This is how it’s done
Friday, Sep 13, 2013 - Posted by Rich Miller
* We’ve seen some pretty lame campaign kickoffs this year. Videos, social media, three-city car tours, etc. This one is the most impressive by far. From a press release…
Comptroller begins three-day statewide bus tour Sunday
CHICAGO –Judy Baar Topinka will board the “Common Sense Express” Sunday and begin a three-day, nine-stop statewide tour to announce her re-election campaign for Illinois Comptroller.
Topinka will begin her journey surrounded by supporters Sunday morning in Chicago and conclude Tuesday evening in Marion, making stops with her “Common Sense Express” bus throughout the state along the way. Specifically, the Announcement tour will include: Chicago, Rockford, Moline, Peoria, Quincy, Springfield, Edwardsville, Mt. Vernon and Marion.
Topinka will join a rally of local leaders and supporters in each community for a short program, and then be available to media. A mult box will be available to media outlets at each location.
Billy Goat Tavern, 1535 W. Madison, Chicago
Program participants include: Cook County Board Commissioner Liz Gorman, Lake County Board Chairman Aaron Lawlor
Stone Eagle Tavern, 6445 E. State St., Rockford
Program participants include: Winnebago County Board Chairman Scott Christiansen, Winnebago GOP Chairman Jim Thompson, State Sen. Dave Syverson
Rock Island County GOP HQ, 1721 5th Ave., Suite 100, Moline
Participants include: Rock Island GOP Chairman Mike Steffen, Bobby Schilling
Peoria County GOP HQ, 8835 N. Knoxville Rd., Peoria
Program participants include: Peoria County GOP Chairman Katherine Koyle, State Rep. David Leitch, State Rep. Mike Unes, State Sen. Darin LaHood, U.S. Congressman Aaron Schock
Villa Katherine, 532 Gardner Expressway, Quincy
Program participants include: Mayor Kyle Moore
Route 66 Hotel & Conference Center, 625 E. St. Joseph St., Springfield
Participants include: Sangamon County Sheriff Neil Williamson, Sangamon County GOP Chairman Rosemarie Long, Governor Jim Edgar
Madison County Courthouse, 155 N. Main St., #120, Edwardsville
Participants include: Madison County Republican Women’s Club Chairman Amy Sholar, Edwardsville Mayor Hal Patton, Congressman Rodney Davis
Papa Z’s Ice Cream Shop, 1812 Broadway, Mt. Vernon
NOTE: Ice cream served as part of “Get the Scoop on Us” kickoff rally
Participants include: State Rep. John Cavaletto, Mt. Vernon Mayor Jane Chelsey, State Sen. Kyle McCarter
17th Street BBQ, 2700 17th St., Marion
Participants include: State Rep. Mike Bost, Williamson County GOP Chairman Sue Hamilton, State Sen. Dave Luechtefeld
Two taverns, an ice cream shop and a famous barbeque joint, plus a bunch of other stops along the way. I like it.
Department of dumb ideas
Friday, Sep 13, 2013 - Posted by Rich Miller
* I tried restraining myself, but I just gotta say, this is probably the most stupid reaction to the “Statehouse doors” controversy I’ve yet seen. From Rep. Dwight Kay’s website…
Do you think the Illinois State Capitol should have copper doors valued at $670,000? Illinois State Representative Dwight Kay (R-Glen Carbon) thinks they should be sold. Rep. Kay recently introduced legislation to auction off the outlandish doors to the highest bidder and use the revenue to pay unpaid bills or reinvest in education. […]
Rep. Kay’s resolution (HJR48) orders that the new copper doors be removed from the capitol building’s west side entrance to be auctioned off or sold to the highest bidder. Rep. Kay added, “we can have beautiful doors appropriate for the capitol for an amount less than what was spent on copper doors by the administration.”
The resolution actually goes further than that…
RESOLVED, That we urge the Architect of the Capitol to direct the revenue from the sale of the copper doors towards Illinois’ public education system or to pay down unpaid bills;
So, who might be in the market for custom, made-to-fit, copper-plated doors? Maybe scrap dealers. And then we take the few bucks we get, put it toward schools or bills and then spend even more money to put up some doors on the western entrance?
