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Daley’s retort

Monday, Sep 16, 2013 - Posted by Rich Miller

* From a press release announcing the Illinois Democratic County Chairmen’s Association’s endorsement of Gov. Pat Quinn over the weekend…

“Four years ago the Illinois Democratic County Chairman’s Association remained neutral in the primary race for Governor. Now our Association enthusiastically and overwhelmingly endorses and supports Pat Quinn for election in the 2014 primary and general elections,” Pirtle continued.

County chairmen voted overwhelmingly to support the Governor. Chairmen from 79 of Illinois’ 102 counties voted in favor of Governor Quinn, who inherited a triple crisis caused by decades of corruption and fiscal mismanagement and the worst recession since the Great Depression.

Governor Quinn’s record includes enacting the largest capital construction program in state history supporting more than 400,000 jobs; the largest increase in health insurance coverage for people; and his work to help families who are facing foreclosure stay in their homes.

By contrast, millionaire bankers including Bill Daley - who served as Chairman of the Midwest Region for JPMorgan Chase from 2004-2010 and Head of Corporate Social Responsibility from 2007-2010 - helped create the recession.

Today’s latest win for Governor Quinn’s re-election bid served as the second recent failure for Mr. Daley. Mr. Daley tried but failed miserably to secure the endorsement of the Cook County Democratic Party, which overwhelmingly voted to support the Governor.

* Daley said he was “offended” by the governor’s jabs

“If I’m so bad about the Democratic values, I mean, you tell me why President Obama offered me the chief of staff or why Bill Clinton put me in his Cabinet,” Daley said in an appearance on WGN-AM 720.

“I take second place to no one who stands up for the Democratic values on behalf of the people that are working in this state — no one. Not Pat Quinn or anybody else,” he said. “And I just am offended by his sort of trying to get the ball on me and try to avoid the responsibility which he has.”

Offended or not, as I’ve told you before the polling shows the attack works

“Would you be more likely or less likely to vote for a Democratic gubernatorial candidate who ran a major bank that received federal bailout money, foreclosed on large numbers of Illinois homeowners, and engaged in predatory subprime mortgage lending?” voters were asked.

Unsurprisingly, that question moved the needle in a big way. According to the poll, a whopping 73 percent of Democrats were less likely to vote for the candidate.

Daley is gonna need a better comeback.


  1. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Sep 16, 13 @ 12:53 pm:

    The Daley Campaign is more than “leaking oil” right now … you have to be able to answer a bit better than that.

    Leaking oil on a hot engine leads to the engine blowing and an exit from the race …or at the minimum becoming a very visable “also-ran”.

  2. - Bill White - Monday, Sep 16, 13 @ 12:54 pm:

    === Governor candidate Bill Daley defended his Democratic credentials Sunday and said he was “offended” by Gov. Pat Quinn’s attempt to paint him as a wealthy banker of the type who took the nation into recession. ===

    Does Bill Daley deny that he is a wealthy banker?

    Does Bill Daley deny that the banks are what took this nation into recession?

    Or, does Bill Daley believe that brown people buying houses and greedy teachers unions took this nation into recession?

  3. - wordslinger - Monday, Sep 16, 13 @ 1:00 pm:

    I imagine the attacks will work well against Rauner in the GOP primary, if anyone ever gets around to defining the guy.

  4. - Bill White - Monday, Sep 16, 13 @ 1:02 pm:

    September 22nd should be interesting

  5. - Skeeter - Monday, Sep 16, 13 @ 1:06 pm:

    73% are less likely to vote for a guy with Bill Daley’s background.

    Sure, and if there was a third candidate in the field, I would vote for that third person.

    However, since Daley is the only alternative, he’s got my vote (assuming that I do not pull a GOP ballot for the first time in my life).

    So, that 73% doesn’t tell the full story. Is he anybody’s first choice? I doubt it. But all he has to do is be a better choice than Quinn.

  6. - DanL60 - Monday, Sep 16, 13 @ 1:23 pm:

    I always wondered who helped create the recession. Glad the IDCCA could get that out there.

  7. - Snucka - Monday, Sep 16, 13 @ 1:23 pm:

    “Tried but failed miserably”. Seems a bit harsh. Daley must really be rubbing some folks the wrong way.

