Stuff that ain’t gonna happen
Friday, Sep 20, 2013 - Posted by Rich Miller
* Certain legislation, when it’s introduced, is almost guaranteed to receive a big press pop and then never actually go anywhere. This would be one of those measures…
An Illinois lawmaker wants Governor Pat Quinn to spend more time in Springfield.
State Rep. C.D. Davidsmeyer (R-Jacksonville) on Tuesday filed House Resolution 581 that “urges” Quinn to be in Springfield “during the entirety of the legislative session” in order to work with lawmakers.
The governor has in the past come under criticism for his brief time spent at the capitol while lawmakers are session.
Quinn spent only 68 days in Springfield between March 2011 and March 2012 – less than 20 percent of his time and only 40 nights in the governor’s mansion., according to an investigation last year by Champaign TV station WCIA.
* More…
“I think this sets an expectation,” [Rep. Davidsmeyer] says. “It doesn’t tie the governor’s hands by any means by saying ‘you have to live in the mansion’. It just says ‘we encourage you to be there to help us lead in the right direction.’”
Davidsmeyer says it’s not meant to attack Quinn; it would apply to any future governor. He says it’s important that the governor be available to help legislators negotiate and make deals. Quinn’s office says the governor goes wherever he has work to do.
It’s not targeted at Quinn? Please.
* And here’s another one…
State Rep. Sue Scherer, D-Decatur, is a sponsor of a bill to remove the 6.25 percent sales tax the state collects on most motor fuel sales.
“The people I represent are frustrated by high gas prices, and high state taxes that add to their burden,” Scherer, whose district includes part of Springfield, said in a statement concerning House Bill 3666. “By cutting some of the taxes that are contributing to our pain at the pump, this bill offers much-needed relief.”
The bill would permanently remove the tax, as of July 1, 2014. The 6.25 percent includes 5 percent that goes to the state, 1 percent that goes to municipal government and a quarter percent that goes to county government.
The state’s 5 percent sales tax on fuel alone amounted to $779 million in the fiscal year that ended June 30, said Sue Hofer, spokeswoman for the Illinois Department of Revenue. That would also mean municipal and county governments received about $195 million from their portion of the state-collected tax.
This is a Jack Franks bill, so you know right off the bat that it’s designed for maximum media attention for Democrats who represent more conservative areas. But I’d really like to see Scherer explain what programs she’d cut to equal that $779 million budget reduction.
- Soccermom - Friday, Sep 20, 13 @ 10:10 am:
Hey there, Sue — have you asked the Decatur city council how they feel about losing that revenue? how about the counties in your district — are they down with this? Or is it that you know there’s no chance on earth for this to happen, so you can just sell it to stupid voters without worrying about actual consequences?
- Sir Reel - Friday, Sep 20, 13 @ 10:10 am:
These types of bills should start with, “A bill about pandering …”
- Spliff - Friday, Sep 20, 13 @ 10:11 am:
As a democrat voting constituent I can safely say that Sue Scherer has under performed as a legislator. Also as a constituent i can say that after her campaign the bar wasn’t set very high for her to start with!
- Oswego Willy - Friday, Sep 20, 13 @ 10:18 am:
Yeah, um … this Bill not targeted at Quinn… about showing up …
How about Davidsmeyer worry more about being veto-proofed, and less about what the Executive Branch is doing in it governence.
How about this Davidsmeyer, beat Pat Quinn, then My Party won’t have to worry about Quinn being anywhere…
A governor, and any of the statewides need to be “out and about” while the Office itself, agencys, divisions, etc.. do the “day to day”…
If I wanted any governor to be married to Springfield, I would vote for someone FROM Springfield.
You don’t like Quinn’s attendence record, come November, have the Nominee try tom make “hay”, otherwise, let all the Statewides do their jobs, and you continue to Mushroom …
- cover - Friday, Sep 20, 13 @ 10:24 am:
Maybe Rep. Scherer would be willing to vote for a big cut to teacher’s pensions… including her own? Or to close the women’s prison in Decatur? Don’t count on it. Sir Reel hit the nail on the head.
- wordslinger - Friday, Sep 20, 13 @ 10:33 am:
How about a bill mandating free gasoline for everyone and Pat Quinn has to pump it, check the oil, and wipe the windshield. At the mansion. In Springfield.
Problems solved.
- yepperdo - Friday, Sep 20, 13 @ 10:36 am:
Spliff- I agree with you 100 percent! This is a D district though and who else can we get? Will staff even let her do media on this?