Got it.
* Meanwhile, from a Chicago Tribune editorial…
The General Assembly “skipped the requirement of justifying why the investment was a higher priority than the needed improvements to our water, roads, public transit and education systems,” says the Civic Federation’s Laurence Msall.
From Msall’s official bio…
Msall was the Senior Advisor for Economic Development for Illinois Governor George H. Ryan. Msall was responsible for the oversight of eleven of the state’s economic development and infrastructure-related agencies including the Departments of Commerce and Community Affairs, Revenue, Transportation, and the state’s housing and other development authorities
Yes,. and there was no waste at all in George Ryan’s Illinois FIRST capital plan. Nope. None. Not even the stained glass windows in a suburban parking garage.
* In other news…
The architect in charge of a $50 million renovation project at the Illinois Capitol is defending his work in the wake of criticism from Gov. Pat Quinn, saying Friday that the governor was “completely out of line.”
J. Richard Alsop III has come under fire for portions of the project Quinn has deemed “excessive,” including three sets of copper-plated doors that cost nearly $700,000, as well as expensive chandeliers and light fixtures of robed maidens. Earlier this week Quinn said Alsop needed to be “reined in” by the board that oversees the architect’s office, a comment Alsop said was “unwarranted.”
“It’s completely unfair,” Alsop said Friday. “We were given a direction. The scope was agreed to long before I got here, money was appropriated long before I got here. We did the best job we could with the resources that we had.” […]
Both Alsop and the board also sought to place some of the responsibility back on Quinn, saying all contracts were vetted and approved by the Capital Development Board, an agency that reports to the governor’s office.
“I think there is a misunderstanding about the way the process works here,” Alsop said after the meeting. “This office isn’t solely responsible for the project that happened in the complex and I think it’s important that people realize that’s the case.”
Question of the day
Friday, Sep 13, 2013 - Posted by Rich Miller
* The setup…
As expected, the Illinois Supreme Court Thursday named Justice Rita Garman to become the court’s next chief justice, making her the second woman to head the state’s high court.
The Danville Republican will take over from Chief Justice Thomas Kilbride after his term concludes Oct. 25. Garman will serve as the state’s top jurist for a three-year term.
Garman, who was chosen for the slot by a unanimous vote of the justices, was appointed to the court in 2001 to fill the vacancy left by former Justice Ben Miller, who retired. Garman was elected to a 10-year term on the court in 2002 and retained by voters for a second full term last year.
“I am honored and humbled to have been chosen by my colleagues to serve as chief justice,” Garman said in a prepared statement. “The office has been held by many great jurists, several of whom I have served with and count among my friends.
* A recent photo…
* The Question: At the risk of destroying myself if I ever end up in front of her… Caption?
What’s at stake
Friday, Sep 13, 2013 - Posted by Rich Miller
* An e-mail from NRA lobbyist Todd Vandermyde about yesterday’s Illinois Supreme Court rulings on the right to carry guns in public…
Rich — here is the dilemma the state is now in.
Both the Federal Court and now the State Supreme Court have said that that there is a right to carry a firearm in public.
So the state passed a law that provides a way to carry a gun in public — get a carry permit. Yet, as of today, no carry permit exists for people to obtain. No state courses have been approved for people to even take to be able to apply for their permit.
So what is the relief? If the Courts say, carry ban unconstitutional, and the State has no way for us to comply with the “relief” of obtaining a carry permit — now what? And a growing amount of thinking is it is legal to carry today with a FOID card.
Now remember that for 90 days we have had FOID carry in 15 counties. No extra training. No extra anything. And I have yet to hear of any problems, road rage incidents, fights over parking spots, shootouts at Starbucks or anything in those 15 counties.
The court said on page 8:
Again, in the “form presently before us, section 24-1.6(a)(1), (a)(3)(A) categorically prohibits the possession and use of an operable firearm for self defense outside the home. In other words, section 24-1.6(a)(1), (a)(3)(A) amounts to a wholesale statutory ban on the exercise of a personal right that is specifically named in and guaranteed by the United States Constitution, as construed by the United States Supreme Court. In no other context would we permit this, and we will not permit it here either.”
