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Schillerstrom bows out, encourages voters back Tom Cross

Friday, Sep 6, 2013 - Posted by Rich Miller

Posted by Barton Lorimor (@bartonlorimor)

* By now you have heard that Bob Schillerstrom has withdrawn his name from consideration for his party’s state Treasurer nomination. From a letter to supporters that became widely reported last night…

To that end, I recently had the opportunity to sit down with House Republican Leader Tom Cross to discuss the future of our state. During the course of that and subsequent conversations, it became clear that we share a vision for the Treasurer’s Office and a desire to hold the line on spending, safeguard family college savings and restore our state’s fiscal integrity.

Those goals will best be achieved through fiscally conservative Republican leadership – and the stakes are too high to lessen our chances with a costly and divisive Primary.

For that reason I have decided not to run for State Treasurer in 2014 and instead do what is in the best interest of our State and Party by unifying behind a candidate, Tom Cross. I hope you will join me in doing whatever is necessary to make his campaign successful.

More background from the Tribune…

Schillerstrom, an attorney from Naperville who headed the DuPage County Board from 1998 to 2010, launched his exploratory bid in June and had lined up 50 backers, including former U.S. House Speaker J. Dennis Hastert and several state legislative and area county officials. Hastert has been a close Cross ally.

* As Rich noted previously, Schillerstrom was a no-show at the State Fair this year, which caused some at Republican Day to scratch their heads as to whether the former Du Page County Board chairman would continue to seek the office.

Schillerstrom has not filed a report with the Board of Elections since the June quarterly. However that report shows he has just under $40K in the bank, but outstanding loans valued at over $136K. That’s nowhere near what Cross reported in his quarterly, which is now outdated thanks to a number of other large donations he has received since.

* Rich has talked about potential running mates for Gov. Quinn with subscribers. NBC 5 contacted one of those candidates…

Some political sources say Quinn asked Chicago City Treasurer Stephanie Neeley to join up with his ticket but that she said “no.”

Neely declined to confirm that nugget, but her statement doesn’t appear to deny it either.

* More campaign news…

* Rutherford introduces running mate

* Mike Frerichs talks with WDWS-AM

* Sheila Simon talks with WDWS-AM

* Jil Tracy talks with WDWS-AM

* Rauner’s questionable term-limits drive is underway

* Cahill: It’s time to cancel Quinn’s road to nowhere

* Emanuel to appear on Letterman Monday


  1. - Easy - Friday, Sep 6, 13 @ 8:16 am:

    Grogran cran srtill mrake itr happenr

  2. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Sep 6, 13 @ 8:24 am:

    Schillerstrom was never going to be the “problem” for “Two-Putt”, the problem is going to be “Grogran” and Jason Plummer, and lets not forget Bob Grogan is still in the race too …

    To the Post,

    Schillerstrom can’t catcha break it seems to get his ambition to be a statewide offical off the ground. While leaving the governor’s race and now the treasurer’s race, Bob Schillerstrom’s window of relevence to BE statewide off the dove tail of the DuPage County Chairmanship is fading fast, along with most remembering Schillerstrom WAS the Chairman for that matter.

    Schillerstrom did Cross a “solid” by walking away, and did himself a great service, given the very …low … funds in the treasury for his run for treasurer.

    All that being said, Schillerstrom could do one more favor that would be a “solid”, almost mirroring his withdrawl; get Bob Grogan to walk away as well. Grogan’s hubris to what this uphill fight will cost, both in the financial, but also in career longevitiy, coupled with Jason Plummer as the “Face” of who Bob Grogan is having take him to the dance, almost scrams for Schillerstrom to have “coffee” with Grogan or “Grogran” or even add Plummer, and lay out the realities of what it would mane to throw away all the goodwill Bob has/had for a Don Quixote, angry, scorched earth run, aided by Jason Plummer.

    Big. Ask.

    There is still time to save “Grogran” from himself, and from Jason Plummer. Will Schillerstrom be that “stand up guy” that can do Cross a favor … one more time. Or, as I might say to “Grogran”…”I am not helping Cross, I am actually saving you… from you …”

    Food for thought…

  3. - Bill White - Friday, Sep 6, 13 @ 9:28 am:

    Oswego, 45 days ago no one knew Tom Cross was the least bit interested in being Treasurer. Now, he helicopters in and everyone is expected to genuflect?

    Is that any way to persuade the PCs to walk precincts for “the Party”

    As a Democrat, Tom Cross being treated as royalty pleases me because it weakens the GOP. As a citizen, this “kings and peasants” attitude about politics appalls me.

  4. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Sep 6, 13 @ 9:43 am:

    - Bill White -,

    Not at all.