    Look, I know that slating and parties are not what they once were (under RJD, for example). Still, a primary is about connecting with your regular Democratic voters and getting them to the polls. Who is in a better position to do that right now? Daley will need to work much harder to build a GOTV operation which Quinn has already in place.

  8. - Anon - Monday, Sep 16, 13 @ 1:25 pm:

    Wow, I never realized what thin skin bill Daley has. In addition to having a better answer, he needs to let these things slide off his back, and pivot to attack Quinn. If he can’t do that, he won’t be much of a candidate. Quinn is exceptional at it. He is great at the pivot. Daley looks desperate and small. Way to let Quinn manipulate you, mr. Daley.

  9. - Not for nothing - Monday, Sep 16, 13 @ 1:25 pm:

    Daley can’t let the Governor rattle off the capital bill and foreclosure “achievements,” and not respond directly to those claims. The umemployment rate and foreclosure rate are abysmal - don’t let him off the hook so easily.

  10. - wordslinger - Monday, Sep 16, 13 @ 1:37 pm:

    “Head of Corporate Social Responsibility” for JPMorganChase.

    You can’t make a title like that up. It’s beyond satire.

    Since 2009, JPMC has paid out $8.5 billion in fines and settlement for illegal actions. And the meter is still running.

  11. - jake - Monday, Sep 16, 13 @ 1:38 pm:

    I can’t understand why Daley is not seeking help and endorsements from Democratic legislators. These folks know their districts, and many of them truly loathe the Governor, who has treated them with enormous disrespect ever since he assumed office. This is part of a general cluelessness on the part of the Daley campaign, which I guess is a symptom of “Rich guy who never ran for office and is trying to start at the top without even knowing what he needs to learn to run for anything.”

  12. - Frank - Monday, Sep 16, 13 @ 1:40 pm:

    Not sure there is a better comeback out there for Daley. He’s running in a Dem primary…bragging about corporate experience isn’t gonna do him any good. All he can really do is mention Clinton and Obama and keep kicking Quinn.

  13. - Bill White - Monday, Sep 16, 13 @ 1:44 pm:


    If you haven’t read this book yet, “The Big Short” by Michael Lewis offers a succinct explanation on how banksters crashed our economy.

  14. - Small Town Liberal - Monday, Sep 16, 13 @ 1:46 pm:

    - tell me why President Obama offered me the chief of staff or why Bill Clinton put me in his Cabinet -

    I could be wrong, but I believe I’ve read in both cases the idea was that Daley could help with Congressional Republicans. Anyone else read that?

  15. - Bill White - Monday, Sep 16, 13 @ 1:50 pm:

    WaPo - January 9, 2012

    === Last January, Obama tapped Daley to replace Rahm Emanuel with high expectations. Daley, a former banker who also served as commerce secretary in the Clinton administration, was expected to help the White House improve relations with Wall Street as it implemented a series of financial reforms in the recession’s wake. ===

  16. - Rahm'sMiddleFinger - Monday, Sep 16, 13 @ 1:54 pm:

    Bill’s got no where to run to, no where to hide. His record is his record. And just wait until he gets hit with the parking meters. That will stick big time in Chicago.

    It really doesn’t make any sense for him to continue this race. Who is going to help him organize? I doubt he get’s any union support, and the people who have people aren’t with him.

    STL- You’re exactly right. And that was an abysmal fail.

  17. - NW Illinois Dem - Monday, Sep 16, 13 @ 2:02 pm:

    Is this the same group of county chairs that brought us Rod Blagojevich? What are they endorsing? One of the worst pension crises in the nation? One of the worst economies in the nation? One of the most dysfunctional state governments in the nation? Is that what the downstate county chairs are endorsing.

    Pretty pathetic move by the chairs if you ask me. It’s how you lose an election to the GOP.

  18. - Mighty M. Mouse - Monday, Sep 16, 13 @ 2:06 pm:

    ===Since 2009, JPMC has paid out $8.5 billion in fines and settlement for illegal actions. And the meter is still running.===

    According to public television’s Nightly Business Report two nights ago on Sept. 14th, JP Morgan Chase is still facing a multitude of legal and regulatory investigations, so many in fact that “it needs to beef up oversight of itself.”

