Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » Rauner pledges to “go after” Madigan’s allies
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Rauner pledges to “go after” Madigan’s allies

Thursday, Oct 17, 2013 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Bruce Rauner had this to say on Joe Walsh’s radio show about how he would deal with Speaker Madigan if elected governor…

I can do things no career politician would think about doing. I can run the government like a business, challenge the government unions and their power, transform their deal through contract negotiations, and stand up to Madigan, because I know where his special interest groups are, and I can go after them. [Emphasis added.]



  1. - 4 percent - Thursday, Oct 17, 13 @ 9:56 am:

    Bruce is beginning to sound A LOT like Rod Blagojevich. His attempt at going after Madigan allies, forming his own PAC to work on House members, etc. It worked very well.

  2. - Anonymous - Thursday, Oct 17, 13 @ 10:00 am:

    === I can run the government like a business ===

    Um… no you can’t. There are a lot of things that a business can do that the government cannot legally do.

  3. - Demoralized - Thursday, Oct 17, 13 @ 10:01 am:

    You can’t run government like a business, Bruce. Come in and start issuing edicts like you are a CEO and see how far that gets you. Blagojevich tried to do things like that and he got tripped up by those little things like laws.

  4. - wndycty - Thursday, Oct 17, 13 @ 10:01 am:

    NOTE TO PAT QUINN & the rest of the Democratic ticket: Have your oppo research folks record WIND-AM & WLS-AM around the clock. The right wing pandering that goes on on those stations will do nothing but help you. I am sure Bruce Rauner just appearing on the Joe Walsh show will prove to be very valuable to PQ should Rauner make it out of the primary.

  5. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Oct 17, 13 @ 10:02 am:


    You wanna know how to take on Madigan? Madigan pulls a Bill, you pull a Shutdown?

    No, …

    Madigan sends one of your Bills to Rules, you send one of his Bills back with a Veto. *That’s* the *Springfield* way! And that’s how you get Madigan.

    Now do you want to do that? Are you ready to do that? I’m offering you a deal. Do you want this deal? Please learn how to deal with a Co-Equal branch of government that has the best interest of Illinois at heart … first.



  6. - Are Ya Kiddin' Me? - Thursday, Oct 17, 13 @ 10:03 am:

    Agree w/4%…Blago tried, others have thought about it, no success.
    GOP tried running against him in the last election cycle didn’t they? What happened there…Super Majority?

  7. - Norseman - Thursday, Oct 17, 13 @ 10:03 am:

    Raunerbo v. Madigan the Predator? Sounds like the recipe for the Illinois version of government shut down. That will be reminiscent of the Blago years.

  8. - Todd - Thursday, Oct 17, 13 @ 10:04 am:


  9. - Just Observing - Thursday, Oct 17, 13 @ 10:04 am:

    He knows where Madigan’s special interest groups are? I mean… most people can look at his D2’s and say those are Madigan’s “special interests” — not a big mystery. And how is Rauner going to “go after them”?

  10. - Mighty M. Mouse - Thursday, Oct 17, 13 @ 10:05 am:

    I’m having trouble understanding exactly what he’s trying to say. Could he be a little less specific?

  11. - too obvious - Thursday, Oct 17, 13 @ 10:06 am:

    Bruce Rauner is becoming this state’s Ted Cruz.

  12. - wordslinger - Thursday, Oct 17, 13 @ 10:08 am:

    Just what we need — another politician talking about punishing enemies rather than governing.

    Don’t we get enough of that in Washington?

  13. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Oct 17, 13 @ 10:09 am:

    Payton Prep Clouter,

    Imagine if you will, a “board of directors”, that you can’t fire, that are Equal to you, that can cause everything you want done to not only stall, but the way you want it done could be seen as against democracy and the Constitution of the state of Illinois, leading to more gridlock becuase you, PPC, think Governor is CEO, and Speaker and President and the Supreme Court, can’t dictate to you.

    Oh, they can’t dictate to you, alright, but funny thing is, you can’t dictate to them, and as the Executive of the State, you have to work with the other two to get thigs done.

    BTW, running the state “like a business” which will lead to the Constitutionality of your moves, because you think Illinois is Wisconsin or Indiana, only makes you look more ignorant than Rod, more pandering than Pat, and more useless than a rudderless ship, which is exactly how your …um, “style” … will be.

