Today’s quotables
Friday, Sep 20, 2013 - Posted by Rich Miller
* Sen. Bill Brady…
“Rahm Emanuel’s only candidate left in this race is Bruce Rauner.”
* Bob Grogan, Republican candidate for state treasurer…
“If you owned a business and you were going to hire a treasurer, I would be on the list of people that you would be interviewing. Tom Cross would not be on that list.”
* Former Gov. Jim Edgar on Gov. Pat Quinn’s legislative salary veto…
“First of all I can appreciate his frustration with the legislature,” says former Governor Jim Edgar, “I think every governor gets frustrated with the legislature, and I’m sure every legislature gets frustrated with the governor, and there were times I probably wanted to strangle them, but I don’t think I would have done what he did.” […]
“Some future governor might do it,” says Edgar, “and he might do it in a way that’s even more damaging or disruptive than this was.”
- wordslinger - Friday, Sep 20, 13 @ 1:40 pm:
What’s Rauner going to do about Emanuel — persuade him to publicly endorse Quinn?
- Oswego Willy - Friday, Sep 20, 13 @ 1:42 pm:
===“If you owned a business and you were going to hire a treasurer…===
Government is not a business. “Grogran”
- Wowser - Friday, Sep 20, 13 @ 1:44 pm:
Great quotes. Brady and Gorgan do have valid points. . am sorry though, i just don’t buy the one and only argument that keeps getting thrown out there, re-legislative salaries, the famous slippery slope. If legislators had the courage to override, this wouldnt be a problem. Gay marriage gets thrown out there as an example in which this tactic could be used, lok, how? Ga approves a gay marriage bill and conservative gov vetos their salaries? Ok. The ga votes to override, after all a majority just passed a gay marriage bill, the public stands behind the ga in that case as well, not the gov. Point is, something needed to happen. The dawg-gone unions and corporations in this state are so powerful and are locked in an intractable struggle at the moment. Let’s deal with this issue and move on as a State on sounder financial footing.
- Oswego Willy - Friday, Sep 20, 13 @ 1:44 pm:
Where o’ Where are the pictures of Bruce Rauner standing next to Rahm Emanuel?
Cost nothing to put one of those on your websites, you three …
That should have been up and been used for weeks and weeks.
You’re welcome.
- Anonymour - Friday, Sep 20, 13 @ 1:45 pm:
I’ve never been a huge fan of Jim Edgar’s — I remember MSI, and think he only looks very good compared to his successors. But boy, is he an adult (as compared to our current Governor).
- Skeeter - Friday, Sep 20, 13 @ 1:46 pm:
Note to Grogan:
Talking about the other guy’s lack of qualifications only works if you are qualified.
- downstate commissioner - Friday, Sep 20, 13 @ 1:49 pm:
Oswego, I know that, you know that, but most of the public does not. It is actually a pretty good campaign theme against a “politician”, which certainly describes Cross. Saying it does not make Grogan a Dope, it just makes you look foolish when you call him one.
- Denim in DuPage - Friday, Sep 20, 13 @ 1:50 pm:
Grogran is priceless. Does he expect that we believe someone who can’t use spellcheck can successfully audit anything? Also does he have an agenda? Why is this guy running except to guarantee him a primary for his current job in two years?
- Oswego Willy - Friday, Sep 20, 13 @ 1:52 pm:
No, it actually makes my point that “Grogran” has no business running for Treasurer, knows nothing about raising the monies need to run statewide, and lacks a good sounding board, unless you want to make a case for Jason Plummer.
How is “Grogran” going to get out this winning message with more money owed to him, than what he had on hand? Pony Express?
Thus, the “Dope”, and it’s appropriate given the context of the reality and the fact “Grogran” has no campaign to even get it out there.
- Oswego Willy - Friday, Sep 20, 13 @ 1:59 pm:
The Brady Crew is “coming around” on this, and that quote is better than adding the “purity”.
Well done!
Now throw in the monies to Rich Daley, Rahm Emanuel, and if Rauner goes all “Schools, schools, schools…” throw a “Not all of us had the direct line to Arne Duncan” … and leave it there.
Payton Prep Clouter Bruce Rauner is THE pivot, not “purity”… Rahm, Rich Daley, campaign donations…and a dash of Arne Duncan for a “thought” …
“And I am no Bruce Rauner”
Kudos to Brady’s Crew, now keep the narrative going.
- William j Kelly - Friday, Sep 20, 13 @ 2:20 pm:
Rauner is Rahm’s pick. And Brady is the idiot Rahm is hoping will stay in the race long enough to help rauner win.
- Shore - Friday, Sep 20, 13 @ 2:44 pm:
rauner=rahm pretty easy, simple message/narrative to sell and one the chicago media gets.
- walkinfool - Friday, Sep 20, 13 @ 2:50 pm:
Grogan’s comment is cute, and will be forgotten tomorrow. He’s just not a player in this race. Cross will and should focus on attacking the Dems right now.
Brady picked someone to his right as a legitimate running mate. I wasn’t sure that was even possible.
- Just Observing - Friday, Sep 20, 13 @ 2:54 pm:
I could care less who the GOP Treasurer nominee is. That being said, I thought it would be interesting to see who Grogan’s campaign Treasurer is. It is Ed Grant of Clarendon Hills:
A Google search seems to indicate Ed Grant works at Accenture (a business management consulting firm). Furthermore, while Grogan, per IDFPR, is a CPA, Ed Grant is not.
Therefore, according to Grogan — businesses and the government should only have CPA’s as Treasurers, but not campaign committees.
Just sayin’.
- Oswego Willy - Friday, Sep 20, 13 @ 3:02 pm:
- Just Observing - just made my week.
“Grogran” would not have hired him, according to “Grogran”, so maybe Jason Plummer hired him becuase of his “Kool Name”, thinking he was related to Foster Grant, Horace Grant, General Grant, or Cary Grant?
@FakeJasonPlummer - Bob Grogran has a Treasurer and he’s cool. I still get spooked on the 2 first names, but I can handle it. #GrogranReadsResumesJasonReadsCerealBoxes
- reformer - Friday, Sep 20, 13 @ 3:10 pm:
Why is Brady the spoiler and not Dillard or Rutherford? With four candidates, each of them splits the vote so someone with less than half the vote can win the nomination.
- Just The Way It Is One - Friday, Sep 20, 13 @ 3:54 pm:
Fabulous quote by former Gov. Edgar. Very realistic, honest, and down-to-earth as you’d almost expect him to be on that issue. His remark almost seems to imply that Pat Quinn’s move very well may be upheld in the former Guv’s view, and, if so, would of course be utilized in the future…! VERY insightful, thought-provoking politically as well as governmentally and interesting to ponder…!
(But, of course, we’ll have to wait ‘n see what the JUDICIAL Branch of Govt. comes up with on THAT one–that’s what they’re there for, after all)!
- Rod - Friday, Sep 20, 13 @ 4:31 pm:
I think that Senator Brady’s comment may be more profound than how it just relates to Rauner’s contributions to Mayor Emanuel. Ideologically Mayor Emanuel may be closer to Bruce Rauner than any other candidate too. I would say on the hostility scale towards public sector unions really only Mr. Rauner shares the Mayor’s dislike of unions. Rauner and Emanuel also share a belief in austerity as the solution to urban fiscal woes. Does that mean Emanuel is a Democrat only in name - you bet it does.