    “The nation’s biggest bank said today it plans to spend an additional $4 billion, and commit 5,000 extra employees just this year to help clear up compliance issues.”

  19. - My thoughts... - Monday, Sep 16, 13 @ 2:09 pm:

    Didn’t Daley miss a bit of an opening here given the large number of county chairmen who are on the state payroll?

  20. - catch22 - Monday, Sep 16, 13 @ 2:15 pm:

    Quinn brought healthcare to the uninsured??? Wait til the bill comes do in a few years when the Fed stops subsidizing it. Where will he come up with the money??? More pension reform???

  21. - NW Illinois Dem - Monday, Sep 16, 13 @ 2:16 pm:

    My Thoughts … you’re right. Daley missed an opportunity, but he’s too much of a gentleman to take a shot at the county chairs who support Quinn because so many are on the state payroll or their nephews are. Alan Pirtle should be ashamed of signing his name to that statement — as if principle (not politics) guides that endorsement. Give me a break.

  22. - MrJM - Monday, Sep 16, 13 @ 2:16 pm:

    Bill Daley: “Please associate me with Clinton and Obama — and not with Daley, Daley or (god forbid) Daley.”

    – MrJM

  23. - Cassandra - Monday, Sep 16, 13 @ 2:16 pm:

    The Daley family has had a great run and there may yet be some little Daleys coming along who can recapture the family power and glory, but Bill, I just don’t see it. And I really want to. The Republican wannabees are still stumbling around–for one thing, there are too many of them–and four more years (eight more years?) of Pat Quinn and the status quo would be so, well, lame, to put it mildly.

  24. - CircularFiringSquad - Monday, Sep 16, 13 @ 2:20 pm:

    Always amazed when BankerBilly skips over that 2000 campaign…ya the one that refused to let Bill Clinton out in public so could have won in places like West Virginia or AK or FL.
    He helped hide the President and we got 8 years of Bush’s war, the Wall Street disaster and a whole lot more.
    That role should be enough to send the guy home.

  25. - Chicago Cynic - Monday, Sep 16, 13 @ 2:22 pm:

    Bill Daley’s been working on this run for governor for six months. PQ’s clearly telegraphed this punch for months and this is the best they can do? I’m offended that you accurately called me a millionaire banker? Wow.

    Step up your game dude or get out of the race and let Quinn save his resources for the general. He’s gonna need it if he’s running against Rauner.

  26. - MrJM - Monday, Sep 16, 13 @ 2:24 pm:

    “Didn’t Daley miss a bit of an opening here given the large number of county chairmen who are on the state payroll?”

    Yeah. I just can’t imagine why someone named “Daley” passed on the chance to discuss patronage jobs.

    – MrJM

  27. - wordslinger - Monday, Sep 16, 13 @ 2:27 pm:

    From Crains:

    –His senior management role at New York’s JPMorgan and San Antonio-based SBC Communications largely was that of a super-lobbyist. His most important task at the bank was helping it navigate the nation’s capital following the financial panic of 2007. “He was a significant adviser to the business leadership of the firm during the financial crisis,” says Peter Scher, now the bank’s executive vice president of corporate responsibility. “What he understood was that how you run a business could have a significant impact on the communities in which we operate.”–

    Yes, indeedy, how JPM ran its business certainly did have an impact on the communities in which they operated. What that has to do with Daley carrying their water in Washington is another story.

    The Justice Department is conducting civil and criminal investigations of JPM and its dumping of mortgage-backed securities prior to the crash — you know, when Daley was head of “corporate social responsibility.”

  28. - Small Town Liberal - Monday, Sep 16, 13 @ 2:44 pm:

    - so many are on the state payroll or their nephews are. -

    Well genius, if that’s the case why didn’t they endorse last time?

  29. - Rahm'sMiddleFinger - Monday, Sep 16, 13 @ 2:56 pm:

    “Daley missed an opportunity, but he’s too much of a gentleman to take a shot at the county chairs who support Quinn because so many are on the state payroll or their nephews are”

    Too much of a gentleman… HA!!! Funniest thing I’ve read all day. I’m going to guess the Son of Mayor Daley, and the Brother of Mayor Daley is going to avoid anything related to nepotism or patronage.

    Give me a break.

