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Moody’s: Illinois now recovering from recession

Tuesday, Sep 10, 2013 - Posted by Rich Miller

Posted by Barton Lorimor (@bartonlorimor)

* One of the major credit rating firms has declared Illinois is no longer in a recession, and has started to recover…

“The housing market is picking up in Chicago,” Cochrane says. “The large service- and finance-based economy in Chicago also seems to be picking a little bit, and hiring is improving.”

Much of the improvement in Illinois’ economy is pegged to Chicagoland, but he says Downstate manufacturers could also soon see an improvement in exports overseas.

* Only the Decatur metropolitan area remains in a recession. Earlier this year, Decatur became the Illinois metro with the highest unemployment rate. It has an unemployment rate of over 13 percent, and one of the area’s larger employers has been looking to move for quite a while. Moody’s analysis says Decatur has affordable housing, but that there has been a slowdown in home sales and the availability of high paying jobs.

Nationally, the “Great Recession” ended in June 2009. Alabama and Wisconsin were the other states taken off of the watch list. Other states, like Delaware, remain…

Delaware remains at risk because of slow growth in the drivers of its economy, including banking, credit cards, pharmaceutical, chemical and business services, he said. Delaware, however, has taken issue with Moody’s assessment. “We believe Delaware’s future is more promising than Moody’s report would indicate,” says state Finance Secretary Tom Cook. He says employment will pick up this year as Bank of America has promised 500 new jobs over the next three years and Capital One has promised to hire 500 employees there by year’s end.


Weems says emergency procurement comparison unfair

Tuesday, Sep 10, 2013 - Posted by Rich Miller

Posted by Barton Lorimor (@bartonlorimor)

* CMS director Malcolm Weems testified last week before the Procurement Policy Board in response to a Lee Enterprises story that included figures showing emergency no-bid purchases are way up.

From his remarks…

Of the 346 referenced emergencies for FY13, 164 were either extensions of existing contracts or below the small purchase threshold. if these two definitional changes were not made relative to the numbers prior to SB51, the actual count of emergencies would be 182 and would equate to FY11 numbers. The attention on this has not been an apple-to-apple comparison, and a constructive conversation on this topic needs to be effective.

From the Senate Bill Weems references…

a) Conditions for use. In accordance with standards set by rule, a purchasing agency may make emergency procurements without competitive sealed bidding or prior notice when there exists a threat to public health or public safety, or when immediate expenditure is necessary for repairs to State property in order to protect against further loss of or damage to State property, to prevent or minimize serious disruption in critical State services that affect health, safety, or collection of substantial State revenues, or to ensure the integrity of State records; provided, however, that the term of the emergency purchase shall be limited to the time reasonably needed for a competitive procurement, not to exceed 90 days. A contract may be extended beyond 90 days if the chief procurement officer determines additional time is necessary and that the contract scope and duration are limited to the emergency. Prior to execution of the extension, the chief procurement officer must hold a public hearing and provide written justification for all emergency contracts. Members of the public may present testimony. Emergency procurements shall be made with as much competition as is practicable under the circumstances. A written description of the basis for the emergency and reasons for the selection of the particular contractor shall be included in the contract file.

(b) Notice. Notice of all emergency procurements shall be provided to the Procurement Policy Board and published in the online electronic Bulletin no later than 3 business days after the contract is awarded. Notice of intent to extend an emergency contract shall be provided to the Procurement Policy Board and published in the online electronic Bulletin at least 14 days before the public hearing. Notice shall include at least a description of the need for the emergency purchase, the contractor, and if applicable, the date, time, and location of the public hearing. A copy of this notice and all documents provided at the hearing shall be included in the subsequent Procurement Bulletin.

As you can see, these changes in the statute do not expand on what qualifies as an emergency purchase. Rather, the changes involve how those contracts can be extended. The Governor’s Office says that is why the number appears to be so much higher.



Brad Halbrook done at end of term

Tuesday, Sep 10, 2013 - Posted by Rich Miller

Posted by Barton Lorimor (@bartonlorimor)

* Rep. Brad Halbrook, Republican of Charleston, said yesterday he would not seek re-election to his seat. Halbrook was appointed in April 2012 after Roger Eddy left to take the helm of the Illinois Association of School Boards.

From our friends at BlueRoomStream…


The announcement comes just days after Coles County Sheriff Darrell Cox said he plans to challenge Halbrook in the March GOP primary.

Halbrook, however, said Cox’s plans had nothing to do with his decision.

* Related…




Eat your dinner. Do your homework. Watch your politicos.

Tuesday, Sep 10, 2013 - Posted by Rich Miller

Posted by Barton Lorimor (@bartonlorimor)

* Mayor Emanuel made an appearance on The Late Show with David Letterman. During the interview, he quickly dismissed any suggestion that he might miss being President Obama’s Chief of Staff. Being Mayor is the best job he’s had in the public sector, Emanuel said.

Embed codes were not available, but clips of the interview are available here.

* BlueRoomStream was in Gibson City this weekend with the four Republican gubernatorial hopefuls. The video is over 90 minutes long, but it’s a great overview of the talking points these men are using in the opening rounds…

I’m making my way through it in chunks, too. Please share your takeaways in comments.

* Related…

* Jesse Jackson Jr. campaign treasurer resigns

* Is Winning Illinois Secretary of State Hopeless for the GOP?

* The evolution of Pat Quinn

* Marriage defense appears on downstate billboards


Question of the Day

Tuesday, Sep 10, 2013 - Posted by Rich Miller

Posted by Barton Lorimor (@bartonlorimor)

* The setup…

Riverboat casinos in Illinois want to remain open for business around the clock.

The Illinois Casino Gaming Association is asking state regulators for the OK to operate 24 hours a day. Currently, no casinos are open more than 22 hours.