So tell me how the state or the Court allows the ban on carry, in effect today, to go on any longer?
He has a point.
* Here is the language for 24-1.6(a)(1)…
Sec. 24-1.6. Aggravated unlawful use of a weapon.
(a) A person commits the offense of aggravated unlawful use of a weapon when he or she knowingly:
(1) Carries on or about his or her person or in any vehicle or concealed on or about his or her person except when on his or her land or in his or her abode, legal dwelling, or fixed place of business, or on the land or in the legal dwelling of another person as an invitee with that person’s permission, any pistol, revolver, stun gun or taser or other firearm
And here’s (a)(3)(A) …
(3) [Or] One of the following factors is present:
(A) the firearm, other than a pistol, revolver, or handgun, possessed was uncased, loaded, and immediately accessible at the time of the offense
* And here’s the response to the rulings from the Second Amendment Foundation…
he Second Amendment Foundation is applauding the Illinois State Supreme Court, which has unanimous ruled that the right to keep and bear arms is not confined to the home and that a state statute regarding aggravated unlawful use of weapons (AUUW) violates the Second Amendment.
In the ruling, written by Justice Robert R. Thomas, the court states, “As the Seventh Circuit correctly noted, neither Heller nor McDonald expressly limits the Second Amendment’s protections to the home. On the contrary, both decisions contain language strongly suggesting if not outright confirming that the Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms extends beyond the home.”
“This is one more court rejection of claims by anti-gunners that the right to keep and bear arms is somehow confined to the home,” said SAF founder and Executive Vice President Alan M. Gottlieb.
The case at issue, Illinois v. Alberto Aguilar, dates back to June 12, 2008, slightly more than two weeks prior to the U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling in District of Columbia v. Heller.
The case challenged a section of the law that prohibited carrying firearms outside the home that, according to the court, “…amounts to a wholesale statutory ban on the exercise of a personal right that is specifically named in and guaranteed by the United States Constitution, as construed by the United States Supreme Court. In no other context would we permit this, and we will not permit it here either.”
The court footnotes that the Illinois General Assembly has enacted the state’s Firearm Concealed Carry Act due to SAF’s victory in Moore v. Madigan, which is cited in today’s ruling. The Act amended the state statute to “allow for a limited right to carry certain firearms in public.” The court also noted that “Neither the Firearms Concealed Carry Act nor the amended (state) statute is at issue in this case.”
Still, recognition that the AUUW section violated the Second Amendment is significant, Gottlieb said.
“Here we have a state Supreme Court declaring a section of state law unconstitutional under the Second Amendment,” he said. “That would not have happened without our victories in McDonald and Moore, and it affirms our effort to win back firearms freedoms one lawsuit at a time.”
And yet, yesterday’s Supreme Court decisions received almost no media coverage in Illinois.
Board responds to “doors” outrage
Friday, Sep 13, 2013 - Posted by Rich Miller
* From a press release…
“The decision to renovate the west wing of the Capitol was part of the Illinois Jobs Now! program approved by the General Assembly and the governor in 2009.
While much attention is given to the finishes that restore the building back to its original period of significance, that focus represents a mere fraction of the work being done to restore the Capitol. This renovation was primarily about life safety and making the necessary infrastructure changes needed to stabilize the building for future generations.
The Office of the Architect of the Capitol worked with this Board and Capital Development Board to ensure that all procedural requirements were followed and the fiscal limits of the plan were respected. As a result, we will have a safer and more accessible building that will stand the test of time while appropriately reflecting the greatness of the state.
The Board will continue to ensure that we uphold these standards, review our policies and preserve this national historic landmark on behalf of its occupants, visitors and Illinois taxpayers.”
Office of the Architect of the Capitol Board:
Tim Anderson
Brad Bolin
Scott Kaiser
Tim Mapes
Those signatories are the two House clerks and Senate secretaries, representing both parties. Mapes, of course, is also House Speaker Michael Madigan’s chief of staff.
Needless to say, it’s highly doubtful that any of the four would sign on to this statement without an OK from above.