    It is being politically savy to not run in a race that you lack the resources to win, and run a race that will retire you from the game when you can avoid it.

    “Grogran” has none of the financials to take on Cross. “Grogran” is lacking the political aparatus, statewide, to take on Cross, and in the lower ballot statewide races, Name Identification is a huge factor, and “Grogran” is known more for the “extra ‘R’ ..” than for who he is, less the “CPA” Dopey signs that only Chris Lauzen thinks are good.

    If you read his response to Cross, its also a “scorched earth” aka Jason Plummer/Bruce Rauner, “Everyone is Bad” campaign that is going to also put Bob Grogan on the outside looking in after Grogan gets beat.

    It has nothing to do with entitlement, it has everything to do with looking at a Priamry, looking at the factors of money, name ID, aparatus, and seeing “Grogran” is out of his league with Cross running against him, today.

    I have always said, and I said it specifically about the Guv’s race; “Run them all. Everyone run”.

    What I am saying to “Grogran” is for his political future, for all the goodwill “Grogran” has emassed, and for the idea that running a scorcherd earth Primary is bad, “Grogran” is making a mistake that Bob Grogan may not recover from, so maybe taking a “pass” is better politics than losing and not being in politics anymore, or not being seen as relevent by anyone after this feeble try, with limited money, and a losing message against everyone, including Republicans.

    With repsect, - Bill White -.

  5. - Joe Bidenopolous - Friday, Sep 6, 13 @ 10:10 am:

    Wait a second…Republicans walk precincts? For statewide races??? That’s pretty naive, unless you’re talking about blitz lit drops. R’s rarely knock…that’s a huge part of the problem.

  6. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Sep 6, 13 @ 10:18 am:

    - Joe Bidenopolous -,

    If you add in that fact that “Grogran” isn’t even organized enough, with not enough money for the irrelevent “lit drop”, how does the Genius that is Jason Plummer expect to get “Grogran” voters to the polls, even in the border counties Jason himself hid, I mean “visited”?

  7. - Raising Kane - Friday, Sep 6, 13 @ 10:21 am:

    Schillerstrom is a class act. He recognizes that Cross has better access to the resources needed to run that race. And he got like a statesman. He has a future in the party and earned some chits with this.

    As for Schillerstrom convincing Grogran to get out…not a chance. Even though Schillerstrom appointed Grogran, Grogran has a real dislike for Bob S.

    I am afraid Grogran will continue down this path and destroy a once promising career in GOP politics. And that is a shame, because he is a sharp guy and though very conservative he is not a “my way or the highway” guy. That makes his cuddling up with all these anti-establishment guys all the more crazy. By definition, being anti-establishment means they don’t win.

  8. - Bill White - Friday, Sep 6, 13 @ 10:35 am:

    Tom Cross oozes a sense of entitlement. Its part of his DNA.

    With Cross having fumbled his entrance into the Treasurer’s race, I’m liking the guy standing tall for Illinois more and more.

  9. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Sep 6, 13 @ 10:41 am:

    - Bill White -

    That’s why we have races, and campaigns, and election days.

    Sen. Frerichs is a “tough out” for Cross or “Grogran”, and might even be tough for “Grogan, CPA” too …

    I have no idea how that race, today, may end, a Frerichs v. Cross, but I will be very interested how both will attack the race, how they will run as down ballot statewides, and the impact of Frerichs’ inroads into Cook and Chicago, and Cross’ infastructure focusing on getting Cross “a”cross the finish line.

    One to watch, for sure, and I will be…

  10. - Bill White - Friday, Sep 6, 13 @ 10:56 am:

    Exactly right, Willy, as to why we have races . . .

    Anyway, my last word on this topic (for now) is this:

    If Cross had met with Grogan BEFORE Cross held his press conference, and

    If Cross had calibrated his approach and tone at the press conference depending on how the meeting went with Grogan, and

    If Grogan thereafter responded as he did . . .

    I would agree with most everything you are saying about Grogan.

    However, Cross took for granted that Grogan would meekly defer to his superior within the GOP food chain and that telegraphs a core of disrespect for the local guys and a deep sense of entitlement.

    Tom Cross should have met with Grogan first.

    The fact that he didn’t think it was necessary to do that is a weakness in Cross’s political game that will haunt him again and again.

    Cheers and Best Wishes!

  11. - LincolnLounger - Friday, Sep 6, 13 @ 10:57 am:

    Willy, you and I are generally on the same page, but Schillerstrom couldn’t get Grogan out when Schillerstrom was the logical choice. He can’t do it for somebody else.