  30. - Rich Miller - Monday, Sep 16, 13 @ 2:57 pm:

    ===is going to avoid anything related to nepotism or patronage. ===

    You haven’t been paying attention. He’s repeatedly hit Quinn and LMadigan on those topics.

  31. - low level - Monday, Sep 16, 13 @ 3:05 pm:

    Awesome posts here.

    That statement by William: did Bowen come up with that? Or Billy? Maybe one of the other Daley family retainers? I know the one spin sister is at CPS. Will she bring coming to the campaign eventually?

    Mr. Daley - you (or your staff) are simply going to have to learn that state politics is a much different animal than the Chicago or DC brand. You sound exactly like the Daley ites who went to Springfield expecting that the state Legislature was going to be like the Chicago City Council. Or that somehow city political savvy would completely overwhelm Springfield expertise. While its good to have background in those two places, it’s not going to carry the day for you unless you listen and learn the nuances of state govt and elections.

  32. - walkinfool - Monday, Sep 16, 13 @ 3:06 pm:

    Word nailed it.

    Daley was the bank’s in house, well-connected, political lobbyist. He knows a little, but not much, about finance or executive management. The mortgage and derivative worlds were not his to manage, but his to apologize for.

    And to give Chase a break — they were forced by Paulsen to pick up two large, bad mortgage originators, as part of the government bailout, for which they now have to eat the penalties and bad press. Not to say JP Morgan didn’t gamble irresponsibly on their side, as well.

  33. - low level - Monday, Sep 16, 13 @ 3:08 pm:

    William - yes you are so Democratic you engineered the passage of NAFTA with the help of Newt Gingrich and the Republicons!

  34. - Montrose - Monday, Sep 16, 13 @ 3:09 pm:

    I think we may be seeing why Bill Daley has never taken the plunge into running for elected office before.

  35. - Mighty M. Mouse - Monday, Sep 16, 13 @ 3:10 pm:

    Rich, he certainly hasn’t avoided the subject of patronage, but assuming you are not referring to Gov. Quinn, has Bill Daley really criticized the Madigans for nepotism? It doesn’t seem possible.

  36. - Old and In The Way - Monday, Sep 16, 13 @ 3:12 pm:

    Walking Fool

    Give Chase a break? I have been dealing with these weasels in court for three years! There is no difference between the banks but the spelling of their brand names. Both are a long way from ANY sense of corporate responsibility……

  37. - Just sayin' - Monday, Sep 16, 13 @ 3:46 pm:

    I’m voting for Tio Hardiman.

  38. - Formerly Known As... - Monday, Sep 16, 13 @ 4:13 pm:

    For someone running against an incumbent candidate and the establishment failures in Illinois politics, there is no greater compliment than being rejected by these organizations.

    Daley can only hope the Democratic Party slating session endorses Quinn as well.

    Daley has plenty of Democratic bona fides from his time with Obama and Clinton. This endorsement process merely backs up the narrative that even though he may be a Daley, he is not and as not been part of the state Democratic leadership running Illinois so poorly for the last few years.

    While Pat Quinn and Mike Madigan were raising taxes on Illinois citizens? Bill Daley was serving as America’s Chief of Staff.

    You want to get the economy back on track? Call in the former United States Secretary of Commerce.

    You want to give Daley credit in the eyes of the everyday voter? Have every “official” Democratic group in the state, like the IDCA, endorse Quinn.

  39. - CircularFiringSquad - Monday, Sep 16, 13 @ 4:14 pm:

    Dear Mr./MS Old & In the Way:
    Many million of Americans believe Chase deserves a special place in hell for their many roles in financial scams….perhaps you were dozin’ over the recent fines on stealing from energy customers or the billions lost by the London Whale and the $6 billion they still have set aside for “litigation expenses”
    Ask a few WaMu customers how they were treated by Chase…ask Chase customers who got screwed over slightly late payments …not defaults …not 90 days… just a few days
    They are the worst

  40. - NW Illinois Dem - Monday, Sep 16, 13 @ 4:25 pm:

    “Formerly Known As” … You are right! That is brilliant stuff. As a loyal Democrat I’ve watched in disbelief as our party has governed miserably.
    Your point about Daley not being a part of the County Chairs and Cook Co Dems is right on. He should wear it as a badge of credibility in the Fall campaign.