  14. - ZC - Thursday, Oct 17, 13 @ 10:12 am:

    I suppose this is part of the problem.

    We know who Bruce Rauner’s “special interest groups” are, but no one anywhere on Earth has figured out a truly effective way to punish them for their past behavior.

  15. - Wensicia - Thursday, Oct 17, 13 @ 10:13 am:

    “because I know where his special interest groups are, and I can go after them.”

    Is he going to make them an offer they can’t refuse?

  16. - Anon - Thursday, Oct 17, 13 @ 10:16 am:

    Bozo T. Clown from channel 9, please come back to Illinois. We need you to run the state. You would do a far better job then anyone else running.

  17. - Secret Square - Thursday, Oct 17, 13 @ 10:16 am:

    “I can do things no career politican would think about doing”

    I half expected him to finish that sentence with “because I received special powers from your planet’s yellow sun,” or something like that :-)

  18. - Anon. - Thursday, Oct 17, 13 @ 10:17 am:

    ==Bruce is beginning to sound A LOT like Rod Blagojevich.==

    I recall a speech where the talking point G-Rod felt compelled to work into every sentence was “Speaker Madigan and his Republican allies in the House.” Are these the people Rauner is going after? Aren’t they an endangered species?

  19. - Samurai - Thursday, Oct 17, 13 @ 10:18 am:

    Rauner: “With the experience I gained in dealings with New Jersey Governor Ed Rendell, Stuart Levine and Rahm, I am ready to really ‘Shake Down’ Springfield.”

  20. - Grandson of Man - Thursday, Oct 17, 13 @ 10:19 am:

    We are at a critical time in our economy and budget. I hope we get our budget house in decent order with pension reform. As far as our economy, I believe the last thing we need is a plutocrat who will try to tilt the field even more in favor of the super-wealthy. That’s what I get when I read Rauner’s stances toward labor. There is a movement now of fast-food workers who are striving to raise the minimum wage and possibly even to unionize. These workers cost taxpayers several billion dollars a year for public assistance, because their compensation is insufficient.–finance.html

  21. - downstate commissioner - Thursday, Oct 17, 13 @ 10:22 am:

    The bad thing is, to certain elements of the Republican party he sounds great, the kind of governor that they want. I am afraid that he may split the vote to take the nomination away from either Dillard or Rutherford or even Brady…

  22. - BleugrassBoy - Thursday, Oct 17, 13 @ 10:22 am:

    The state is ALREADY being run like a business - specifically the Wall Street businesses in 2007-2008.

  23. - particle61 - Thursday, Oct 17, 13 @ 10:22 am:

    Silly Rauner - businessmen don’t want their govt to be ‘run like a business’ rather, they want their government run BY business …

  24. - Norseman - Thursday, Oct 17, 13 @ 10:26 am:

    Raunerbo, how did that “go after” the Chicago Teachers thing work for your bud Rahm.

  25. - skeptical spectacle - Thursday, Oct 17, 13 @ 10:27 am:

    I know that this will be anathema to 95% of the people that follow this site, but we do need someone sort of like Bruce Rauner (maybe not him exactly, but someone with some of his characterisitcs) if we hope to make significant changes in Springfield.

    Some advantages Rauner has (or someone else could have):

    1) He is not career politics guy and is not beholden to any of the vested interests in Springfield.

    2) As an insider he will probably be thinking about solutions to problems that would never be entertained by the “entrenched” because they would not be politically palatable or possible to the entrenched.

    3) Ultimately, I don’t think Rauner ultimately cares what all “the insiders” and Springfield crowd think about him. I mean he just doesn’t care. He for some reason is running for governor because he thinks his unique experience will allow him to provide solutions to our state’s problems. He will run on that platform and if he doesn’t get elected, I don’t think it will be the end of the world for him.

    4) Perhaps most scary for the “inside, entrenched folks”, it looks like he is going to have enough money to not get in bed with the traditional power brokers in springfield (unions, etc); combine that with someone who in no way will be motivated to do “what he has to” to stay in office (make unsavory compromises) and it spells danger for the status quo.

    Those who wish to maintain status quo have much to fear with a guy like Bruce Rauner and that is why he has achieved more criticism and attention than any other gubernatorial candidate this cycle.

  26. - skeptical spectacle - Thursday, Oct 17, 13 @ 10:28 am:


    2) as and “outsider” not insider.