    I stood and listened to one of our best, most successful operatives calmly and politely explain to Grogan that he had no pathway to victory and why. This operative was dead on. The bottom line is that Grogan is hearing the “voices” that Michele Bachmann and so many on the far right hear — “Everywhere I go, people ask me to run” and “Money won’t be a problem because the grassroots will provide enough contributions to combat the major donors he will get” blah, blah, blah.

    Simply put, there’s no talking to Grogan. He has stars in his eyes, imaginary voices in his ears, and the IR crowd egging him on to futility.

    In the end, I’m not sure it won’t help Cross. Yes, he’ll have to spend money, but maybe — maybe — he’ll sharpen his and his team’s focus and get them on the ball.

    That being said/written, however, I’m hoping he has some better minds than those who make key decisions on the House GOP political enterprise. (Though I do hope those folks get out of the House GOP political team now that Durkin is there.)

  12. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Sep 6, 13 @ 11:07 am:

    - Bill White -

    I think history shows, Tom Cross is not known for his political acumen when it comes to timing, protocol, or understanding “ducks” and “rows”.

    However, that said, this is Cross running statewide, on his own, so we will see how that aparatus handles “just Cross” and gets him over that finish line in the Primary with the fewest dollars spent, and the least amount of bruises on his campaign.

    Once Jason Plummer gets “Grogran” to start lobbing the usual “everyone is bad” rhetoric, it will help Cross more, than Cross helping himself by even acknowledging “Grogran” or taking Bob Grogan on too.

  13. - Downstater - Friday, Sep 6, 13 @ 11:12 am:

    @ Oswego Willy. You seem to have a very unhealthy obsession with Jason Plummer. Did you get some bad lumber or service at RLP Lumber? Your starting to sound like the people who keep blaming Bush for all of our current problems. Give it up! Plummer has shot his wade. He is done.

  14. - Easy - Friday, Sep 6, 13 @ 11:23 am:

    Bill, sometimes primaries are good tune ups for a campaign. With schillerstrom and Lahood out, Grogran is exactly the type of candidate you don’t mind facing in a primary to get your donors engaged early and to build out and test your political team. I think you might assume too much when you write that cross wants Grogran out. Just wonder if Grogran will figure it out….

  15. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Sep 6, 13 @ 11:24 am:

    Nah, - Dwonstater -, its very healthy to remind us all who Jason Plummer is, what he has tried to do in fooling us, and now, as Jason takes on the role of “Kingmaker”, against conventional political wisdom, and setting up a “scorched earth” campaign to do it, My Party just needs to keep in mind who “Grogran” has decided to align himself with, and how “Grogran” plans to have a primary which only has the goal of stroking the egos of Jason Plummer and Bob “Grogran”… and at times, the ego of Bob Grogan, CPA.

    It’s quite healthy, actually.

  16. - Raising Kane - Friday, Sep 6, 13 @ 11:56 am:

    Bill White,

    Cross did meet with Grogran before he announced anything. I believe he went to Dupage and met with him and Grogran told him he was in the race to stay regardless of what Cross did. Am I missing something on that?

  17. - Count on it - Friday, Sep 6, 13 @ 12:01 pm:

    I agree with Willy oon the Jason Plummer front. I hope Grogran isn’t counting on fundraising help from Jason. It seems he may have to use his allowance to pay this:

  18. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Sep 6, 13 @ 12:17 pm:

    Yep, Cross met with “Grogran”,

    Unless I am missing something, Tom Cross for Treasurer hasn’t rolled out yet.


    My “protocol” take is based on the AG leaking, and the walking back, and all the lack of methodical preparation.

    “Grogran’s” defiant statement speaks more about “Grogran” and Plummer making this all about “us versus them, every one of them”, as opposed to harvesting votes as a better choice for Treasurer … oops, I forgot, “… and a CPA too”.

  19. - Bill White - Friday, Sep 6, 13 @ 12:30 pm:,0,2451991.story

    I was wrong to say it was a “press conference”

    It was a meeting with the GOP House caucus on Wednesday morning which was leaked to the media before the afternoon meeting with Grogan.

    As of today, has Tom Cross formally announced his candidacy for Treasurer? Is he circulating petitions, yet?

  20. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Sep 6, 13 @ 12:38 pm:

    - Bill White -,

    We aare all here to help and learn, I learn new things here every day. I read, but I may not post because I know there are far smarter people here who can teach me something if I just stop and read, and the way this Cross for Treasurer bit has rolled out so far, the timeline is something that probably needed some cleanup for all of us.

    All of that being said, I am rooting for someday Schillerstrom to get his shot, and I hope when Schillerstrom catches that break, he can take full advantaage of all this good politics has gven him in that run.

  21. - wordslinger - Friday, Sep 6, 13 @ 12:40 pm:

    Most who run for treasurer see it as a jumping-off point for higher office.

