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Dillard pledges to cut spending on Chicago schools by $1 billion

Wednesday, Sep 11, 2013 - Posted by Rich Miller

* From a Paxton Record story on a Ford County gubernatorial candidates forum

To improve education, Dillard said he would prevent Chicago schools from taking about $1 billion they currently take away from downstate schools.

“A child who lives in poverty in downstate should be equal to one in Chicago,” he said.

OK, but how does cutting dollars to Chicago schools “improve education”?


Not looking likely

Wednesday, Sep 11, 2013 - Posted by Rich Miller

* I’ve been saying all along that the fall veto session was probably not the time that a gay marriage bill would pass

Asked if organizers have added numbers to their “yes” count, [Illinois Unites for Marriage Campaign Manager John Kohlhepp] said, “I believe that we can say that we have.”

But supporters face a tough fight. Those that have switched to the “yes” column have yet to make their stances public, leaving them room to back out. Additionally, the veto session falls before election filing deadlines, increasing chances that lawmakers fearful of primary challenges will balk at voting on controversial bills.

Rick Garcia, policy advisor for The Civil Rights Agenda, said that reality is making him cautious about forecasts for the fall.

“I’m making no predictions because after what happened in May, I’m gun shy about doing that,” Garcia said.

And Garcia suggests another challenge— organizers have yet to secure even 60 votes, he said.

Besides the petition problem, an immediate effective date would require 71 votes, and they don’t even have 60 yet.

* And the Windy City Times’ roll call is more than a little optimistic. For instance

Dist. 20, Michael McAuliffe (R): McAuliffe voted against civil unions in 2010 and has indicated he would do the same if marriage equality were brought to a vote. “I will not support the legalization of gay marriage in Illinois,” he said in a Daily Herald candidate questionnaire. But sources indicate that McAuliffe may not be more open to a “yes” vote than others.

Dist. 41, Darlene Senger (R): Senger voted “no” on civil unions two years ago, but supporters hope that LGBT people and their allies will press her to vote yes, regardless.

Dist. 60, Rita Mayfield (D): Mayfield’s stance has frustrated LGBT organizers and sponsors of the bill, but she remains a target. She said she wants to vote “yes,” on the bill but will not. She says that her district does not support the measure and that she will vote “present” so as not to betray the will of her constituents. Mayfield’s best friend is reportedly gay.

Senger could help herself in the fall congressional campaign with a “Yes” vote, but she is facing two conservatives in the primary, so I figure a pre-primary floor vote would likely produce a “No.”

* And check out the House Democratic “targets”

Dist. 21, Silvana Tabares (D): This journalist-turned-lawmaker is new to office. She was not endorsed by Equality Illinois last year, and sources suggest her vote has been hard to pin down.

Dist. 56, Michelle Mussman (D): Mussman stated on a Chicago Sun-Times questionnaire, “I would not support legislation permitting gay marriage. I would support legislation permitting civil unions.” But a Windy City Times reader and 56th Dist. resident said she believes Mussman supports the bill now. Mussman has not returned requests for comment.

Dist. 77, Kathleen Willis (D): Willis’ stance is not widely known, but Equality Illinois endorsed her Republican challenger Skip Saviano over her last year.

Dist. 79, Katherine Cloonen (D): The Daily Journal reported in October that Cloonen was against gay marriage.

Dist. 84, Stephanie A. Kifowit (D): Asked in Oswego Patch candidate questionnaire about same-sex marriage, Kifowit said she believes everyone should enjoy the same rights, but added, “I believe the intent behind Illinois’ recently enacted civil unions law has done just that.” She was not endorsed by Equality Illinois.

Dist. 85, Emily McAsey (D): McAsey stated in her Chicago Sun-Times candidate questionnaire that gay marriage did not appear to be a priority for voters and that her focus was on other things.

Dist. 96, Sue Scherer (D): According to the State Journal-Register, Scherer wants to give civil unions more time to “work through the system” before passing marriage.

Dist. 98, Natalie Manley (D): Manley’s views on same-sex marriage have not been widely publicized, and she dodged the question on a candidate questionnaire. Equality Illinois did not endorse her in 2012.

Tabares is listed because the 13th Ward’s alderman will be leading her defense if she has to run in another primary. No decision had been made about what to do there the last time I checked.

On the others, it’s a district by district thing, but Madigan’s people don’t want to have to spend money that they don’t need to spend. An “OK” by the campaign shop on some of the less risky targets would go a very long way toward passing this bill.

