Dillard explains, backtracks and hedges
Monday, Sep 23, 2013 - Posted by Rich Miller
* Bernie wrote about a conservative survey that Sen. Kirk Dillard filled out in 2011…
One of the questions, as pointed out recently in the Capitol Fax blog, that got an “x” in the “support” box from Dillard was, “Do you support/oppose the repeal of the civil unions law?”
Dillard also wrote in that “It is a litigious nightmare!!”
“Senator Dillard has not changed his position on any of the issues,” said campaign spokesman WES BLEED. “On the question of civil unions, he was responding to a (yes-no) question. He is against the current legislation and would want to replace it with a law that would protect religious liberties.”
The backtrack…
“I think if we’re going to have civil unions in Illinois, we should have an amendment to the current civil union statute that allows religious institutions to get back in the foster care and adoption business,” Dillard told reporters. Asked if the civil union law should be repealed without such a change, Dillard said, “We’ll see,” which Bleed said later was a reference to seeing what happens with attempts to change the law.
* He also hedged a bit on his support for repealing the Motor Voter law…
“I have always been concerned about potential vote fraud and people standing in longer lines at the driver’s license facility,” Dillard said in a statement to me. “But I am open to discussing Motor Voter going forward.”
* And remember this?…
To improve education, Dillard said he would prevent Chicago schools from taking about $1 billion they currently take away from downstate schools.
“A child who lives in poverty in downstate should be equal to one in Chicago,” he said.
* Well…
Dillard, a state senator from Hinsdale, defended his critique that the city’s control of state government has led to Chicago Public Schools siphoning nearly $1 billion in general state aid payments from rural and suburban schools, including changes in funding formulas for students living in poverty.
“I’m not proposing we take a penny out of the Chicago Public Schools. But my point is, when you have control of the entire state by one city, things happen,” Dillard said in an interview on WGN-AM (720).
“I’m not saying at all that you ought to reduce the funding to the Chicago Public Schools,” he said. “What I’m saying is that when we have these formulas, you need geographic balance in Illinois and I will be a governor for all of Illinois–not just the suburbs, not just Chicago, not just downstate Illinois or southern Illinois.” […]
Dillard acknowledged, however, the increased general state aid education payments to Chicago are largely a “wash” with income tax payments made by Chicago taxpayers to help fund teacher pensions outside Chicago.
- too obvious - Monday, Sep 23, 13 @ 10:02 am:
Dillard has so painted himself in a corner by pandering to a tiny faction of the GOP, he’s made himself unelectable in the general if by some miracle he did win the primary. The guy is so all over the place on issues, no one in any faction trusts him anymore.
- Roland the Headless Thompson Gunner - Monday, Sep 23, 13 @ 10:04 am:
Dillard’s “rightward lurch” looks more spastic by the minute.
- wordslinger - Monday, Sep 23, 13 @ 10:09 am:
“Just tell me what you want to hear….”
- anon - Monday, Sep 23, 13 @ 10:09 am:
Dillard would be wise to get out, endorse Rauner, and pick a nice job in the administration in case Rauner pulls this off. Rauner could win if Brady and Rutherford split the downstate vote, and Dillard’s move could avoid similar splitting of Cook and Collar county moderates. Since Illinois wont elect a ultra conservative to the governor’s office, Dillard should do the big thing here and give the moderate wing of the republican party the best shot at success. If Rauner were to win the primary, and lose the general, Dillard would be out, but there are far worse things in this world than refocusing on your private sector work.
- Whatever - Monday, Sep 23, 13 @ 10:13 am:
So what does Dillard stand for?
- Anon - Monday, Sep 23, 13 @ 10:14 am:
Whatever - Extremism!
- Jay Carney - Monday, Sep 23, 13 @ 10:24 am:
I would just like to say that Kirk Dillard would make an awesome governor!
- siriusly - Monday, Sep 23, 13 @ 10:36 am:
- too obvious - Monday, Sep 23, 13 @ 10:39 am:
Like most of what comes out of Dillard’s mouth, his explanation on Chicago school funding was so muddled it was impossible to decipher. Haven’t been so confused since Dillard tried to explain his Obama ad, or his multiple votes for more casinos.
- Samurai - Monday, Sep 23, 13 @ 10:40 am:
Rauner would be wise to get out, endorse Dillard and vie for appointment as Chairman of the Illinois State Board of Education under the Dillard Administration. Perfect fit with Mr. Rauner’s keen interest in education.
- Frank - Monday, Sep 23, 13 @ 10:40 am:
Maybe someone can remind Kirk that the current school funding formulas that are favorable to Chicago (unless you count pension funding,) were set up when DuPage County Republicans controlled both chambers and Jim Edgar was governor. As a DuPage County Republican who worked for Edgar, he shouldn’t need reminding.