    With Cross, it would seem to the end of the line. Unless he’s under the delusion that Jesse White is not an immortal or that Lisa Madigan will ever run for something else.

  22. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Sep 6, 13 @ 12:55 pm:

    - wordslinger -,

    Agreed, Treasurer is seen on the politicl spectrum as a possible launching pad to something else, but Cross needs to find a place to land to stay relevent to the GOP discussion so if/when Lisa moves up/out/on, Cross can go for AG, and have a base of operations to make that move.

    Going from Irrelevent House Leader to Mushroom is just not an option to stay relevent. Cross flirting with the idea of AG was the last in a pile of moves the HGOP Caucus had seen as someone “done” with them.

    So, “now what?” say “Two-Putt”…

    He has the cash, today, and the aparatus, and the name ID to go statewide, logically, just not the office … except for Treasurer.

    This is not a “last stop” for ole “Two-Putt”, but a stop needed now just the same, especially as Cross continues to seek the AG post.

    Can’t doo that as a Mushroom rolling backwards, and you can’t do that as a “retired” state Rep., out of circulation after not being the Irrelevent Leader.

    Got to make this stop is your Cross. It’s “next”.

  23. - Bill White - Friday, Sep 6, 13 @ 1:06 pm:

    This is what I find most offensive:

    === Treasurer is seen on the politicl spectrum as a possible launching pad to something else ===

    I want a Treasurer who wants to be a good Treasurer rather than wanting the job because it is a platform for another job.

    I believe both Jesse White (D) and Judy Baar Topinka (R) are doing it right.

  24. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Sep 6, 13 @ 1:14 pm:

    - Bill White -

    Some things … are what they are…

    That doesn’t mean Cross or Grogran or Frerichs won’t do a good job, but it also doesn’t mean that being Treasurer will temper their belief that there is something bigger for them to try for too.

    An old adage was the US Senate was 100 people preparing for their inauguration as President of the United States.

    That doesn’t mean that the Senators were not doing their best for America or their states, it meant that ambition is not squashed.

    To the Post,

    The Township GOP Chairmen and the DuPage Chair, how many are going to actively be working for “Grogran”, and I say that with “working” as a very lax definition of what it means to help, but of that group, which will let the independence go, and have “Grogran” as the Precinct Committeemen’s choice, and how big of a block can “Grogran” expect?

  25. - Easy - Friday, Sep 6, 13 @ 1:22 pm:

    Doesn’t that same sentiment apply to Grogran and his current office. Shouldn’t dupage taxpayers expect their auditor to be committed to them instead of barnstorming the state?

  26. - Anonymous - Friday, Sep 6, 13 @ 1:23 pm:

    *peaks in for the first time today*

    Has Mr. Rutherford announced who his running mate is, or is he still “teasing” everyone on Twitter?

    *runs out, dodging whatever is being thrown*

  27. - Real Story - Friday, Sep 6, 13 @ 2:24 pm:

    Two Putt met with Grogan AFTER the conference call with the caucus announcing his intention to run for Treasurer and two putt is circulating petitions - even funnier I’m seeing the packets are coming with postage due. This guy is joke and I for one am happy that I can finally vote against him.

  28. - LincolnLounger - Friday, Sep 6, 13 @ 3:06 pm:

    “…I’m seeing the packets are coming with postage due.”

    If this is true, then Cross clearly has taken his high paid “dream team” (for Steve Brown, et al) up to the statewide effort.

    More often than not, in Illinois Republican circles it seems that nothing continues to pay like losing.

  29. - MarkT - Friday, Sep 6, 13 @ 9:41 pm:

    A couple of us PC’s took Tuesday off to help bring in petitions for Downers Grove and Lisle Township from ALL candidates, so we could get our Precinct packets done and ready to rock ASAP. Most were dropped off for both Townships with no drama.

    Paul Hinds (running for DuPage County Clerk) came in person to thank us, a nice touch. When we ran short of Dillard, Frank Canzolino was there in a heartbeat with more, and stuck around to help us sort them all into precinct packets. That kind of stuff matters to PC’s, especially when some started the day before 6am at train stations getting signatures, and it’s 12 hours later with several more to go.

    Brady’s guys didn’t drop any off, neither did Rauner’s.

    My fav was getting a text via another PC that we should print up the 500 we need for Rutherford. I looked at the extra-slow-home-inkjet printer I brought down in case we ran short, and told him “Text them back and tell them we already have all of his we need.” I think he was more diplomatic than that. Later, they showed up with the 500 or so asked for.

    Cross’s petitions? That’s a story all in itself, for another day. I took a picture I was so flabbergasted at what transpired.

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