* Related…

* Mark Brown: Legislators’ foot dragging on same-sex marriage has life and death consequences


Kinzinger gets primary opposition, White to announce another bid

Wednesday, Sep 11, 2013 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Congressman Adam Kinzinger has a GOP primary opponent

On Tuesday, David Hale, founder of the Rockford Tea Party, announced he is running in next March’s GOP primary against Kinzinger, who has been in Congress since 2011.

Over the past week, Kinzinger has made a number of national TV appearances backing President Barack Obama’s call for military action in Syria. The Air Force veteran said he has offered to help Obama make the case.

It was Kinzinger’s position on Syria that prompted Hale to enter the race. […]

He founded the Rockford Tea Party in 2009 and helped organize the petition drive for the Winnebago County Board to pass a concealed carry ordinance, collecting 11,000 signatures. The board ultimately rejected the ordinance.

Amanda Norris, president of the Sauk Valley Tea Party, said she welcomed opponents of Kinzinger, whom she called a “real disappointment.”

“He [Hale] is very passionate and strong-willed. Sometimes that works against you in the political sphere. He’s on the right side of issues,” Norris said.

As an incumbent with nearly $500,000 in his campaign coffers, Kinzinger is the favorite to win.

“The money is an advantage,” Hale said. “I don’t pretend that I’m a formidable candidate as far as publicity and money goes, When it comes to ideas and when it comes to how government works, I’m head and shoulders above Adam Kinzinger.”

* Meanwhile, Secretary of State Jesse White is announcing his reelection tomorrow

…there is no sign of a Republican challenger on the horizon.

Jayme Odom, executive director of the Illinois Republican Party, said new party chief Jack Dorgan is attempting to draft a candidate.

“The chairman is still talking to multiple people,” Odom said Tuesday.

Republican observers say it’s pretty obvious why no one is jockeying for the position.

“I think you have to admit it would be a tough one to win,” state Sen. Kyle McCarter, R-Lebanon, said Tuesday.



Question of the day

Wednesday, Sep 11, 2013 - Posted by Rich Miller

* How did Barton Lorimor do while I was away?

…Adding… Please, make sure to consider the constraints he was under. He couldn’t blog from work, which limited the time he could spend on the site. I originally asked him to just do one post a day to keep y’all occupied, but he clearly went above and beyond.


This is why they can’t have a seat

Wednesday, Sep 11, 2013 - Posted by Rich Miller

* The Illinois Policy Institute and the Better Government Association both have people who “cover” the Statehouse and have applied for seats in the House and Senate press boxes. So far, neither group has received an approval from the two chambers.

Why? Because the groups directly lobby the Legislature. If they were given permission to sit in the press box, then why not AFSCME, or AARP, or the Illinois Chamber? All of those groups (and many, many more) produce extensive reports on the General Assembly’s doings.

* I’ve been thinking about doing a post on this for a while now. And a newspaper “column” by the BGA’s Andy Shaw, which recently appeared in the Sun-Times, reminded me why I should

Some of the other Springfield legislators who deserve a shout-out for working with us in the last session, even if they didn’t always agree with our watchdog ways, include:

† Sen. Mike Jacobs, who acknowledged the importance of public safety and government accountability by sponsoring a bill to create a zero tolerance alcohol impairment policy for on-duty police officers;

† Sen. Dan Kotowski, who took on conflicts of interest by sponsoring a bill that tightened financial disclosure laws;

† Sen. Daniel Biss, who understood the need for accountability in the criminal justice system by sponsoring a bill requiring law enforcement officials to obtain a warrant to use information collected by drones;

† And the coalition of legislators — Sen. Kwame Raoul, Reps. Mike Zalewski and Scott Drury, and House Speaker Michael Madigan — who recognized the high cost of wrongful convictions, in financial and human terms, is an atrocity that can no longer be tolerated.

Look, it’s nice to see a goo-goo group occasionally congratulate individual legislators for the work they do, even legislators who aren’t exactly known as “reformers.” Usually, all we see is angry broadbrush criticism from those folks.

But you can’t register with the state, lobby for bills and then heap praise on your sponsors in a “column” and expect to get a seat in the press box. It doesn’t work that way.

There’s been some grumblings about a potential lawsuit, but the groups ought to stow their anger and just do what they do and quit trying to be something they clearly are not.