- Nearly Normal - Monday, Sep 23, 13 @ 10:41 am:
Dillard must be eating waffles for breakfast!
- foster brooks - Monday, Sep 23, 13 @ 10:43 am:
It takes 2 seconds to register to vote at SoS offices
- VanillaMan - Monday, Sep 23, 13 @ 11:01 am:
At a time when voters believe politicians are spineless confidence men seeking power, Dillard reveals himself as just another politician.
This was a moment for Dillard to defend himself, and he blows it with a lot of hair-splitting language signaling to voters that he doesn’t believe what he says if you don’t like what he says.
A Christy, this guy ain’t!
- LincolnLounger - Monday, Sep 23, 13 @ 11:38 am:
I don’t even know Kirk Dillard anymore, and it makes me very sad.
- just me - Monday, Sep 23, 13 @ 11:40 am:
Show me the money, Dillard is broke. Jill is being used for her family money.
- Just Me - Monday, Sep 23, 13 @ 11:47 am:
Religious institutions can still be involved in adoptions….they just can’t use state taxpayer money to discriminate against LGBT families.
- Oswego Willy - Monday, Sep 23, 13 @ 12:14 pm:
Dear Dillard Campaign,
First off, how are you, long time, no talk for us here.
I did like your choice of Jil Tracy, both as a logisitical choice as in the geography/base/region, and to the “qualified” aspect of your choice. Jil Tracy is seen as someone who has credentials that make her a credible governor, if needed.
With praise comes criticism.
This narrative of “I will say what works for the next hour or so, or until someone gives me a reason to counter myself” is not working.
To be quite frank, I am losing sight of where you stand, and focusing more on what you are saying different …the next time you comment on the same issue.
Not Good.
There seems to be a terrible pattern developing;
Comment. Others react. Comment on first comment, comment on react. Reaction of second comment, then backtracking by Campaign to clarify 1st comment to explain second comment to reconcile both comments. Mocking.
Just stop with commenting… until you are absolutely sure your comment is your stance, and you are willing to defend it, and by defending it, it strenghens your resolve, allowing you to look like a governor who say what he means and means what he says.
You know why Charlie Brown could never be Governor.
Charlie Brown is wishy-washy.
You are about 3 months away, with this horrible messaging, from being the “Charlie Brown of the GOP field.”
You can not be all things to everyone, but you can be a candidate look at as someone who knows who he is, where he is, and … where he sees the state going, and where he hopes to take it for the better.
Be that guy.
Find the statesman that WAS Kirk Dillard, and don’t trot him out, actually BE him….
It will help … honest …and I won’t waver from that belief it would help.
Good luck,
- Shore - Monday, Sep 23, 13 @ 12:46 pm:
Dillard reminds me a lot of al gore’s presidential campaign, different guy, different day and we know how that ended. When we last saw him in 2010 he was jim edgar’s guy, the dealmaker who can win. Then he went with perry who is the anti-edgar in every way, since then, more twists, more turns and all you really see now is a politician who seemingly only stands for whatever will get him a job-and he reminds you with his edgar act he’s coveted it for decades.
Not good. Pick one Kirk Dillard. The problem with the 2010 kirk dillard is that this is now a smash mouth conservative party that wants to blitz and that’s pretty much at odds with the edgar way. Good luck.
- Rod - Monday, Sep 23, 13 @ 1:07 pm:
Regarding Sen. Kirk Dillard’s comments on poverty funding for Chicago Public Schools. I don’t buy for one minute that Sen Dillard isn’t talking about taking money from CPS and redistributing it across Illinois. Moreover, on April 23, 2012, Senator Radogno, made a presentation at the City Club of Chicago when she made close to the same argument as Dillard is now.
Moreover, Dillard’s argument that the power of Chicago vs. downstate hurts southern IL schools applies to the power of northern IL suburban Republicans from Hinsdale too. The problem here is school funding and property taxes. In order to reduce the role of property taxes in funding education there needs to be alternative forms of funding, maybe like dumping the flat income tax? But for Republicans that would equate to denouncing the divinity of Christ in scripture.
- hisgirlfriday - Monday, Sep 23, 13 @ 1:23 pm:
Its a shame Dillard can’t be more straightforward on his position toward CPS funding, whatever it is.
Him hedging and dissembling really takes some punch out of any attacks he might make on Rauner for clouting his kid into CPS, just when Rahm serves up a juicy new news peg on that sort of hit on Rauner with the $17 million expansion money going to Payton thanks to Rauners BFF Rahm at the same time city pensions go underfunded and unconnected parents have their schools shut down by Rahm.
- low level - Monday, Sep 23, 13 @ 2:45 pm:
Senator Dillard seems to be doing a Mitt Romney. Too bad for Kirk, Mitt’s strategy didnt work out very well in the end, and neither will Dillard’s.