  27. - Obama's Puppy - Thursday, Oct 17, 13 @ 10:34 am:

    He apparently is reading from the book of Cruz.

  28. - Samurai - Thursday, Oct 17, 13 @ 10:35 am:

    @SS:== 2) As an insider he will probably be thinking about solutions to problems ….==

    Is that “insider” reference what is known as a Freudian slip?

  29. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Oct 17, 13 @ 10:36 am:

    No snark,

    I wonder if the question has been asked;

    “Mr. Rauner, can you explain, in your own words, how you see the Executive Branch in Ilinois’ Government works? You say the Illinois governor has vast powers, it the office does, but how, how do you see the Office and how it works?”

    It should be a “slow-pitch, 16 inch sofball” pitch, that Rauner couls hit out of the park, however, Rauner’s own idea of governing flies in the face of reality, and based on two false ideals for him;

    Running for governor and being the governor are exactly the same.

    I can, indeed, make stuff up as I go along, and punish, and pander, and rule by Executive Orders and shutting down government … and that will NOT effect Illinois negatively at all.

    The first GOP candiate for governor to say the following…

    “Illinois has challenges that we all need to take responsibility for, and if I am elected governor, I will take on the responsiblity to working for the people of Illinois in a partnership with the General Assmebly, and keep all the People’s business out of the Courts.

    Partenrships are hard, and we will disagree, like most if not all governors and legislatures. I have an agenda, the legislature has an idea what they want to, and if we don’t work together, no one is going to get anything done, for anyone.

    Divided government is the best government when compromise is the key word, and not a dirty word. I will be principled, but not hide behind my principles when compromise is hard and work needs to be done.

    Hard lines in government lead to hard choices. One, over the other, winner over the loser. Illinois needs to win, Illinois needs to be the winner, not just the playing field.”

    No one will say it. No one will run like that, and I doubt the way these 4 are running, that any could get “out” of the primary like that.

    Would be great is a grown-up would run, understanding, the winner needs to be Illinois, not Madigan, not Cullerton, not the new governor, not the current governor …

    But Illinois … needs to be run like a business.

    If Illinois was run like a state, we wouldn’t need it to run “like a business” and businesses would be running, more and more, to Illinois.

  30. - RNUG - Thursday, Oct 17, 13 @ 10:36 am:

    Unless Bruce Rauner has a secret plan to elect a GOP majority IL House and Senate, I don’t think he’ll be able to bring any substantial changes to state government. And if he actually tries to achieve some of his campaign rhetoric via the threatened coercion and retaliation, he might cross the line and join the other four IL gov’s (three for official duties) convicted in my lifetime.

  31. - Anon - Thursday, Oct 17, 13 @ 10:37 am:

    While the politicians give huge tax breaks to the low wage Wal-Mart, Target, and McDonald types, they drive out companies like Dominick’s. The workers in the low wage stores often don’t make enough to pay tax or they get earned income credit, sort of reverse tax. They have to go on Medicaid for their healthcare. These stores cost the state a lot of money.

  32. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Oct 17, 13 @ 10:48 am:

    ===Ultimately, I don’t think Rauner ultimately cares what all “the insiders” and Springfield crowd think about him.===

    Until he wants an insideer to answer his call to get his denied New Trier living Daughter clouted into a school. Then Rauner, he cares, not for another child, but Rauner cares for … Rauner.

    ===Perhaps most scary for the “inside, entrenched folks”, it looks like he is going to have enough money to not get in bed with the traditional power brokers in springfield (unions, etc); combine that with someone who in no way will be motivated to do “what he has to” to stay in office (make unsavory compromises) and it spells danger for the status quo.===

    Based on what? What Bruce Rauner tells us?

    Do you not think its unsavory to become a Billionare off the backs of union pensions and then in the same turn, use that money made to run a campaign … based… on slamming unions?

    How about the unsavory way a child was denied a seat into a school. there are not an infiante number of seats at Payton Prep. Rauner’s daughter was not even a Chicago citizen, but Rauner bought a Condo to make her one, isn’t that unsavory?

    “You got denied, I’ll buy a condo, call Arne, all fixed”.

    That is a textbook, unsavory, way to live your life, personally, and then tell all of us, he, Bruce Rauner, is above it all.

    You are right, Rauner is not the messenger for this message, but will the real Bruce Rauner be able to run out the clock before the other 3 can expose the unsavory Bruce Rauner?

