s nomination.

The full letter is here. Make sure to read it.

* The governor’s office is refusing to back down

Quinn’s office responded Tuesday night, saying that the state law in question wouldn’t prevent Zuccarelli from serving in both positions.

Zuccarelli has no transportation background, but his appointment could help Quinn. Thornton Township has a long history of turning out Democratic votes in Cook County.

Zuccarelli was appointed in early June. The political benefit at the time was obvious. He is a campaign powerhouse with thousands of African-American votes and Quinn desperately needed his support if Lisa Madigan decided to run.

So, Zucc got the nod.

And now… Oops.

The problem here is that Quinn loves to cover himself with a reformer’s coat. But when it comes to patronage, that coat covers something quite different. We’ve discussed this before.

Best comment so far

The idea that Gates — who put Madigan’s son in law on his payroll — would lecture anybody about “transparency” and “integrity” is the joke of the day.



* Meanwhile

Kane County’s representative on the Regional Transportation Authority is stepping down amid concerns he can’t legally serve both on the transit agency and a state commission.

Nabi Fakroddin sits on the RTA board and the Illinois Human Rights Commission.

RTA Chairman John S. Gates Jr. wrote Gov. Pat Quinn Thursday saying that an internal review turned up the dual roles. “It is my belief that according to the law, it may not be permissible for (Fakroddin) to continue to serve on the RTA and Mr. Fakroddin agreed,” Gates wrote.

Quinn appoints members of the human rights commission.


We Are One coalition responds to Fahner’s “misspoke” claim

Wednesday, Aug 7, 2013 - Posted by Rich Miller

* From a press release…

“Before a friendly audience behind closed doors in March, Ty Fahner claimed credit for driving down the state’s bond rating–and thereby raising costs to all taxpayers. Now, under growing public scrutiny, he says that wasn’t true.

“Fahner’s delayed attempt to deny that those efforts took place results in more questions than answers. If there’s nothing to hide, why is he trying to backtrack now? Why would he mislead the public in the first place?

“Did members of the Civic Committee speak to the ratings agencies — as Fahner clearly stated initially? If so, what transpired? Did any Civic Committee members profit from these actions? How did the role of Fahner’s law firm as state bond counsel and the role of many Civic Committee members as bond underwriters impact their efforts to lobby to reduce the state’s rating?

“Ultimately, which story should the public believe? Every Illinoisan deserves to know what really happened. We urge elected officials and the news media to demand answers to these lingering questions, uncover what occurred, and examine whether formal consequences are warranted.”

Investigation needed or no?


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Wednesday, Aug 7, 2013 - Posted by Rich Miller

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* New state law to be tested by Will County case
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