Perhaps a little payback?
Friday, Sep 27, 2013 - Posted by Rich Miller * Top Republicans received an interesting little mailer this week. The entirety of the letter was a recent Tom Kacich column in the Champaign News-Gazette about Republican gubernatorial candidate Bruce Rauner’s unusually large number of ties to Democrats. The sender highlighted the most important parts. Here’s a cellphone pic of one page of the letter… * The sender didn’t use a bulk mail permit, so we can’t trace its origin. But check out the postmark… ![]() Hmm. What Rauner enemy lives in Peoria? Lemme think a bit. Nope, I just can’t possibly guess.
- Just The Way It Is One - Friday, Sep 27, 13 @ 3:10 pm:
OH boy!!! Even MORE chuckles for a Friday afternoon! Nice work.
- Oswego Willy - Friday, Sep 27, 13 @ 3:11 pm:
I am Schocked, Schocked that a letter like this is being mailed out…
- OneMan - Friday, Sep 27, 13 @ 3:11 pm:
Could it be….
- Oswego Willy - Friday, Sep 27, 13 @ 3:12 pm:
I guess the sender wants Bruce Rauner to see the Arron in his ways …
- MrJM - Friday, Sep 27, 13 @ 3:13 pm:
Don’t tell me! Don’t tell me!
Was it from figure skater and 2006 Olympic bronze medalist, Matt Savoie?
Nailed it!
– MrJM
- Oswego Willy - Friday, Sep 27, 13 @ 3:13 pm:
Well, Sonja Henie is out …
Who did it?
- Norseman - Friday, Sep 27, 13 @ 3:14 pm:
“It’s a frame, I did not send this letter!” A.S.
- Nearly Normal - Friday, Sep 27, 13 @ 3:14 pm:
- Fed up - Friday, Sep 27, 13 @ 3:16 pm:
Rauner is wasting a lot of money in this race, but he is obviously Rahms choice and the choice of some big money people in Chicago. Not sure who is worse for Illinois future him or Quinn
- Oswego Willy - Friday, Sep 27, 13 @ 3:18 pm:
Welp, whoever did it should get high marks for the highlighting, that is first rate.
However, they could have used a “Blue” highlighter to really make the point …
- Norseman - Friday, Sep 27, 13 @ 3:18 pm:
ISP announces that political letter targeting gubernatorial candidate Bruce Rauner has been sent to the forensic lab to test the stamp for DNA.
- Oswego Willy - Friday, Sep 27, 13 @ 3:24 pm:
I got a letter postmarked Peoria too today, however mine said I needed to make 5 copies and sent it to friends and family AND send $10 to the names on the bottom or I will have bad luck.
To the Post,
Here is something along the lines of peeling of GOP support;
Has the Rauner campaign yet to organize its own rally, and not call Rauner showing up at a “picnic”, meeting, Corporate employee meet and greet … I mean, get the room, get the volunteers together, fill the room, have a program …I have yet to hear about any “stand alone”, Bruce Rauner events with him headlining, organizing, and completing the event.
I may not know who sent it …but I think this won’t be the first letter sent like this.
- John Bambenek - Friday, Sep 27, 13 @ 3:24 pm:
Letter would have been better if it used Comic Sans.
- wordslinger - Friday, Sep 27, 13 @ 3:26 pm:
–mm. What Rauner enemy lives in Peoria? –
LOL, if not now, soon. And, I suspect, often.
Lot of low-hanging fruit on the Farmer Bruce spread.
Willie beat me to the Capt. Renault quote. Perfect.
- Oswego Willy - Friday, Sep 27, 13 @ 3:32 pm:
===Lot of low-hanging fruit on the Farmer Bruce spread.===
Indeed. I am sad to say even the Dopey things we all know now are not going to compare to the “apples” hanging higher on the OR tree.
That Capt. Renault quote was just “sitting” out there, couldn’t resist.
- anonymoose - Friday, Sep 27, 13 @ 3:33 pm:
Here I thought it would be an open letter from some charitable group to Mr. Rauner, seeking donations of any gently used Carhartt items - of which there should be plenty.