  33. - wordslinger - Thursday, Oct 17, 13 @ 10:49 am:

    It’s amazing to me that anyone can buy the Rauner “outsider” schtick.

    A lot of “outsiders” drop millions on politicians? Scoop up pension business? Put Stu Levine on the payroll? Tap taxpayer dollars for their charter schools? Clout their kid into a magnet school? Vacation with Emanuel?

  34. - Grandson of Man - Thursday, Oct 17, 13 @ 10:50 am:

    “traditional power brokers”

    Don’t forget to include the business community who gets its tax breaks.

    “much to fear”

    Can’t disagree with that one, when it comes to people who rely on pensions to survive, and those who in the future will rely on pensions. It is scary to have a politically-connected multimillionaire threaten thousands of workers who are or will be never far away from poverty.

    The people who say Rauner will upset the status quo never mention attacking their own interests, like raising taxes on the wealthy and closing corporate tax loopholes.

  35. - Steve - Thursday, Oct 17, 13 @ 10:51 am:

    Rauner may have more money than Mike Madigan but… at the end of the day: Mike Madigan will be standing. You can count on that . Unlike Rauner, who’s political career may be over after the primary.

  36. - Norseman - Thursday, Oct 17, 13 @ 10:54 am:

    === I know that this will be anathema to 95% of the people that follow this site, but we do need someone sort of like Bruce Rauner (maybe not him exactly, but someone with some of his characterisitcs) if we hope to make significant changes in Springfield. ===

    The 95% who have experience in government and politics will tell you that Raunerbo will either get in office and change his ways - ignoring all the rhetoric like this - or completely crash and burn. Thus, extending Illinois’ dark ages from the Blago/Quinn years to the Blago/Quinn/Rauner years. Trust the 95% when they tell you that Raunerbo will be facing a stacked deck consisting of a legislative branch with a veto-proof Democratic majority and a judiciary that has shown the ability to slap down a governor’s antics, i.e. Blago’s judiciary cost of living IR and the rebuke of Quinn’s salary IV.

  37. - dupage dan - Thursday, Oct 17, 13 @ 10:54 am:

    Perhaps Rauner is more sly than you’all are giving him credit for. A good eval of the power structure in this state and also what gets voters to the polling place reveals a weakness for populists. So, the candidate for the gov mansion who can dazzle the electorate with their own brand of Huey Longism will be the winner. Then, after Rauner wins, he can dazzle us with his acute understanding of how gov’t works in this state by working closely with the GA using his powers of persuasion to convince the Chairman of the Board (Michael “The Sinatra” Madigan) to move this state forward in the spirit of bipartisanship the likes of which this state has not seen since the days of Big Jim Thompson.

    Or not.

  38. - 47th Ward - Thursday, Oct 17, 13 @ 11:10 am:

    Rauner knows who Madigan’s allies are because many of them are also Rauner supporters. The same people who encouraged Madigan to push his pension bill are the crowd most enthusiastically backing Rauner.

    Madigan and Rauner share many of the same special interest group allies. I’m not sure what he means by “going after them” except in the sense that he’ll be taking their money to do their bidding in Springfield. Madigan co-opted the Commercial Club plutocrat crowd some time ago.

  39. - CircularFiringSquad - Thursday, Oct 17, 13 @ 11:16 am:

    “Going After”
    CousinBrucey please say more
    Is that like the IRS after the NAACP or the wing nuts and whack jobs?
    Maybe he’ll just have another referendum :)
    And which biz will IL be like the one that hired Stu Levine or gave a lot of $ to Ed Rendell?

  40. - Commenter - Thursday, Oct 17, 13 @ 11:38 am:

    Great line, Oswego Willy: “Illinois needs to be the winner, not just the playing field.”

  41. - Aldyth - Thursday, Oct 17, 13 @ 11:38 am:

    Rauner keeps talking about how he’s going to change everything in Springfield in tones that sound like punishment. Everyone is going to be punished for his perception of past transgressions. I wonder if he noticed how well that approach has worked in D.C. recently? When is he going to talk about what he is going to do, what he is going to put into place? So far, it’s just more hot air. Where’s his programs? Where are his proposals other than tear down Springfield?

  42. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Oct 17, 13 @ 11:46 am:

    - Commenter -,

    Thanks, appreciate that.

    - Norseman -, you were the one who asked me for something nice to say about Rauner the other day, apologies.