Maybe you disagree. If so, I’d love to hear it.


Tying the insiders in knots

Wednesday, Sep 11, 2013 - Posted by Rich Miller

* From the Illinois Policy Institute’s journalist in residence

In the 1990s, Quinn pushed for a constitutional amendment to create term limits for legislators. But the Illinois Supreme Court threw out the proposal before it could go to the voters.

This past week, however, Quinn came out against a new plan to create term limits for lawmakers, a plan being pushed by Republican gubernatorial candidate Bruce Rauner.

That’s artfully worded, but Quinn still favors term limits. The governor simply questioned whether there was a need for the rest of Rauner’s proposal

Rauner is circulating petitions to get the issues on the 2014 ballot. That includes making it harder to override a governor’s veto by changing the number of votes needed from three-fifths to two-thirds. He also wants to limit legislators to eight years in office, cut the size of the Senate from 59 members to 41 and expand the House from 118 to 123.

Quinn told reporters Wednesday there’s no need to change the three-fifths vote. […]

Quinn says it’s unnecessary to increase the number of House members.

* Quinn is right about that. Nobody cares about those two issues. In reality, the two proposals were simply a way to get term limits onto the ballot. Eric Zorn doesn’t think it’ll work

The power of citizens to initiate amendments to the state constitution via petition drive was limited by the framers only “to structural and procedural subjects contained” in Article IV, the one that deals with the legislature [the Illinois Supreme Court ruled in 1994]. […]

So would term limits change the structure of the legislature?

No, the majority ruled in 1994. Even with term limits, “The General Assembly would remain a bicameral legislature consisting of a House and Senate with a total of 177 members, and would maintain the same organization.”

Would it change the procedures of the legislature?

Again, no. “The process by which the General Assembly adopts a law would remain unchanged” with the addition of term limits, said the majority opinion. […]

If, earlier this week when Rauner’s proposal was formally unveiled, you wondered why it included this pair of off-the-radar-screen ideas, now you know: It’s an effort to create a plausible reason for the Supreme Court to give the OK.

“These are three interrelated reforms,” said Mike Schrimpf, a spokesman for Rauner and the term-limits effort. “Taken all together, they make the legislature more responsive to the citizens and they make elections more competitive.”

But, so far anyway, Rauner is the only person offering up an actual plan. So being against a couple of smallish aspects of that plan means it can be spun by the pro-Rauner types (and the Illinois Policy Institute’s honchos are with Rauner) as being “against term limits.” So, advantage Rauner.

* Sen. Kirk Dillard took his opposition a step further

When asked if term limits is a big issue in Illinois, Dillard said Rauner is “pulling a Pat Quinn.” He says Rauner is pandering to the public on a popular issue.

As for himself, Dillard supports term limits for legislative leaders. He voted for a recall, which he believes sends a better message than term limits. That way, if people want to get rid of an official like Rod Blagojevich, they can get rid of him right away, rather than having to impeach or wait until the next election.

Dillard said the legislative leaders are the problem.

* OK, but this constitutional amendment is already being sold as a way to get rid of Madigan and break the stranglehold of Chicago’s influence….

Rauner’s got a video out to promote his term-limits issue.

It blasts “career politicians” who stay too long in office. And whose pictures roll by on the screen when this discussion is taking place? Senate President John Cullerton, ex-Gov. Rod Blagojevich and House Speaker Michael Madigan, all Chicago Democrats.

The video

Dillard is on the “wrong” side of this issue, as far as the public is concerned, so he’s gotta revert to name calling. Politically, anyway, this is, again, advantage Rauner.


They’re dropping like flies

Wednesday, Sep 11, 2013 - Posted by Rich Miller

* We’re getting close to a dozen state legislators who’ve announced that they’re not running for reelection or who have already resigned

State Rep. Naomi Jakobsson, D-Urbana, announced Tuesday night that she will not run for a seventh term in 2014.

And Michael Richards, a Champaign County Board member who managed Jakobsson’s last two campaigns, said he hopes to succeed her in the Illinois House. […]

Richards followed Jakobsson’s email with his own, saying that Jakobsson had asked him to run for the seat representing the 103rd District, which includes almost all of Champaign and Urbana.

“Representative Jakobsson has asked me to run for state representative,” said Richards, a county board member from Champaign and a legislative liaison to the Illinois Emergency Management Agency. “Whomever wins this seat will have big shoes to fill.”