- Oswego Willy - Friday, Sep 27, 13 @ 3:36 pm:
The next one, if this continues, should include “art”, like pictures of Rauner standing next to Rahm, or talking to Rich Daley, with the quotes in a shaded box, sent to the same mail universe, postcard, so its cheaper, Black and white for effect …maybe a copy of the filings with “Bruce Rauner” cleary as the one donating…
If … someone were to follow up on the letters…
- wordslinger - Friday, Sep 27, 13 @ 3:40 pm:
Rauner figured he could go pay-to-play, drop a load of money on Club for Growth, and they’d do his dirty work for him.
And Schock was just supposed to take that?
Schock will be around a long time in Illinois politics. Rauner not so much.
- Nearly Normal - Friday, Sep 27, 13 @ 3:43 pm:
Mail from Bloomington Normal is now processed in Peoria. We lost our regional sorting station last year. So that little blue letter might be from someone else supporting a local man also running for Gov.
- wordslinger - Friday, Sep 27, 13 @ 3:51 pm:
–The next one, if this continues, should include “art”,–
I suspect a shot of Farmer Bruce at the Griffin wedding in Versailles would be pretty valuable in some circles. I imagine he rode his Harley and wore overalls.
That’s not Versailles in Brown County, but Versailles outside of Paris, the Hall of Mirrors, where Louis and Marie used to live before they lost their heads.
- Rich Miller - Friday, Sep 27, 13 @ 3:53 pm:
===Mail from Bloomington Normal is now processed in Peoria. ===
Hmm. Well, maybe it could be someone else. Darnit. Much more fun the other way. I think I’ll leave the post as-is for now.
- Mason born - Friday, Sep 27, 13 @ 3:59 pm:
Mr. Willy can you explain your whereabouts on the 26th day of this month?
How is it you came by that yellow highlighter stains under your fingernails?
Please tell us the last time you were in the vicinity of Peoria?
Just kidding. But hey at least someone decided to use a little spine.
- Oswego Willy - Friday, Sep 27, 13 @ 4:06 pm:
- Mason born -,
Please refer all inquiries to - Norseman - on the political side and - AA - on the AWillyWord Con$ulting side….
- Team Sleep - Friday, Sep 27, 13 @ 4:13 pm:
Yep, you guessed it: Frank Stallone.
- Oswego Willy - Friday, Sep 27, 13 @ 4:15 pm:
I think as the OR starts seeping out, and items we have no idea that are sitting out there start to appear to question the Payton Prep Clouter Bruce Rauner, the question will be, can he take it, can his campaign withstand it, or will Bruce Rauner implode?
It’s early. - Mason born -, it’s Friday too, patience, if “they” are starting with stuff like this, others will start hammering too. Rauner’s petitions are even “out” I am gathering…
- Ruby - Friday, Sep 27, 13 @ 4:17 pm:
In my opinion this would be out of character for Schock. He has come a long way for such a young man and does not seem to be the kind of person who would hold a grudge against another Republican and engage in payback.
- Mason born - Friday, Sep 27, 13 @ 4:20 pm:
Give you 10 to 1 for implode.
I’m still waiting to know what his positions are. Well besides everyone elses positions are wrong.
- Oswego Willy - Friday, Sep 27, 13 @ 4:21 pm:
Could be a well thoughtout plan by the Rutherford Campaign;
Dis-own Pongee, close his The Facebook, wipr Pongee off the Rutherford radar …
Meantime, Pongee goes Rogue… does all these mailings “on his own”, and there is no connection to the Rutherford Campaign … and … all the mail sorted out of B-N is now going through Peoria, so Schock is a “possible” leaving … Pongee … to do the dirty work.
Makes sense I guess.
- Veritas - Friday, Sep 27, 13 @ 4:26 pm:
Payback isn’t an appropriate phrase: this letter states facts and cost merely a stamp to send. Rauner spent $200,000 making accusations - not stating facts. There’s an old line, “Will it play in Peoria??” Methinks that time will prove that Rauner won’t play in other areas, as well.
- titan - Friday, Sep 27, 13 @ 4:32 pm:
+++ –mm. What Rauner enemy lives in Peoria? – +++
Or which one doesn’t but maybe wants you to think he/she does?