  41. - Rahm'sMiddleFinger - Monday, Sep 16, 13 @ 4:45 pm:

    “Your point about Daley not being a part of the County Chairs and Cook Co Dems is right on.”

    This is amazing stuff. A Daley saying he’s not part of the machine is incredible. His family built it! His career was built on it!

    The reason he’s in trouble is that he has no space to run against Quinn. Running to his right is a bad idea. Trying to be the agent of change and the outsider will be impossible for him.

  42. - Demoralized - Monday, Sep 16, 13 @ 4:52 pm:

    If you are running for office and you get offended then you probably shouldn’t be running for office.

  43. - Chavez-respecting Obamist - Monday, Sep 16, 13 @ 4:57 pm:

    He’s way too thin-skinned for politics.

  44. - Formerly Known As... - Monday, Sep 16, 13 @ 5:04 pm:

    === A Daley saying he’s not part of the machine is incredible… Trying to be the agent of change and the outsider will be impossible for him.

    Now this is equally amazing stuff.

    Quinn himself successfully did this exact thing.

    We are talking about this guy, right? “Quinn’s ghost payrolling for Walker…”

    Quinn even managed to keep the mantra of being an “outsider” and “political gadfly” alive when running for reelection, after spending a lifetime in government and as a cog in the machine.

    Only in Illinois can the Lite Guv of Rod Blagojevich run on the mantle of being an outsider and breath of fresh air… and win.

    He may not have been attached to Blago at the hip or some of the other poster children for machine politics. But he’s not exactly an “outsider”. He is the establishment now, and has been for years.

    If the shoe fits, wear it. And Daley should size him up perfectly after these endorsement sessions.


  45. - Formerly Known As... - Monday, Sep 16, 13 @ 5:14 pm:

    Thanks for the kind words, @NW Illinois Dem

  46. - low level - Monday, Sep 16, 13 @ 5:17 pm:

    @ Formerly Known As. (FMA from now on for short)

    Seriously? That’s the response? LOL

    First problem becoming apparent: your guy is clearly too thin skinned. Whats he going to say when he’s out and bring booed?

    Second: any response to the NAFTA problem?

  47. - low level - Monday, Sep 16, 13 @ 5:21 pm:

    In the words of Aretha Franklin: whose zoomin who?? :)

  48. - Skeeter - Monday, Sep 16, 13 @ 5:22 pm:

    “Second: any response to the NAFTA problem?”

    My response would be to ignore it and talk about the “job” Quinn has done as Gov.

    Daley wins this race if it turns into a debate over Quinn’s performance.

    Daley loses if people are talking about Daley’s background and qualifications.

  49. - low level - Monday, Sep 16, 13 @ 5:33 pm:

    Yes, but Mr. Daley felt insulted that his Democratic bona fides have been questioned. NAFTA was not popular among Democratic primary voters.

    So, I hope I will hear that addressed specifically, Skeeter. Although I’m not holding my breath.

  50. - Skeeter - Monday, Sep 16, 13 @ 5:38 pm:

    My response is that I don’t care if Bill Daley had a role in passing NAFTA.

    Anybody who is not “Pat Quinn” and has no felonies on his record has my vote.

    So you can scream “NAFTA” all day and all night, and I could not possibly care less.

    You can breathe now.

  51. - MrJM - Monday, Sep 16, 13 @ 5:40 pm:

    “Daley has plenty of Democratic bona fides from his time with Obama and Clinton.”

    There’s NAFTA from when he was with Clinton, there’s his (mis-)management of the Gore campaign and with the Obama administration he… uhh… he… well, I’m sure he must have done something.

    – MrJM

  52. - Skeeter - Monday, Sep 16, 13 @ 5:41 pm:

    Low Level, is being “the clueless guy who failed to provide the slightest bit of leadership on any issue at all” popular among Democratic primary voters?

  53. - low level - Monday, Sep 16, 13 @ 5:46 pm:

    @MrJM - agreed.
    @ Skeeter - well that’s peachy. Tell me: are you anti Cullerton and Madigan also?

  54. - Skeeter - Monday, Sep 16, 13 @ 5:51 pm:

    Low Level,
    Not really.
    Both Cullerton and the Speaker have strengths and weaknesses. Obviously on pensions it is difficult to support both of them so by definition at least on that issue I’m “anti” one of them.
    Not sure how this pertains to any other issue though.
    Why do I suspect your next post will be some rave out accusing me of being a tea partier?