    To the Post,

    Has Rauner thought how he will get a budget passed? Sounds like a simple question, but here is the rub;

    As Rauner is “going after” all these Madigan allies, with a possible Republican minority still existing in both chambers, how will a budget …”work” … when it comes up for the Chambers to vote?

    If the answer is a Shutdown, then ok, the state is shutdown, “now what?”

    Co-Equal is Co-Equal. Divided government is good, if the divide leads to compromise for the betterment of the state, not the punishment of the least, or the enrichment of the most.

  43. - Observation - Thursday, Oct 17, 13 @ 11:48 am:

    =stand up to Madigan=
    No, Mr. Raunder. You will be standing up FOR Madigan, as when he enters the room having requested your presence for a scolding.

  44. - walkinfool - Thursday, Oct 17, 13 @ 11:50 am:

    Rauner knows Madigan’s “interest groups” because many of them support Rauner as well.

    He is the opposite of Joe Walsh in many ways, and it’s a clown show to see him try to appeal to Joe’s base via that route.

  45. - reformer - Thursday, Oct 17, 13 @ 11:55 am:

    Madigan’s special interests? Has anyone noticed how many Republicans and business lobbyists show up to the Speaker’s annual soiree in Springfield? Is Rauner really going after AT&T? ComEd? CableTV? Big Beer?

  46. - Siriusly - Thursday, Oct 17, 13 @ 12:16 pm:

    Mr. Rauner your party’s candidate for US Senate is Jim Oberweis. Are you endorsing and supporting Oberweis ?

  47. - Siriusly - Thursday, Oct 17, 13 @ 12:17 pm:

    Rauner wants 8 years total service for term limits.

    Quinn “Hey nobody is going to out-populist me! I am going to propose 4 years and out!”

  48. - Commonsense in Illinois - Thursday, Oct 17, 13 @ 12:36 pm:

    Well…Joe McCarthy…where ya been, big fella?

  49. - Golly Gee I'm Tall - Thursday, Oct 17, 13 @ 1:46 pm:

    If Bruce is the tallest he will win hands down. He needs to talk about being tall.

  50. - Rod - Thursday, Oct 17, 13 @ 4:04 pm:

    Yes 47th Ward got it mostly correct in that on occasion those that could be considered to be the Speaker’s “special interest groups,” are the same as Mr. Rauner’s. But here is the difference, the Speaker’s so called special interest groups are not always the same. They can change over time.

    While he is in what I would call a conservative phase and is effectively in alignment with the Civic Committee of the Commercial Club (which Rauner belongs to) on pensions tomorrow he may turn on that ally in relation to a social spending issue for example.

    Effectively, the Speaker is a master politician who has massed massive power by using unions and capitalists for his own agenda to maintain Democrat control over the General Assembly. Mr. Rauner by comparison is neophyte. Despite the Speaker’s bad relationship with Governor Quinn if Rauner wins the primary the Speaker will take particular pleasure in crushing him in the general election.

  51. - School Chums - Thursday, Oct 17, 13 @ 4:26 pm:

    Ironically both Rauner and CTU President Karen Lewis are both Dartmouth College grads. May have even overlapped being there at the same time. Funny how sometimes people have something in common, that can shape you a certain way, but they end up on different paths.

  52. - Precinct Captain - Thursday, Oct 17, 13 @ 5:04 pm:

    ==1) He is not career politics guy and is not beholden to any of the vested interests in Springfield.==

    That does’t mean he’s not beholden to vested interests in Springfield. For example, as a big businessman, he’s partial to the vested interests of large corporations seeking special tax deals and zero regulation.

    ==As an insider he will probably be thinking about solutions to problems that would never be entertained by the “entrenched” because they would not be politically palatable or possible to the entrenched.==

    Things that are not “politically palatable” do not come into existence or stay in existence. Working with stakeholders (all or some) by offering incentives and sanctions is how you get things done.

  53. - Just The Way It Is One - Thursday, Oct 17, 13 @ 7:08 pm:

    A. Government is NOT a “Business.” Thus, the best way to run it is NOT LIKE a Business.

    B. He’s going to “go after” MJM…(it’s almost like the big bad bully in town saying “I know where you live, and…etc.” Ok, my reaction: inner chuckle starting SOFTly, now somewhat AUdible, hmmmmm hmmmmmmmm, ha ha ha ha HA HA–or how’s about just LOL, for short)…!

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