Other candidates in both parties are expected to announce as well.

There was a huge turnover in the first post remap election, but it appears that some legislators wanted to hold onto their respective seats for one more cycle before leaving.


House Republicans avoid traditional bloodbath

Wednesday, Sep 11, 2013 - Posted by Rich Miller

* My weekly syndicated newspaper column

After the Illinois House Republicans met late last month in Springfield to elect a new caucus leader, several members gathered at a local watering hole to toast their top dog, Rep. Jim Durkin, R-Western Springs.

Notably, several House Republicans who backed the candidacy of Rep. Raymond Poe, R-Springfield, showed up as well and heartily shared in the festivities.

And so, a leadership battle that for a while looked to be heading down a bitterly negative path ended with smiles all around.

Durkin managed to pull off the impossible.

After the failed 1991 ouster attempt of House GOP Leader Lee Daniels, 11 of the 13 coup plotters fled the House within 2 years, either for the Senate or for other jobs. They had no choice. Retribution was in the air.

When Daniels announced he would be stepping aside 10 years later, a months-long feud erupted between Reps. Tom Cross and Art Tenhouse, with the downstater Tenhouse coming out on the losing end.

The fight got personal and emotional, and lots of members were put in highly uncomfortable positions.

The memories of those fights are strong with those who were around back then, and veterans on both sides have tried to help steer this battle away from the abyss ever since Cross announced that he would be stepping aside and running for state treasurer.

Durkin had a reputation among some of his fellow House Republicans as being aloof and even kind of a jerk – his former Cook County prosecutor tendencies have never completely left him. But Durkin patiently traveled the state, meeting with anybody who would sit down with him, and eventually managed to assuage those fears. As a result, he walked into the caucus meeting with far more than the 24 votes he needed to win.

Poe gave what many members said was the speech of his life during the meeting. Poe passionately argued for peace and unity while putting Durkin’s name into nomination. Durkin was elected by acclamation.

Durkin had been a member of Tom Cross’ leadership team, but he’s much better known as being policy oriented. He’s also politically ambitious. He lost a U.S. Senate race in 2002 to Dick Durbin and chaired both of John McCain’s Illinois presidential campaigns.

Durkin was gearing up for an attorney general bid when Cross blindsided him with his own desire for the office. Durkin almost immediately switched gears and focused on the leadership job, which helped box Cross out and forced him to find another job after Lisa Madigan decided to stay put.

Durkin and his team have promised there will be no retribution. There’s a desperate need for unity in that caucus, and pretty much everybody gets it.

If he can suppress those prosecutorial attitude issues, work harder than he ever has, and stay focused and calm while Madigan rattles his cage, Durkin has what it takes to be an effective leader.

Time will tell, but, so far, this looks like a good move by the House GOP.


Governor “suspends” funding for Statehouse rehab

Wednesday, Sep 11, 2013 - Posted by Rich Miller

* AP

Gov. Pat Quinn has suspended funding for future renovations at the Capitol, a pricey project that’s already caused embarrassment for financially-shaky Illinois and raised questions about how it was allowed.

The Chicago Democrat told reporters Tuesday that he’s instructed his budget director to hold up appropriations for renovations that are yet to be done.

The state has already spent much of the appropriated $50 million for the west wing. That restoration of the Capitol has already drawn criticism along with finger-pointing. Sparking the outrage has been copper-plated wooden doors costing nearly $670,000 and more than $323,000 for chandeliers.

Quinn blamed Capitol architect J. Richard Alsop III and says he needs to be “reigned in” by the commission he reports to.

* Sun-Times

While Quinn’s Capital Development Board released funds for the nearly finished phase of Capitol construction, the governor said the state is on the hook for paying for work already completed since construction contracts have already been signed.

“If there are contractors who’d already completed work, we’d have legal obligations to pay those vouchers, or we’d wind up in the Court of Claims. But anything further or additional or what they’re planning for the next wing, I think, should be totally held up until we get this architect under control,” the governor said.

Controversy over the renovation work bubbled up in August when the Sun-Times detailed the project in a front page story and intensified earlier this month when Alsop confirmed that historically-accurate copper-clad doors for three entrances in the Capitol’s west wing cost more than $669,000 — the same price as a luxury executive home in the northwest suburbs.

On Sunday, the Chicago Sun-Times followed up with a report on a pair of maiden sculptures that each cost more than $78,000 and four 300-pound chandeliers hung in one senator’s office that cost another $323,000.