Quinn asked for slating session
Friday, Sep 13, 2013 - Posted by Rich Miller
* I told subscribers yesterday that Gov. Pat Quinn had asked for a state party slating session. It appears this time around, though, that Bill Daley’s campaign will try to deny Quinn the award. The governor will need 60 percent to get the slating, and there are some Democrats who think he might be stopped, but others who say Quinn wouldn’t have asked for the session if he didn’t firmly believe he’d win. If he is denied the slating, that’ll be a huge embarrassment. If he gets it, then I’m not sure it means a whole lot, except to show party members that he’s one of them…
Illinois’ top Democrats will gather for their first formal primary election endorsement session in nearly a decade this month amid expectations they will back Gov. Pat Quinn for re-election against rival Bill Daley.
On Thursday, House Speaker Michael Madigan, the state’s Democratic chairman, announced a slating session for Sept. 22 in Springfield. The race for governor is the only statewide battle being contested by major candidates in the March 18 primary.
Steve Brown, Madigan’s spokesman, said the decision to call the endorsement session was made after a request by Quinn. That indicates Quinn believes he has enough support among the 38 members of the Democratic State Central Committee to capture the endorsement.
Quinn campaign aides were not available for comment. Tom Bowen, Daley’s campaign manager, said the Democratic challenger would reach out to members of the committee to urge them to support an open primary in which no endorsement is made.
Budget cutting consequences
Friday, Sep 13, 2013 - Posted by Rich Miller
* The problems at Cook County’s jail are never-ending, and appear to be getting worse. One reason is the huge influx of the mentally ill, which now account for more than 20 percent of the jail’s inmate population. And a big reason behind that population surge is state budget cuts to mental health budgets. Tribune…
After dipping to 8,900 in 2011, the average annual jail population — primarily inmates awaiting trial — has been on the rise, with the daily count now frequently more than 10,000, the highest totals since a day in 2007. […]
While the jail is overcrowded, detainees no longer sleep on mattresses on the floor, as they did during some other episodes of overcrowding, and the sheriff, whose operation of the jail is monitored by a federal judge, no longer assigns inmates to sleep on bunks in shifts.
The exception is at Cermak Health Services, the county-run hospital on the jail grounds where acutely mentally ill inmates are treated and patients sometimes sleep on mattresses the floor, according to the sheriff’s office. […]
More than 2,000 mentally ill detainees are being held at the jail, and many of them have medical issues as well, said Superintendent Robert Lyles, who runs Division 2, the jail’s largest unit. “When the state hospital and private (mental health) facilities were shut down, it seemed like the jail had to adapt,” he said. “It’s a challenge every day.”
Some mentally ill inmates are kept longer than necessary because no beds are available in state treatment centers when a judge finds them unfit to stand trial, public defenders and others involved in the cases said. Although Gov. Pat Quinn has pledged to boost spending on mental health services next year by $25 million, [Sheriff Tom Dart] and other officials are skeptical.
Go read the whole thing.
How far can that choice go?
Friday, Sep 13, 2013 - Posted by Rich Miller
* From a Dispatch-Argus story about Republican gubernatorial candidate Bruce Rauner…
Mr. Rauner has long been involved with the charter school movement in Chicago. If elected to the governor’s office, he said he would push for more competition among schools across Illinois.
“I think we’ve got to create competition and choice to the broken monopoly that’s our system,” he said. “We need charter schools, we need vouchers.” […]
Illinois has a cap of 120 charter schools, with a maximum of 75 allowed in Chicago and 45 for the rest of the state. That cap, Mr. Rauner said, is supported by teachers’ unions and should be lifted. […]
Mr. Rauner said parents should be allowed to choose which public school their children attend.
“We should have vouchers, so that when a school is failing parents can afford to take their child to whatever schools work for them,” he said.
Since he clouted his own kid into Payton Prep after “moving” from Winnetka to Chicago, perhaps he’d be willing to let kids who attend sub-par Chicago schools enroll at Winnetka’s New Trier High School?
Now, that would be a dramatic gesture.
* Also, I have yet to see a study that shows charter schools as a whole are outperforming “regular” public schools in Illinois. I actually like the idea of charter schools if it gives parents real choices and the possibility of opting out of the industrial education model. But, so far, charters in general aren’t doing anything spectacular here except helping to break the teachers’ unions and provide patronage opportunities for the political establishment.
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