The Illinois Gaming Board has scheduled a public hearing for Sept. 19 in Chicago to consider the request.

QUESTION: Do you support the Gaming Association’s request? Explain your answer in comments.


Morning shorts

Tuesday, Sep 10, 2013 - Posted by Rich Miller

Posted by Barton Lorimor (@bartonlorimor)

Me again. I know. You were expecting Rich. I was, too. He’s coming in later today than I thought. Apparently production of the soon-to-be released low-budget thriller “Godzilla v. Mothra v. Oscar” took longer than anticipated. We will go ahead and get things started…

* Mitchell: Former homeless man to be freed from prison in 2002 rape case: On Tuesday, Anita Alvarez will announce that the Chatman case is one of two cases that the State’s Attorney’s Conviction Integrity Unit will be dismissing Tuesday morning. The dismissal will pave the way for the 58-year-old man to be released from Dixon Correctional Center as early as Tuesday. Alvarez’s office would not provide specific details about why the Chatman case was being dismissed, but a spokesman confirmed that Alvarez will hold a news conference at 26th and California on Tuesday morning to announce the dismissals.

* Theresa Chatman never stopped believing in her brother

* Stroger aide goes on trial over alleged contractor kickbacks: Federal prosecutors alleged that Mullins used his position as a trusted member of Stroger’s staff to help himself, pocketing nearly $35,000 in kickbacks over a two-year period in return for steering county contracts to acquaintances. The so-called “24-9″ contracts — each worth less than $25,000 so they didn’t need County Board approval — were to promote awareness of the 2010 U.S. census, help residents affected by floods in 2008 and increase energy efficiency. But little or no work was done after the contracts were awarded, prosecutors alleged.

* Stroger pal depicted as sweet 7-year-old as trial opens in kickback scheme

* Prosecutors say Crundwell’s sentence warranted

* IDOT helicopter crashes, nobody hurt: Miller said the helicopter was not operational and en route to Nevada for maintenance at the request of the Illinois Emergency Management Agency.

* IGPA Economist David Merriman appointed to Governor’s Council of Economic Advisors

* Foreign firms employ more than 350,000 in Illinois

* Topinka says Illinois’ financial situation driving business to surrounding states: “Why would any business executive seriously consider coming to Illinois, knowing that they would wind up inheriting these problems and having to help pay for them,” Topinka said. “It’s hard enough for a business to start up, and (Illinois government problems are) a lot of extra baggage for an aspiring company to take on,” she said.

* City Council Committee Approves Rewrite Of Gun Laws: The ordinance headed for a full City Council vote Wednesday brings City gun laws in line with the state’s law allowing carrying of concealed weapons.

* Ban on guns in Chicago restaurants that serve booze advances

* Chicago aldermen recommend repealing city gun registry: Although Ald. Ed Burke, 14th, the architect of many of the city’s gun control measures, and several of his colleagues accepted the changes like a dose of bad medicine, Todd Vandermyde, an Illinois lobbyist for the National Rifle Association, called them “a start.”

* Alderman complains, CTA vows to work on access to new Wal-Mart

* How to Use Ventra: A Guide for Getting a Card and Transferring Fares

* Preckwinkle won’t have Metra pick this week–but black expected to get nod

* Mayor Rahm Emanuel: Why I said ‘no’ to the Midway deal: There are five things we learned over the past six months that should guide any future public-private partnerships: first, a group of outside experts should be impaneled at the start of the process to monitor each step; second, there must be a minimum 30-day review by the City Council before the project is voted upon; third, there should be a clear set of standards so the public can judge a potential partnership when it is presented; fourth, the funds should be invested in infrastructure rather than used as a plug for short-term budget holes; fifth, a true public-private partnership requires that taxpayers maintain control of the asset and share in management decisions and financial profit.

* Tribune: Diverted from Midway

* Tollway: Get ready for widening I-90 from Elgin to the Kennedy

* CPS to count enrollment this year on 10th day, not 20th

* Brown: Senate needs to get the lead out and confirm Fardon

* (Quad City) Airport awarded $1.3 million for improvements

* Rockford aldermen debate time and transparency

* Newcomb owner says he has no insurance; (Quincy) likely to lose $1 million for unpaid loan, demolition

* Lack of rain fall could affect central Illinois corn crop

* Website accusations spur phone calls to Woodford County Jail

* FOIA hot topic at District 150 board meeting

* (McLean) County auditor, officials dispute paying bills: McLean County State’s Attorney Jason Chambers and county Emergency Management Agency Director Curt Hawk each asked the committee last week to approve bills that Auditor Michelle Anderson deemed insufficient for payment. The committee sided with Hawk and Chambers, sending the disputed bills to the full County Board for approval. In July, Hawk asked for reimbursement of $740 in travel and hotels for a conference in southern Illinois. He said the auditor objected to a hotel stay in Metropolis the night before the conference.

* Police, fire chiefs in Collinsville get new contracts

* ISU President Flanagan: No major policy changes in first 6 months

* Cheng touts reasons to have hope at SIU


* Isabel’s afternoon roundup
* Report: Underutilized CPS schools driving up costs
* AG Raoul lays out extensive defense of state immigration laws
* Intoxicating Hemp: No safety? No thanks!
* USDOJ wants to join challenge to Illinois law that requires nonprofits to disclose demographics of boards and officers
* It’s just a bill
* As Chicago continues to look the other way, Decatur city council bans sweepstakes machines
* Illinois Hospitals Are Achieving Nursing Excellence Through ANCC Magnet Program
* Isabel’s morning briefing
* SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Today's edition of Capitol Fax (use all CAPS in password)
* Live coverage
* Isabel’s afternoon roundup
* Legislature's COGFA predicts lower revenues than governor's budget office
* Yesterday's stories

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