* Tribune

Quinn’s move is largely symbolic. Most of the $50 million earmarked for rehabilitation work on the west wing of the Statehouse, including sets of copper-plated doors costing nearly $700,000, already has been spent. The governor’s action could prevent shifting other money for planned work on other sections of the building. […]

Quinn maintained that his office does not have the ability to approve or block particular “ingredients” of the renovation. Those decisions, he said, are made by a panel that oversees the Capitol architect, a group appointed by the four Democratic and Republican legislative leaders. Quinn said the group needs to rein in the architect, J. Richard Alsop III. […]

There’s no money set aside for overhauling the Capitol’s north and east wings, but Quinn fears a pot of $250 million involving the Statehouse grounds could be shifted by a panel of lawmakers to finish the project.

So, by reading most of the coverage you’d think all spending was halted. But from the Tribune story, maybe not.

* Quinn made his symbolic move in anticipation of an attack from Bill Daley

Daley said Quinn should have prevented the expenditure of nearly $670,000 for three sets of copper-plated double doors, $160,000 for sculptures replicating statues that were never in the original capitol building, and $323,000 for four chandeliers.

He said those costs are significant, even if a tiny fraction of the overall cost.

“Some people may scoff at it and say, ‘Well, $700,000 out of $50 million, or whatever the renovation is, big deal.’ You know, the average person says that is a big deal,” Daley said. “And until we’re sensitive to them, we’re just going to roll over and say, ‘Well, what the heck, it’s going to last 100 years these doors, and they’re beautiful, and they’re copper, and how could you be against them?’ That’s crazy.”

Daley said people are just numb to continuing expenditures by government officials spending other people’s money.

Voters can get their minds around $700,000 doors pretty easily, so this was an easy shot by Daley. But Quinn really couldn’t have stopped those doors from being installed.

* Republican Sen. Kirk Dillard, also a gubernatorial candidate, jumped into the fray

Illinois Republican gubernatorial candidate Kirk Dillard and his running mate State Representative Jil Tracy announced Tuesday they will introduce joint resolutions calling on the Illinois Auditor General to investigate expenditures of the Illinois State Capitol West Wing renovations and whether the expenditures were appropriate. This comes after news reports, including one on WMBD TV and Fox 43 that about $700,000 was spent on three pairs of new doors. Tracy says taxpayers need to know their tax dollars are spent wisely.

* Ironically, Dillard was recently endorsed by former Gov. Jim Thompson, who made it obvious that he doesn’t think much of the political fallout

“Where were they supposed to buy the doors, and maidens and chandeliers?” he asked. “Walmart, Lowe’s?”

“The Capitol,” he said, “is the most significant building in the state of Illinois. . . . All they’re doing with the doors and the maidens is putting the Capitol back to what it was when it was constructed. . . . These items are part of a $50 million capital expenditure…as part of a health and safety renovation. . . . These are capital funds, not operating funds. They can’t be used for services, for example, for senior citizens or developmentally disabled young people.”

Thompson characterized the six-figure price tags as “not only historically correct,” but also, in the long run, a “bargain,” because “the chandeliers and the maidens and the doors will last over one hundred years.” He added, hyperbolically, “In every other state in the union, [public officials] go to great lengths to retain authenticity.”

I asked him if he was surprised that politicians, including Gov. Pat Quinn and the republican candidate striving to take Quinn’s job, State Treasurer Dan Rutherford, are publicly denouncing the expenditures. “No it’s typical,” he said in a weary tone. “The press writes these stories front page, . . . politicians react. I’ve seen it all before.”


And we’re back

Wednesday, Sep 11, 2013 - Posted by Rich Miller

* So, what did I miss?


* Isabel’s afternoon roundup
* Report: Underutilized CPS schools driving up costs
* AG Raoul lays out extensive defense of state immigration laws
* Intoxicating Hemp: No safety? No thanks!
* USDOJ wants to join challenge to Illinois law that requires nonprofits to disclose demographics of boards and officers
* It’s just a bill
* As Chicago continues to look the other way, Decatur city council bans sweepstakes machines
* Illinois Hospitals Are Achieving Nursing Excellence Through ANCC Magnet Program
* Isabel’s morning briefing
* SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Today's edition of Capitol Fax (use all CAPS in password)
* Selected press releases (Live updates)
* Live coverage
* Isabel’s afternoon roundup
* Yesterday's stories

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