  55. - Oneman - Monday, Sep 16, 13 @ 5:56 pm:

    Heck if I am Quinn I try to turn this into a race about Daley and the banker thing, also helps him in Rauner pulls it off on the GOP side…

    If I am Daley, I spend less time on the ‘who is a better Deomocrat’ and more time on the problems of the Quinn administration.

    Also it’s September, save your uglier stuff for after the 1st of the year.

  56. - Bill White - Monday, Sep 16, 13 @ 6:03 pm:

    === Anybody who is not “Pat Quinn” and has no felonies on his record has my vote. ===

    I am reminded of Winston Churchill’s famous quote

    “Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all those other forms that have been tried from time to time.”

    Yes indeed — Pat Quinn is, well, Pat Quinn. That said, Bill Daley would be significantly worse.


  57. - low level - Monday, Sep 16, 13 @ 6:13 pm:

    I’ll tell ya, Skeeter. I agree with everything you have said about Quinn. He’s not a leader, has failed miserably. And I was looking forward to Quinn losing in the primary. I’d have voted for just about anyone against PQ. Except Daley. Now I really have to think about it. Why?

    1) failure as Obama CoS
    2) Chase Bank and the $$$$ he made there without telling me exactly what he did
    3) Gore 2000 - kept Clinton locked up (dumb)
    4) does he know anything outside of metro Chicago? (& I’m a Chicago native, but this also is of concern)

    And now he’s portraying himself as an outsider. Except for the little problem of he always has been one of the ultimate insiders. He didn’t get to be US Trade Rep and Commerce Sec as just another large Democratic fund raiser.

    Finally, what is with this thin skin? He’s personally offended? Gee, sorry to hear that. I can only imagine how he’ll respond to GOP attacks if he becomes the nominee.

    You had put that Daley wins as long as people don’t focus on him and/or raise questions about his record. As this post shows, that isn’t going to be possible. Counter attacking on and deflecting to Quinn will work up to a point. Eventually Daley will have to answer these questions.

    (& nothing about NAFTA in the above)

  58. - NW Illinois Dem - Monday, Sep 16, 13 @ 6:21 pm:

    Bill Daley helped with NAFTA because the President of the United States asked him to do it. That was President Bill Clinton, Democrat, who asked him to do it. He got the job done for the President of the United States. That was the mid-1990s. Governor Quinn was the outsider running on term limits then, remember? Fast forward. Pension crisis. Skyhigh debt. Dysfuncational state gov’t. So guess what? Let’s talk about Bill Daley and NAFTA - yeah - let’s change the subject from Quinn’s mismanagement of state gov’t.

    The strategy makes sense … just not sure both the citizens of this state and the Daley Campaign are going to let the Quinn Campaign change the channel from 2013.

  59. - Rod - Monday, Sep 16, 13 @ 7:06 pm:

    Daley’s team was not thinking and its response was weak. Governor Quinn has by no means been VI Lenin in relation to banks. For example Quinn is on record supporting and promoting the Invest Illinois Venture Fund Program (IIVF). (see press release dated October 5, 2011) Here is a direct quote from Quinn “By working with the state’s banking community and venture capitalists, we’ll get entrepreneurs and small businesses starting up or expanding and creating new jobs at a faster rate.”

    Does Quinn sound like a warrior against banks in that quote? Daley’s people are lazy and they simply don’t know how to do opposition research. Clearly they don’t know how to call Quinn out on his double talk. They are doomed I think.

  60. - Original Rambler - Monday, Sep 16, 13 @ 7:13 pm:

    Tribune reporting Daley is out of the race. Shocker!

  61. - Six Degrees of Separation - Monday, Sep 16, 13 @ 7:24 pm:

    Come on without,
    Come on within
    You’ll not see nothing
    Like the mighty Quinn!

    Whod’a thunk 6 months ago the primary would be such a breeze?

  62. - downstate commissioner - Monday, Sep 16, 13 @ 9:14 pm:

    Anybody but Quinn…Rauner???? Unfortunately, I can’t see Republicans nominating a moderate-too many anti-abortion, anti-gay,anti-union, pension-jealous tea-partiers out here.

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