- too obvious - Friday, Sep 20, 13 @ 10:44 am:
The good news is goofballs like C.D. Davidsmeyer aren’t being paid right now.
- 47th Ward - Friday, Sep 20, 13 @ 10:48 am:
Part of me hopes the Davidsmeyer bill passes just in case Rauner wins next year.
- Pete - Friday, Sep 20, 13 @ 11:40 am:
$779 million goes a long way when building local/rural bridges.
- ugh - Friday, Sep 20, 13 @ 11:54 am:
This shows how little Rep. Davidsmeyer knows about the process and that he hasn’t had the pleasure of sitting through a meeting with Quinn. Having Quinn in Springfield throughout session would probably reduce productivity. Rather than sitting in committees or negotiating bills, members would be subjected to his longwinded, rambling speeches.
- cod - Friday, Sep 20, 13 @ 11:55 am:
I have to say I agree completely with Sue Scherer.
Eliminate the sales tax and the fuel tax, and replace the lost revenue with a simple graduated income tax. Perhaps even eliminate the corporate tax.
That would be a much fairer tax system to the working poor and the middle class.
Every online business would locate themselves in Illinois. Maybe even in Decatur, where there will now be an intermodal transfer facility.
Imagine, even folks from Indiana would come here to shop for liquor, tobacco, and fireworks!
- Louis Howe - Friday, Sep 20, 13 @ 12:35 pm:
I saw Rep. Scherer a couple days ago in Springfield doing door-to-door with a young Madigan staffer in tow. She must be dumber than she looks. Illinois is in no position to cut taxes of any kind.
- Sir Reel - Friday, Sep 20, 13 @ 12:53 pm:
Why do politicians think the solution to high gas prices is cutting taxes on gas? The price fluctuates more than 6.25% all the time. An increase in the global price of oil or trouble in an oil producing country can jump the price overnight. Politicians should focus on reducing the consumption of oil - think alternative energy and improved MPG - mass transit, etc.
- Forsyth - Friday, Sep 20, 13 @ 12:56 pm:
Sue is learning well from Bill Mitchell. Keep up the good work, Sue. It’s worked well for Bill.
- Keyser Soze - Friday, Sep 20, 13 @ 1:24 pm:
This one doesn’t pass the silly test. Jeeze Louise.
- downstate commissioner - Friday, Sep 20, 13 @ 1:42 pm:
I know Davidsmeyer, not well, but I know him. He is a good kid, with good intentions. What a lot of upstate commenters (sic?)don’t realize is that the mansion setting vacant is a BIG DEAL with a lot of the public in the areas surrounding Springfield. His resolution probably just reflects what he has heard complaints about. Personally, the further away Quinn stays, the better off the state is.
- Steve Reick - Friday, Sep 20, 13 @ 1:43 pm:
Jack’s at it again with a bill that he calls the “Property Taxpayer’s Bill of Rights” (HB 3676). It’s nothing more than adding some redundant provisions to the Property Tax Code and making a few technical changes. It got a headline in the Northwest Herald, however. Mission accomplished.
- A guy... - Friday, Sep 20, 13 @ 1:50 pm:
If these 2 goofs want to play the populist game with Quinn, they better find another gear. These are both stupid, weak responses. There are taxes and then there are taxes that people really resent. The gas tax isn’t one of them. People get that the money goes to roads. Perhaps Rep. Davidsmeyer could apply for the RA position at the mansion. Where is the “too stupid to file this bill” file these days.
- reformer - Friday, Sep 20, 13 @ 3:05 pm:
== I’d really like to see Scherer explain what programs she’d cut to equal that $779 million budget reduction. ==
I wouldn’t hold your breath for either Scherer — or any of her colleagues who introduce tax cut bills — to ever explain how they’d pay for them.
Look at all the \Republicans who co-sponsored a bill to repeal the temporary income tax: None of them can tell us how to make up $7 billion in lost revenue.
- jimbo26 - Friday, Sep 20, 13 @ 4:16 pm:
Scherer introduces bill to cause a depression in her district. Housing prices plummet following a massive layoff of state, county & city workers caused by HB3666. Crime rate skyrockets as cities are forced to layoff cops. Fire insurance rates go thru the roof like flames as cities lay off firefighters. Local businesses close since the unemployed are not able to buy goods or eat out & more people are now unemployed and forced to apply for welfare. DUH?